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St Alfege with St Peter’s CE

Primary School

Newsletter, Tuesday, 23 July 2019

A message from the Headteacher……

Dear Parents and Carers,

May I thank you all for your messages of support and the kind

words you have said as I leave St Alfege with St Peter’s. The school

is a very special and vibrant place to be part of and I will miss it


I wish Mrs Wilson every success as she takes over the leadership of

the school, and I all of our Year 6 pupils as they move onto second-

ary school.

May God bless you all, and may you all have a restful and peaceful

summer holiday and blessed future.

Matthew Bulpitt

Executive Headteacher

Dates for your diary…..


2&3– INSET days

4– Years 1-6 back to school


4-6– Vision & Ethos week

16– Meet the teacher 3.45pm


11– INSET day

18– Harvest Service at church 10am


It has been a long and busy term in FS1.

The school’s Christian value this term was ‘Thankfulness’ and we have been stressing the importance

of thankfulness to the children by reading the Bible story about the ten lepers who were healed by

Jesus and only one came back to thank Jesus. On Roots Day the children sang a Kenyan song,

‘Asante sana Yesu’ which translated in English means ‘Thank you very much Jesus’. The children

continue to use our prayer area and to write their own prayers for our prayer book.

In phonics we covered group one and group two sounds, preparing the children for phonics in FS2.

Our main topic this term in learning about the world has been ‘Creepy Crawlies’ and the children

have really enjoyed this, especially the practical aspect when we have been going on creepy crawly

adventures in the magic garden. We have learnt about caterpillars, butterflies, ladybirds, spiders,

worms, grasshoppers, snails and ants and they have made some very effective models of the creepy

crawlies to take home.

We had a very successful sports day on 1 July.

I would like to wish you all a lovely summer holiday with your families.

Joanne Newton


Our recent topic has been, ‘Traditional Tales’. We have been retelling lots of our favourite fairy tales and enjoyed singing some songs at our collective worship this half term.

We have spent lots of time preparing for, planning and writing our very own fairy tales. The children

all created their own characters and fairy tale settings. We worked together to create a story plan

which the children adapted for their own stories. We then wrote our own fairy tales. The standard of

writing was very high and the children created some detailed and creative stories. We made our

stories into a book which we took home to read and share with our families.

Despite the not-so-summery weather, we have

had lots of opportunities to get outside and learn

in our outdoor area and magic garden. The

children have created their own games and learnt

about the wildlife in the magic garden. We wrote

fact files about some of the creatures we found

living in the magic garden and made a booklet for

the FS1 children

On Roots day we celebrated international friendship and

thought about the friendships we have made with one

another. We shared stories from around the world and

learnt about some new characters.

Year 1

Despite this half term being a long one, it seems to have gone quicker than ever! We have had lots of

exciting events, including Roots Day, Sports Day and our class assembly on the Fire of London.

In English this half term, we have studied ‘Peter Pan’ and ‘Lost and Found.’ The children have been

producing longer pieces of writing – and still remembering their capital letters and full stops!

In Maths, we have tackled fractions, place value up to 100, including partitioning numbers into tens

and ones, and, more recently, money. The children are now confident working with, and counting,

numbers (forwards and backwards!) up to 100.

Our topic in Science has been ‘Seasons.’ We have learnt about the differences between the seasons,

including weather, lengths of days/nights and what happens to deciduous trees in each season. In

FRE, we have been learning all about Islam. We now know how Muslims pray, show respect to the

Qur’an and welcome a baby into their faith.

The children have thoroughly enjoyed Topic Friday, where we have been learning about the Fire of

London. We have performed, been detectives, used our senses to describe, written poems, painted and

used pastels, to name just some of the activities we have got up to! We also enjoyed a fantastic trip to

the Museum of London.

It has been a pleasure to teach Year 1 this year. They should be very proud of what they have

achieved. Miss Grace and Miss Page wish them all the best as they move up into Year 2!

Year 2

Our final term in Year 2 has been quite an adventure. We started off with Mr MacDonald helping us study

“The Dragon Machine” by Helen Ward and ended discussing the “Rules of Summer” by Shaun Tan. In between

all of this we’ve looked at our transport system in London (TFL) and have learned how to read a tube map to

find a destination – why not test us at home?

Highlights from this half term include; our local walk around looking at the different methods of transport in

Greenwich, testing and making electrical circuits, our collective worship on thankfulness and our epic trip

across London where we covered almost every form of transport including the cable car!

A huge congratulation goes out to all the children in Year 2 from me for their fantastic achievements this year.

This class have grown in their listening, their drive and their sense of enjoyment for learning and will surely

look forward to flourishing even further as they move up the school.

My huge thanks to all the other adults that have supported in Year 2 at different times this year including Ms

Andersen, Miss Oliver, Miss Garcia but an especially huge thanks to Miss Buckingham who, throughout all the

changes and babies, has helped steer the class magnificently being the constant that your children have loved


Have a wonderful summer and come back ready to start your Year 3 learning. Thanks for all the fun and hard

work Year 2,

From Mr Chadwick

Year 3

Year 3 have had an excellent end to their year. We have worked hard learning more about shape and time in

Maths as well as measuring capacity and weight. In English, we began the term by persuading our chairs to

come back to work after they had quit! It seems that our writing did the trick – there have been no signs of

them going on strike again – phew! We have loved learning about World War 2 in CCL, especially our dress up

day and VE party. FRE has provided the children the opportunity to learn about Buddhism and reflect on the

purpose of worship and quiet times in their own lives. We had another excellent Roots Day and International

Evening – thank you Miss Newton.

A last message to Year 3. All of your teachers have had the most wonderful year teaching you and although we

will miss you, we know that you are ready for the challenges Year 4 holds.

We wish you all a fun-filled summer break and look forward to seeing you in September.

Miss Izibili, Miss Manning and Miss Garcia

Year 4

What a Choctastic last term we have had!

Learning about the Maya Civilisation, the history of chocolate and the process of making chocolate, was just the

start. Visiting the Chocolate Museum in Brixton and making our own chocolate bar from scratch was an

awesome experience. Designing chocolates at school then making and testing them was phenomenal. The

adults gave us feedback, which included;

‘I would definitely buy these in a shop.’

As if this wasn’t enough, we planned and wrote our own cacao pod themed stories, turning them into mini

books. Hope you enjoy reading them.

The Chocolate Museum

Amazingly, we found that there

is a chocolate museum in


We milled cacao nibs then added

hot honey, chilli and cinnamon,

to create our own Mayan style

chocolate bars.

Designing chocolates

In groups, we designed chocolates, then made them.

Year 5

This last half term has arguably been our best ever. We have bonded, laughed and worked together

in every aspect of school life. We have enjoyed reading Skellig and writing two different diary entries.

We have secured our Maths knowledge ready for Year 6.

Topic Friday has been incredibly fun – we have learnt all about Extreme Weather and Natural

Disasters. We are experts on weather and warning systems all around the world! We have produced

some fabulous art work including tsunami’s, tornadoes and volcanic eruptions. We ended our topic

with a trip to the Thames Barrier.

We also dug up the potatoes that we planted at the start of the year. This was a real experience for

us – especially when two frogs jumped out of the dirt at us!!! We made potato salad and really

enjoyed eating it.

Overall “Year 5 has been an amazing and challenging experience”.

Good Luck in Year 6. Have a lovely summer. From Miss Cordrey and Mrs Rausch (Team Year 5)

Year 6

Year 6 have had a busy half term with lots of trips packed in and have made the most of their final term at

Saint Alfege.

As well as our trips we have been doing plenty of writing to get us ready for secondary school. We wrote stories

based on a video clip and also created autobiographies of our time spent at primary school.

In Maths we have continued working on number fluency and used these skills to solve mathematical investiga-

tions and logic puzzles. We are now suduko experts.

In FRE we thought about all the connections we have made between our own Faiths and other Faiths. We

looked for ways that we can live our lives closer to Jesus.

On Topic Fridays we have been learning about the Wild West. We made dream catchers, patchwork quilts and

cowboy hats. We also visited City Hall to compare the modern London landscape with the landscape of the

Great Plains. As we were learning about bank robberies in the Wild West we visited the Bank of England Mu-

seum and saw how money is kept safe nowadays.

We had a wonderful celebration of our different cultures and traditions on Roots Day and made friendship trees

representing the places we come from and how they link to other places around the World.

Finally, we performed our showstopper The Greatest Showman. Our dedication to learning our lines and the

dance moves impressed everyone. As a celebration of all the efforts we had put in we went to Greenwich Park

and spent a morning playing games and enjoying the sunshine.

What a hardworking, fun loving and wonderful group of children this Year 6 class have been. We have no doubt

they will go on to great things.

Good Luck at Secondary School Year 6!

Talk about Art & Tides of Change

Some children in years 3-6 have been involved in a project called ‘Talk about Art & Tides of Change’.

The children have produced some art pieces that have formed a stained glass window in the church.

The art was inspired by the river Thames and how the river impacts on everyday lives. It is fantastic

work the children have produced and the exhibition is available to view in St Alfege Church until

26th July.

Talk about Art have spaces available for the family version of Tides Of change which is a FREE

workshop running on Wednesday 24th July 2019, 10.00am – 12.00pm.

Tickets can be booked on event brite via the link:


Roots day 5 July 2019

Dinner Money …

A school lunch is £2.50 per day. £12.50 per week.

Dinner money should be paid in advance as per the policy.

Please contact the office if you have any queries or difficulties relating to school dinners, or if you

would like a form to claim free school meals. Please see the office if you require your parent pay

details as we are now cashless.

4 September 2019-19 December 2019= £180

Extended School Clubs…

Whilst we do our best to ensure all clubs run every week, there are occasions where they may have to

be cancelled at short notice. We hope you understand that we cannot refund when these exceptional

circumstances occur.

Twitter: @stalfegeschool

We will continue to send out any other important information to you during the half-term

by letter, email or text.

Contact Info...

School Tel: 020 8858 3613


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Animation/ Times

Table Rockstars

(Years 3-6)


(Years 1-3)


(Years 1-6)


(Years 4-6)

Games & Puzzles

(Years 1-3)


(Years 4-6)

Musical theatre

(Years 4-6)

Arts & Crafts

(Years 1-3)


( Years 4-6)

Reading and


(Years 1-3)


(years 4-6)
