Spiritual Soaring Becoming the Follower God Wants You to Be


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Spiritual Soaring

Becoming the Follower God Wants You to Be

Parable of the Ducks

Isaiah 40:29-31

He [God] gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. 30 Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion. 31 But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.


S• Self-Feeding. – take responsibility for their

own spiritual understanding, character development and growth.

– do not depend on a priest or a pastor or teacher to spoon feed them as though they are spiritual infants.

– take the initiative to learn the skills necessary for their own spiritual development.


O• Obedient to the Spirit. – Not legalism, which is

religious enslavement to a written code of laws.

– a relationship of faith in and faithful obedience to the One God who loves us and lives in us through His Spirit and guides us in all areas of our lives.


A• Alert for

Opportunities. – alert to opportunities for

ministry. – take the initiative to

share their lives, gifts, understanding in compassionate and Christlike ways.


R• Reproducing

Spiritually– reproduce spiritually by

making disciples of all people groups, including their own,

– passing on to new believers all that they know about following Jesus .

Spiritual Self- Feeding• Feed Ourselves through God’s Word– The first task of every follower of Jesus is to

become equipped to interpret and apply the Scriptures to your life.

Spiritual Self- Feeding• Learn How to Pray for Ourselves-– We need to be able to be self-feeding in terms of

prayer – not live off of somebody else’s prayer life.

– It is through prayer that we come to know the mind of Christ – that we sense His leadership – that we commune with Him.

– Too many followers of Jesus don’t really know how to pray, or what to pray for.

Spiritual Self- Feeding• Participate in Body Life–putting into practice second part of the

Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37), where Jesus said, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” – This is the theme of a whole group of Bible

verses known as the “one anothers” of Scripture.

What to Do1. Make a commitment to God that you want to

learn 1. to read and interpret the Scriptures for yourself 2. to pray without ceasing and 3. love your neighbor as yourself. It begins with

your commitment.

2. Find a more mature Christian than you and ask him/her to disciple you.

What to Do3. Start attending one of FMBC’s Bible studies.4. Come to Bible Study next Sunday morning

and sign up for a new Bible Study class that will teach you to self-feed.

5. Go to www.fmbcdallas.org and get the resources there called Thirty-Six Core Competencies. Learn them.