Steam Gargant


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Version 2.9: REVIEW DRAFT 4/3/2008 3:04 AM P a g e | 27

STEAM GARGANT Points: 1200 The Steam Gargants used by Feral Ork tribes are, if

anything, even more varied in appearance than the

more traditional Gargants used by other tribes. This is

because Feral Orks have not been exposed to the full

extent of Ork kulture, and so will develop their own

ideas of how to do things. While most Mekboyz know

that a Gargant should be a living idol created in the

form of the Ork gods Gork and Mork, a Feral Ork

Boilerboy hidden away on a backwater planet will often

have no idea of this, and so will create giant war

machines in any shape and size that takes his fancy.

In one way, however, Steam Gargants are the same as

any other Ork Gargant, and that is in being large,

well armoured, and very, very shooty!

UNIT: 1 Steam Gargant

TYPE: Super-Heavy Walker

Structure Points: 6

Transport: The Steam Gargant has a transport

capacity of 30.

Access Points: One rear hatch.

Fire Points: The Steam Gargant has six fire points in

its hull.


▪ Fist of Gork (Lifta-Droppa)

▪ Gaze of Mork

▪ Mega Kannon

▪ Three Supa-Skorchas

▪ Two arm weapons selected from the following:

- Titan Close Combat Weapon

- Deth Kannon with coaxial Supa-Gatler

Mega Kannon

Range Str AP Notes

60” 10 2 Ordinance 1, 10” Blast

Primary Weapon

Size Komparison










4 2 10 13 13 12 2 2


Effigy: The Steam Gargant is a roaring, belching

personification of the warrior god Gork (or possibly

Mork). All Ork mobs within 12” are Fearless.

Unreliable Krew: Ork crews are unreliable and

need constant ‘dissaplin’ from their Nob to keep

them focused on their jobs. At the start of each Ork

turn roll a D6 on the table below:

1 Mukkin’ about! The crew decides to take a break

while the Nob’s not looking. The Gargant may not

move and may not fire its supa-skorchas.

2-5 Get ta work ya gitz! The crew goes to work as

normal; the Gargant can move its normal pace and

shoot all its weapons.

6 It’s gonna blow! The crew put in too much coal into

the Gargant’s furnaces, spitting fire and steam

throughout the massive machine. The Gargant must

move an extra 2D6 in the movement phase; the

Gargant also suffers a penetrating hit.

▪ Gaze of Mork

Deth Kannon ▪

▪ Titan Choppa

▪ Mega Kannon

Supa-Gatler ▪
