Sports Quest Annual Newsletter 2012


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  • 7/30/2019 Sports Quest Annual Newsletter 2012


    Camps started June 11 & ended August 16

    Conducted 10 camps (including 1 Elite camp)

    919 children participated

    Almost 250 children made a first time commitment to Christ

    Over 180 children received full / partial scholarships

    Over 30 staff employed

    Over 20 young people served as volunteers

    Bibles were passed out to each camper

    Professional Camp photographer at every camp location

    3rd year second kick initiative: Many campers donated gently

    used soccer items to support our ministry partners both in the

    US and overseasCampers at The Regis Schoollisten to the daily devotional

    S u m m e r C a m p P r o g r a m A t a G l a n c e

    Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory... Psalm 115:1

    December 2012

    Campers receivetheir MVP gifts for the day

    Xara Soccer Ball


    Full Bible

    Kids Evange-Cube

    Christian Tract

    Chickfil-A meal coupon


    Back Packs

    D a i l y G i f t s & p r i z e s i n c l u d e d . . .

    Special awards

    Xara give-aways

    Campers atSpringwoods FreeCamp receivingtheir soccer ball

    Campers receive theirSoccer bags &

    Chick-fil-A coupon

  • 7/30/2019 Sports Quest Annual Newsletter 2012


    Testimonial from Camps 2012Dear Staff/volunteers,Thank you for a fabulous week of soccer camp for our 2children. This was our 3rd year in Sports Quest, and Im

    more impressed each year with the quality program youput together, from both a skills & especially a spiritualperspective. I love that the focus and glory is alwaysdirected towards Jesus as our all-in-all. Thank you for

    pouring Christ-His love and His truth into my children.Were blessed to be able to enjoy Sports Quest eachyear. May the Lord richly bless your efforts as you followHim.- Kathy McDaniel, Parent

    D e v o t i o n a l T h e m e : B e y o n d T h e G o l d

    P a g e 2 S p o r t s Q u e s t S u m m e r C a m p s R e v i e w & a n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 1 2

    Soccer Summary

    Day 1: Defensive PlayPressure, Posture, Patience

    Day 2: Possession PlayShort/Long passing, ground control, counter-attacking

    Day 3: Creative Play

    Dribbling, turning, shielding, combinations

    Day 4: Shooting & FinishingAngles, distances, central & wide areas

    Day 5: Review & Special SkillsHeading, tackling, communication, team play

    Devotional Summary

    Do you not know that in a race all the runners run,but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to

    get the prize. Everyone who competes in the gamesgoes into strict training. They do it to get a crown

    that will not last; but we do it to get a crownthat will last foreverCorinthians 9:24-25

    Day 1: Teamwork

    - The Foundation of Success!

    Bible story: NehemiahNehemiah 1-6

    Day 2: Perseverance

    - Finish What You StartedBible story: NoahGenesis 6-7

    Day 3: Respect- On Being HumbleBible Story: JosephGenesis 37,39, 42-45

    Day 4: Sacrifice

    - Giving UpIn Order to GainBible Story: Abraham/IsaacGenesis 22

    Day 5: Strategy

    - Building a Plan for SuccessBible Story: MosesExodus 17

    s o c c e r T h e m e s

    (a) Everyone has sinnedFor all have sinned and fall short of the glory ofGod Romans 3:23

    (b) The penalty for sin is deathFor the wages of sin is death Romans 6:23

    (c) Jesus Christ died for our sinBut God demonstrates his own love for us inthis: While we were still sinners, Christ died forus Romans 5:8

    (d) To be forgiven for our sin, we must believe andconfess that Jesus is Lord. Salvation comesthrough Jesus ChristIf you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord,and believe in your heart that God raised himfrom the dead, you will be savedRomans 10:9

    Campers practicingtheir skills at

    Summer Camp

    G o d s p l a n o f S a l v a t i o n

  • 7/30/2019 Sports Quest Annual Newsletter 2012


    P a g e 3S p o r t s Q u e s t S u m m e r C a m p R e v i e w & A n n u a l R e p o r t 2 0 1 2

    This year we have gone PINK!This news letter is dedicatedto Jims sister, Jayne, whowas diagnosed with breastcancer in August. Also, to

    Jims dad, John Spence whopassed away on June 8th.

    2012 saw Sports Quest celebrateits 16th year of soccer ministry in

    the Houston area.

    Launch of SQ Facebook and

    YouTube &

    Mentoring 20 year old for team

    training and camp leadership

    Signed a new 3 year agreement

    with Xara Soccer

    Established a vision/planning

    committee to help advance theministry

    Appointed trainers for High School

    Homeschool Girls soccer team.

    Graduated 3 Texas United teams

    who have trained with SQ forover 8 years (pictured below)

    Club SoccerTexas United F.C.Many teams enjoyed considerablesuccess during the spring/fall seasons2012:

    U11 Girls2 teams-Friendship Tournament runners up-League Champions & Runners UpU15 Girls2 teams-League Champions & Runners UpU18 Girls-League 3rd placeU18 Boys2 teams-USYS National Presidents Cup 3rd-USYS Regional III Presidents CupChampions-USYS South Texas Presidents CupChampions-State Classic League Champions-League Runners UP

    TestimonialThe greatest benefit to the team isthe Christian-centered ministry thatenvelopes training. The ministry is

    given with a light touch, but enoughto demonstrate to the players theimportance of Christianity in theirlives. At the end of each trainingsession the player gather for 5-10minutes lesson. Sports Quest wasgreat at weaving sport & the themeinto a life lesson. These sessionswere so interesting that I didnt want

    to miss them. I know that they werebeneficial to me & my son! Our boyswere typical young men that madegood and bad decision as they grewup. But I feel strongly that SportsQuest had a positive impact on their

    development. Our players weregentlemen competitors that showedrespect & sportsmanship to opposingplayers, coaches, & referees. Theyacted in a mature manner that onlygot better with age. While good par-ents played an important part, Istrongly believe this mature way alsocame from years of seeing the ac-tions and hearing the messages ofSports Quest.Michael Ross Assis-tant Coach, TUFC Westside 95 Boys

    PartnershipsIn 2012 Sports Quest partnered withmany Churches and other Christianorganizations to reach kids andadults for Christ through the avenue

    of soccer:

    Campus Crusade for Christ in Au-

    burn, AL

    Project 180, Houston

    Houstons First Baptist Church

    Fairfield Baptist Church, Cypress

    Harvest Bible Church, Cypress

    Heights Futbol Festival, Houston

    Uncharted Waters, Colorado

    Charm Prison Ministry, Houston

    Project Delta

    Sports Quest also had several guest

    coaches/speakers both for our staffand players:

    Tyron SmithFormer NFL player

    Jordan WhiteheadFCA

    Joshua GardnerMLS player

    John WallsFairfield Baptist


    Chad OvertonHoustons First

    Baptist Church

    Guy CaskyCrossroads Communi-

    ty Church

    Bo AndrewsHarvest Bible Church

    Jacob RobinsonSecond Baptist


    U17/U18 Boys PresidentsCup Region III


    Jim was presented with theTexas State Flag from

    the U18 TUFC Boys team

    T h e Y e a r a t a G l a n c e

    The Heights 3rdAnnual Futbol

    Festival held atSpark Park

  • 7/30/2019 Sports Quest Annual Newsletter 2012


    Contributions can be mailed toSports Quest Inc.

    P.O. Box 1383

    Cypress , TX 77410-1383

    or you may donate online at

    Sports Quest is a 501 (C) 3 non-profit organization andall donations are tax deductible

    T H A N K YO U T O O U R C O R P O R A T E S P O N S O R S A N D T O O U R P A R T N E R S I N M I N I S T R Y , U N C H A R T E D WA T E R S , N O R T H O A K S

    B A P T I S T C H U R C H A N D H O U S T O N S F I R S T B A P T I S T C H U R C H

    "Bui lding Character On

    And Off The Field"


    Addit ional thanks to the many indiv idual donors w ho made i t possib le for over 180campers to receive fu l l or part ia l scholarsh ips and whose donat ions helped keep the

    cost of camp down, enabl ing many ch i ldren t o part ic ipate in our camps in 2012!

    Would you please prayerfully consider making a financial contribution toSports Quest (full or partial) for the specific needs below?

    Soccer Ball sponsor ($10,000.00)

    Jersey sponsor ($9,000.00)

    Promotional items ($7,000.00)

    Scholarships for campers and teams ($7,000.00)

    New equipment ($7,000.00)

    Partnership with other Christian organizations ($10,000.00)

    God blessed us in 2012 with exceeding our goal of $35,000.00

    Please join us in reaching our NEW goal of $50,000.00 for 2013