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30/07/04 heights:heights_:senior_s:senor_sc:ss_stude.doc



Applying to all students in the Senior School

The school, and the teachers working with students, will ensure that every opportunity is provided t oachieve the best possible results from studies at this school. However, we expect senior students t odemonstrate commitment, responsibility, respect and self discipline, in order to maximise theirlearning.

This will be indicated as :

1. I will attend school everyday unless prevented from doing so for medical reasons or reasonsotherwise approved by the school. I will provide doctor’s certificates and other documentationto explain absences when they must occur.

2. I will attend punctually ALL scheduled lessons, as they appear on my timetable, includinghomegroup periods and the extended counselling sessions each week and any extra lessonsarranged by agreement with teachers.

3. I will submit ALL assignments, complete ALL class work and homework and sit forALL required tests.

4. I will fulfil my responsibilities in meeting ALL deadlines or negotiating deadlinesaccording to the SACE/School policy.

5. My behaviour and attitude at school will be in accordance with that expected of a responsibleself-disciplined, committed student who is trying to achieve the best possible results fromthe opportunities offered by the school and its staff. I will obey all the school rules andpolicies and behave respectfully towards other students and staff. (This includes use ofcar and off campus privileges).

I understand that these behaviours will support my learning.

Student : ___________________________________________ H.G. :____________________________

Student Signature :______________________________________________________________________

Endorsed by H.G. Counsellor : __________________________ Date :_____________________________

I have read and understood the Senior School expectations outlined above and agree tosupport the school and my child in meeting these expectations.

Parent/Care Giver :_____________________________________________________________________(if student is under 18 years of age)