Spelling –Autumn 2021


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© Copyright 2021 Unity Schools Partnership / Greenfields Education Ltd

Spelling – Autumn 2021

Unity Schools Partnership

© Copyright 2021 Unity Schools Partnership / Greenfields Education Ltd

The challenge:

Many schools have reported a significant decline or weakness in spelling outcomes following the lockdowns. The rigour and impact of spelling teaching is highly variable both within and between schools. Many pupils have significant gaps in prior knowledge of spelling and this precludes them from achieving EXS+ at the end of KS1/2, as well as impacting on outcomes in later life. Leaders in manyschools report weaknesses in teacher subject knowledge or confidence in teaching spelling.

The solution – Part 1:

Implement a rigorous catch up programme to accelerate pupils’ progress in spelling.

Complete the PiXL Spelling Tracker Diagnostic Test 1 in September. This

will tell you how far back in the spelling curriculum you need to go to

fill gaps in prior knowledge.

Use the PiXL Spelling Tracker resources as the basis for

implementing the following model.

2 x 15 minute sessions direct teaching per week

1 x specific spelling focus in writing lessons per week

See the next slide for detailed guidance on this model.

Complete the PiXL Spelling Tracker Diagnostic Test 2 in December to guide your practice for the Spring

term. Track the impact of this approach on the rules that you have


Repeat the model and complete the PiXL Spelling Tracker Diagnostic Test 3

in march to guide your practice for the Summer term.

The solution – Part 2:

CUSP Spelling programme will launch Summer 2022 for a substantive Spelling curriculum for Y1-6.

© Copyright 2021 Unity Schools Partnership / Greenfields Education Ltd

The model for Autumn 2021

Deliver the Diagnostic Test. It is important to use this rather than the Spelling test from the GPS paper because the Diagnostic test

represents the whole spelling curriculum and the GPS paper only samples the spelling curriculum.

Find the earliest spelling rules where around 50% of your cohort are insecure. These should be your priorities, even if this means going

back several year groups worth of content.

This is a real data set from a Year 6 class at Easter this year. The teacher used the following

model to improve outcomes with significant impact in 6 weeks and again after another 6


© Copyright 2021 Unity Schools Partnership / Greenfields Education Ltd

Teach these rulesUse the following structure to teach at least one rule per week. Review statutory word list words and common exception words as part of classroom practice and home learning.

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 (in a writing lesson)


Introduce the rule/ pattern

Teach pupils at word level


Revisit the rule at word level

Apply at sentence level

Reasoning and self-correction (lesson starter)

Shine a Light approach (as pupils write)Ask pupils to highlight examples of the taught spelling rule in their work. Teachers should use this to assess whether pupils can securely apply the new spelling rule.

Direct teaching: My turn, Our turn, Your turn

Revisit and consolidate: dictation exercise

Reasoning: Always, Sometimes, Never True and correction passages

© Copyright 2021 Unity Schools Partnership / Greenfields Education Ltd

Reassess and repeat Track the impact of this model on the rules that you have taught.

Repeat the exercise, looking for rules with less than 50% question confidence. Other rules can be picked up as interventions or targeted

home learning for individuals or groups.

This is a real data set from a Year 6 class at Easter this year. The teacher used this model

to improve outcomes with significant impact in 6 weeks and again after another 6 weeks.

Rules targeted in teaching

Impact of this teaching

© Copyright 2021 Unity Schools Partnership / Greenfields Education Ltd

Embedded routinesMany people say that they find Spelling boring to teach or that it the lessons are very samey. Peps McCrea talks here about the impact of

embedded routines. Essentially, Spelling lessons should be consistent, routine and sharply focussed.

© Copyright 2021 Unity Schools Partnership / Greenfields Education Ltd

The reasons Spelling goes wrong:1) Pupils practise spelling but aren’t taught it.2) Teachers are not confident in their subject knowledge of spelling rules.3) Teaching is inconsistent across the school. 4) Teaching does not go into enough depth or is not revisited regularly. 5) Spelling is not ringfenced in the timetable.6) Pupils learn to spell correctly in tests but do not transfer this knowledge into their

writing.7) Common errors and misconceptions aren’t tenaciously resolved. 8) Feedback highlights errors but doesn’t explain them.

© Copyright 2021 Unity Schools Partnership / Greenfields Education Ltd

5 things that will improve Spelling outcomes

1. Accurate diagnosis of gaps in knowledge.

2. Great teacher subject knowledge.

3. Rigorous lesson structure and embedded routines.

4. Follow up taught content in writing.

5. Careful monitoring of the impact.