Akhlaq-5 CHAPTER-1 F athimas father is a doctor and her mother is a school teacher. She has two brothers. She and her brothers are studying in the same school. Their house is two kilometres away from the city. The ambience of their house is always peaceful. Everyday, they have their breakfast and dinner together. They often sit together and talk to each other after dinner. They perform prayers in congregation. Fathima and her brothers usually share their school experiences with their parents. Once in two weeks, the parents visit their school and talk to Happy Family 1

CHAPTER-1 Happy Family F

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Page 1: CHAPTER-1 Happy Family F



Fathima’s father is a doctor and her mother is a

school teacher. She has two brothers. She and her

brothers are studying in the same school. Their house is

two kilometres away from the city. The ambience of their

house is always peaceful.

Everyday, they have their

breakfast and dinner together. They

often sit together and talk to each

other after dinner. They perform

prayers in congregation.

Fathima and her brothers

usually share their school

experiences with their parents.

Once in two weeks, the parents

visit their school and talk to

Happy Family


Page 2: CHAPTER-1 Happy Family F


their teachers. On weekends, they go shopping and

sightseeing. They visit parks, beaches and museums. Once

in a month, they visit their relatives and family friends.

There is an orphanage a few kilometres away from the

house. Occasionally, they do visit the orphans there and

offer them sweets and chocolates. They always spend their

time at home reading, gardening and playing badminton.

All of them are always happy.

Friends, our family is a blessing from Allah. It is the

best place to pass on and develop human virtues such as

love, kindness, mercy and compassion. Family is like a tree.

The members of the family are like branches of the same

tree. We grow in different directions yet our roots remain

the same. The strength of our family lies in its unity and

integrity. Islam stands for unity within our family.

Allah always likes to see our family pleasant and happy.

We should love each other. We should show respect to our

elders and mercy to younger ones. Our Prophet has said

“the best of you is who is best to his family”.

Allah may help us remain always happy with our family.



Page 3: CHAPTER-1 Happy Family F


Choose the right option

1. How does Fathima’s family spend weekend days? a. They sit and watch television at home. b. They visit parks, beaches and museums. c. They cook special meals.

2. How do they spend their time at home?

a. Cooking and eating special dishes. b. reading, gardening and playing badminton. c. Painting and playing football.

3. What do they usually offer to the orphans? a. Books.and painting kit. b. Sweets and chocolates. c. Food and medicines.

• ……....................…. is like a tree.• The strength of our family lies in its ……...and integrity. • Allah always likes to see our family pleasant and ………....

• Members of a family are like branches of a tree.• Family is the best place to pass on and develop human

virtues.• Islam doesn’t stand for unity within our family. • A family becomes unhappy when its members love each


Fill in the blanks

True or false



Page 4: CHAPTER-1 Happy Family F



Friends, as we live in a society, we usually come in

contact with youngsters, peers and elders. How

could our manners be towards them? We have to be

affectionate to our youngsters, friendly with peers and

respectful to the elders. We have to keep good manners

when we interact with others. Whenever we make mistakes,

we have to apologise for the same.

Caring For The Public


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Caring for public property is really important. It should

be valued more than the private property. The damage to

private property affects individuals but any damage to the

public property affects the whole society and sometimes,

the society may curse the damage.

We have to ensure that our actions do not cause any

harm to others. Littering or spitting in the public space will

harm others. Our beloved Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم has said that even to

remove something harmful from the road is a rewardable

charity (sadaqah).

Our body language is very important to maintain good

relationships with people. We have to appear ourselves

positive and pass on positivity among our friends. We have

to volunteer our time, money, skills and efforts to serve the

society. We have to stand for peace, harmony and

brotherhood among the people. If we sow the seeds of

goodness, no doubt, we can reap only goodness.

Allah may blesss us present the beauty of Islam to one

and all. Aameen.


Page 6: CHAPTER-1 Happy Family F


1. We have to keep good .................. when we interact with others.

2. We have to ensure that our actions do not cause any ................ to others.

3. To remove something harmful from the road is a rewardable ........................

1. Any damage to public property affects certain individuals.

2. Littering or spitting in the public space will harm others.

3. Body language has no role in maintaining good relationships with people.

4. If we sow the seeds of goodness, no doubt, we can reap only goodness.

1. Impact of society in our personality development.

2. Methods to improve interpersonal skills.

True or false

Ask your teacher

Fill in the blanks



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Complete the diagram


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It was the eve of Eid ul-Fitr. Fathima went shopping

with her family. She purchased two pairs of clothes

and shoes.

“Why do you purchase two pairs? Isn’t one enough for

you?” her father asked. “Papa, I need two” she replied with

a smile.

On her way home, she asked her father to drive the

car to Haleema’s house. Haleema was an orphan who had

lost her parents last year in a road accident.

“Do you have any invitation from her?” the father


“No, I wish to pay her a surprise visit,” Fathima replied.

When they reached Haleema’s house, she was

Give It ToThe Needy


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surprised to see Fathima

and her family

unexpectedly. She

welcomed them

warmly and hugged

Fathima tightly. In

return, Fathima

wished her advent

Eid and offered one

pair of clothes and

shoes to her. She was so

happy and thanked Fathima and her parents.

Friends, have you ever thought about how many

children are there like Haleema around you who are not

fortunate enough to celebrate a single Eid? Don’t they also

have such dreams? Our beloved Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم has encouraged

us to be empathetic to such people and help them in all

possible ways.

Once, Ayisha d got some dates. She was so hungry

since she had nothing to eat for many days. When she was

ready to have it, a woman came there begging. She was


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accompanied by three daughters. All of them were really

hungry. Without a second thought, Aisha d gave them

the dates. After some time, our beloved Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم came

and enquired Aisha d about the dates. She explained her

story with the beggars. Pophet صلى الله عليه وسلم liked her deed and

appreciated her sincerely.

Friends, giving helps to the needy improve his/her

well-being. At the same time, it helps the wealthy maintain

happiness and satisfaction. Giving also helps us create

stronger communities and build happier societies. It also

helps improve trust with others and good relationships

among the people. Giving is not all about to give money,

but it is to give your time, ideas, efforts and whatever you

can. The non-human world also co-exists by helping each

other in a systematic way. Hence, helping is one of the keys

of human existence.

Our beloved Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم has said: “Whoever relieves a

believer’s distress of the distressful aspects of this world,

Allah will rescue him from the difficulties of the Hereafter”.

Allah may bless us all and remain helpful forever. Aameen.


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1. Why did Fathima purchase two pairs of clothes and shoes?

a) She wanted to offer one pair to Haleema.

b) She wanted to wear both on the day of Eid.

c) She wanted to offer one pair to her sister.

2. Why did Fathima choose Haleema to give her Eid gifts?

a) Because Haleema was an orphan.

b) Because Haleema was her class leader.

c) Because Haleema was her teacher’s daughter.

3. How did Haleema welcome Fathima and her family?

a) Haleema was not there when Fathima reached her home.

b) Haleema didn’t mind them as she was busy in the kitchen.

c) Haleema welcomed them warmly and hugged Fathima tightly.

1. Giving also helps us create stronger communities and build ..................... socie-ties.

Fill in the blanks

Choose the right option



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2. Giving is not all about to give ................, but it is to give your time, ideas, efforts and whatever you can.

3. Helping is one of the keys of human........................

1. Ayisha (RA) offered the dates to the beggars because she was not hungry.

2. The Prophet (Swa) was angry to hear the story of Ayisha (RA) with the beggars.

3. Giving helps both the needy and the wealthy simultaneously.

4. The non-human world co-exists by helping each other in a systematic way.

1. Offer charity to orphans.

2. Feed the hungry ones.

3. Help your needy friends.

4. Consider widows and poor fellows.

True or false

Let’s Practice


Page 13: CHAPTER-1 Happy Family F



It was Fathima’s 12th birthday. All her relatives

gathered at her house for lunch. Everybody was

happy. When the special meal was ready on the table, they

sat down to dine together. Fathima liked the dish very

much and thanked her mother. They finished lunch and

moved to the living room.

It is time to wish her birthday now. Everyone wished

Fathima a happy birthday and prayed for her better future.

Suddenly, her uncle opened his bag and handed his birthday

gift over to Fathima. Everybody was keen to know what

was there in the gift box. Fathima opened the gift box

joyfully. Wow! It was a smartphone.

“May it be useful in your studies” the uncle wished her

with a smile.

A Birthday Gift


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“Of course, I will try my best to use it positively,”

Fathima replied.

The next day, Fathima woke up in the early morning.

She completed Subh prayer and recited the holy Qur’an for

a couple of minutes. She revised her lessons and finished

her homeworks. Later, she took her smartphone and

checked all the features. With the help of her mother, she

created an account on Instagram. She followed some

international scholars and sent friend requests to some

social activists. She completed everything within twenty

minutes and returned the phone to her mother.

She went to school early today and shared her

happiness with her friends and tutor. When she reached

back home, she was happy to hear from her

mother that her father had arranged an online

madrasa for her. The class was from 7 am to 8


From next morning

onwards, she attended

her madrasa classes

regularly. After the


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class, she spent her time listening to Islamic speeches and

discussions. Every day, she posted a write up of her school

experience in her account. However, she limited her use of

her smartphone to two hours. One hour for online class

and another for browsing internet. She used it to acquire

more information and performed well in her studies.

Friends, do you have a smartphone or laptop at your

home? how do you use it? How long do you spend on the

same every day?

It is very important to use social media spaces very

carefully. You have to mind your words and language while

handling social media accounts. It is as important as in our

offline space to be kind, empathetic, honest, polite and

thankful in our online space. Time management is very

important. Once lost, the time cannot be regained. Be

always cautious to use social media both positively and

productively. Ensure that you don’t hurt the sentiments of

others. Try to use it to maintain peace and harmony among

the people. Always focus on its positivity and forget about

its negativity. Allah may help us all spend our time positively.



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1. What was there in the gift box?

a) She wanted to offer one pair to Haleema.

b) She wanted to wear both on the day of Eid.

c) She wanted to offer one pair to her sister.

2. What was the timing of her online Madrasa class?

a) 7 am to 8 am.

b) 6 am to 7 am.

c) 8 am to 9 am.

3. How much time Fathima spends on her smartphone every day?

a) Two hours.

b) Three hours.

c) Unlimited.

1. Time management is very important. Once lost, it cannot be....................

Fill in the blanks

Choose the right option



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1. Pros and cons of social media.

2. Difference between online space and offline space.

Ask your teacher

2. Be always cautious to use social media both....................... and productively.

3. Ensure that you don’t hurt ............................ of others.

Complete the diagram


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1. Be careful about social media ethics.

2. Spend your time wisely.

3. Follow inspiring stories and persons.

4. Mind your audience.

5. Report bullies and block them.

Let’s practice


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One day, a blind man sat in the corner of a cafe in

a metropolitan city. He kept a hat beside his feet

to collect charity from the people. He left a sign on the hat:

“I am blind. Please help me”. People were busy walking by

him. All of them noticed him but only a few offered charity.

Suddenly, a man came that way. He could find a few coins

in the hat. Then he took the hat in his hand and changed

the sign on it. He put some coins in the same and moved

ahead. The people came after him and offered some coins

and the hat was filled quickly. When the man was returning

back home, the blind man identified him by his footsteps.

“Are you the one who changed my sign? What did you

write on it? the blind man asked.



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“I wrote the same thing that you had written but I put

it in a different way. Today is a beautiful day. But, I can’t see

it” the man replied with a smile.

Friends, look how the new sign made the people think

about their own blessings. How did it make them feel

grateful and offer coins in the hat?

Have you ever thought about your blessings? Have

you ever counted your strengths?


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Allah has created us and He has given us everything

we require in our life. First of all, he has given us a loving

mother and an affectionate father. He has bestowed

innumerable blessings by which we are enjoying our life.

He has given us eyes to see the beauty of nature, legs to

walk on this earth, hands to do multiple things, tongue to

taste foods, ears to hear etc. Have you ever thought how it

would be if you were blind or handless? Have you ever

thought how it would be if you were deaf or dump?

It is very essential to be grateful to Allah. To obey His

commands and to distance from committing sins are some

ways to be thankful to Allah. No doubt, if you are grateful,

Allah will increase in your blessings.

Similarly, you have to be thankful to your parents,

teachers, friends and all. Thankfulness will help you become

happier and create strong relationships among the people.

Allah may help us be thankful to one and all. Aameen.


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1. Where did the blind man sit to collect charity?

a) In front of a Masjid.

b) In front of a park.

c) In the corner of a cafe in a metropolitan city.

2. What was the sign put by the blind man on the hat?

a) ) “I am blind. Please help me”.

b) “I can’t see you. Please help me”.

c) “I have a family. Please help me”.

3. How did the man change the sign of the blind man?

a) He wrote “Today is a beautiful day. But, I can’t see it”.

b) He wrote “Today is a beautiful day. Please help me”.

c) He wrote “Today is a holiday. Please help me”.

1. .............. has created us and He has given us everything we require in our life.

Fill in the blanks

Choose the right option



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2. He has bestowed innumerable ............... by which we are enjoying our life.

3. No doubt, if you are ......................., Allah will increase in your blessings.

1. Allah has bestowed us innumerable blessings.

2. To obey Allah’s commands is one of the ways to be thankful to Allah.

3. Thankfulness will increase in sadness and grief.

4. Thankfulness helps create strong relationships among the people.


True or false

Let’s watch

Complete the table

Blessings of Allah1. A loving mother2.3.4.5.


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Ali and his father were going to the Masjid for

Maghrib prayer in congregation. The Masjid was

on the side of the market. They passed by shops. They were

about to enter the Masjid. Immediately, Ali’s father noticed

half a dozen young people were still sitting and talking in a

shop nearby. The father approached them.

“Now is the time for the Maghrib prayer in

congregation. Why don’t you guys come on in?” he asked

them politely.

“We will come in later on. We are discussing an issue

right now” one of them replied.

“What is that serious issue or imminent danger which

compels you to skip the prayer on time?” the father asked.

Promote Virtues,Prevent Vices


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“It’s nothing but our friends’ mother is a cancer

patient. We are discussing the treatment and the expense.

Once we find the solution for this problem, we would come

over to the Masjid” one of them replied.

“Oh my friends, do not sit over here for too long.

Please stop talking and come to the Masjid. The talks on

helping the sick are very important. But giving Allah what

he truly deserves is more important than the sick.

Performing the prayer in its right time is the most lovable

act to Allah. This is what our Prophet has taught us. Through


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a Sacred Hadith (حديــث قدســيي), Allah says “ If someone replies

to me when I call him, then I would answer him whenever

he asks for my help”. Once you do as directed by Allah and

his Prophet, you will find solutions for your problems in

ways which you don’t expect” the father told them calmly.

“Is that so? Then we are coming without further delay”

they smiled broadly and went for making wudu (ablution).

Ali’s father thanked Allah and entered the Masjid. They

performed the Maghrib prayer in congregation. While on

their way back home from the Masjid, Ali’s father met an

old friend in the market. He was waiting in the queue in

front of the wine shop. Father wished him salaam and

inquired about his status. They talked for almost five

minutes. When they were about to bid him, Ali’s father

asked his friend “oh my dear Musa, can I tell you something?”

“Why not. Tell me. I am listening” Musa replied.

“You should better quit drinking wine. Islam has

prohibited the drinking. You know that” father told him.

“Oh dear, I will try my level best. This is the last one”

Musa replied with a smile.


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“Dear Musa, if you are aware of why Islam prohibited

drinking wine, you would stop it right here. Masjid is there

in that corner. Please go there. Make ablution and perform

the Maghrib prayer” the father told him calmly.

“For sure, brother. Jazakallah” Musa replied and

walked towards Masjid. Ali and his father walked home.

Friends, promoting the virtues and preventing the

vices is an act which is promoted by Islam. Allah has asked

us to enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong. Those

people who are doing as exactly as Allah has said are the

best people.

All the Prophets and the Messengers have performed

this duty of promoting what is right and preventing what is

wrong. The Prophet Muahmmed صلى الله عليه وسلم also did the same

throughout his life. May Allah give us the opportunity to

follow his path. Aameen.


Page 28: CHAPTER-1 Happy Family F


1. Where Ali and his father were going?

a) To Market for buying vegetables.

b) To a relative’s house for visiting the sick.

c) To Masjid for Maghrib congregation.

2. Why did the young people get ready to come into the Masjid?

a) ) They realized that the prayer in its right time is more important.

b) They have concluded their discussion.

c) They have found solutions for their problem.

3. When did Musa leave the queue in front of the wine shop?

a) When the wine shop closed.

b) When Ali’s father advised him to quit drinking wine.

c) When he realized that he doesn’t have enough money to buy the wine.

1. Promotion of the virtues and prevention of the vices is prohibited in Islam.

True or false

Choose the right option



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1. Promote the virtues like telling the truth only, helping the needy and poor, visiting the sick, serving the community and society etc

2. Prevent the vices like telling lies, backbiting, deceiving, harming people etc.

1. Examples of promoting the virtues and preventing the vices from the life of our Prophet Muhammad (Swa) and his companions.

2. Why and how Islam prohibited the drinking wine.

Let’s practice

Ask your teacher

2. Allah has asked us to enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong.

3. Those people who are doing as exactly as Allah has said are the best people.

4. All the Prophets and the Messengers have not performed this duty of promoting what is right and preventing what is wrong.


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“Mother, tell me a story” Fathima requested her

mother when she was put to bed.

“What kind of story do you like to hear?” mother asked


“ A story from the life of our Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and his

companions.” Fathima replied.

“Ok, fine. Today I am going to tell you about the

brotherhood between Muhajirs and Ansar”

“Ok. I am all ears” Fathima said in excitement.

“ Fathima, this is a real story. Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم migrated

from Makkah to Madinah with his most trusted companion

Abubakr a. That’s the Hijra. You already know that. Right

?,” mother asked Fathima.



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“Yes. I do” she replied.

“Do you know who is called Muhajirs and Ansar?”

mother asked again.

“Muhajirs are those companions who migrated to

Madinah from Makkah. And those people from Madinah

who welcomed and supported Prophet and Muhajirs are

called Ansar. Am I right, mother?” she asked back.

“Yes baby. You are absolutely right” the mother smiled

and continued “let me tell the story”.

“When our Prophet and his followers left Makkah for

Madinah, Ansar welcomed them warmly. Prophet decided

to build a strong community there. He laid the foundation


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for that by building trust and rapport between the two

major tribes from Ansar, Aus and Khazraj. He ended the

decades of ancient enmity and hostility between them. He

also worked to foster a sense of connection between them.

Prophet made Madinah a better place to live in. He did not

just want peaceful coexistence, but rather he wanted it to

be brotherhood and love in Allah. Then Prophet worked to

build trust and confidence between Muhajirs and Ansar.”

She stopped talking for a while.

Mother continued, “Just like he brought the warring

tribes of Madinah together, Prophet united the Muhajirs

and Ansar. He successfully made the relationship between

Muhajirs and Ansar a strong one through sharing. When

Muhajir followed the holy Prophet to Madinah, they left all

their belongings including house, business, properties and

even family. Ansar not only shared their food and shelter

with Muhajir. But also gave them life partners from

Madinah. The brotherhood between them was stronger

than steel and thicker than blood.”

“Our Prophet not only established a state but also

made the brotherhood between the subjects, which was a


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prominent feature of that ideal state. That brotherhood

was rooted in the love of Allah. This is what Prophet done

in Madinah”

“Mother, how wonderful their relationship was”

Fathima exclaimed.

“Yes dear. Sharing is caring. That is the essence of

their brotherhood. They could do it because they did it for

Allah” mother added.

“Ok, mom. I expect you to tell me the stories like this.

I would like to hear something like this tomorrow also”

Fathima told her mother.

“Insha Allah. You should sleep now. It’s already late.

Good night” the mother gave her a kiss on her forehead

and left the bedroom.

Friends, the model for the brotherhood in Islam is the

brotherhood between Muhajir and Ansar. The relationship

between them was stronger than the relationship between

the family members. Muhajir and Ansar were fully

committed to help their brothers out. They were like a

building which strengthens and supports one another.


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They made an alliance for Islam and its Prophet. The most

obvious thing between them is the love for Allah and the


Islam has promoted the unity and brotherhood

between the Muslims. Congregation for Friday prayer at a

place, the way of distribution of zakat, annual gathering at

Makkah for Hajj, conducting expeditions or holy wars,

preaching of Islamic teachings, seeking the knowledge, the

negotiations etc. are based on group work. Almost

everything in Islam needs a group work. This led to

strengthening of the Muslim community and making the

brotherhood a universal phenomenon.

Islam also promoted the brotherhood among Muslims

and Non-Muslims. The holy Quran advises to talk with the

Non-Muslims in ways that are best and gracious. May Allah

make the relationship with Muslims as well as Non-Muslims

much stronger, Aameen.


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1. How did the people of Madinah welcome the Prophet?

a) Welcomed him warmly.

b) They didn’t show any love and respect.

c) welcomed him with hesitation.

2. How did the Prophet make Madinah a better place to live in?

a) By migrating from Makkah to Madinah.

b) By ending enmity and hostility between the Aus and Khazraj.

c) By building roads and canals.

3. What was the prominent feature of the state in the Prophet’s Madinah?

a) Bitter enmity between Aus and Khazraj.

b) The brotherhood between Muhajir and Ansar and their love for Allah.

c) Tall buildings.

1. The model for the brotherhood in Islam is the ………………..between Muhajir and Ansar.

Fill in the blanks

Choose the right option



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2. The most obvious thing between Muhajir and Ansar is the ……... and the Prophet.

3. The holy Quran advises to talk with the …………….. in ways that are best and most gracious.

1. The relationship between Muhajir and Ansar was stronger than the relationship between the family members.

2. Islam promoted the brotherhood among Muslims and Non-Muslims.

3. Muhajir and Ansar were not committed to help their brothers out.

4. Muhajir and Ansar were like a building which strengthens and supports one another.

True or false

Complete the table

The Things Which Need Group Work In Islam1. Congregation for Friday prayer at a place.


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“Father, could you please tell me a story about

empathy. My school teacher has told us to

come with a story tomorrow. The major theme in the story

should be empathy,” Ali asked his father. “For sure. Hear

me out,” father replied immediately.

“The story happens in Makkah many centuries ago. A

young man was walking through the street. He saw an old

woman carrying luggage. She looked tired. Nobody was

really ready to help her. When he saw her stumbling and

losing her balance, he approached and offered his help.

She happily gave him the stuff. Both of them started to

walk towards her home.

On the way, she talked about many things. The man

carrying luggage heard everything she said silently. He

continued to help her with her load. When they reached

the destination, the old lady said: “Thank you very much.



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You have really been so kind. Let me advise you to stay

away from Muhammad, the fake Prophet in makkah who

misleads our youth and blames our Gods”. She was talking

about Muhammad(Swa), the new messenger of Allah. She

poured insults and abuses on him. The man smiled and

replied “What if I am that Muhammad?”

That man’s parting words left her speechless. She was

shocked and surprised to see the man she had thought was

an evil person standing in front of her. The words weren’t

out of her mouth before she realised how wrong she was.

“Really?” eventually the old lady asked and said “I bear

witness there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah,

and Muhammad is his Messenger.”

“End of the story. Ali, did you like this real story?,”


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father asked Ali.“Yes, father. I did,” he replied.“What is the

moral of the story? Tell me,” father asked.

“The Prophet was an empathetic person. He chose to

carry the old woman’s stuff even in the middle of insults

and abuse. The Prophet’s good nature and character made

him committed to help her throughout. He was sensitive

towards her needs and emotions. He cared for her and

dealt with her compassionately till the last moment. The

way the Prophet carried himself showed the old woman

who he really was” Ali replied.

Friends, Empathy is the ability to sense other people’s

emotions. It is the capacity to imagine what someone else

might be thinking or feeling. It is thinking about others in

their perspective to identify and feel their distress.

If an empathic person sees someone suffering, he will

share the burden. He will be ready to help. Empathic

individuals don’t just feel sympathy or pity. Rather, they

feel a sense of connection with those who face hardships.

They will be emotionally connected with them.

Let’s take a pledge to be empathetic to our fellow

beings. Let’s follow our holy Prophet’s path.


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1. Name the lead character in the story told by Ali’s father ?

a) A scholar from Madinah.

b) A young man.

c) Prophet Muhammed صلى الله عليه وسلم

2. What did the man do to the old woman?

a) Ignored her as usual.

b) Offered his help when she needed it the most.

c) Helped the old lady at first and abused her later when he got in-sulted.

3. Why did the Prophet continue to carry luggage even after being insulted?

a) He was offered money.

b) He was compelled to do so.

c) Because he was empathic, compassionate and committed to help.

1. ………….is the ability to sense other people’s emotions.

Fill in the blanks

Choose the right option



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2. Empathy is thinking about others in their ……………..to identify and feel their dis-tress.

3. Empathic individuals feel a sense of ……………..with those who face hardships.

1. The Prophet was not an empathetic person.

2. The Prophet’s good nature and character made him committed to help her throughout.

3. The Prophet didn’t care for her or deal with her compassionately

4. The way the Prophet carried himself showed the old woman who he really was.

1. Help the poor, weak and tired.

2. listen attentively when someone is expressing something.

3. Put yourself in another person’s place, imagine and feel their emotions.

4. Respond appropriately to others’ problems even though you can’t provide a solu-tion.

1. More stories of empathy from the Prophet’s life.

2. Real-life empathic events from modern times.

True or false

Let’s Practice

Ask your teacher


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Ali came back from school. He bathed and dressed

up. When his mother saw him going outside, she

asked. “ Where are you going?”

“I am going to meet Hashim, my close friend,” he


“It’s quite late. Tomorrow is a holiday. Why don’t you

go tomorrow? She asked him.

“Mom, this is quite urgent. I need to go. Hashim wants

to talk with me” he replied.

“Ok, then. But don’t miss Maghrib prayer in

congregation” she advised him.

“For sure mom” he gave this reply and left home.

Hashim and Ali are good friends. They do talk and

discuss many things. They support and help each other.



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They love each other to the core. They share and care for

each other. There is no secret between them. They enjoy

each other’s success. And support in failures. The friendship

between them is stronger than the bond between the


Friends, friendship is a state of enduring affection,

esteem, intimacy, and trust between two people. It is a

voluntary relationship which is more concerned with

meeting the others’ needs and interests as well as satisfying

their own desires. In all cultures, friendships are important

relationships throughout a person’s life span.

Imagine a world without friendship and relationship.

How boring will it be? Naturally, all beings will be seeking a

friend. The selection of friends is one important thing in

our life. A good friend is like a mirror and

a shadow. The mirror doesn’t

lie and the shadow never

leaves. Abu bakr Sidheeq

(R.A) was our prophet’s

closest friend and trusted

companion. The


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relationship between the two is an imitative model of

friendship for us. Our prophet was like a friend and guide

not only to Abu Bakr(RA) but also to all other companions.

“A man is upon the religion of his best friend, so let one of

you look at whom he befriends” our Prophet once advised

his companions to be cautious while selecting friends.

On another occasion, the prophet made a comparison.

“The example of a good companion in comparison with a

bad one, is like that of the musk seller and the blacksmith’s

bellows (furnace); from the first you would either buy musk

or enjoy its good smell while the bellows would either burn

your clothes or body, or you get a bad nasty smell thereof”.

By this comparison, the prophet urged us to choose friends

well and wisely.

Therefore, one who supports you for everything is not

a good friend. But a good friend is one who corrects you

when you are wrong and supports you when you are right.

May Allah bless us to have such friends and enjoy life


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1. Where did Ali go after school?

a) To meet his close friend Hashim.

b) To buy vegetables from the local store.

c) To play football in the park

2. Why did Ali want to meet Hashim?

a) To go together to the park.

b) To talk about trivial matters.

c) To discuss an urgent matter.

3. What do close friends normally do?

a) They will only do what other people do.

b) They love, support, care for each other.

c) They will abuse each other all the time committed to help.

1. Friendship is a ……………... which is more concerned with meeting the oth-ers’ needs and interests as well as satisfying their own desires.

Fill in the blanks

Choose the right option



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2. A good friend is like a ………...and a …………..

3. “A man is upon the ……..of his best friend, so let one of you look at whom he befriends”

1. The selection of friends is an ordinary thing in our life.

2. Abu Bakr Sidheeq (R.A) was our Prophet’s closest friend and trusted companion.

3. Our Prophet was a friend and guide only to Abu Bakr(RA).

4. Our Prophet once advised his companions to be cautious while selecting friends.

True or false

Complete the table

The Characteristics of Good Friends1. They do talk and discuss many things..2. They support and help each other.

1. The friendship between the Prophet and Abu Bakr (RA)

2. Examples of good friendships.

Ask your teacher


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The Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم was walking through

the street. It was an Eid day. The children were

running in excitement. They were smiling and laughing.

While the Prophet was watching them play, he noticed a

boy sitting by himself on the side of the path. The little boy

was crying and looked very sad. The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم bent down

and patted him on the shoulders and asked, “Why are you

crying dear..? Why are you not playing with your friends?”

“I lost my parents. I have no one to bathe and dress

me up in new clothes,” said the boy.

“If I were to become your new father and Ayesha your

new mother, and Fatima your new sister, would that make

you feel better?,” Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم asked him. “Oh yes, that

would be the best thing in the world!,” the boy said

Merciful Prophet


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smilingly. Prophet took him home and gave him new

clothes and good food on this beautiful day of Eid. The boy

indeed had a wonderful Eid that day. The boy’s heart filled

with delight since he got the noblest family.

Our Prophet was very lovely and kind to the children

like you. He was also merciful to the birds and animals.

Once a child gave a fledgling to the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم. “Where did

you get this?” the Prophet asked.

“I took it from a nest,” the boy replied.

“Dear, how upset your mum will be if you are missing?”

the Prophet said.

“She will be so sad,” the boy answered.

“This bird also will have a mum. Won’t she also be

upset when she is missing her fledgling?” the Prophet

asked him.

The boy agreed. Then the Prophet told him to put the

fledgling in the nest where he got it from. This incident like

many others also tells us how merciful our holy Prophet



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Our Prophet was a merciful not only to humans but

also to animals. He was kind towards Muslims and Non-

Muslims alike. He showed enduring love and kindness

towards Allah’s creations. He was sincere in his love and

care for all. He has shown mercy to everyone including the

women and children, the weak and poor, the animals and

even inanimate objects. He was more compassionate than

any other person. He urged us to be merciful and kind to

everyone. He once said “Have mercy on those on earth,

you will receive mercy from the One in Heaven (Allah)”.

Let’s follow our Prophet and be merciful towards everyone.


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1. Why was the little boy crying?

a) One of his friends beat him up.

b) He lost his valuable ring.

c) He was an orphan and alone. He could not celebrate Eid as other chil-dren do.

2. How did the Prophet console boy?

a) By offering sweets.

b) By finding him foster parents.

c) By taking him home, dressing him up for Eid and giving a family.

3. Why did the Prophet ask to put fledgling back to the nest?

a) Because the mother bird will be upset if the fledgling is found missing.

b) Because the mother of the boy will be upset.

c) Because fledgling complained to the Prophet.

1. The Prophet showed enduring love and kindness towards………...creations.

Fill in the blanks

Choose the right option



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2. The Prophet was …………...in his love and care for all.

3. “Have mercy on those on earth, you will receive mercy from the One in ……………….”

1. The Prophet was not kind towards Non-Muslims.

2. The Prophet was more compassionate than any other person.

3. The Prophet urged us to be merciful and kind to everyone.

4. The Prophet has shown mercy only to the humans.

True or false

Complete the diagram


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1. Be merciful and kind hearted.

2. Get rid of arrogance and violence.

3. Show mercy to all and be sincere to Allah.

4. Learn more about the merciful Prophet.

Let’s practice