St. John Cantius ·...


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St . John Cant ius Par i sh T h e C a t h o l i c C o m m u n i t y o f B r i d e s b u r g

Isaiah, probably the greatest of the prophets, prophesies extensively on the coming of the savior, the Messiah. His prophecies are so specific it is hard not to believe that he is telling a contemporary story rather than proclaiming the future far in advance. "Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you." This proclama on about the coming of the Gen les and all na ons to worship the Lord is wonderful news indeed, for it presages our own worship of Jesus the Christ. Saint Paul says that "the Gen les are coheirs, members of the same body, and copartners in the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel." We who are Gen les can rejoice in our loving acceptance by our God. NATIONS SHALL WALK BY YOUR LIGHT "Behold, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying , 'Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.' " These words are joyous news for those through the ages who worship Christ, but bad news to those who, like Herod, selfishly guard their own prominence and kingship. "Herod called the magi secretly . . ." Those who act in secret o en have evil mo ves, and like Herod, are full of lies--". . . that I too may go and do him homage." Herod has no such intent, but plans to murder the Christ child and, he thinks, protect his own rule. Evil is always at work in the world, but God protects the innocent, in this case sending the magi home by a different route rather than back to Herod.

4415 Almond Street ~ Philadelphia, PA 19137

Rectory Phone 215-535-6667 Rectory Fax: 215-535-7107 Parish Email Parish Website Rectory Hours Monday - Friday, 9:00 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. Evenings by appointment only, Saturday & Sunday Closed REV. JOSEPH J. ZINGARO Pastor REV. KONSTANTY PRUSZYNSKI Parochial Vicar MRS. THERESA DOMBKOSKI Director of Parish Services EMAIL MRS. LISA MARIE REMILLARD Parish Secretary Mass Schedule SATURDAY MASSES: 5:00 P.M. (English) SUNDAY MASSES: 8:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M. (English) 11:30 A.M. (Polish) HOLY DAY MASSES Vigil Mass 7:00 P.M. (English) 9:00 A.M. (English) 7:00 P.M. (Polish) DAILY MASSES: 8:00 A.M. Mon. thru Fri. (English) 8:00 A.M. Sat. (Polish) CONFESSIONS Saturday 3:30P.M. - 4:15 P.M. BLESSED TRINITY REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Ms. Linda Milewski Principal 215-338-9797



January 7, 2018 The Epiphany of the Lord

MONDAY – JAN 8th The Bap sm of the Lord 8AM(E) For the People of St. John Can us TUESDAY – JAN 9th 8AM(E) Christmas Mass Remembrances WEDNESDAY – JAN 10th 8AM(E) Christmas Mass Remembrances THURSDAY – JAN 11th 8AM(E) Christmas Mass Remembrances FRIDAY - JAN 12th St. Marguerite 8AM (E) Christmas Mass Remembrances SATURDAY—JAN 13th St. Hilary 8AM(P) Paul Milkowski req. Jadwiga Chojnacka 5PM(E) Ed Paluch req. wife SUNDAY – JAN 14th

8AM(E) Jacqueline Zionce req. children & grandchildren 10AM(E) Adela Kaminska req. granddaughter, Mania 11:30(P) Ojczyzna

LECTORS / LEKTORZY FOR JAN 14 5PM Phyllis Rooney 8AM Jason Cook 10AM Kyle Werder

FLAME OF LOVE Flame of Love Cenacles

Wednesday, 8:30 AM, 2PM & 3:30PM in the Chapel.


The Christmas banners hanging in the Church and Chapel were donated by Tony and Fran Coppola, Linda Dozier, and Mr. and Mrs. Danvers. If you are interested in donating a banner, please call the rectory office. Thank you

The Sanctuary Candle in the Church burns for Josephine Makowski.

The Epiphany of the Lord January 7, 2018 All kings shall pay him homage, all na ons shall serve him. — Psalm 72:11


Letter From Pastor I wish all of you a most Blessed and Happy New Year. I especially thank you for all your kindness, generosity and dedication to our parish this past year. Through all your help, we were able to accomplish some much needed repairs and upgrading this past year. New sound systems were installed in the Church, Chapel and auditorium; new lighting was installed in the Church and auditorium; a new roof was put on half of the school building; new security cameras replaced the antiquated ones to help protect our property and the automatic gates help us to control the traffic through the school yard. Because of your generosity and the monies received from the leasing of our school building, we were able to accomplish all this. There is so much more that needs to be done to upgrade our property, I hope you continue your support this coming year. The visit of the Magi to the manger reminds us of the giving of self to our Lord. They traveled far and wide following the star to see the Christ Child and present Him with gifts that were symbolic of His life. May we in our lives - as we begin this new year – walk toward and with Jesus and give Him daily your love. He asks nothing extravagant – just the simple gift of yourself. It is a Polish custom to bless chalk and incense on this day. The chalk is used to put the initials Kasper, Melchior and Balthazar (the traditional names of the Magi) along with the year above the entry door of the house. For example: 20+K+M+B+18. This "marking" should remind us throughout the year to welcome all guests and visitors to our home as the Magi were welcomed to the home of the Holy Family. When the incense is burned, the smoke represents our prayers rising to heaven. The incense can be burned in times of bad storms or during times of sickness. Chalk and incense are available at the Crib today. Instead of chalk and incense, it has been a custom of many people to hang a Christmas card depicting the Magi over their front door. All nationalities have similar customs – only they are done in different ways. Regardless of how we practice them, it is good to share them to help us understand and appreciate our oneness. We THANK all of you who donated most generously to the Christmas Collection. This collection is one of the most important of the entire year and your generosity has been outstanding. If you have not dropped off your Christmas Envelope, please do so next Sunday. God bless you for your love for Saint John Cantius Parish, the Catholic community of Bridesburg. Father Konstanty and I thank you for your Christmas cards and gifts. We wish you a Happy New Year and God’s blessings upon you and your family. May we continue to grow in wisdom, age and grace during this year of 2018 as Jesus did at Nazareth and pray for one another. Tomorrow we celebrate the feast of the Baptism of our Lord. Therefore the Christmas Season comes to a conclusion. I thank everyone who helped make our celebration of Christmas a most beautiful one. The Church looked beautiful and magnificent; the liturgies were inspiring; --- and your presence so wonderful. May the Spirit of Christmas remain in your hearts and lives and continue throughout the coming year. OUR DYNAMIC CATHOLIC THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: “We will be the happiest people in the world if we belong to God.” A SECOND DYNAMIC CATHOLIC THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: Authentically joyful persons stand out. Other people will stop and take notice.”

Remember the Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic:



List od Proboszcza

Życzę Wam wszystkim jak najbardziej Błogosławionego i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku. Szczególnie dziękuję wam za życzliwość, hojność i poświęcenie dla naszej parafii w ubiegłym roku 2017. Przez wszelką waszą pomoc, byliśmy w stanie wykonać niektóre z niezbędnych napraw i aktualizacji w ubiegłym roku. W kościele, kaplicy i audytorium zainstalowano nowe nagłośnienie; Nowe oświetlenie zostało zainstalowane w kościele i audytorium; nowy dach umieszczono na połowie budynku szkoły; nowe aparaty bezpieczeństwa zastąpiły przestarzałe, aby chronić naszą własność, a nasze automatyczne bramki pomagają kontrolować ruch przez szkolny plac. Ze względu na Waszą hojność i pieniądze otrzymane z wynajmu naszego budynku szkolnego, udało nam się to wszystko osiągnąć. Jest o wiele więcej do zrobienia, aby ulepszyć naszą nieruchomość, mam nadzieję, że będziecie kontynuować swoje wsparcie w nadchodzącym roku.

Wizyta Mędrców w żłobku przypomina nam oddanie się naszemu Panu. Podróżowali daleko i szeroko podążając za gwiazdą, aby zobaczyć Dzieciątko Jezus i ofiarować Mu prezenty, które były symbolami Jego życia. Obyśmy w naszym życiu - rozpoczynając ten nowy rok - chodzili do Jezusa i z Jezusem i codziennie dawali Mu swoją miłość. Nie żąda niczego ekstrawaganckiego - tylko prostego daru z Ciebie.

Polskim zwyczajem błogosławimy dzisiaj kredę i kadzidło. Kreda jest używana do napisania inicjałów

Kasper, Melchior i Balthazar (tradycyjne nazwy Mędrców) wraz z rokiem nad drzwiami wejściowymi do domu. Na przykład: 20 + K + M + B + 18. Ten "znak" powinien nam przypominać przez cały rok, witajac wszystkich gości naszego domu, jak Mędrcy byli witani w domu Świętej Rodziny. Kiedy palone jest kadzidło, dym przedstawia nasze modlitwy wznoszące się do nieba. Kadzidło może zostać palone w czasie złych burz lub w czasie choroby. Kreda i kadzidło są dziś dostępne przy żłóbku. Inny zwyczaj - zamiast kredy i kadzidła, wielu ludzi wywiesza kartke świąteczna przedstawiająca Mędrców nad ich drzwiami wejściowymi. Wszystkie narodowości mają podobne obyczaje - tylko one są robione na różne sposoby. Niezależnie od tego, jak je praktykujemy, dobrze jest dzielić się nimi, aby pomóc nam zrozumieć i docenić naszą jedność.

DZIĘKUJEMY WSZYSTKIM z was, którzy ofiarowaliście hojnie na kolekcję świąteczną. Ta kolekcja jest jedną z najważniejszych w tym roku, a Wasza hojność była wyjątkowa. Jeśli nie oddałeś świątecznej koperty, zrób to w następną niedzielę. Niech Cię Bóg błogosławi za miłość do parafii św. Jana Kantego, wspólnoty katolickiej w Bridesburgu.

Ksiadz Konstanty i ja dziękujemy za kartki świąteczne i prezenty. Życzymy Wam szczęśliwego Nowego

Roku i Bożego błogosławieństwa dla Was i Waszych rodzin. Obyśmy w tym roku 2018 wzrastali w mądrości, wieku i łasce, tak jak Jezus w Nazarecie i modlili się za siebie nawzajem.

Jutro obchodzimy święto Chrztu naszego Pana. Na tym, kończymy sezon świąteczny. Dziękuję wszystkim,

którzy przyczynili się do tego, że nasze święta Bożego Narodzenia byly najpiękniejsze. Kościół wyglądał pięknie i wspaniale; liturgie były inspirujące; --- a Wasza obecność tak cudowna. Niech Duch Świąt Bożego Narodzenia pozostanie w waszych sercach i będzie trwał przez cały nadchodzący rok. Nasze Dynamiczne Katolickie Mysli Tygodnia: „Będziemy najszczęśliwszymi ludźmi na świecie, jezeli będziemy należeć do Boga".

„Autentycznie radośni ludzie wyróżniają się. Inni ludzie zatrzymają się i zwrócą na nich uwagę. "

Pamietaj Cztery Oznaki Dynaminczego Katolika: Modlitwa — Nauka — Hojnosc — Ewangelizacja



On the 3rd Sunday of each month there will be a special PREP Family Mass celebrated at 10 A.M. Our PREP families and children will participate in Mass in a special way by being part of the Offertory Procession, participating in Scripture readings, welcoming our congregation to our celebration, etc. We hope all will join us on the third Sunday of the month.


The magi "were overjoyed at seeing the star." So many of the words of Isaiah positively glow at the prophecy of the shining light of Israel, Jesus. "Nations shall walk by your light, and kings by your shining radiance . . . Then you shall be radiant at what you see, your heart shall throb and overflow." Christmas day, with all of its light and glory, has passed, and yet we forget that the Christmas season continues until tomorrow. The glory of the Lord continues to shine and manifest the glory to all nations. We who are members of these nations of the earth should continue to celebrate and rejoice at the coming of the Lord into our lives. We are indeed the Gentiles who have come to worship Christ, and to be saved by his glorious appearance. Blessed be the God who reaches out to us in mercy and love, and may the joy of his coming fill our hearts forever. GOD’S PROMISE TO ALL PEOPLE Today Isaiah reminds the people of God that the land shall be restored to their possession, they shall rejoice to see their people return from the bondage of exile, and that they shall be a light to the nations. In other words, through the people of Israel, the Savior shall come to all people who seek God with a sincere heart. This brings joy and the radiance of God’s glory to all the world and to all people everywhere. Through the fidelity of the people of God, and through God’s fidelity to them, all people shall become God’s children and rejoice in the fulfillment of God’s promise to Israel.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 55:1-11 or Acts 10:34-38 or 1 Jn 5:1-9; Ps 29:1-4, 3, 9- 10 or Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Mk 1:7-11 Tuesday: 1 Sm 1:9-20 or 1 Sm 1:1-8 and 1 Sm 1:9-20;1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Mk 1:21-28 or Mk 1:14-20 and Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Ps 40:2, 5, 7- 10; Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: 1 Sm 4:1-11; Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24- 25; Mk 1:40-45 Friday: 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89:16-19; Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Ps 21:2-7; Mk 2:13-17 Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42 ***************************************** TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Where on earth would you go to honor the magi? Iran or Saudi Arabia, Tarshish or the Isles come to mind, but Cologne, Germany would be a good choice. There the Shrine of the Three Kings has been the centerpiece of the city’s cathedral since the fourth century. Today it is the largest reliquary in the world: a gilded and ornamented triple casket gleaming high above the altar. In the fourth century, the supposed relics of the wise men were taken from Constantinople to Milan, where they remained until the German Emperor with the unlikely name Frederick Barbarossa (Red Beard) gave them to the Archbishop of Cologne. Ever since, pilgrims have streamed into the city to honor the magi, the first of all pilgrims, and thus the heavenly patrons of all who have some holy wanderlust. This largest Gothic cathedral in Europe today was begun in the mid-1200s to house the relics. In medieval times, the relics in a city’s possession were often the key to a sound international economy. The reliquary was last opened in 1864, and the remains of three men were indeed discovered. The cathedral is well worth a visit, with enormous twin spires forming the largest façade of any church in the world (it is the model for St. Patrick’s in New York). Construction began in 1248 and ended in 1880, a six-hundred-year project. Today, it is a World Heritage Site, described by the U.N. as “an exceptional work of human creative genius.” This great treasure of our tradition suffered fourteen direct bomb hits in World War II but did not collapse. It survived while the city burned around it, preserved, the townspeople say, by three heavenly patrons.


Collec on Count for Dec 31 , 2017

A n Env Cash Checks Total 5pm 107 62 $606 $583 $1,189 8am 72 30 $282 $326 $608 10am 105 52 $517 $398 $915 11:30 149 65 $950 $115 $1,065 Total $2,355 $1,422 $3,777

Mailed Envel. $15 $376 $391 St. Stephen Mass $106 $106 Christmas $475 $1,400 $1,875 Fuel $20 $20 2nd Coll. $276 $276 Christ. Flower $5 $5 Grand Total $3,252 $3,198 $6,450

Total Deposit $6,450

COLLECTION COUNTERS FOR SUNDAY Jan 7 Joan Reed & Michelle Skalski Jan 14 Joe Foster Jan 21 Lucille Mocarski & Terry Casey Jan 28 Connie Perrault & Maryann Marszalek

LOTTERY TICKETS Lo ery ckets will be sold in the back of the Chapel or Church Calendars are now available for distribu on. The cost is $5.00 each for the month, based on the evening of the Pennsylvania Lo ery drawing. Daily prizes of $50.00 a day and Sundays are $100.00. Plus each month a bonus day! Sellers are needed. Tickets will be sold before and a er each Mass. This will be an on going fundraiser. We ask for you help and support to make this an ongoing success. Thank you for your support of our Parish.

DATE NUMBER PRIZE WINNER SELLER Dec 28 463 $50 Carol Orzechowicz Dec 29 375 $50 Unsold Dec 30 790 $50 E. McMillan Dec 31 107 $100 Unsold Jan 1 389 $100 John A. Jan 2 253 $50 Unsold

Collec on Count for Dec 25 , 2017 CHRISTMAS

A n Env Cash Checks Total 5pm 352 88 $868 $3,490 $4,358 8am 60 32 $390 $1,115 $1,505 10am 116 45 $806 $2,100 $2,906 9pm 130 28 $503 $1,253 $1,756 11:30am 165 33 $956 $480 $1,436 Midnight 318 73 $1,678 $880 $2,558 Total $5,201 $9,318 $14,519

High School 1 $5 $ Mailed Envel. 83 $640 $3,065 $3705 Grand Total $5,846 $12,383 $18,229

Total Deposit $18,229

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