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  • 8/13/2019 SSRN-id2108773jkj


    Who Participates in Democratic Revolutions? A Comparison of

    the Egyptian and Tunisian Revolutions

    Mark Beissinger, Amaney Jamal, and Kevin Mazur

    Princeton University

  • 8/13/2019 SSRN-id2108773jkj



    This paper uses highly unusual, individual-level data on protest participation in the Tunisian and

    Egyptian revolutions to evaluate the leading causal theories behind the Arab Spring (and

    democratic revolutions, more generally) by connecting a representative sample of the population

    involved in protest activism with the conditions impelling their participation. It does so by

    evaluating a series of hypotheses about who should be expected to participate in these

    revolutions if specific theoretical explanations hold true. After establishing the patterns of who

    participated, we compare them with those of another democratic revolution outside the region

    the 2004 Orange Revolution in Ukraine. The paper also investigates who among the participants

    in these revolutions prioritized civil and political rights over other ends (i.e., constituted the

    democratic vanguard within these revolutions). We find that explanations emphasizing value

    change, secularization, and absolute material deprivation are wanting. Protesters in both Egypt

    and Tunisia were predominantly males of middle class occupational and income profiles, and at

    least as religious as other members of their societies. The evidence also shows that most

    participants were motivated primarily by economic demands (and to a lesser extent, corruption),

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    The revolutions of the Arab Spring witnessed massive political upheavals, as citizens

    across a number of Arab countries rushed to the streets in protest against their respective

    regimes. In a matter of weeks two longstanding authoritarian regimesthe Ben-Ali dictatorship

    in Tunisia and the Mubarak dictatorship in Egyptfell, while leaders in other Arab countries

    braced for the worst. As the Arab Spring unfolded across the region, both spectators and

    participants labeled these protest movements as democratizing revolutions that were sweeping

    the Arab world. Indeed, free-and-fair elections were held in the aftermath of protests in both

    Egypt and Tunisia. To many, it appeared that democratic change had finally reached the Arab


    Yet these transformations leave us with many more questions than answers. For one

    thing, other than impressionistic accounts from journalists or eyewitnesses, we know little about

    the individuals who filled Tahrir and November 7 Squares 1 and who acted to bring about regime

    change, or about the individual grievances and preferences that motivated them to mobilize in

    the face of likely repression. If these revolutions are rightly understood as democratic

    revolutions, 2 what were the attitudes of the protestors toward democratic freedoms and liberties?

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    they similar or different from the societies from which they hailed? What does this tell us about

    the political processes underlying democratic revolutions more generally?

    Several schools of thought directly point to the important role that individuals play in

    demanding democracy, and theories of democratization and revolution provide us with a basic

    roadmap of expectations for predicting which individuals would likely participate in a

    democratic revolution. However, rarely do we have available to us systematic information in

    order to be able to evaluate those expectations. As we know, revolutions typically occur

    suddenly, taking both observers and participants by surprise (Kuran, 1995). Therefore, it is

    highly unusual to have a detailed cross-sectional record of the attitudes and backgrounds those

    who participated in a revolution, or to be able to compare them with other members of society. 3

    In this paper we are able to do precisely that for two revolutions. Using an original dataset from

    the Second Wave Arab Barometer, which includes surveys administered in Tunisia and Egypt

    after the Arab Revolutions, we examine the extent to which the backgrounds, attitudes, and

    behaviors of those who participated in the protest movements in Egypt and Tunisia map onto

    theoretical expectations.

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    comparisons of who participated in these revolutions with analogous data on protestors in

    another democratic revolution outside the regionthe 2004 Orange Revolution in Ukraine.

    Fourth, we take our analysis of the Arab Spring revolutions to the next level by examining who,

    among those who protested, specifically prioritized democratic demands as opposed to other

    issues. Finally, we conclude with a discussion of the implications of these findings for our

    understanding of democratic revolution and post-revolutionary political processes.

    The paper demonstrates a number of important findings. First, we show that economic

    grievances (and to a lesser extent, grievances over corruption) dominated the concerns of

    participants in both revolutions, while civil and political freedoms ranked low among priorities

    for the vast majority of participants. Thus, for most participating in democratic revolutions,

    democratic revolutions are not necessarily about achieving democratic values, but about other

    issues. This finding is consistent with Rustows (1970) well-known observation that democracy

    is not the deterministic result of certain structural configurations or cultural proclivities but the

    fortuitous by-product of a struggle between societal actors. Second, we show that the Egyptian

    and Tunisian revolutions were composed disproportionately of middle-class males, with

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    Revolution in Ukraine, as it was not based on the kind of sharp regional and identity cleavages

    that characteristic of the Ukrainian case. Thus, democratizing revolutions have a variety of

    coalitional patterns that are not summed up by any single theory. Third, we find that among those

    who participated in these revolutions, participation in civil society associations is the factor most

    closely associated with whether participants prioritized democratic values or saw the revolution

    as primarily motivated by other factors. Thus, the nuts and bolts of democratization such as

    civil society are critical in underpinning the democratic direction of democratic revolutions.

    Participation in Democratic Revolution: Theories and Hypotheses

    The literatures on democratization and revolutions provide us with a basic roadmap of

    expectations about which citizens should be playing significant roles in bringing about

    democratic revolutions and why. Indeed, most bottom-up accounts of democratizationthose

    that argue that societies are important agents for democratizing changecontain explicit or

    implicit arguments about the types of citizens who act as agents of democratization. For

    example, a large number of the classic works in the fieldfrom Almond and Verba (1963) to

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    Some of these theories also posit that particular categories of citizens should be at the

    forefront of democratizing mobilizations, given the nature of the value-change process. Lipset

    (1959), for example, places particular emphasis on education as a key determinant of democratic

    values, leading one to believe that the more highly educated citizens should disproportionately

    participate in democratic revolution. In other modernization formulations, there is the built-in

    assumption that societies undergoing modernization will witness cohort shifts where newer

    generations will hold more modern, egalitarian, and democratic worldviews (Inglehart, 1990), so

    that youth in particular should be expected to be at the forefront of revolutionary democratic

    change. Indeed, several journalists, scholars, and policy makers covering the events of the Arab

    Spring linked the events to a youth population that was more oriented towards a set of universal

    democratic values. 4 "#$%$ &'()*+ ,$)-$'% .,(/0 0#$ 12., 342-56 $74#.%-8$9 0:( -50$2;2$).0$9

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    Civil society accounts of democratization and democratic revolution have emphasized the

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    networks necessary for mobilizing individuals, and helps the development of a democratic

    culture of tolerance and bargaining (Diamond and Plattner, 1989). In the Egyptian context,

    Hamalawy (2011) notes that activism around the Second Palestinian Intifada in 2000 and the Iraq

    war in 2003 created links among activists and a space for criticism of the regime that would

    facilitate the 2011 protests. Several accounts of the Arab revolutions hold that labor unions and

    mosques played critical roles in mobilizing people into the streets (Beinin, 2011). Thus, one

    might expect that those most likely to participate in democratic revolutions and most likely to

    champion democratic values within those revolutions would be individuals who are involved in

    civic associations and who have high levels of social capital. 5 Yet, civil society associations in

    authoritarian settings have been known in some instances to reflect the orientations of the regime

    (Jamal, 2007). There is also some question of the role played by face-to-face association (i.e.,

    strong ties) in promoting democracyparticularly at a moment in history when the weak

    ties of the internet have come to play such a critical role in mobilizational politics.

    Another set of accounts of democratic change focuses on the role of religion in society.

    The secularization thesis argues that, as modernization proceeds, people become less religious

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    liberal democratic orientation. In a similar vein, Fish (2002) maintains that Islam hurts

    democracy, because Muslims lack the necessary tolerance towards women that is crucial for the

    foundations of a society based on equality. Thus, a number of theories would lead one to believe

    that Arab citizens who are more religious would be less likely to champion democracy or to

    participate in a democratic revolution.

    Other theories focus on specific class-based actors as the likely participants in

    democratizing revolutions. Both Moore (1966) and Huntington (1991), in different ways,

    highlighted the emergence of new economic forces in society through economic development (in

    particular, the emergence of autonomous bourgeoisie and middle-class sectors) as critical to the

    democratization process. In Huntingtons account, for instance, a broad and expanding middle

    class, consisting of businesspeople, professionals, shopkeepers, teachers, civil servants,

    managers, technicians, and clerical and sales workers, sees democracy as a means for securing

    their own interests; as he writes (1991, 67), In virtually every country the most active supporters

    of democratization came from the urban middle class. Others, by contrast, influenced by

    developments in Latin America and Southern Europe, highlight the mobilized actions undertaken

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    driver of democratization (Boix 2003; Acemoglu and Robinson 2006). On the basis of these

    assumptions, one might expect that those participating in democratizing revolutions might be

    predominantly the relatively disadvantaged, prioritizing economic gains and redistribution over

    democratic values. By contrast, the collective action paradigm (and the resource mobilization

    school associated with it) would lead us to believe that those most likely to challenge a

    dictatorial government in high-risk collective action would be those who derive their income or

    resources independently of the government (i.e., those not employed in the public sector) (Olson,

    1971; Tullock, 1971; McCarthy and Zald, 1977; Hardin, 1995; Lichbach, 1995).

    Thus, based on this review of the literature, we can stipulate the following hypotheses to

    be tested concerning who participated in the Arab Spring revolutions:

    HI: Those who participate in democratic revolutions should predominantly be those

    citizens who prioritize democratic values over other concerns.

    H2. More highly educated citizens should be expected to participate disproportionately in

    democratic revolutions and to champion democratic ends within those revolutions.

    H3: Youth should be more likely to participate in democratic revolutions than older

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    H5: Individuals who are less religious should be more likely to participate in democratic

    revolutions and defend democratic values within those revolutions, particularly in predominantly

    Islamic societies.

    Those participating in and championing democratic values within democratic revolutions

    may or may not be predominantly from a certain class, as the literature is divided over whether

    class plays a significant role in democratization, and which class, if class any, plays the leading

    role. Therefore we advance four competing hypotheses:

    H6A: Those participating in and championing democratic values within

    democratic revolutions should be predominantly from the urban middle class.

    H6B: Those participating in and championing democratic values within

    democratic revolutions should be predominantly from the working class.

    H6C: Those participating in democratic revolutions should constitute a national,

    cross-class coalition.

    H6D: Those participating in democratizing revolutions should be predominantly

    the relatively disadvantaged, who prioritize economic gains and redistribution

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    administered in eleven Arab countries. The survey was fielded in Egypt in July 2011 and in

    Tunisia in April 2011shortly after the revolutionary tide that swept across these countries. The

    Arab Barometer survey was not originally designed as a survey aimed at studying the Arab

    Spring revolutions. However, an additional battery of questions on the revolutions was added to

    the survey in this round that not only allow us to identify who participated in these revolutions,

    but also their attitudes toward and understanding of these revolutions. In Egypt, 1,220 people

    were surveyed, while in Tunisia 1,196 were surveyed. 6

    In Egypt 8 percent of the sample reported participating in demonstrations surrounding the

    revolution, compared to 16 percent of those surveyed in Tunisia. The difference in rates of

    participation between Egypt and Tunisia may seem puzzling at first glance. However, as will be

    shown below, somewhat different segments of Egyptian and Tunisian societies participated in

    these revolutions. Differences in population size and dispersion also provide some basic

    intuitions about why one might expect divergent rates of participation in Egypt and Tunisia.

    Tunisia is a state of 10.7 million people, whereas Egypts population is 82.5 million (World

    Bank 2011). Scaling participation rates up to total population (an enterprise that needs to be

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    provincial town, Sidi Bouzid, and slowly made their way to the capital over the course of several

    weeks. The Egyptian protests, by contrast, began in the countrys two major cities, Cairo and

    Alexandria, and had millions on the street within four days of the first protest. Because the

    Egyptian protests began rapidly in the place where all revolutionary movements aim to end up--

    at the seat of power, they afforded less opportunity than the Tunisian protests for undecided

    individuals to throw in with the revolution.

    Who Participated in the Egyptian and Tunisian Revolutions

    Protest participants in both Tunisia and Egypt tended to be overwhelmingly male, with

    above average levels of income and education, and from professional or clerical occupational

    backgrounds. The profiles of protesters in each country differed most strikingly by age. Though

    protesters were younger than the overall population mean in both countries, Tunisian youth

    comprised a larger portion of the demonstrators, with 60 percent of demonstrators under the age

    of 35, compared with 44 percent in Egypt (This age group comprised 43 percent of the total

    sample in both countries). Rather, in Egypt, the 35 to 44 year old group had the highest rate of

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    Tunisian demonstrators but only 3 percent of Egyptian demonstrators. 7 This difference is not

    reducible to age, as Tunisian students participated at strikingly high rates. Within the 18 to 24

    age group, which contains over 90 percent of the student population in both countries, 37 percent

    of Tunisian students participated, compared to 25 percent of non-students. Among Egyptians of

    the same age group, the figures were 8 percent among students and 8 percent among non-

    students. 8 The cross-tabulations alone give lie to folk theories that the Arab revolutions were

    caused primarily by youth frustration or had among them a single set of causal factors; whereas

    youth (and especially students) participated at high rates in Tunisia, a group nearing middle age

    formed the core of the Egyptian demonstrators. The age of Egyptian protesters implies that

    modernization theses emphasizing value change due to cohort effects (Hypothesis 3) seem not to

    be operating in Egypt.

    Explanations linking protest to absolute levels of material deprivation (Hypothesis 6D)

    are similarly unsupported by the data. Given the amount of scholarly and popular attention

    devoted to poor employment prospects as a cause of frustration and revolution in the Arab

    world, 9 one might expect unemployment to be a significant positive predictor of protest

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    unemployed and 5 percent of demonstrators unemployed. The unemployed constituted a far

    larger share of the demonstrators in Tunisia, both in absolute terms and relative to their share of

    the general population; unemployed comprised 22 percent of the Tunisian demonstrators but 18

    percent of the general population. 10 Unemployment is highly correlated with age in both

    countries, but the unemployed population in Egypt is on average younger than in Tunisia

    (Tunisians under 35 comprise 43 percent of the sample but 66 percent of the unemployed, while

    in Egypt this age category constitutes only 43 percent of the sample but 80 percent of the

    unemployed). Income profiles lend further credence to the notion that absolute deprivation was

    not a major factor. If frustration among the most disadvantaged segments of the population was

    the primary cause of participation in the revolutions, we would expect to see high levels of

    turnout among the lowest income segments. Yet as shown in Table 1, the poorest two income

    quintiles had the lowest rates of participation in both countries, and a bivariate regression of

    participation on income quintiles (Table 3) indicates that the likelihood of protest rises with

    increasing income.

    [Table 3 here]

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    but only 17 percent of the total population. The bivariate regression of participation on education

    is substantively and statistically significant in both cases (Table 3), and this relationship holds

    when subjected to multivariate controls. 11 While statistical tests on observational data cannot in

    themselves prove a causal relationship, the correlation between education and protest turnout

    provides some tentative support for the theory that education creates certain predispositions

    towards democracy (H2).

    In view of protesters educational attainments, both Egyptian and Tunisian revolutions

    could be interpreted as predominantly middle class revolutions (Hypothesis 6A). Classical

    Marxist accounts of democratization, like that of Moore (1966), identified the crucial middle

    actor as an active class of merchants and entrepreneurs in towns. 12 Yet the set of small

    bourgeoisie opposed to landed interests in a largely agrarian economy responsible for English

    industrial takeoff and democratization seem not to be present in the 2011 Egyptian and Tunisian

    cases; not only is the production structure in both Egypt and Tunisia far more manufacturing-

    and service-oriented than that of early developing England, but the owners of Egyptian and

    Tunisian capital are to varying degrees aligned with the state. 13

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    Occupation section of Table 1). Four of the occupational categories accord with Huntingtons

    (1991) definition of the urban middle class: professional, employer or director of an institution,

    government employee and private sector employee. 14 These categories are overrepresented

    among protesters relative to their share of the general population in both states. Only private

    sector employees in Tunisia participate at average levels for the general population (Table 1).

    These four categories, if taken together as a middle class, constitute 55 percent of the Egyptian

    demonstrators but only 25 percent of the general population. In particular, professionals stand

    out as an especially active group in the Egyptian revolution, constituting 17 percent of

    demonstrators but only 5 percent of the population. Their prevalence in the protesting group does

    not seem to be an artifact of other demographic factors; an ordinary logistic regression of protest

    participation on a professional dummy variable with age and gender controls shows the

    professional category to be statistically significant. By contrast, the professional category is not

    statistically different from zero in the same regression for Tunisia. 15 In Tunisia, the four middle

    class categories comprise 30 percent of the demonstrators but only 19 percent of the population.

    In this respect, while the middle class was significantly over-represented among participants in

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    workers constituting 17 percent of participants, students19 percent, and the unemployed21


    The high rate of participation among government employees (21 percent of Egyptian

    protesters versus 13 percent of the total population, and 12 percent of Tunisian protesters versus

    7 percent of the total population) casts doubt on the resource mobilization theories predicting that

    individuals whose income is tied to the state will be more likely to be quiescent (Hypothesis 7).

    The most direct beneficiaries of state largesse, such as Ben Alis son-in-law Mohamed Sakher al-

    Materi (who kept tigers on his personal residence and had frozen yogurt flown in on his private

    jet from St. Tropez) were obviously unlikely to protest against these regimes (Raghavan 2011).

    But the data show that most civil servants were given insufficient perquisites to bind them to the

    regime; Egyptian government employees were at the 62 nd percentile in the income distribution

    and their Tunisian counterparts were at the 74 th percentile.

    The picture when one defines the middle class by income and consumption patterns, as

    economists normally do, is less clear. The canonical definition in this scholarship is from

    Thurow (1987), who locates the middle class between 75 percent and 125 percent of mean

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    anchored line at which a middle class begins. Banerjee and Duflo (2008) argue that the middle

    class in the developing world consists of people earning between $2 and $10 a day, and

    Milanovic and Yitzaki (2002) draw the upper and lower bounds for the middle class at the mean

    per capita incomes of Brazil and Italy ($PPP 3470 and $PPP 8000 in 2002 dollars, respectively).

    Ravaillon (2009) criticizes the $2 per day lower bound for being arbitrary and low, proposing

    bounds of $9 to $13 for a category of developing world upper middle class. Whatever the

    exact bounds of the middle class, it is a useful exercise to investigate the participation of

    individuals from an income range considered propitious for democracy in other contexts The

    median per capita annual income in the Egyptian sample was $1,937, or $5.31 per day and in

    Tunisia, $4,690 and $12.85, respectively; the 80 th percentile in Egypt was $8.91 per day or

    $3254 per year, and in Tunisia, $17 per day or $6298 per year. 17 On the Ravaillon definition, the

    Tunisian case appears not to be a middle class revolution, as the excluded top quintile

    contributed the largest share of protesters (28 percent) of any quintile in the sample. The middle

    class defined by Milanovic and Yitzaki for both states, and by Ravaillon for Egypt, includes the

    top income quintile and, more generally, the income groups that participated at the highest

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    spite of this limitation, individuals near the top of the Egyptian and Tunisian distributions, and

    therefore in the middle of the global income distribution, formed a disproportionate bloc of

    demonstrators in both revolutions.

    In contrast to the elusive middle class, the working class seems not to have been critical

    in either revolution (Hypothesis 6b). It is true that that 58 percent of union and professional

    syndicate members participated in Tunisia, compared to 15 percent of non-members; in Egypt 19

    percent of Egyptian union members participated, compared to 7 percent of non-members. But an

    investigation into the occupational profiles of these union members confirms that members came

    overwhelmingly from the professional strata identified earlier. Only 2 percent of Egyptians who

    identified their occupation as worker were members of unions, and government employees

    constituted the largest occupational group of union members (39 percent of total union

    members), followed by professionals (23 percent). In Tunisia, no self-identified workers were

    union members, and government employees similarly constituted the largest group of union

    members (44 percent of all union members), followed by the other employed (19 percent) and

    professionals (14 percent). 18 Workers in fact participated at average levels in both countries,

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    internet usage in Tunisia was even higher, at 33 percent for society as a whole, and 62 percent of


    The correlation between internet usage and protest participation is robust to

    inclusion of all the aforementioned markers of middle class membership in multivariate analysis

    (Table 2). Clearly, the internet served as a mechanism for protesters to coordinate, as evidenced

    by the importance of the We are all Khaled Said Facebook page for organizing the first protests

    in Egypt on January 25th

    (Herrera 2011). But it is not clear from the cross-tabulated data on

    internet use and participation alone whether internet use inculcated attitudes propitious to protest

    behavior of whether it functioned merely as a conduit for logistical details. Analysis of the

    relationship between internet use and participant attitudes is taken up in the following section.

    As Hypothesis 4 would predict, civic association membership was strongly associated

    with protest turnout in both Egypt and Tunisia, and this relationship holds up in both bivariate

    and all multivariate specifications (Tables 2 and 3). Survey respondents saying they belonged to

    at least one civic organization comprised 46 percent of demonstrators in Egypt, though they

    constituted only 15 percent of the population. Similarly, members of non-political organizations

    in Tunisia constituted 21 percent of the protesting population but only 6 percent of the overall

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    (3 percent), but contributed protesters at a rate disproportionate to their share of the population

    (10 percent of all protesters). Though we have no direct evidence on the religious character of

    civic organizations, it is reasonable to infer that many of were religious in character; Islamic

    charitable societies and religious movements like the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Ennahda

    in Tunisia exemplify this tendency. Neither Ennahda nor the Muslim Brotherhood were involved

    in the organization of the early protests, but civic organization membership has a statistically

    significant positive correlation with religiosity (measured by a fifteen-point scale) for Tunisia

    though not for Egypt. 21 Thus religious groups are likely to be among the important civic

    organizations in both countries, though not the decisive actors driving protest behavior in either


    Secularization theses associating decreased religiosity with increased support for

    democracy (Hypothesis 5) find little support in the Egypt and Tunisia data. To capture levels of

    piety, we constructed a fifteen-point scale variable measuring the frequency at which individuals

    perform five behaviors associated with religiosity, including reading the Quran or Bible and

    praying. 22 The average score for Egypt was 9.33 and for Tunisia 6.10, indicating that Egyptians

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    secularization hypothesis, showing an inverse relationship between religious practice and

    participation in these revolutions; while the religiosity variable is not significant in the Egyptian

    case, it is positively associated with turnout in the Tunisian case (see Table 2). These correlations

    decisively dispel the notion that Islam somehow generates in its adherents a strong aversion to

    challenging any form of political authority (cf. Kedourie 1994).

    Finally, a striking fact about the profile of demonstrators in both countries was that they

    were overwhelmingly male; 77 percent of Egyptian and 79 percent of Tunisian demonstrators

    were men. One might infer from these statistics that women were as a rule excluded from

    participation in demonstrations, but disaggregating women by occupation reveals a more

    complex story. Housewives comprised 77 percent of Egyptian women and only 52 percent

    female demonstrators; women in the categories of professional and government employee

    comprised only 10 percent of the Egyptian female population but 39 percent of the

    demonstrators. In Tunisia, similarly, housewives comprised 51 percent of the female population

    and only 18 percent of the demonstrators. The remaining female demonstrators were spread

    across several other employment categories, including unemployed (26 percent), government

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    value 0.36). That women who work participate in patterns similar to those of their male

    counterparts suggests that women with the resources allowing or economic exigencies

    compelling their entry into the workforce are less bound by the patriarchal norms depressing the

    participation of housewives.

    To sum up, this demographic sketch of the populations protesting in Tunisia and Egypt

    casts doubt upon several of the theories advanced to explain these revolutions. The poorest

    segments of society were among the least likely to participate, indicating that protests were not

    borne primarily of absolute levels of deprivation. Similarly, cohort-based value change and

    secularization seem not to be impelling participation in these revolutions; protesters tended to be

    as religious or more than the general population in both cases. In many respects, these did appear

    to be predominantly middle class revolutions. Demonstrators in both states had higher levels of

    education and income than the general population and tended to be engaged in urban white-collar

    work. There were, however, important differences between the participations in the two

    revolutions. While Egyptian revolution participants were predominantly middle class, significant

    elements within the Tunisian revolution came from groups outside the middle class (workers,

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    A Brief Ukrainian Comparison

    It would be helpful, in contextualizing the Egyptian and Tunisian cases, to see whether

    these findings accord with those from other democratizing revolutions. The paucity of

    individual-level data on participants in revolutions limits our ability to do so. It is nevertheless a

    useful exercise to compare these findings with the only other case for which comparable data

    exist--the 2004 Orange Revolution in Ukraine. From a representative sample of 1,801

    Ukrainians, 25 19 percent participated in the protests of the Orange Revolution. This level of

    turnout is roughly comparable to that in Tunisia (16 percent). Protesters in Ukraine tended to be

    a good deal older than in the Middle East, as the mean age of Ukrainian participants was 41

    (compared to 33 in Tunisia and 38 in Egypt). Yet Ukrainian participation rates by age category

    look roughly similar to Tunisia; 30 percent of 18 to 24 year olds participated (compared to 30

    percent in Tunisia) and 17 percent of 25 to 34 year olds participated (versus 20 percent in

    Tunisia). Of course, there are quite significant differences in the age structures of these societies.

    Whereas people under 35 comprise 45 percent of the Tunisian and 48 percent of the Egyptian

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    those protesting in Ukraine, comprising 24 percent of all protesters. Retired people comprised

    the second largest group at 19 percent, and professionals came in third at 15 percent. In Egypt

    and Tunisia the highest income groups were significantly more likely to participate, but the

    distribution of participants by income quintiles in Ukraine bears more of a U-shape. The

    wealthiest quintile comprised 24 percent of demonstrators, and the poorest quintile comprised 23

    percent of protesters, with the second poorest at 14 percent and the middle quintile at 17 percent.

    A smaller proportion of Ukrainian participants (17 percent) had some higher education, in large

    part because participation did not drop off as sharply for the least educated, who participated at a

    rate twice that of Tunisia and four times that of Egypt.

    Ironically, though Ukraine is a post-communist country, religiosity was a more salient

    predictor of revolutionary participation in Ukraine than it was in either Egypt or Tunisia. The

    participation rate for the religious (defined here as visiting church in ones spare time) was 29

    percent, compared to 17 percent for those who reported not visiting church. It is clear that

    regional cleavages and national identity issues were central motivations for participation in the

    Orange Revolution, and religion (particularly true for Uniates from Western Ukraine) was one of

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    The Role of Democratic Motivations within Democratic Revolutions

    We turn now to look at who, among the participants in these revolutions, understood

    them primarily as struggles for democratic freedoms. The Arab Barometer asked respondents to

    identify the most important and second most important reasons that they believed citizens

    participated in the Egyptian and Tunisian revolutions. The answers of those who also indicated

    that they had participated in the revolutionary protests (n=98 for Egypt, n=192 for Tunisia) are

    presented in Table 4. We turned to this question as a way of identifying participants according to

    their differing motivations for and perceptions of participation in the revolutions. We were keen

    to distinguish respondents who prioritized economic or other grievances from those who

    prioritized civil or political freedoms. While we recognize that the question in the Arab

    Barometer did not ask participants directly why they as individuals participated in the revolution,

    given that the respondents were all participants, one would expect that their answers to this

    question were likely informed by their own motivations and experiences. Indeed, subsequent

    analysis confirmed that the groupings of opinion on this question lined up with other questions in

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    question can be used as a rough indicator of motivation for participation in the revolutions. But

    even if individuals did, in some cases, answer this question in ways that differed from their own

    personal motivations for participation in the revolution, the answers still provide us with a way

    of identifying those who perceived these revolutions as aimed primarily at attaining civil and

    political freedoms versus other purposes.

    [Table 4 here]

    Since respondents were asked to identify both a primary and a secondary reason for why

    people participated, we used latent class cluster analysis in order to identify and simplify the

    groupings by which people answered the question. 27 Latent class cluster analysis is a finite

    mixture approach used to identify categories of individuals who share similar characteristics.

    Individuals are classified into clusters based upon the probabilities of their membership, which

    (unlike traditional k-means cluster analysis) are estimated directly from the model. 28 As

    suggested in the literature, we used the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), the Akaike

    Information Criterion with a per-parameter penalty of 3 (AIC3), and the p-value for the

    likelihood ratio chi-squared statistic L 2 in order to adjudicate between models with different

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    since the number of individuals in some of categories was small, and interpretation of a 7-cluster

    model is cumbersome in any case. For the Tunisian participants both the BIC and p-value criteria

    suggested a 5-cluster model, while the AIC3 criterion suggested a 7-cluster model (again, a more

    complex variant of the 5-cluster model). For both the Egyptian and Tunisian samples all of the

    models were examined in their full results; for both samples the 7-cluster models resulted in no

    significant differences in interpretation from the 4-cluster Egyptian and 5-cluster Tunisian

    models. Therefore, the more parsimonious, reliable, and easily interpretable 4-cluster and 5-

    cluster models are reported on here.

    [Table 5 here]

    Table 6 reports the conditional probabilities of cluster membership for participants in the

    two revolutions. The findings point to the key role played by economic demands (and to a lesser

    extent, corruption) in motivating participation in both revolutions, as well as the relatively low

    priority accorded to civil and political freedoms. Among Egyptian participants, for instance, the

    largest cluster (labeled Cluster 1, with 38 percent of participants) consisted of those who

    identified the reasons for participation as being primarily about the economy and secondarily

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    understood the Egyptian revolution as aimed primarily at attaining liberal democracy, whereas

    most saw concerns over the economy and corruption as dominating participant agendas.

    [Table 6 here]

    Similarly, among participants in the Tunisian Revolution economic concerns and

    concerns over corruption were top priorities. Demands for civil and political freedoms, however,

    played a more prominent role among perceived motivations of participants in Tunisia than in

    Egypt, as a significant group of Tunisian participants listed demands for civil and political

    freedoms as a secondary motivation for participation in the revolution. The largest cluster of

    participants (labeled Cluster 1, at 32 percent) identified the reasons for participation as primarily

    the economy and secondarily corruption, while a second cluster (Cluster 2, at 26 percent)

    understood the reasons for participation as primarily the economy and secondarily civil and

    political freedoms. A third cluster of 21 percent (labeled Cluster 3) identified civil and political

    freedoms as the primary motivation for participation and corruption as a secondary motivation.

    Cluster 4 (15 percent), the inverse of Cluster 1, identified the main reason for participation as

    corruption and secondarily the economy. Finally, a very small cluster (labeled Cluster 5, at 6

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    We turn now to look in more detail at the individuals within these groupings and the

    extent to which other variables were associated with how individuals identified and prioritized

    motivations for participation in ways that might confirm or undermine particular hypotheses

    about democratic revolution. In particular, we are interested in elucidating who identified civil

    and political freedoms as a motivation for participation in the revolution, as opposed to other

    motivations such as economic deprivation or corruption, and whether their backgrounds,

    behaviors, and attitudes correspond with what various theories of democratization and

    democratic revolution might predict. We probe these questions through an examination of the

    demographic, behavioral, and attitudinal covariates of cluster membership for each of the

    revolutions (produced in Tables 7 and 8), comparing these to the characteristics of all

    participants in the revolution.

    [Tables 7 and 8 here]

    One conclusion that one can draw from such an exercise is that those revolution

    participants who saw civil and political freedoms as a reason for participation in the revolution

    not only differed substantially from other groupings within each revolution, but differed in

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    of political rights between citizens and the elimination of financial and administrative corruption

    than other participants in the revolution. Like their counterparts within the Egyptian revolution,

    those who prioritized civil and political freedoms as the main reason for participation in the

    Tunisian Revolution (Cluster 3) were, on average, more female, older, more likely to be a

    member of a civil society organization, more religious, but less likely to trust Ennahda (the

    Islamist party in Tunisia, and equivalent of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt) than other

    participants in the Tunisian revolution. And those who indicated that civil and political freedoms

    were a secondary reason for participation in the Tunisian Revolution (Cluster 2) were more male,

    more highly educated, more likely to be professionals, less religious, and more likely to see the

    most important feature of democracy as the opportunity to change government through elections

    than other participants in the Tunisian Revolution.

    In both revolutions the most democratically-oriented participants were, on average, older

    than other participants, raising further doubts about a generational values explanation of

    democratic revolutions (H3). Those who saw the revolutions as motivated by the desire for civil

    and political freedoms tended to be middle-aged in Egypt, and in Tunisia there was also no

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    Egypt, those who saw revolutionary participation as championing civil and political freedoms

    trusted moderate Islamist parties and favored government in accordance with Islamic law morethan other participants. In Egypt those who believed that the primary reason for participation in

    the revolution was to oppose the Gamal succession (Cluster 2) were, on average, the most

    religious, though significantly, they were also less trustful of the Muslim Brotherhood, and more

    critical of U.S. interference in the Middle East than other participants in the revolution. Their

    high level of religiosity, combined with their disproportionate mistrust of the moderate Muslim

    Brotherhood and support for resistance to U.S. interference in the Middle East, marked this

    group as the likely location of Salafists within the Egyptian Revolution. Similarly, in the

    Tunisian Revolution the small cluster of participants (Cluster 5) who understood participation in

    the revolution as aimed primarily at establishing an Islamic regime were, as one might expect,

    highly observant religiously; they also disproportionately favored rule by Islamic law, trusted the

    Islamist party Ennahda, and allowed the possibility of rule by Islamic law without elections. 30

    At first glance, the dominance of economic motivations among the reasons participants

    cited for participation in the revolution might seem to suggest a deprivation argument. But as we

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    and poor and providing basic items (such as food, housing, and clothing) than other participants

    in the revolution. At the same time, those who prioritized the economy were also more highlyeducated than most other participants and predominantly belonged to the middle and upper

    portions of Egyptian society (only 14 percent belonged to the bottom two income quintiles,

    compared to 36 percent of Egyptian society). Indeed, the poorest and least educated grouping

    among Egyptian Revolution participants (with 26 percent in the bottom two income quintiles and

    a quarter with only an elementary school education or less) prioritized corruption as the primary

    reason for participation (and only secondarily, the economy). In the Tunisian Revolution those

    who prioritized the economy as a reason for participation (Clusters 1 and 2) were also more

    likely to understand the most important features of democracy as narrowing the gap between rich

    and poor and providing basic items (such as food, housing, and clothing) than other participants.

    But they tended to be significantly poorer than other clusters (31 percent in the bottom two

    income quintiles, similar to Tunisian society as a whole) and were more likely to be workers (23

    percent, compared to 15 percent of society as a whole) than other clusters of participants.

    Using the results of this cluster classification, we tested further for the factors associated

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    Thus, while these revolutions could be characterized as middle class revolutions, the middle

    class was not specifically a champion of democratic freedoms within them, challenging part ofHypothesis 6A. Model 2 for participants in the Egyptian revolution indicates a statistically

    significant relationship between education and prioritization of civil and political freedoms over

    corruption as a reason for participation, lending some support to Hypothesis 2. But the

    relationship becomes marginally significant when controlled for other factors. Among

    participants in the Tunisian revolution we no bivariate relationship between education and

    prioritizing civil and political freedoms the main reason for participation, and when placed in a

    multivariate context, the results indicate that the educated actually prioritized the economy over

    freedom (though the results are only marginally significant).

    [Table 9 here]

    Rather, by far the strongest factor predicting whether participants prioritized civil and

    political freedoms within these revolutions was participation in civil society associations. Even

    controlling for other factors, it retains a statistically significant relationship with prioritization of

    civil and political freedoms over the economy among participants in both revolutions. The

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    internet mobilization was not associated with thinking about the revolution as primarily about

    civil and political freedoms. Thus, the internet may make it considerably easier to mobilize largenumbers against dictators, but unlike the face-to-face ties of civil society association, it does not

    seem to be instrumental in making such mobilizations more democratic.


    To sum up what we have found, we uncovered solid evidence contradicting a number of

    key hypotheses flowing from the theoretical literature on democratization and democratic

    revolutions. Participants in these democratic revolutions did not prioritize democratic values over

    other concerns (H1); they consisted of different age groups in each revolution, with youth

    prioritizing economic concerns over democratic values (H3); they were on average at least as

    religious than other members of society, though religion had little relationship with whether

    participants prioritized democratic change over other concerns (H5); they were not

    disproportionately from the working class (H6B) or from the disadvantaged (H6D); and they

    were disproportionately employed in the public sector, seemingly dependent on the state for their

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    Ukraine (the only other case for which comparable individual-level data is available), and it

    lacked the defining identity cleavage that was central to driving the Orange events. Finally, weshowed that there was no consistent relationship between education and prioritizing civil and

    political freedoms among those who participated in these revolutions (H2), and that while the

    middle class may have participated disproportionately in these revolutions, they did not act as a

    democratic vanguard championing civil and political freedoms (H6A). Instead, we found that

    participation in civil society associations (H4) was the most reliable predictor of whether

    participants understood these revolutions as primarily about democratic change. We also saw

    that while the internet enormously facilitated mobilization, unlike the strong ties of civil

    society association, internet usage was not associated with understanding these revolutions as

    primarily about civil and political freedoms.

    In addition to puncturing many of the folk accounts of these revolutions, these findings

    raise a number of broader issues that cut to the heart of the revolutionary path to democracy

    more generally. For one thing, they demonstrate empirically that democratizing revolutions do

    not fit a single mold, but the constituencies that participate in them vary considerably from place

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    findings suggest that civil society association plays a critical role in democratic revolutions. Not

    only were citizens who rebelled against dictatorship more likely to have been members of civicassociations, but in contrast to others who participated in these revolutions (and those who

    mobilized primarily through the internet), those citizens involved in civic associations held

    stronger democratic commitments. Thus, the fundamental role of civil society (and by

    implication, of civil society promotion) in bringing about democratic change is confirmed.

    Finally, if most revolution participants are not motivated primarily by democratic values,

    but rather are motivated more by other concerns (in the case of these revolutions, economic

    grievances and, to a lesser extent, concerns about corruption), post-revolutionary governments

    clearly face a tall order. As Goldstone (2011) has recently pointed out, the coalitional nature of

    the Arab revolutions means that the sole theme uniting all participating groups was a desire to

    remove a despised autocrat. Post-revolutionary governments committed to democratic change

    will need to build public support for democracy within their publics (and even among those who

    participated in bringing about these revolutions) while simultaneously satisfying the economic

    frustrations of a diverse set of social actors and addressing the deep-seated practices of

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