Stefan Dietze, Hong Qing Yu, Neil Benn, John Domingue Knowledge Media Institute, The Open...


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Stefan Dietze, Hong Qing Yu, Neil Benn, John Domingue

Knowledge Media Institute,

The Open University, UK

Preparation for SWS Solution (WP5)

Plovdiv, 22 January, 2010

WP5: Semantic Web Services (SWS) technologies for federated LCMS


Motivation: Currently not easy to discover and retrieve medical educational content across EU HE institutions

Solution: Federated LCMS to enable DISCOVERY, RETRIEVAL, SHARING, REUSE of medical educational content

Research Question: What is the best practice regarding the brokerage mechanism for medical educational resources?

Plovdiv, 22 January, 2010

WP5: Semantic Web Services (SWS) technologies for federated LCMS

Four main tasks

Functional requirements and scenarios

Design federated services-based architecture (Cf. LUISA project --- Context-Aware delivery of LOs)



Plovdiv, 22 January, 2010

Automatic, context-aware:Discovery, Composition,Metadata mediation

SWS Broker

Web Service

Web Service

Web Service

Application logic / Client application




SWS vision – Service brokering architecture

Plovdiv, 22 January, 2010

Semantic Execution Environment IRS III

Semantic Library

Goals Services

Ontologies Mediators

SOAP Handler

Data Repository

Invocation Engine

Data Repository

Data Repository

Web Service Repository

Web Service Repository

Web Service Layer

Data Layer

Semantic (E-Learning) Context Model Layer / Semantic Web Service Layer

IRS III Publisher

IRS III Publisher

SOAP Handler

Orchestration Engine Choreography Engine

Mediation Handler

Applying SWS to eLearning – LUISA

Plovdiv, 22 January, 2010

Semantic Execution Environment IRS III

Semantic Library

Goals Services

Ontologies Mediators

SOAP Handler

Data Repository

Invocation Engine

Data Repository

Data Repository

Web Service Repository

Web Service Repository

Web Service Layer

Data Layer

Semantic (E-Learning) Context Model Layer / Semantic Web Service Layer

E-Learning Application

E-Learning Application

E-Learning Application

E-Learning Metadata Standard Layer

IRS III Publisher

IRS III Publisher

SOAP Handler

Orchestration Engine Choreography Engine

Mediation Handler

Results to be (partially) reused in WP5

– Ontology stack for SWS-based eLearning (e.g. LPMO)

– SWS-based architecture (using IRS-III)

– Integration with IMS LD & ADL SCORM runtime environments

– Protoype applications, e.g.,

Applying SWS to eLearning – LUISA project as basis for WP5

Plovdiv, 22 January, 2010

SWS Broker

Application logic / Client application

But, what is a “service”?

– Any software functionality accessible via HTTP (e.g. to query or retrieve metadata).

– Simple case: http request, which produces a structured response (e.g. xml) rather than a html page

SWS vision – everything is a service…

Web Service

Web Service

Web Service

Plovdiv, 22 January, 2010

Application logic / Client application

OU Learning Object feed service example:

XML feed

The response data is produced as a xml message

“Medal” Body Mass Index Calculator (referred by AUTH):

(But non-structured response so not strictly YET a service)

Web Trace (UNICT)

– Enroll Student

– Unenroll Student

SWS vision – everything is a service…

Plovdiv, 22 January, 2010

Application logic / Client application

... 2nd Step – Abstracting from services (3/3) …

Currently we are also trying to develop a online service annotation and registration editor/form which allow service providers to publish their services with semantic annotations. However, this is an on going work.

SWS vision – everything is a service…

Plovdiv, 22 January, 2010

Outlook – Next steps & open issues

WP5 roles:

OU: Interoperability between services & metadata via SWS brokerage

WP5 participants: provisioning of services (particularly all content providers), use case scenarios

Further tasks: application layer/GUI, evaluation… ?

Open questions:

Individual partner responsibilities?

Input/collaboration with other WPs, particular WP4?


Plovdiv, 22 January, 2010

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