Status Report 2010-2012 - · Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources...


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Status Report 2010-2012

1st LBS COP Punta Cana

Dominican Republic

24 October, 2012

Doc. # UNEP (DEPI)/CAR WG.33/INF.3/Rev 1

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources


Goal & Objectives


Resource Mobilization & Expenditure

Programme Implementation

Projects & Activities

GEF Projects

LBS Regional Activity Centres (RACs)

Reflections & Way Forward

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources


To control, prevent & reduce

pollution of the coastal & marine environment

from land-based sources & activities

thereby enabling Countries of the Wider

Caribbean to meet their obligations under the

Land Based Sources of Marine Pollution

Protocol of the

Cartagena Convention

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

Pollution Prevention &


Information Management

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources


• Entry into force of LBS Protocol – 4 new countries

• New CEP Technical Reports – Updated TR 33 (TR 52)

• GEF IWCAM & REPCar Projects

• Regional LBS Collage Competition

• Clearing House Mechanism - Social Media, Kids Page

• Approval of PIF for GEF IWEco (follow up to IWCAM)

• Approval & Implementation of GEF CReW

• State of Convention Area Report (SOCAR)

• MARPOL Special Area Annex V

• 1st LBS STAC – Aruba & USA

Mobilization & Expenditure



– USD 180,000 (USA) - LBS Activities

– USD 99,000 (USA) - 1st LBS STAC

– USD 450,000 (GPA) – NPAs

– USD 20 million (GEF) – CReW

– USD 6.5 million (EU) – Climate Change – Ja

Projected Expenditure:

– USD 15.5 million

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

Programme Coordination

1st LBS COP, Dominican Republic, 24 Oct, 2012

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

Personnel & Administration

Staffing: 2-3

Internships: 7

Contracts: 30

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

Programme Activities • Management & Coordination

• New Project Development

• Project Execution – GEF Projects

• Promotion & Awareness: LBS Collage Competition;

Summary Sheet; LBS Banner; AMEP Quarterlies; Publications; Web Site; Social Media; Case Studies; Experience Notes;

• Resource Mobilization

• Partnership Development

• Recommendations & Decisions of 5th LBS ISTAC & 14th IGM

• Meetings - 1st LBS STAC

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

LBS Thematic Areas • Monitoring & Assessment (Article III)

• Wastewater Management (Annex III)

• Waste/Litter Management (Annex 1)

• Watershed Management (Annex IV)

• National Programmes of Action (Multiple - GPA)

• Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

Monitoring & Assessment

1st LBS COP, Dominican Republic, 24 Oct, 2012

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

CEP Technical Reports: TR 52 (updated TR 33)

Assessment Tools (DEWA, CEHI, IAEA)

Technical Working Group & Regional Workshop

Summary of Assessment Reports (RAC CIMAB)

Coastal Monitoring Report (REPCar)

UN Regional Process Clearing House Mechanism –

Lab capacity database

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

Wastewater Management

1st LBS COP, Dominican Republic, 24 Oct, 2012

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

Sewage Needs Assessments in Belize & Jamaica

GEF CReW project

Production of CEP Technical

Reports on wastewater

Global Partnerships on Wastewater & Nutrients (GPA)

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

Waste/Litter Management

1st LBS COP, Dominican Republic, 24 Oct, 2012

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

Educational Material

Coastal Clean ups

Honolulu Strategy


Global Partnerships on Marine Litter & Waste Management

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

Watershed Management

1st LBS COP, Dominican Republic, 24 Oct, 2012

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

Watershed Management Plans in Gre & Dom (IWCAM)

Mangrove restoration in Haiti (IWCAM)

Vulnerability Assessment - Jamaica

Watershed rehabilitation – Jamaica (Climate Change)

Good Agricultural practices in Central America (REPCar)

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

National Programmes of Action

1st LBS COP, Dominican Republic, 24 Oct, 2012

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

CEP TR on Lessons Learnt Ecosystem Landscape in


Suriname Pilot NPA: Ecosanitation Toilets

Recreational Water Quality Standards & Hot Spot Diagnostic Assessment Tool – St. Lucia

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management

1st LBS COP, Dominican Republic, 24 Oct, 2012

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

Mangrove & Seagrass planting

Coral reef restoration Sand dune rehabilitation

Communications Strategy –

Decision makers & Communities

Reforestation Local Management Ctees Training on Risk


Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

Other Partnerships

1st LBS COP, Dominican Republic, 24 Oct, 2012

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

Indiana University – Internship Programme

Ballast Water GEF IW Learn

European Union IDB World Bank

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources


1st LBS COP, Dominican Republic, 24 Oct, 2012

Antonio Villasol Núñez

Director , RAC-Cimab

Actividades RAC – Cimab:

2010– 2012

LBS COP, 24 de octubre del 2012, Punta Cana, Republica Dominicana.

• SSFA: “ Taller Final de Bahías Fuertemente Contaminadas

y Estudio Línea Base del Manejo de Aguas Residuales

Domésticas (ARD) en zonas seleccionadas de RGC”.

(Abril 2010 - Diciembre 2010)

•SSFA: “Taller para revisar y actualizar la legislación nacional

relacionada con el manejo de aguas”.

(Cuba, 30 Oct - 1 Nov 2011)

2010 – 2012

SSFA: “Taller Final de Bahías Fuertemente Contaminadas y Estudio Línea

Base del Manejo de Aguas Residuales Domésticas (ARD) en zonas

seleccionadas de RGC”.

A) Diseño e impresión de 1000 plegables sobre Manejo de Aguas

Residuales Domésticas en la Región del Gran Caribe (ARD- RGC)

Objetivo del plegable:

Diseminar los resultados del

Estudio de Línea Base sobre ARD-

RGC y las actividades que serán

ejecutadas en el Proyecto GEF


SSFA: “Taller Final de Bahías Fuertemente Contaminadas y Estudio

Línea Base del Manejo de Aguas Residuales Domésticas (ARD) en

zonas seleccionadas de RGC”.

B) Impresión y distribución en CD de los Informes Finales de los Proyectos:

• Línea Base Ambiental sobre el manejo de las ARD- RGC.

• Monitoreo Ambiental en zonas comprometidas ambientalmente (Proyecto

Know Why-Network)

C) Diseño e Impresión de hojas resúmenes (Fact Sheets) en Español e

Inglés con los resultados de los proyectos:

• Actualización del TR 33.


• Línea Base Ambiental de las ARD- RGC.

SSFA: “Taller Final de Bahías Fuertemente Contaminadas y Estudio

Línea Base del Manejo de Aguas Residuales Domésticas (ARD) en

zonas seleccionadas de RGC”.

D) Actualización de los mapas del Atlas de AMEP sobre el estado de la

ratificación de la Convención y de los Protocolos FTCM, SPAW y Oil


SSFA: “Taller Final de Bahías Fuertemente Contaminadas y Estudio

Línea Base del Manejo de Aguas Residuales Domésticas (ARD) en

zonas seleccionadas de RGC”.

E) Inclusión de los comentario y señalamientos de la última revisión del

Informe Final del Proyecto: “Actualización del Informe Técnico del PAC

No.33: Fuentes y Actividades Terrestres en el Gran Caribe”

SSFA: “Taller Final de Bahías Fuertemente Contaminadas y Estudio

Línea Base del Manejo de Aguas Residuales Domésticas (ARD) en

zonas seleccionadas de RGC”.

• SSFA: “Taller para revisar y actualizar la legislación

nacional relacionada con el manejo de aguas”.

Financiado por Proyecto: GEF-IWCAM


• Posibles adecuaciones al marco legal

nacional para promover la integración

entre el Manejo de Cuencas

Hidrográficas y Zonas Costeras.

• Implementar la integración entre el

Manejo de Cuencas Hidrográficas y

Zonas Costeras.

• Contribuir a la capacitación de

actores claves en la implementación

de las legislación asociadas al tema.

Varadero, Matanzas,

30 Oct - 1 Nov 2011

• SSFA: “Taller para revisar y actualizar la legislación

nacional relacionada con el manejo de aguas”.


•Se propuso al INRH y al CITMA

la revisión y actualización de las

siguientes leyes:

Ley 212, Ley 138, Ley 200,

Resolución 24/1999, relacionadas

con el manejo de las cuencas

hidrográficas, las zonas costeras y

las aguas interiores.

•Se propuso el establecimiento del

Inspector de Recursos Hidráulicos.

Otras Actividades de colaboración RAC- Cimab: 2010 - 2012

1. Participación en el Taller de Implementación del Protocolo de Fuentes de

Contaminación Terrestres y Marinas, en República Dominicana representando

a la UCR/CAR, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, Julio 2010.

2. Participación en el Entrenamiento: “Metadatos y software GeoNetwork”,

financiado por el Proyecto IWCAM, Jamaica, Febrero 2011.

3. Participación en el Taller Regional de Expertos en Sistemas de Información de

Agua, organizado y financiado por el Proyecto IWCAM, el Proyecto Iniciativa del

Agua para el Caribe (CARIWIN) y el Instituto de Salud Ambiental del Caribe (CEHI).

Sta Lucia, Julio 2011.

4. Participación en el Taller de Expertos Regionales sobre Monitoreo y Evaluación

Ambiental en la Región del Gran Caribe, organizado y financiado por la

UCR/CAR-PNUMA y por el Proyecto IWCAM, Jamaica, septiembre 2011.

5. Participación en el Taller Final del Proyecto RLA/7/012 “Aplicación de Técnicas

Nucleares en la solución del problemas específicos del manejo integrado de

zonas costeras en el Caribe”, en representación de la UCR/CAR-PNUMA,

Mónaco, Francia, Abril del 20011

6. Participación en el Primer STAC del Protocolo FTCM, Aruba, Junio 2012

7. Participación en el Grupo Regional de Expertos en Monitoreo, participando en las

teleconferencias, discusiones y demás actividades realizadas por el grupo desde su


Financiamiento utilizado para la ejecución de las Actividades 2010-2012

Proyecto Monto y Fuente de financiamiento

internacional (USD)

Financiamiento RAC-Cimab (pesos


SSFA: “Planificación y ejecución del Taller Final de Bahías Fuertemente Contaminadas y Estudio Línea Base del Manejo de Aguas Residuales Domésticas (ARD) en zonas seleccionadas de RGC”.

128,472.00 (ejecutados en 2010 –

12: 20,847.00)



SSFA: “Planificación y ejecución de un taller para revisar y actualizar la legislación nacional relacionada con el manejo de aguas”.

3,500.00 Proyecto IWCAM


TOTAL 24,347.00 26,558.65


Activities 2010-2012

1. Interim Technical Working Group (2011-2012) 2. Regional Experts Workshop (26-30 September 2011) 3. Production & Dissemination of Promotional Material (May 2011)

Interim Technical Working Group

Objective: To support work related to monitoring

&assessment under LBS Protocol • Activities: Teleconferences

• Outputs:

• - Info on national monitoring programs

- Recommendations for monitoring & assessment

- Outline for State of Marine Environment Report

Regional Experts Workshop

• Objectives:

- To support monitoring and assessment

- To provide technical guidance in preparation technical brief

- To develop the State of the Marine Environment Report

- To share lessons learnt from pilot projects

- To inform public of CEP & Cartagena Convention

- To facilitate increased support to overall work of CEP

Regional Experts Workshop

• Activities:

- Comments on preparation of summary National Monitoring Programs

- Contribution to National Coastal & Marine Monitoring & Assessment Programs & Standards, Effluent Limits and Criteria

- Presentations: (I) Lessons learnt ‘Know-why network hotspots monitoring in Point Lisas; (II) Evaluating microbiological indicators in tropical recreational


Regional Experts Workshop

• Activities:

- Comments on preparation of summary National Monitoring Programs

- Contribution to National Coastal & Marine Monitoring & Assessment Programs & Standards, Effluent Limits and Criteria

- Presentations: (I) Lessons learnt ‘Know-why network hotspots monitoring in Point Lisas; (II) Evaluating microbiological indicators in tropical recreational waters

Promotional Material

• Objectives:

– To inform public of CEP & Cartagena Convention

– To facilitate increased support to overall CEP

• Activities:

– Production of communication material


– Buceando un poco mas profundo- a 12 min DVD on the work of CEP

1st LBS STAC, Oranjestad, Aruba. 5-7 June 2012

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

GEF Projects

National Support:

Highest Political Level

Regional Training in


Dominican Republic

Training in Community-Based

Resource Assessment,


Demo Project

Technical Cooperation:

Cuba & Antigua

Monitoring of Pesticide Residues


interactive data portal

Partnerships: private sector &

research institutes.

Colombia: small farm holders, banana & plantain

Costa Rica: Small & large pineapple farms & large

banana plantations

Nicaragua: small oil palm & bean producers

GAP: Spills & contaminated water

GPA: IPM cont.


• Reduction (elimination) use of herbicides

Reduction in pesticide use


Banana: 11 - 18% reduction.

Plantain: 35 - 43% reduction.

Costa Rica:

Banana: 8% reduction.

Small pineapple farmer: 51% reduction.

Large pineapple farmer: 35% reduction.


Rice & bean: 97% (bean) & 91% (rice) reduction.

Oil palm: 23% reduction.

GEF CReW Project

Caribbean Regional Fund in Wastewater Management


Global Environment Facility

Funding Agency


Implementing Agencies

US$20 million


13 Countries (Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Guatemala Jamaica, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Panama, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago)

Endorsing Countries

Establish innovative financing mechanisms

for cost-effective and sustainable financing

of wastewater management in the WCR

Improve national and local capacity for wastewater

management through strengthened policy,

institutional & legislative frameworks

Facilitate regional dialogue and knowledge

exchange with the key stakeholders in the






Improved access to financing for wastewater

management; Improved awareness among decision makers, general

public & other stakeholders on wastewater management;

Reduced land-based pollution to watersheds & coastal waters from untreated wastewater;

Improved & more effective policy & regulatory frameworks for wastewater management;

Expected Outcomes

Component 2: February 2012

– Baseline Assessment – Training on Wastewater Technologies (Bahamas &

Costa Rica) – Training on Revolving Funds (Belize) – Country Needs Assessment – Training Workshop for Judges & Magistrates (St.

Lucia) – Regional Training for Utilities – Operator

Assessments – CWWA/Ministerial High level Session - Bahamas


Component 2: February 2012

– Communications Strategy; – CreW Bulletin, Brochure & Poster Series; –; – Reporting Templates for pilot countries; –Visibility: CEHI CEF 6; CWWA; CEP Technical

Reports; – Collaboration with CLME project in Information



Component 2: February 2012

Effluent Guidelines

Belize Guatemala Honduras Costa Rica Panama Jamaica


Annex III

Total Suspended Solidss, mg/l 30 400 100 50 35 20 30

Bicohemical Oxygen Demand (DBO5), mg/l 30 200 50 50 35 30 30

pH, unidades de pH 5 to 10 6 to 9 6 to 9 5 to 9 5.5 a 9.0 6 to 9 5 to 10

Oil and Grease, mg/l * 15 50 10 30 20 15

Fecal Coliforms, MPN/100 ml 200 100,000 5000 1000 200 200

a) E. coli, organisms/100 ml; 126 126

b) Enterococos, organisms/100ml 35 35

Sustancias flotantes No visibles Absent Absent No visibles

Nitrogen, total mg/l 50 30 50 10 10

Phosphorous total, mg/l 30 5 25 5 4

Total Coliforms, Coli/ 100 ml 1000

Amount to be discharged




Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

The Way Forward

1st LBS COP, Dominican Republic, 24 Oct, 2012

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources


• Maximizing support for LBS from ongoing &

future projects

• Competing national/regional priorities

• Limited Financial Resources

• Limited Human Capacity

• LBS Protocol Ratification

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

Lessons Learnt • Communications & Engagement of Media

• Integrate Pollution with Climate Change,

Biodiversity & Human Health

• South-South Cooperation

• Sharing of Best Practices & Case Studies

• Champions – Technical & Political

• On the Ground/Local Implementation

• Sustainability of outputs/impacts

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

1st LBS STAC Recommended:

Approve revised work plan and budget for 2013-2014

Provide guidance to Secretariat on priorities for

unfunded projects & activities

Formalize Technical Interim Working Group on

Monitoring & Assessment

Endorse the SOCAR outline & its continued

development – data sensitivity,

Governments assist Secretariat with mobilization of

additional financial resources

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

1st LBS STAC Recommended:

Ratification of LBS Protocol by Non-Contracting


Active involvement & support by countries to the UN

Regular Process

Increased use of decision-support tools/CHM &

improved exchange of data, information &

experiences among countries in all languages;

Continued support to work of the GPA – nutrients,

wastewater, marine litter and NPAs

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

1st LBS STAC Recommended:

Secretariat maximize use of RACs & RAN to

implement future projects

Use of the reporting template for the Cartagena


Guidance provided by STAC be used for further

development of follow up project to REPCar

Continued collaboration by the Secretariat with the

GEF CLME project

Secretariat convene a Panel Discussion at 1st LBS


Thank you

Christopher Corbin,

Sanya Wedemeir, Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

LBS Focal Points, Working Group, LBS RACs, GEF

Project Staff, Project Focal Points & Partners

Work Plan & Budget 2013-2014

1st LBS COP Punta Cana,

Dominican Republic

24 June 2012

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

Doc. # UNEP (DEPI)/CAR WG.33/3/Rev 2

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources


LBS Activities

Resource Implications

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

How? promoting ratification of,

accession to, & implementation of the

LBS Protocol


enhancing coordination, collaboration,

cooperation, & communication

between focal points, regional &

international organizations

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

Programme Priorities • GEF Projects

– GEF CreW Implementation

– GEF IWEco Approval & Implementation

– Redesign follow up proposal to REPCar for resubmission

• State of Convention Area Report

• LBS Ratification

• GPA – Global Partnerships on Marine Litter,

Nutrients & Wastewater

• GEF International Waters Conference - 2013

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

Targets & Impact

• Guidelines, Tools, Methodologies, Technologies & Best Practices

• Environmental data & information

• Projects, Activities & Partnerships

• Awareness of pollution & LBS Protocols

• Legal, Institutional & Policy Reforms

• Reduction in Pollutant Loadings

• Improvements in Environmental Quality

• LBS Protocol Ratifications & Implementation

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

(A) Programme Coordination: USD 1,040,000

LBS Awareness Activities;

Partnership Development: IW Learn

Resource Mobilization: GEF

Project Development & Execution

Decisions of 1st LBS COP & 15th IGM

Planning for 2nd LBS STAC & COP

1st LBS STAC, Oranjestad, Aruba. 5-7 June 2012

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources


Human Resources







Education &



Inform. Technology



Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

(B) GEF Projects: Full Implementation (i) CReW


Biennium Budget: USD 1,900,802

Pilots in TnT, Bel, Jam, Guy (IDB)

Strengthening wastewater management Institutions

Strengthening wastewater effluent regulations

Environmental Natural Resource Accounts in 2 pilots

Regional Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting Framework

Improving compliance with LBS Protocol (Annex III)

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

(B) GEF Projects: Full Implementation (i) CreW (cont)

Wastewater management into formal educational


Community awareness programmes

Knowledge Management products & publications

Clearing house mechanism

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

(B) GEF Projects: Pipeline or PIF (ii) Improved management of agrochemical life cycles in the Caribbean and Central American


Next Steps:

Internal Discussion within UNEP and with the GEF

Discussion with Countries & Partners

Multifocal Area Project involving International Waters


Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

(B) GEF Projects: Project Preparation (iii) Implementing Integrated Land, Water & Wastewater Management in Caribbean SIDS (IWEco)

New:$USD 6,000,000 Estimate (Total Request to GEF for 20,448,598)


Implementation of an integrated approach to water, land and ecosystems services management, supported by policy, institutional and legislative reforms, and implementation of effective appropriate technologies to accelerate contribution to global targets on access to safe and reliable water supplies and improved sanitation, and contributing to improved ecosystem

functioning in the Caribbean.

1st LBS STAC, Oranjestad, Aruba. 5-7 June 2012

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

Proposed Components

Develop & Implement SLM, IWRM , ICZM & maintenance of

ecosystem services

Strengthen SLM, IWRM & Ecosystems Monitoring, & Indicators


Strengthen Policy, legislative & institutional reforms & capacity

building for SLM, IWRM and ecosystem services management

Enhance knowledge exchange, best-practices, replication &

stakeholder involvement

International Waters, Biodiversity & Land


Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

(C) Monitoring & Assessment (iv) State of the Convention Area in the WCR Ongoing

USD 100,000 (45,000 unfunded)

Sharing of Best Practices (USD 10,000)

Compile standardized methodologies (USD 5,000)

Protocol for information management (USD 5,000) Follow up to Regular Process (USD 5,000)

Classification of waters in 3 pilot countries (75,000)

Finalize guidelines and source funding for preparing the first regional State of the Convention Area Report (SOCAR)

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

Wastewater Management

No specific ongoing or new projects BUT

Activities under the GEF CReW Project will

support this thematic area.

Involvement in Global Partnerships on

Wastewater & Nutrients

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

Watershed Management

No specific ongoing or new projects BUT

Demo activities under new GEF Project for

SIDS will support this thematic area

Involvement in Global Partnerships on


Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

(D) Waste/Litter Management (v) Implementation of Marine Litter Action Plan


USD 100,000 (60,000 unfunded)

Expand marine litter educational & awareness

materials; (USD 40,000)

Support education-based activities in support of

the Honolulu Strategy (USD 20,000)

(Global Partnerships on Marine Litter/Waste);

Support regional capacity building workshops on

Integrated Waste Management /MARPOL

(USD 40,000)

1st LBS STAC, Oranjestad, Aruba. 5-7 June 2012

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

(E) National Programmes of Action (vi) Implementation of NPAs:


USD 150,000 (90,000 unfunded)

Pilot test innovative approaches and technologies for

nutrients & wastewater management; (USD 90,000)

Regional workshops to showcase pollutant reduction

technologies. (USD 60,000)

Share lessons learnt & best practices on wastewater-

related technologies;

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

(F) Climate Change cont. (vii) Climate Change in Jamaica


USD: 2,354,000 (European Union) (2013)

Expected Outputs:

Rehabilitated watersheds & improved management


Restored coastal ecosystems & protective structures


Climate change mitigation & adaptation integrated into

national policies & plans

Enhanced capacity to adapt to climate change

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

(F) Climate Change cont. (viii) Replication of Risk and Assessment Vulnerability Assessment Methodology (RIVAMP)(UNEP HQ)

New (unfunded)

USD: 150,000


Promote replication of RiVAMP

Evaluate application to watersheds as a pollution prevention tool

Identify measures for rehabilitation &

Improve management & reduce pollution run-off affecting coastal and marine ecosystems.

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

(F) Climate Change cont.

Indicative Activities:

Assessment of ecosystems services for a selected

watershed/catchment “hot spot”

National & community consultations

Review of existing scientific literature

Collection of existing data & generation of missing data;

Satellite image analysis (change detection + classification

of land-cover)

GIS analysis

Modeling soil & beach erosion &

Training of communities & local experts

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources

CTF Other Projected Cost Required Balance*

1,231,700 4,373,452 11,995,002 6,389,850

Thank you Christopher Corbin

Programme Officer

Protocol on controlling pollution from land-based sources
