Sport and Cultural Experience Tour Barcelona 2015


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Sport and Cultural Experience Tour

Barcelona 2015

Outcomes of Tonight

*To build excitement (36 days to go!!!!)

*To share information

*To establish expectations before and during the tour


Mr C. WalkerSports Tours to Spain, Holland and South Africa in addition to various UK visitsMr A. CorbettFootball Tour to Portugal and various UK visitsMr D. WrightSports Tour to South Africa and various UK visitsMr A. HowittSki Trip to USA, Sports Tour to South Africa and various UK visitsMr S. Johns Ski Trip to USA, Sports Tour to South Africa and various UK visits

Mrs J. FitzroyBusiness and ICT Trip to USA, School Visits to Germany and France, in addition to various UK visitsMrs F. RushtonExchange Trips to Spain and France, PGL and Cultural Visits to ItalyMiss P. GiddingsDebut but EXTREMELY well travelled


Tuesday 7th April*Arrive at TGAS @ 13:00 (Willow playground) *Travel to London Gatwick via 2x Johnsons Coaches*British Airways flight BA2710 (18:00)*Arrive @ Barcelona Airport 21:05 (local time)*Evening meal at accommodation (Hotel Playafels)*Remainder of evening to explore the resort

4* Half Board accommodation adjacent to the beach


Wednesday 8th April12 hours bus usage to explore the sights*Los Ramblas *Mercado de la Boqueria*Gaudi Architecture *Parc Guell*Olympic Park*Sagrada Familia

Match Day 1 vs Local Club Teams

Barcelona vs Almeria @ Camp Nou/Tapas Workshop

ItineraryThursday 9th AprilMorning at Leisure (Beach Activities)

12 hours bus usage for further sight seeing

Match Day 2 vs Local Club


ItineraryFriday 10th AprilMorning at Leisure (Beach Activities)

12 hours bus usage for further sight seeing

Match Day 3 vs Local School


Saturday 11th AprilPort Aventura Theme Park

12 hours bus usage

Tour Awards Presentation


Sunday 12th April*After breakfast, checkout and return to Barcelona Airport*British Airways flight BA2707 (10:30)*Arrive @ London Gatwick @ 11:50 (UK time)*Return to TGAS @ approx 15:30

Risk Management

*Use of Gullivers- GH in Barcelona *1:10 ratio*Experienced staff team*Highly comprehensive school insurance policy*Allocation to member of staff as key liaison*Students to carry emergency contact cards*Protocols and expectations made explicit at every leg of the visit


*Students to acknowledge that staff in “Loco Parentis” (in the place of parents) for duration of trip and follow all instructions implicitly*Students to always be in the presence of at least one peer during every phase*Students to be on time without excuse*Students to have phones fully charged and carry emergency contact info at all times*Students will represent the academy and their family positively (meet all of our domestic expectations)*STUDENTS WILL SEIZE EVERY SECOND OF THE TOUR AND NOT SPEND IT USING MOBILE DEVICES*STUDENTS WILL BE OPEN MINDED TO BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS WITH EVERYONE IN THE TOURING PARTY

Outstanding Items

*Kit (us)*Fixture details (us)*Passport and EHIC (you)*Medical Details and Dietary Requirements (you)*Packing list (us)


Hotel Playafels (+34) 93 665 12 50

Mr Walker07736941565
