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ST MARK PARISH 602 Military Road, Rothschild, Wisconsin

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM - Contact the Parish Offices for baptism dates and to register for preparation sessions.


SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING - Celebrated in the Spring and Fall or in the home and hospital.

RCIA - A catechetical process to assist adults interested in becoming Catholic. Contact the Parish Offices.

MARRIAGE - Couples planning to marry are to notify the Parish Offices one year prior to the desired wedding date.

FOR MEMBERSHIP IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH with the parish, Contact the Parish Offices and ask for Father Slowiak.

Parish Offices: 715-359-5206. Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Friday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Pastor: (Rev) Allan L. Slowiak, 715-359-5206 Primary Accompanist: Mikki Fronek, 715-359-5206 Deacon: Patrick McKeough, 715-359-5206 Pastoral Care to the Homebound: Susan Soriano, 715-675-3262 Director of Religious Education: Mary Hart, 715-359-5206 Secretary to the Parish: Mary Maly, 715-359-5206 Pastoral Musician: Mary Martin, 715-359-5206 Bookkeeper: Amy Tishken, 715-359-5206

Newman Catholic Schools at St. Mark 715-359-9662. Principal: Tina Meyer

Email: Web:

Bulletin article deadline: Tuesdays by Noon

Liturgical Schedule (For the common good, masks are encouraged for weekday and weekend Liturgies)

Monday, July 12

No Sacrament of Eucharist

Tuesday, July 13 Saint Henry

Sacrament of Eucharist, 8:10 am

Wednesday, July 14 Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin

Sacrament of Eucharist, 8:10 am

Thursday, July 15 Saint Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

Sacrament of Eucharist, 8:10 am

Friday, July 16 Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Sacrament of Eucharist, 8:10 am

Saturday, July 17

Ordinal 16

Sacrament of Reconciliation, 10:30 am Sacrament of Eucharist, 4:30 pm

Sunday, July 18

Ordinal 16 Sacrament of Eucharist, 8:00 am Sacrament of Eucharist, 10:00 am


The Cleansing

of the Temple John 2:13-25

Ordinal 15

July 11, 2021


Liturgical Ministry

July 10 and 11, Ordinal 15 4:30 pm Servers. Ina EA, 1 Volunteer Needed Lector. Concetta G. Ministers of Hospitality. Don B., 1 Volunteer Needed Extraordinary Ministers. Nancy B., Dennis B.

8:00 am Servers. 2 Volunteers Needed Lector. Ruth L. Ministers of Hospitality. Jerry W., Margaret K. Extraordinary Ministers. John P., 1 Volunteer Needed

10:00 am Servers. 2 Volunteers Needed Lector. 1 Volunteer Needed Ministers of Hospitality. 2 Volunteers Needed Extraordinary Ministers. Pat G., 1 Volunteer Needed July 17 and 18, Ordinal 16 4:30 pm Servers. 2 Volunteers Needed Lector. Nicholas S. Ministers of Hospitality. Don B., 1 Volunteer Needed Extraordinary Ministers. Lisa S., 1 Volunteer Needed

8:00 am Servers. Patrick B., 1 Volunteer Needed Lector. William S. Ministers of Hospitality. Jerry W., Margaret K. Extraordinary Ministers. John P., 1 Volunteer Needed

10:00 am Servers. Lillian B., Claire B. Lector. 1 Volunteer Needed Ministers of Hospitality. Ross B., 1 Volunteer Needed Extraordinary Ministers. Linda S., 1 Volunteer Needed July 24 and 25, Ordinal 17 4:30 pm Servers. 2 Volunteers Needed Lector. 1 Volunteer Needed Ministers of Hospitality. Don B., 1 Volunteer Needed Extraordinary Ministers. 2 Volunteers Needed

8:00 am Servers. Lillian B., Claire B. Lector. William S. Ministers of Hospitality. Jerry W., Margaret K. Extraordinary Ministers. Ross B., 1 Volunteer Needed

10:00 am Servers. Aubrey P., Damien P. Lector. 1 Volunteer Needed Ministers of Hospitality. 2 Volunteers Needed Extraordinary Ministers. Pat G., 1 Volunteer Needed

SACRED WORSHIP Bishop Callahan has announced that beginning the week-end of June 26-27 the dispensation from the obligation to worship is lifted; he welcomes all "who are able and well" to celebrate in–person the Sacrament of Eucharist as our observation of the Lord’s Day.

In the parish then, • If fever or flu-like symptoms are observed, the obligation, as always, is to elect not to gather until one is healed. • For the unvaccinated, the use of a mask is encouraged but not required; those who have been vaccinated are welcome to mask. • The pews in the wings will continue to follow the every-other-pew-occupancy model for those who would welcome more space between them and others. • As numbers increase the green cards will be removed from the central pews; do continue to practice common sense social distancing as we move forward. • Let’s continue to use the hand sanitizer when entering the church.

Reflection of Today’s Scripture Texts —Father Slowiak Amos 7:12-14 Amos was not a ‘professional’ (not beholding to the religious leadership or the king) prophet. The fact that he was not notes the urgency of God. He was a shepherd by way of life (from the southern Kingdom of Judah) who was called to preach against Jeroboam II, the King of the northern Kingdom of Israel. And, as you might suspect, the king was not pleased with Amos' preaching and ordered him to leave the country. This reading is a recollection of the banishment order and the beginning of Amos' reply which, if you read farther, continues with a grim warning of destruction, thus the urgency of God. Ephesians 01:3-14 Possibly not penned by Paul, the letter carries Paul’s though and teaching. Here the opening words of the letter to the Church at Ephesus. It is a prayer of thanksgiving acknowledging that we owe everything to Christ. Note that the word "Christ" is used seven times [an indication of completeness] There are three parts to his message [three is an indication that salvation of some nature is around the corner]: 1] that God chose Christ to call us to be his adopted children, 2] that Christ redeemed us by his blood, 3] that Christ chose us to be saved. Mark 6:7-13 We hear the Mark’s Community’s rendition of the first mission venture of the disciples/apostles. The usual biblical approach is followed: there is a sense of urgency not because of the weather but because so many people need to hear of and experience salvation in Christ Jesus.


July 31 and August 1, Ordinal 18 4:30 pm Servers. Ina EA, 1 Volunteer Needed Lector. Jim M. Ministers of Hospitality. Don B., 1 Volunteer Needed Extraordinary Ministers. 2 Volunteers Needed

8:00 am Servers. 2 Volunteers Needed Lector. Ruth L. Ministers of Hospitality. Jerry W., Margaret K. Extraordinary Ministers. Deb M., William S.

10:00 am Servers. 2 Volunteers Needed Lector. Nicholas S. Ministers of Hospitality. 2 Volunteers Needed Extraordinary Ministers. Lisa S., 1 Volunteer Needed

Pastoral Music —Mary Martin

The Handbell Choir will rehearse on Tuesday, July 27 at 3:45 pm, in the church. The choir will play at the 10:00 am Liturgy on August 1. Prelude music will be, “All Who Hunger,” arranged by Diane McAninch. The hymnals will be placed back in the pews for the weekend of July 17/18. We will also begin utilizing the new Spirit and Song hymnals that were purchased with donations and money raised from the Parish Choir Christmas Cantata that was performed in December of 2019. We are excited to finally get to use these new hymnals and hope that you enjoy singing these hymns.

Homebound Communion —Susan Soriano

Homebound visits for the week of, July 11, Team C: Susan S., Fr. Al, Deacon Patrick, Pat W., Pat G.

In the Liturgy of the Church —Helen Ackermann

As we prepare to head to the cabin, it seems I have a need to pack more than I need. I call it my book bag and it is filled with not one book but perhaps two or three. It includes magazines as well. Of course, I am sure to take my smart phone and some snacks for the trip although it takes only an hour and a half. It seems I feel more secure having these items with me.

Our culture reveals that we are attached to many possessions. Just look to the large garages on houses and the many places to rent to store those items that will not fit into the garages. It seems we need many things to feel secure. This is quite a contrast with how the disciples are to go out to preach the good news. They are told by Jesus that they are to travel lightly. They are only to take a walking stick but not a second tunic. They are to depend on the

hospitality of others and actually leave the area if they are not accepted. As they go they do not travel alone but travel with someone else as companion. There is safety and confidence in traveling with others. Even in a journey alone, one often meets others who are also traveling alone and community forms.

As members of the Church, as disciples of Jesus, we too are called to go out and preach the good news by our words and actions. If we are more concerned about all our material possessions we might miss the chance to share the good news. Might we not miss the opportunity to say hello and share a smile? Do we take the time to listen to someone’s story and share conversation? Sharing the divine love of God, demands that we are not attached to the things of this world. When we share God’s love with others, healing and salvation take place.

We remember this week, Henry (Tuesday) Kateri Tekakwitha, virgin (Wednesday) Bonaventure, bishop, doctor of the Church (Thursday) Our Lady of Mount Carmel (Friday)

Our Lady of Mount Carmel The Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel celebrates the appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary to Carmelite Saint Simon Stock on July 16, 1251. In 1609, Cardinal Robert Bellarmine would decide that The Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel was indeed the patronal feast of the Carmelite Order. In the 18th century this feast was extended to the entire Church. Mount Carmel was a holy place hundreds of years before Christ. The prophet Elijah challenged the prophets of the pagan god Baal. God’s power overcame the power of the pagan god. People wanted to be close to God and chose to settle on the slopes of Mount Carmel. Later a monastery was built there.


Catholic Education and Formation Committee Minute Summary for 8 June 2021 01. Present: Amy Adamus, Tina Meyer, Albert Romportl, Rick Svennes and Father Slowiak. Excused, Mary H. Hart. 02. Prayer marked Ordinal 10 03. The minutes of the 9 February 2021 meeting were not assaulted. 04. Regarding chapter 2 of Pope Francis' Encyclical, On Fra-ternity and Social Friends, Francis teaches that the common good of all persons is interwoven. Reflections: a) Many of us who have been in the States for a generation or two easily forget that we were once foreigners, immigrants and migrants. 3) An understanding of the consequences of immigration or migration is not understood nor is this taught which leave many without any references regarding those who have looked or are looking to the States as a home. 4) A question for reflection “Does this lead of narcissistic and violent nationalism?”


05. Noted from the Newman Catholic Schools Education Commission Meeting of 23 March 2021 under 05: NCS underwent an accreditation review and has earned triple accreditation status with WRISA (Wisconsin Religious and Independent Schools Accreditation Association) Cogia (formally AdvaneED) and NDFNSSA (a nation accreditation association). 06. Regarding Bishop Callahan’s Letter of 18 April, the discussion revolved around following the recommendations and printing and posting them prior to the lifting of the dispensation to celebrate the sacrament of Sunday. Second, the pandemic is ‘not over” but active among many peoples. 07. WDREL (Wausau Deanery Religious Education Leaders) is sponsoring a presentation on 21 October, 1:30-4:00 via the internet as a response to young people and faith. Points to be discussed; Beyond Disaffiliation, Growing an Engaged Church, 5 Hungers of Young People, Engagement and Accom-paniment and Re-imaging Catholicism. In the parish, Mary H Hart is the contact person. 08. NCS: Saint Mark. Mrs. Meyer, principal noted that classes were conducted in person the entire academic year, a virtual stream was available. The year raised questions that provide the foundation for potential changes that will continue to be beneficial. Extracurricular interruptions did not exist and the faculty noted a better response of the student in the academic areas. Second, registration for 2021-2022 . . . PreK and 4K numbers are good and Grades 1-5 are consistent with the current numbers.

Religious Education —Mary Hart

Early Registration for Religious Education: Registration is now open for the 2021-22 Religious Ed Year. We appreciate your early registration and look forward to walking with your child on their journey of faith.

Contact me if you are new to the parish or have not received materials in the mail. Registration forms are also available on our website at

SAVE THE DATE!! NCIS Wausau is back this year! The summer camp is a local service experience designed to bring youth into a fun and meaningful atmosphere while serving the community. Join in the spirit of service with youth from around the community and truly make a difference in the lives of those we serve! WHEN: August 9 - August 13, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm daily FOR: Youth entering grades 6-8

REGISTRATION COST and MORE INFO: Contact me at with questions.

FAMILY LIFE St Mark Fellowship Sunday, July 18, after the 8:00 am and 10:00 am Liturgies. Visit with fellow parishioners over

FREE coffee, donuts, and cookies. Sponsored by St. Mark Chapter 72 of Catholic Financial Life

Preparation for the Celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism

August 5, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm Parents with their first child or if you have

recently joined the parish. Call the Parish Offices, 715-359-5206 to register.

Discussions: God Talk, The Meaning of the Sacrament of Baptism . The Church and Baptism . A Multiple Choice Clinic . The Liturgy of the Sacrament of Baptism .

Concerning godparents.

SOCIAL CONCERNS Mission Cooperative Appeal 2021 This weekend, we welcome Fr. Albert from St. Therese Parish, who will have this year’s Mission Cooperative Appeal on behalf of the Archdiocese of Madras-Mylapore (India). A collection will be taken up following Communion.

Madras Archdiocese, established in 1952 has a population of 12 million, out of which 420 thousands are Catholics (under 5%). Around 300 Priests, 500 Religious with the support of Catechists, and youth, are involved in indirect evangelization through various Missionary works in this predominantly Hindu/Muslim dominated society.

With the Mission Cooperation Appeal monies, the Archdiocese hopes to complete setting up the “Holy Family Spiritual Centre.” This center will help those facing marriage or family problems through counseling, therapy and spiritual direction.

May God bless your generosity,

Most Rev. George Antonysamy, Archbishop of Madras and Mylapore, India.


Prayer Shawl Ministry. New members are

welcome to join this ministry, Thursdays 12:30 to 2:00 pm in the Adult Formation Room (or outside the school building when the weather

is nice.) Prayer Shawls are available in the Parish Office for anyone who has need of one. Donations of yarn (including partial skeins) are greatly appreciated!

THANK YOU for your continued support of the St. Mark Parish Circle of Joy. If you know a person or family who is in need of assistance, contact the Parish Offices (715-359-5206).



Your tithe is greatly appreciated! It can be mailed in

or brought to the Parish Office. If you are interested in automatic withdrawal, contact the parish office for the form.

FROM THE DIOCESE —Diocese of La Crosse

Have you ever wondered if the Lord is calling you to be a priest? To begin the conversation or to inquire about what it means to be a priest, contact Fr. Nate Kuhn, Director of Vocational Recruitment for the Diocese of La Crosse, 3710 East Ave. S., PO Box 4004, La Crosse, WI 54602; or by phone at: 608.791.2667. How Rooted Are You? 4 Keys to Remaining Faithful to Jesus Christ and His Church, Saturday, August 7. Be part of the Virtual Witnesses for Christ Conference on August 7, featuring Dr. Petroc Willey, an engaging and humorous presenter. Cost is $10. For more information and to register, visit Men of the Cross, La Crosse, inspires men to live out their

Baptismal call by igniting and intensifying their love for Jesus Christ and His Church. Visit and follow Heroic Men is a free Catholic streaming platform designed for men. Offering more than 100 feature length films, TV shows, documentaries, and short films; Heroic Men seeks to source the best Catholic media and make it available all in one place. Check out the website The U.S. Bishops’ “Action Alerts” Page. For more information visit Discover and Support the Work of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of La Crosse. Learn about its mission and services, and how you can volunteer or donate, by visiting

FAITH ENRICHMENT St. Anthony Spirituality Center, Marathon, for information about retreats and events visit Register by calling 715-443-2236 or email

VOLUNTEER WEEK | July 16-20, 2021. For more information or to register email or call 715-443-2236. 2021 Know Your Faith Series: The Social Justice Teachings of the Church | Thursdays from April 22 - October 28, 2021. Social justice teaching emerges from the truth of what God has revealed to us about who God is and the depth of God’s love for us and for all creation. You are invited to join us as we explore the seven tenets of social justice teaching in our 2021 Know Your Faith Series. The presentations will be held from 6:30 to 8:00 pm on the 4th Thursday of each month from April through October. You may participate via Zoom meeting or by gathering with us at St. Anthony’s in the Solanus Center. No cost - free will donations are encouraged.

There is no online registration for this event. Reservations

need to be made by phone or email, by 5:00 pm the day

before the session.

• August 26: Option for the Poor and Vulnerable Lee Ann Lella will help us consider “An Option that is Not Optional” and what this means for us today and how we are called to live it out. A basic moral test for our society is how we treat the most vulnerable in our midst.

OPPORTUNITIES Cemetery Caretaker Position: St. Michael and St. Joseph’s Cemeteries (on Grand Avenue) are seeking an individual, or a team of individuals, to do the cemetery groundskeeping. Tasks include lawn mowing, trimming, and general upkeep of the cemetery grounds, and learning the layout of grave lots. Equipment is provided. This is a part-time position with the

Stewardship of Time and Talent

Volunteer/community involvement this week

by parish members, 19 hours.

Mass Attendance 13-Jun 20-Jun 27-Jun 4-Jul

4:30 75 93 102 81

8:00 76 107 79 78

10:00 85 75 90 115

Total 236 275 271 274

Operating Income

4-Jul 1 Jul-4 July 2021 Balance

Adult 13,622.29 13,622.29 585,000 571,377.71

Student 0.00 600 600.00

Offering 153.00 153.00 23,500 23,347.00

Debt Rdctn 245.00 245.00

Totals 14,020.29 14,020.29

Adult Tithe Summary

Tithe Budgeted Per Week 11,250.00

Received this Week 13,622.29


Avg Contribution this Week 97.30 140 families/individuals

Received Weeks 1-1 13,622.29

Budgeted Weeks 1-1 11,250.00

Budget 2,372.29

Other Income/Transfers

Circle of Joy .00 .00

Votive Candles .00 .00

Catholic Life .00 .00


majority of the hours during the growing season. This position does not include grave digging and snow plowing. Interested parties are asked to contact Phyllis at 715-842-4283 for an application or drop off a resume and letter of interest at 611 Stark Street, Wausau. Holy Name of Jesus Parish, Wausau is looking for a part-time bookkeeper/office staff, approximately 3-6 hours per week, with flexible scheduling. Position is hourly and reports to parish pastor. Position will also includes some administrative responsibilities as needed. Call Judy with questions at 715-842-4543 and mail resumes to 1104 S. 9th Ave Wausau, WI 54401


St. James Fraternity of the Secular Franciscans will meet on Sunday, July 11, 2021 at 2:00 pm at Krasowski Hall at St. Mi-chael Church. Reflection 10 is the study lesson. Guests are welcome. For more information call Lora at 715-845-8927.

Knights of Columbus Council 4628, meeting on Tuesday July 13 at 7:00 pm, St Therese council chambers.

2021 St. Agnes “Rocky Railway” Vacation Bible School, at St. Agnes Catholic Church July 26-30, 9:00 am to Noon, for children entering 4K - grade 5 in the fall of 2021.

Registrations are available through St. Agnes parish, website, or parish office. The registration deadline is the end of day, July 11. Register early so we can ensure that every child has the supplies they need to have a fabulous week! Contact Amy at or 715-359-5675 or for additional information.

St. Ladislaus Parish 2021 Concert on the Grounds, 173141 State Hwy 153, Bevent. Bring a chair/blanket and enjoy an evening of great music while you relax with family and friends. No pets. The concerts are free, but a free-will offer-ing will be taken up to help defray expenses so that we can continue to have additional summer concerts. Concerts are from 6:00 to 8:00 pm on the following dates:

July 13, featuring Rick and Barry Show (rain date July 20) July 27, Night Train

August 10, Wayne Cebula

89Q Hope in the Park FREE Concert, featuring Jeremy Camp August 15, 2:00 pm - gates open at 1:30 pm. Food vendors and children’s activities too! This event is looking for volun-teers - those who are interested can email, or go to to register, see role descriptions, time frames and other details.

Visit St Mark Catholic Parish, Rothschild Face-book page “Like”, “share” and “invite” your friends and family (



Opening Prayer: Lord God, when I am committed to you, I realize that at times I need to rest. As I meditate on your holy word, I realize that Jesus saw the need for balance in life. We all need time to rest but yet we need to respond to the needs of others. Assist me as I strive to keep a bal-ance so that I can follow you son, Jesus to the best of my ability. I make this prayer in the his name, he who is Lord forever and ever. Amen. JEREMIAH 23:1-6 Woe to the shepherds who mislead and scatter the flock of my pasture, says the LORD. Therefore, thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, against the shepherds who shepherd my people: You have scattered my sheep and driven them away. You have not cared for them, but I will take care to punish your evil deeds. I myself will gather the remnant of my flock from all the lands to which I have driven them and bring them back to their meadow; there they shall increase and multiply. I will appoint shepherds for them who will shepherd them so that they need no longer fear and tremble; and none shall be missing, says the LORD.

Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will raise up a righteous shoot to David; as king he shall reign and govern wisely, he shall do what is just and right in the land. In his days Judah shall be saved, Israel shall dwell in security. This is the name they give him: "The LORD our justice." PSALM 23:1 -3, 3-4, 5, 6 R. (1) The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. In verdant pastures he gives me repose; beside restful waters he leads me; he refreshes my soul. R. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.

He guides me in right paths for his name's sake. Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil; for you are at my side with your rod and your staff that give me courage. R. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.

You spread the table before me in the sight of my foes; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. R. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.

Only goodness and kindness follow me all the days of my life;

and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD for years to come. R. The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. EPHESIANS 2:13-18 Brothers and sisters: In Christ Jesus you who once were far off have become near by the blood of Christ.

For he is our peace, he who made both one and broke down the dividing wall of enmity, through his flesh, abolishing the law with its commandments and legal claims, that he might create in himself one new person in place of the two, thus establishing peace, and might reconcile both with God, in one body, through the cross, putting that enmity to death by it. He came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near, for through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. MARK 6:30-34 The apostles gathered together with Jesus and reported all they had done and taught. He said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while." People were coming and going in great numbers, and they had no opportunity even to eat. So they went off in the boat by themselves to a deserted place. People saw them leaving and many came to know about it. They has-tened there on foot from all the towns and arrived at the place before them.

When he disembarked and saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things. Reflection Questions:

1. Are you good at setting aside time for yourself? Do you rest in the presence of God in your daily routine?

2. Is it difficult for you to set aside time for others who

have needs? Do you want to place your own needs first?

3. Which of the verses of Psalm 23 is your favorite?

Why do you think this Psalm speaks to many as their favorite psalm? Concluding Prayer: Lord God, forgive me for not spending time with you, Often I feel so busy that I do not set aside time for prayer. I know that only in you’re my relation-ship with you can I find true meaning in my life. I make this prayer in the name of Jesus he who is Lord forever and ever. Amen. Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States of America, copyright ©1998, 1997, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc. Washington, D. C. Used with permission. All Rights reserved. No part of the Lectionary for Mass be reproduced by means without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

©2021 St. Mark Parish, Rothschild, Wisconsin. Copyright Clearance, Secretariat for Legal Affairs and Copyright Management.


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KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Sacred Heart Council #4628

Serving St. Mark, St. Therese and St. Agnes Parishes

Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7:00 pm at St. Therese Parish

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Join Us! Have Fun!

Put your Catholic values into action by becoming a member of St. Mark Chapter 72

Contact Glen today!

Glen Engebretson 715-359-4831

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