St. Anne School Family Newsletter HAPPY CATHOLIC SCHOOLS’...


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St. Anne School Family Newsletter HAPPY CATHOLIC SCHOOLS’ WEEK

January 28, 2015 Dear St. Anne Parents, Over the years, studies have proven that Catholic school students for the most part are better prepared academically than students attending public schools. Academic preparation is extremely important, but two other areas of preparation are sometimes more important. Faith formation and service are the other two areas of concentration here at St. Anne School. Students need to realize that God is to be a part of their everyday life. They need to know that they are never alone and that God is always there with them to help them. Students also need to realize that our world needs everyone to share their talents in service to others. It is through working together that our world can be turned into a better place for everyone. Catholic Schools’ Week, then, is a time to celebrate our shared belief in the goodness and love of God, our many academic achievements, and share the many gifts that God has bestowed on us with others. Thank you, parents, for your continued trust and support helping to educate your children/our students in the Catholic tradition….something that St. Anne School has been doing since 1920. Thank You The school teachers and staff wish to extend a sincere thank you for the delicious Staff Appreciation Lunch SAPTO served us yesterday. Special thanks to the event coordinators, Beverly and Keith Perea and Tatiana Holland. Delicious!!! Grazie! Science Fair Award Winners Congratulations to all our students who participated in this year’s Science Fair. Much time and effort went into making this fair an academic celebration of scientific thinking. Students who received ribbons in 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will move onto the 33rd San Francisco city-wide Science Fair at the Randall Museum. The preliminary judging night will take place Feb. 25 (students/teachers do not attend). 8th Grade: 1st Place - Stephanie Wong 2nd Place - Nicholas Chan

3rd Place - Karlo Yupangco Honorable Mention: Fion Li, Vanessa Hom Chin 7th Grade: 1st Place – Kelly Lee, Shannon Li, Arianna Wu 2nd Place – Alyson Ling, Christopher Wong 3rd Place – Sarah Chen, Myron Weng Honorable Mention: Tyler Li, Mark Hosea, Noah MacLean, Matthew Ku. A Special Thank You to our science teacher, Mrs. Pandey, and to our esteemed judges: Mrs. Bonnie Cheng, Ms. Ramelle Ruff, Mr. Robert Lee, Drs. Maria Samsonov and Mark Edmunds. We couldn’t have done it with your sincere support and inspiring dedication to science. Confirmation – February 5 Please join us in celebration of Confirmation on Thursday, February 5 at 6:00 p.m. and witness fourteen of our Jr.

High students renew their sacrament of Baptism and confirm their faith with God. School Closed – February 6 We will be closed for an Archdiocesan In-Service for all teachers. School will resume on Monday, February 9. Kindergarten Testing – February 7 We will ONLY be testing entering Kindergartners Saturday, February 7. If you know of a family member or have friends interested in registering for the fall, please have them visit our school website at or stop by the school office for admission information. SAPTO Mtg. and Uniform Exchange Monday, February 9 Please join us for our SAPTO meeting on Monday, February 9. Childcare and a light dinner will be provided. Uniform Exchange: 5:30 pm Dinner: 6:00 pm Meeting: 7:00 pm Grandparents’ Day – February 12 Coming soon! Thursday, February 12 is Grandparents Day. Be sure to remind grandma and/or grandpa about this fun event! To reserve a spot, please fill out and return the registration form included with this newsletter. Service Hours Due – February 17 Please send in your service hour record on Tuesday, Feb. 17 with all completed hours. Records will be sent home with your youngest child Wednesday, Feb. 25. Please note, we cannot approve service hours for donated items. For more information, please refer to our 2014-2015 Parent Handbook.

Star Auction and Gala – March 21 Save the date! Star Auction & Gala to benefit St. Anne School Saturday, March 21 Moriarty Hall. All proceeds for this event will go towards technology upgrades and the primary science classroom. The Committee needs your help with donations for the raffle, gift baskets and silent auction. For more information regarding this event, please refer to the flyer attached to the VE. Questions? Email event co-chairs: Lisa Marie Gerard,; Renee Spertzel,; Gina Whelchel, Library Volunteers Mrs. Woo needs parent volunteers to help her in the Library. To sign up log onto or contact Amy Chow, for questions or help to sign up. St. Anne Federal Tax ID As the tax season approaches many of you may need the school Tax ID number for tax purposes: 94-1156680. Help Needed We need to have a doorbell installed at the iron gate leading into our Kindergarten/Preschool on 14th Ave. Wireless bells do not work. The doorbell needs to be a normal doorbell installation. Please call Mr. White or Ms. Glaeser if you can help. Pertussis Whooping Cough (Tdap) Get a head start…under the California law all students entering the seventh grade must have proof of the Pertussis Whooping Cough vaccination before the starting of the school year 2015-2016.

Please contact your child’s physician to schedule an early appointment to avoid delays. 2015-2016 New StudentApplications We are now scheduling all applicants for testing. Please note time slots are given on a first come first serve basis. If you have not submitted your application and are interested in enrolling your child (ren) please send in your application and the testing fee as soon as possible! For those needing application packets please stop by our main office or you may download the application packet from our school web site at For all other information, please contact the school office. Parent Tour – February 11 & 27 Our next parent tour is scheduled for February 11 from 9-10:30. Tours begin with a question and answer session followed by a school tour while school is in-session. All parties interested in enrolling their child(ren) are encouraged to schedule a tour. SA Canvas Tote Bag Fundraiser Silk Screened canvas bags are available for $20 (proceeds benefit the Jr. High Washington, D.C. trip in April). To order your bag today fill-out the attached order form and make checks payable to St. Anne School. Questions? Email Lisa Marie Gerard at St. Anne Yearbook Orders You haven’t ordered your St. Anne Yearbook??? For $30 you will receive an 80 page of full color yearbook of precious moments for the school year 2014-15. So order today. This is now time sensitive! Questions? Email May Lee at

SCRIP Cards Sold Mon./Fri. Mornings SCRIP Cards are sold every Monday and Friday out in the schoolyard BEFORE school begins. You may also purchase SCRIP cards from the office, at the SAPTO meetings, or on-line. Two new retailers are now available: $50 Arco and $25/$50 Sprouts Farmers Market gift cards. To get a complete list of retailers or to order online go to For your convenience an order form is attached to the V.E. Questions? Email Ken Wu at for your scrip balance and any other questions you may have. Change of Address/Phone/Email If you have moved, changed your contact information or email address, please print the form from the school website and send it to the school office with the correct information so that we can update our school records.

St. Anne School Pre-Owned Uniform Exchange & Sale

February 9, 2015 at 5:30pm Located at Extended Care

$1.00 = shirt $2.00 = skirt/jumper/pants $2.00 = sports gear $3.00 = sweater or sweat shirt Come to purchase or donate previously used uniforms! **Please wash all clothing before donating. **Clothing with holes and tears will NOT be accepted. Thank You!

You’re InvitedYou’re InvitedYou’re InvitedYou’re Invited Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, Saturday, March 21, 2015March 21, 2015March 21, 2015March 21, 2015 Star Auction and GalaStar Auction and GalaStar Auction and GalaStar Auction and Gala To Benefit St. Anne SchoolTo Benefit St. Anne SchoolTo Benefit St. Anne SchoolTo Benefit St. Anne School

Black and White Cocktail Party Saturday, March 21, 2015, 5:00 PM to 9:30 PM

Moriarty Hall, St. Anne Church, 850 Judah Cocktails, Heavy Hors d'oeuvres

Silent Auction, Live Auction, Fund a Need Event website:

$40 per person $10 for unlimited beer and wine, $15 for unlimited cocktails and beer and wine

$15 for childcare (food included)

In 2015, the proceeds raised at the Gala will go towards technology upgrades such as new computers and carts, and towards the Primary Science Room that is used for grades 1 to 4.

Exciting changes are in store for the event in 2015:

• Hot bites buffet bar including steak and crab cakes • Passed hot and cold appetizers from local restaurants • Dessert and coffee bar • New art projects • No more drink tickets: All inclusive prices: $10 for all beer and wine, $15 for cocktails and beer and wine To purchase tickets, visit event website at: or use the below order form. Questions about tickets? Contact Admissions Chair Serena Rizzo at

STAR AUCTION AND GALA TO BENEFIT ST ANNE SCHOOL – MARCH 21, 2015 Please make checks payable to SAPTO and send to school with your child to “ATTN: GALA TICKETS c/o Serena Rizzo” or mail to: St. Anne Star Auction & Gala Committee, 1320 14th Ave, San Francisco, CA 94122 ATTENDEE NAME(S): CHILD NAME(S) AND GRADE(S): EVENT TICKETS: I would like to purchase ______ event tickets @ $40 each, for a total of $______ BEER AND WINE: I would like to purchase ______ unlimited beer and wine bracelets @ $10 each, for a total of $_____.

COCKTAILS, BEER AND WINE: I would like to purchase ______ unlimited cocktail, beer and wine bracelets @ $15 each, for a total of $___

CHILDCARE: I would like to purchase childcare for _____ children @ $15 each, for a total of $______. OTHER: I cannot attend, but please accept my tax-deductible donation of $_______.


To make this event a great success, we need donations! Please help us raise money for technology and the Primary Science Room

by donating any of the following items:

RAFFLE ITEMS - o We are in need of some big-ticket items for the raffle, such as laptops, iPads or televisions;

vacation rentals or sports tickets, gift certificates for massages, sports tickets, restaurants, hotels, etc. Please help out if you can.

o Contact Raffle Chair Cassandra Wallerstein at GIFT BASKETS -

o Themes for this year’s gift baskets include: Love to Cook/Kitchen Stock Your Bar Got Coffee and Tea?

Bookworm Staycation Sports Fan/Gaming

o Please consider donating any of the following new items: Keurig, coffee mugs, Kindle or other e-reader, sporting and event tickets, sports equipment and memorabilia, gaming equipment, movie passes, restaurant gift cards, wine, rum, vodka, drink mixing accessories, glasses, wine openers, books, cookbooks, cooking utensils, mixing bowls, etc.

o Contact Gift Basket Chair Frances Flannery at

GENERAL AUCTION ITEMS o Do you have friends or family members who own local businesses—hair salon, restaurant, home

goods, clothing company, spa, or hotel? Their generous donation is a business/tax deduction and an opportunity to recognize their business or service on our Facebook page and Star Auction & Gala event website.

o Please ask for donations from restaurants, hotels, your children’s classes—like ballet, baseball, soccer; hair salons, spas, wine shops, clothing stores, coffee shops anywhere you spend your money!

o Contact event chairs about donations at or call Gina @ 415-902-9554

Prefer to just donate money or do you have a relative who wants to donate money? Send a check made out to SAPTO with your child to Renee Spertzel c/o Max Spertzel, 2-2 or visit our website at

Volunteers Needed Look for Volunteer Spot with available volunteer positions soon. If you want to be included in communications

about open volunteer positions, contact Volunteer Chair Angela Yee at

Other Questions? Please contact one of the chairs above, or the Star Auction and Gala to Benefit St. Anne School Co-Chairs:

Lisa Marie Gerard,; Gina Whelchel,; Renee Spertzel,

Tax receipts will be provided. All contributions are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. St. Anne School Tax ID # 94-1156680

Date: Jan. 31, 2015

Place: Moriarty Hall

Funston St. Entrance

Time: 5:00pm

Adult: $45 per person

Child: $15 per family



No Host Bar



For Tix & Info:

Contact: 415-725-7588


No. Guests: Adult ___Child ___

Name: ________________________

Email: _______________________ I'd like to sit with: ___________________________

Join us for a fun-filled evening of great food,

music and

dancing with

family & friends�

St. Anne 2014-2015Order Form

Yearbooks are a fabulous way of preserving your child’s past!

It’s a wonderful way to remember all their classmates, teachers, and school events for many years to come!

Order your book now for $30

(Quantities are limited)

80 Pages of Full Color Pictures!

Class Pictures - Pre-K through 8th Grade * Faculty Sports Section * Parish Festival * Year Round School Events

Collage Pages * Autograph pages and much more…

Please return this completed form to the office with a check payable to St. Anne School.

Child’s Name: ___________________________________________ Grade/Class:_______________________

Parent’s Name: __________________________________ Email: ____________________________________

Qty: _________Yearbook(s) x $30 = ____________________

If you have any questions, please contact May Lee at

Thank you for Ordering!!



Life-long Learners

Kindergarten– Christina Chew, Edwin Guan, Jayden Kwok Lawrence Lau, Daymian Turner, Claire Wallerstein

1st Grade – Mikayla Cheng, Jude Edmunds, Sophia Guzman Tyler Lin, Brandon Pun, Ian Sprouls, Giselle Thomas

2­1 Ally Buckingham, Reyan Dalal, Sarah Ghanem Kimberly Kwan, Jake Lui, Ata Tanyolac, Tina Yang

2­2 Sarah Batt, Paige Goldkrantz, Austin Hsu, Emma Lau Keoni Liwanag, Airi Yokosuka, Jocelyn Yu

3­1 Wesley Abrams, Kayla Fong, Thomas Lam, Emily Yee

3­2 Mikey Dea, Jake Fong, Cameron Hollands, Ethan Lee

4­1 Charlotte Go, Olivia Sung, Jonathan Lew

4­2 Zephra Blake, Zoey Dea, Brian Huang Kailee Kim Ivan Lin, Marcus Ling, Jordan Wu

5­1 Emma Chung, Victoria Ko, Adrienne La, Jack Menn Ian Starks, Hailey Truong, Cassidy Wan

5­2 Ashley Glancy, Jerald Lim, Samantha Lui, Riley Spahr, Jake Truong

6­1 Trevor Lee, Nicole Lin, Olivia Xie, Madeline Yap

6­2 Haley Chan, Justin Chee, Jacob Endrina, Amanda Ip Malia Loo, Jason Ogilvie, Andrew Shearer, Jaiden Sy

7­1 Claire Burrow, Brandon Fong, Christian Lew, Tyler Li Kaylin Loo, Noah MacLean, Masha Pomelov

7­2 Isabel Kwan, Amy La, Shannon Li, Jonathan Wan Chris Wong, Bryant Zhu

8th Grade – Nicholas Chan, John Chiang, Tengyao Liang Natalie Ng, Caitlin Tan


Principal’s Honors (4.0)

7-1 Taylor Chi, Madeline Chew, Casey Leung, Tyler Li, Kaylin Loo

7-2 Catherine Ko, Alyssa Lee, Shannon Li, Bryant Zhu 8-1 Nicholas Chan, Johnny Ogilvie

First Honors (3.5 – 3.99)

5-1 Landon Bustos, Brennan Chan, Emma Chung, Misao Didion, Nicholas Griffin

Victoria Ko, Adrienne La, William Lam, Christopher Lee, Donna Lee, Joel Ng, Cassie No Tia Ong, Ian Starks, Keira Trinh, Hailey Truong, Cassidy Wan, Marissa Wong, Geena Yee

5-2 Dylan Che, Ryan Fletcher, Ashley Glancy, Christopher Ku, Noella Lee, Jerald Lim, Samantha Lui Alexandra Myasnikov, Melanie Quan, Gianna Shen, Riley Spahr, Mary Xia, Oscar Yang, Rachel Yu

6-1 Fiona Baxter, Kathryn Caceres, Elma Chuang, Kikani Libadia Nicole Lin Brandon Ly, Suzanne Ogilvie, Iain Peng, Raymond Wu, Olivia Xie, Madeline Yap

6-2 Valerie Cheung, Kenedi Edmunds, Amanda Ip, Lia Lau, Malia Loo, Nikita Mei, Jason Ogilvie

Nicole Pon, Michael Shen, Sara Sung, Elise Wong, Ryan Yim, Neve Yuan 7-1 Claire Burrow, Brandan Fong, Samantha Ghanem Mark Hosea

Matthew Ku, Noah MacLean, Maria Pomelov, Myron Weng, Arianna Wu, Tatum Yee 7-2 Mia Chi, Isabel Kwan, Amy La, Hana Lee, Kelly Lee

Alyson Ling, Joseph Lu, Jonathan Wan, Christopher Wong 8-1 Katrina Baraoidan, Andrew Chang, John Chiang, Maliah Chin, Riley Dunn, Maurice Fisher

Vanessa Hom Chin, Samantha Hum, Benajamin Lam, Fion Li, Tengyao Liang, Ava Lynch Jasmine Miranda, Derek Montemayor, Jace Ng, Natalie Ng, Tengis Shponko, Caitlin Tan

Stephanie Wong, Colby Wu, Evan Yee, Karlo Yupangco, Melissa Zhao

Second Honors (3.0 – 3.49)

5-1 Mia Leluc, Elizabeth Nip, Kaylie Wong 5-2 Samantha Aclan, Lily Burrow, Rachael Cheung, Kalysta Frost, Angelica Lee

6-1 Kirsten Baraoidan, Gabriel Bernal, Kaitlyn Jew, Elle Lau Sarina Lau, Derrick Lee, Trevor Lee, Kasey Wong

6-2 Haley Chan, Jacob Endrina, Magnus Herrlin, Brandon Hom Chin

Ashley Ng, Mathew Nguyen, Jaiden Sy 7-1 Sarah Cheng, Andrew Domecus, Jessalyn Fukumoto, Kai Harris, Jayde Solano

7-2 Celeste Lu, Kianna Ng, Alexandra Nip, Vincent San Diego, Nicole Szeto 8-1 Sean Moore, Jordan Tejada, Damon Wu

Parent Name Check #

% QTY Total % QTY Total

3.00% $ 5.00% $

3.00% $ 9.00% $

1.50% $ 9.00% $



10.00% $ 7.00% $

5.00% $ 3.00% $

5.00% $ 12.00% $

4.00% $ 12.00% $

5.00% $ 9.00% $

5.00% $ 7.00% $

7.00% $ 8.00% $

2.00% $ 2.00% $

10.00% $ 3.00% $

4.00% $ 13.00% $

10.00% $ 12.00% $

8.00% $ 6.00%

4.00% $ 4.00% $

4.00% $ 4.00% $

20.00% $ 9.00% $

5.00% $ 8.00% $

5.00% $ 2.50% $

5.00% $ 8.00% $

Starbucks $10.00 7.00% $ $

7.00% $ $

3.00% $ $

2.50% $ $

2.50% $ $

6.00% $ $

3.00% $ $

Total Due All Columns:

Chevron $50.00

Jamba Juice $10.00

iTunes® $15.00

iTunes® $25.00

Home Depot $25.00

Chipotle $10.00

Questions? Email


Make Checks Payable to: SAPTOScrip Order c/o Jordan Wu 4-2

Banana Republic/Gap/Old Navy $25.00

Jo-Ann Fabric Stores $25.00


Honey Baked Ham $25.00

Babies R Us $20

Barnes & Noble $10.00

Bath & Body Works $25.00

Bed Bath & Beyond $25.00

Best Buy $25.00

Children's Place $25.00

St. Anne Parent Teacher Organization (SAPTO) Family Order Form

Student Name

Email/PhoneCircle One Send with Child

A complete list of available retailers is available online at You can also order at ShopwithScrip.

All sales are final (no return or exchanges).Retailers in blue are available in the school office and at SAPTO meetings.

P/U @School Office


Date $25.00

Peet's Coffee & Tea $20.00

ARCO $50.00 $100.00

Dick's Sporting Goods $25.00

Dennis Uniform $20.00

Oriental Trading $25.00

Claire's $10

CVS Pharmacy $25.00

Disney $25.00

GameStop $25

Gymboree $25.00

Lowe's $25.00

P/U @ Extended Care

Barnes & Noble $25.00

Bloomingdale's $25.00

Office Depot $25.00

Ross Dress for Less $25

Shell $50.00

Whole Foods Market $25.00

Walgreens $25.00

Target $50.00

Target $25.00

SUBWAY® $10.00

Starbucks $25.00

Smart & Final $25.00

See's Candies $18.50

Safeway $100.00

Lucky $25.00

Sprouts $25.00

Sprouts $50.00 Sports Authority $25.00

Safeway $25.00

Noah's Bagels $10.00

Michaels $25.00

Macy's $25.00




$Enclosed$is$my$check$for$$$$$$$_____________________$for$the$$$purchase$of$_________________$St.$Anne$School$Canvas$Tote$bags$$ $ $$$$$Quantity$$$$$_________________________$$$$$$__________________________$$$$$$$______________$$$$$$$$Parent$Name$ $ $ Child$Name$ $ $$$$Grade$$$$$$$$$$


Mark your calendars to celebrate…


with us!

QUESTIONS: Ann Nip ( or Toni Kleppin (

F Check Here if you would like to release your children to the grandparent after event

WHEN: Thursday, February 12, 2015

WHERE: St. Anne School

TIME: 11:00AM - 2PM

RSVP BY: Tuesday, February 3, 2015






(Space is limited - Please fill out and return by 2/3/15, so that we may reserve space for you)
