Special Education Advisory Committee Tuesday, January 15 ... -January 15, 2019.pdf · asked members...


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Peel District • SchoolBoard '-"'


Special Education Advisory Committee

Tuesday, January 15,. 2019 7:00p.m.

Brampton Room


Special Education Advisory Committee Meeting




1. Call to Order 1.1 Approval of Agenda

2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest

3. Minutes

Brampton Room 7:00p.m.

3.1 Special Education Advisory Committee Meeting, December 18, 2018

4. Chalr'a Requeat for Written Questions from Committee Members

5. Notlca of Motion and Petltlone

e. Delegations

7. Ministry and Board Polley Review

8. Program Review

e. Reports from Officials and Stiff/Department Work Plan Review 9.1 Superintendent's Report- oral 9.2 SEAC Orientation: lnfonnatlon 9.3 Focus on Poverty: Action Plan 9.4 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FASO) - Part 3

10. Communications- for Action or Receipt 1 0.1 Leamlng Disabilities Association of Peel Region ~ Winter 2019 Group Programs

11. R•pon• of Admlnlltndlon to Former Questions

12. Reports from Repreeentatlvel on CouncllaiA88oclatlons

13. Questions asked of and by Committee Members

14. Public Question Period

15. AdJournment


December 18, 2018 3.1 Special Education Advisory Committee: rna

PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Minutes of a meeting of the Special Education Advisory Committee of the Peel District School Board, held in the Brampton Room, the H. J. A. Brown Education Centre, 5650 Hurontario Street. Mississauga, Ontario on Tuesday, December 18,2018 at 19:00 hours.

Members present:

Nicole Buckett, Fragile X Research Foundation of Canada Barbara Cyr, Association for Bright Children, Peel Chapter Shelley Foster, VOICE for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children Zeshan Khan, Learning Disabilities Association of Peel Region Jennifer Knight, Easter Seals Ontario Sue Lawton, Trustee Nancy Leaton, Autism Ontario, Peel Chapter Michelle Lewis, Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Branch John Marchant, Trustee Kathy McDonald, Trustee Wes McDonald, VIEWS for the Visually Impaired Carol Oitment, Tourette Syndrome Association of Ontario Dorothy Peddie, FASwortd Canada, Peel Chapter Ann Smith, Brampton-Caledon Community Living Mary Wright, Peel Caring Network for Challenged Kids

Also present:

Barbara Byers, Fragile X Research Foundation of Canada (Alternate) Shireen Gut, Peel Elementary Occasional Teachers Carol Ogilvie, Learning Disabilities Association of Peel Region (Alternate) Laura Oris·Naidenova, Student Trustee South Sinthusha Panchallngam, Canadian Mental Health Association, Peel Branch (Alternate)


Shawn Moynihan, Superintendent of Special Education Support Services (Executive Member)

Joy Uniac, Superintendent, Social/Emotional Learning and Early Years (Executive Back-up Member)

Peter Joshua, Director of Education ReniHt Lucas, Senior Internal Auditor

Marina Amin, Board Reporter


December 18,2018 Special Education Advisory Committee:ma

t . Approval of Agenda

Superintendent of Special Education Support Services, Shawn Moynihan, assumed the Chair and called the meeting to order.

SE-01, moved by Dorothy Peddie, that the agenda be approved.

. ............. carried

2. Election of Chair and VIce-Chair

Superintendent Moynihan noted that this is the first SEAC meeting since the Organizational and Second Meetings of the Board, and he called for nominations for the position of Chair of the Special Education Advisory Committee.

Barbara Cyr nominated Shelley Foster

There were no further nominations. After observing the standard one minute silence, Superintendent Moynihan declared that Shelley Foster is acclaimed as Chair of the Special Education Advisory Committee for 2018 • 2019.

Shelley Foster assumed the Chair and she called for nominations for the position of Vice-Chair of the Special Education Advisory Committee.

Carol Oitment nominated Sue Lawton.

There were no further nominations. After having observed the standard one minute silence, Chair Foster announced that Sue Lawton is acclaimed as Vice.Chair of the Special Education Advisory Committee for 2018 • 2019.

Chair Foster requested members to introduce themselves and the associations they represent. She acknowledged the presence of Laura Oris·Naidenova, Student Trustee South, at the meeting.

3. Conflict of Interest

There were no declarations of conflict of interest.

4. Minutes of the Special Education Advisory Committee Meeting, November 20, 2018

SE·02, moved by Dorothy Peddie, that the Minutes of the Special Education Advisory Committee Meeting of November 20, 2018, be approved.

. ............. carried


December 18,2018 Special Education Advisory Committee:ma

5. Superlntendenfa Report

Handouts were circulated, including information regarding SEAC Terms of Reference, SEAC collective priorities, Special Education K-12, Learning for All, special education funding, acronyms, confidential contact Information, resources from PAAC on SEAC, and copies of the Ontario Human Rights Commission Code. Superintendent Moynihan welcomed Craig Cooper, newly appointed Coordinating Principal for Equity and Inclusion, to the meeting.

In response to a request for an advocacy letter to the Ministry, Superintendent Moynihan asked members to review the draft letter to the Minister of Education, Lisa Thompson, which outlines concerns about the reduction in the Special Incidence Portion maximum claim amount. He indicated that a copy of the letter will be sent to all Special Education Advisory Committees in the province. A trustee suggested also copying the letter to all trustees of the Board.

Regarding the student census conducted in November 2018, Shawn Moynihan indicated that some barriers to full participation were noted, and he stated that an update report will be brought to the Committee In February 2019 on plans for Improvement for the next census.

SE-03, moved by Ann Smith, that the Superintendent's Report, be received .

... ........... carried

6. Data Reporting 2018

Using a PowerPoint presentation, Tracy Bardell, Special Education Coordinator, and Nora Green, Special Programs Coordinator, reviewed historical data regarding, identified and non-identified special needs students supported in Peel, by exceptionality and gender. In response to queries about the significant number of non-identified students, staff explained the complex steps and procedures involved in the identification process, and efforts to manage the high volume of assessments. Members were assured that, nonetheless, all non-identified students are provided with the supports and services they need. Classroom teachers complete a Special Needs Assessment Form (SNAF) for students requiring the support of Teaching Assistants (TA), and it was clarified that TA support is not dependent on an Identification Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC) recommendation. Responding to a trustee's query about the disparity around gifted Identification, Superintendent Moynihan explained that the Board's Focus on Poverty Action Plan addresses systemic barriers, equitable allocation of human and material resources, and equal participation in programs. He stated that staff will take a closer look at the information relating to deciles, and its impact, and a response will be brought to SEAC in February when the Focus on Poverty Action Plan is presented. Director of Education. Peter Joshua, suggested also bringing back the Poverty Indicators Report to the meeting in February, as part of the Focus on Poverty Action Plan is to review avenues for re-evaluation.


December 18, 2018 Special Education Advisory Committee:ma

I. Data Reporting 2018 (Continued)

Further questions of clarification were responded to, including: Ministry requires reporting of students by identification; access to more specific and detailed information by exceptionality will be available when the new information management system is in place; funding provided under the Ontario Autism Program, which allowed a small portion to be used to hire additional staff to manage the high volume of assessments, has been discontinued; resources exist for early identification of student exceptlonalities; whether accurate number of students being served in Peel can be provided to the Ministry of Education; additional information is available that will support the review of gifted girls through an equity lens, and a review of giftedness at the secondary level; supports and resources are available to take care of evidenced and obvious mild intellectual disabilities.

SE.Q4, moved by Dorothy Peddie, that the report re Data Reporting 2018, be received .

.............. carried

7. Supports and Resources: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)- Update

Archie Kwan, Senior Psychologist, advised that this presentation is the second part of a three-part series, and he noted opportunity for SEAC members to provide feedback. He recalled his presentation to the Committee last month, when he outlined the factors that led to problem solving and determining gaps in the system to support children with FASD. He reviewed the five core goals for FASD collaboration resuHing from feedback from parents, schools and community partners. Highlighting the need to build collaborative relationships with community partners, Archie Kwan described the work being done in the community in partnership with the FASD Worker at Erinoak Kids to bring awareness of the resources and supports that are available, to consider ways in which the FASD worker can provide professional development to staff in Peel, and share information with the school about potential cases of FASD. He also spoke about the work being done by the FASD Clinical Team in Peel, and the Collaborative Network, and plans to expand FASD knowledge and supports. Archie Kwan described the complex nature of developing an FASD profile due to the many factors that need to be considered to determine when there is alcohol exposure prenatally, induding alcohol timing, frequency and impact. He indicated that Understanding the Learning Profile placemat was developed after a review of various resources and trials in several student case conferences. Archie Kwan stated that feedback has been positive and the placemat will be presented to a number of school teams. He clarified information presented in the placemat, and its link to the Individual Student Profile Form, noting that the two tools are consistent with the neurodevelopmental domains identified in the new FASO diagnostic guidelines of the Canadian Medical Association, 2015. Archie Kwan advised that information regarding implementation and other components of the process, Including developing an IPRC, will be presented at the next SEAC meeting. Members speaking expressed appreciation for the placemat, noting that it can be used to support teachers in determining other behavioural issues. They thanked Archie Kwan for his significant work in promoting an understanding of FASD.


December 18,2018 Special Education Advisory Committee:ma

7. Supports and Resources: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)- Update (Continued)

The administration responded to members' questions of clarification, including: promoting awareness and education about FASD; creating capacity by providing learning and resources for staff.

SE=05, moved by Dorothy Peddie, that the report re Supports and Resources: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) - Update, be received.

.. ............ carried

8. Updated Membership List

SE-08, moved by John Marchant, that the updated Membership List, be received .

.............. carried

9. Communications

SE-07, moved by Carol Oitment, that the following communications, be received:

1. Letter from Windsor-Essex Catholic DSB to Minister of Education, Lisa Thompson 2. Letter from Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic DSB to Minister of Education,

Lisa Thompson 3. The Learning Disabilities Association of Halton 8111 Annual Solutions for Learning

Conference - Breakthrough to Excellence

... ........... carried

10. Question Period

Trustee McDonald expressed appreciation for the work presented by Nora Green, Tracy Bardell and Archie Kwan, and the work of staff in Special Education Support Services.

farbara Cyr asked about the process for appointing members to the Parent Involvement Committee, and qualifications required.

Barbara Cyr asked for information, by exceptionality, regarding gifted students in Peel. Trustee McDonald asked whether that information can be provided by gender, as well.


December 18, 2018 Special Education Advisory Committee:ma

11. Public Question Period

Student Trustee Oris-Naidenova asked about funding cuts made by the new government, and what information can be disseminated to students that could impact them in the future. Director Joshua responded.

Catherine Soplet stated that, at a meeting of Peel Regional Council, all levels of local government, including school boards, signed the Peel Youth Charter, confirming commitment to the core values of safety, health, and future jobs for youth. She indicated that this aligns with the Ontario Human Rights Code, and that the Board, and SEAC can be confident that all levels of local government support this document.

12. Adjournment

Chair Foster wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

SE-08, moved by Mary Wright, that the meeting adjourn (21 :00 hours).


. . .. . . . . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . ... . . .. .. . .. . . Chair . .. . ... . .. .. . ... . .. .. . . ... .. . .. .. .. .... .. . . .. .. .. .. . . Secretary


PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD 9.2 Special Education Advisory Committee January 15, 2019

SEAC Orientation: Information


It is recommended that this information be received.

In keeping with the Education Act, Ontario Regulation 464/97

'Within a reasonable time after a special education advisory committee is appointed, the board shall provide the members of the committee and their alternates with infonnation and orientation respecting,

(a) the role of the committee and of the board in relation to special education; and

(b) Ministry and board policies relating to special education. 0. Reg. 464/97, s. 10."

At the February 19, 2019 SEAC Meeting, Part 2 will be presented. This information will focus on collaboration.

Submitted by:

Shawn Moynihan, Superintendent of Special Education Support Services



PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Special Education Advisory Committee

Focus on Poverty: Action Plan


It is recommended that this report be received.

Prepared by:

Peter Joshua, Director of Education Kim Bsnnstt, Research OffiCSr, RBS88rch and Accountability Jasprest Pabla, Workplace Equity Offlcsr

Submitted by:

9.3 January 15, 2019

Shawn Moynihan, Superintendent of Spscial Education Support Services






January 2019 to June 2020

Peel District • School Board ...._,


On behalf of the Peel District School Board's Poverty Working Group, it's my pleasure to present the board's Focus on Poverty Year One Action Plan for January 2019 to June 2020. The plan builds upon the board's previous poverty work:

• In 2011, the Peel District School Board's Role in Ontario's Poverty Reduction Strategy Report was submitted in response to the 2010 Ontario Poverty Reduction Strategy entitled Breaking the Cycle.

• In 2017, an update on the supports outlined in the 2011 report was submitted and includes additional initiatives designed to support students requiring support to overcome issues of poverty.

• In 2018, the Poverty Indicators Report {Bennett & Favaro, 2018) was submitted. It presents socioeconomic poverty data for students in the Peel board and a series of indicators was created to illustrate the impact of poverty on achievement, outcomes, program and demographic factors. later in the year, the Socioeconomic Vulnerability Index {SVI) report (Napierala, Favaro, & Bennett, 2018} was also submitted. The SVI is an index comprised of multiple factors and is used to provide a socioeconomic context of our communities, schools and students.

The Poverty Indicators Report was the groundwork and impetus for creating the Year One Action Plan. It provides research data and information that illuminated poverty and its impacts on Peel students living in poverty. The Peel board Poverty Working Group, which includes board staff from a wide range of roles and departments, collectively reviewed all of the previous work in order to understand the needs, challenges and barriers facing Peel board students and families living in poverty. The working group also sought input from other groups within the board (e.g. Families of Schools, board departments and staff) before developing suggestions for poverty amelioration programs, activities, strategies and policies.

The following five action areas were identified to represent broad categories of needs, challenges and barriers: Awareness and Understanding of the Impact of Poverty, Supports for Families living in Poverty, Equitable Allocation of Human and Material Resources, Equitable Participation in Programs, and Student Success and Well-being. A visual representation was designed with the five action areas, and sub-categories, encircling the board's mission at the centre (see Figure 1). A Logic Model was created to provide a framework for the board's Focus on Poverty initiative. It presents the big picture of change, including actions and activities, and short­term, intermediate-term, and long-term outcomes (see Figure 2).

Guided by the board's mission to inspire success, confidence and hope in each student, and the board's goal to achieve inclusion for all through continuous progress on equity, the Year One Action Plan includes actions and activities that will be monitored and measured. The results will be used to inform the next phase and provide direction for the next action plan.

Peter Joshua

Director of Education Peel District School Board





Strong Positive Relationships

Responsive Differentiated


Access to Programs

Access to Supports



Figure 1


MISSION We inspire

success, confidence and hope

in each student.

! Board and School Resource Allocation



Poverty Awareness and Understanding Campaign

Understanding Poverty Using Data

Family-School Engagement

Community Partnerships and Resources

Students with Family Responsibilities

~ External Partnerships for Supplementary Resources

iJi Research and Accountability Peel District

~putting research into practice • School Board ""-"'

..... (,)

FOCUS ON Figure 2


Board Staff Students Staff ............................................... ~ ......... ..,. ......... o•oo•ooooooooooooouoooooooooouooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o ooo o ................................................................ ................................................................

Poverty Awareness and Family-School Engagement Boiird ilnd School Resource Access to Programs Understanding Campaign •Advocate for families Allocation (e.g.,French Immersion, •communication resources •Family programs at schools (e.g.,finances, tundra/sing, school Specialized Programs-Regional "Training on poverty and •Resources and activities to staff. resource staff. breakfast Learning Choices Programs/ student success communicate with families progrems, in-school programs, Specialist High Skills Major,

Understanding Poverty Using Community Partnerships and technology, transportation) Enhanced Leeming, Data Resources •Review current board and Supplemental Support, Extra-"Training on poverty data for •schools link families to school allocation processes curricular) schools and community community partners •Reform board and school "Review access and partners "Resource and partnership allocation models based on application processes •share Socioeconomic database student needs, stakeholder "Identify barriers and seek Vulnerability Index with Students with Family input and poverty data solutions to remove barriers schools and community Responsibilities External Partnerships for "Promote programs to all partners •connect students with Supplementilry Resources students •school demographics and board staff to co-create "Review external Access to Supports

w .... profiles customized program partnerships •Review special education •lntersectionality of poverty options •strategies for fostering identification and placement with other factors current and new processes for barriers and

partnerships inequities •Processes for equitable •Training on the access and allocation of intersectionality of poverty

- ·-•-••,.-- •,.no .. -o-.• ~-··~~ ~-· · ~- ~ . ..-,,. . ,...,.,.,._ ,. ,.-r supplementary resources ..... ~~9.-~P.~~-i-~! .~.~~-~~~~~!:! .~.~~9.~ •Increased awareness and ................................................................ ................................................................ knowledge of: •Increased willingness to "Increased awareness of gaps "Increased awareness of •poverty and impact on build family-school in finances. fundraising, barriers to programs student connections school staff, resource staff, "Increased awareness of the success and well-being •Increased awareness and breakfast programs, need to revise the special •intersectionality of poverty knowledge of community in-school programs, education identification with other challenges resources and supports technology, transportation processes and supports •context of poverty through •Increased awareness of •Increased connections with the use of data customized learning options external partners ·--····· .... -· ...... ·-······-.·-··--···-·-·········-+·-·-····-·· .... ,. ... ........ ......... ........ u . . ........................... ..... .................................................................. ................................................................ •rncreased motivation to "Increased positive family- •rncreased equitable •Increased participation in action school relationships allocation of board and programs •Increased use of poverty data "Increased advocacy school resources •Increased appropriate for decision-making "Increased use of customized •Increased resources from special education

learning options partnerships and equitable identifications allocation •Increased capacity to meet

the special education needs

tearnl~:~~~f!~~-~=~~······ ··n·:::~~~·::t:~:·~~-~~·i·~;·~~·:·······

MISSION We inspire success,

confidence and hope in each student.

Students Board Staff OOUUOIOUOIOOOIUOOOOOI00040000100 0 1000 10000000000 UOOUOoo

Strong Positive Relationships •"Champions at School" for individual students •Training for all school staff to build a supportive and responsive school climate

Responsive Different iated Instruction "Training on differentiated instructional practices to support students living in poverty •Professional Learning Networks for educators to share experiences and

I develop knowledge

•Increased awareness of the students needing a champion "Increased motivation of all school staff to build a positive school climate "Increased participation in professional learning to differentiate instruction in

"Increased positive relationships for students at school •Increased capacity of educators to provide responsive differentiated instruction

o uo oo ................. .

Close the Achievement Gap

I ..... ~


FOCUS ON Year One Action Plan January 2019 to June 2020



What we will do

Create Communication Plan


• Develop a comprehensive communication strategy to build awareness and understanding of poverty and its impact

Share Poverty Reports and Poverty Data • Disseminate the Socioeconomic Vulnerability Index (SVI) Report and the Poverty Indicators Report

• Create Equity- and Poverty-based School Profiles

Implement Training and Professional Learning • Create system-wide professional learning opportunities to enhance awareness and understanding

of poverty and its intersectionality with other educational factors • Develop professional learning sessions to build capacity to use and apply poverty-based data

• • • Changes and Impacts we expect to see

• Increased awareness and understanding of poverty in the Peel board • Increased knowledge of the impact of poverty on student opportunity, achievement and

well-being • Increased capacity of staff to use poverty data in their planning, resource

allocation and professional practice


---- ---------


FOCUS ON Year One Action Plan January 2019 to June 2020



What we will do

Develop Resources and Supports for Families & Students with Family Responsibilities 1

• Develop an inventory and map current resources and supports available to Peel board staff, families and students with family responsibilities

• Create, share and promote a Resources Database Directory of poverty supports and resources (electronic and print)

• Collect and analyze data about students with family responsibilities to identify their needs • Develop systems and strategies to link families and students with family responsibilities to resources

and supports

Build Relationships Between Schools and Families • Provide resources and training to board and school staff to advocate for students and families living

in poverty • Build relationships between school staff and families to understand their needs • Develop communication strategies that are responsive to the diverse needs of families living in

poverty • Create schools as the focal point for support and networking within the wider community

• • Changes and Impacts we expect to see

• Increased knowledge of the needs of families living in poverty and students with family responsibilities

• Increased awareness of the extent of external pressures on our students with significant additional family responsibilities

• Increased awareness and use of resources/supports available to students and families living in poverty

• Increased use of diverse communication methods by schools to contact and engage families living in poverty

• Increased engagement of families living in poverty with schools and the community

• Increased advocacy by board and school staff for community services and supports for students and families living in poverty



ON Year One Action Plan January 2019 to June 2020



What we will do

Environmental Scan of Poverty and Equity Initiatives



• Develop an inventory of current external partnerships engaged in equity and poverty work

Identification of Funding and Resource Gaps • Review the current allocation models (e.g., computer plan, school instructional supplies, school

repair budgets, extra-curricular funding) • Develop future allocation models for the board's resource allocation to include poverty-based

data (i.e., Socioeconomic Vulnerability Index) • Identify gaps between the community resources provided through external partnerships and

the needs of students living in poverty

Funding and Partnership Development • Build connections with the Peel learning Foundationl • Develop procedures, policies and processes to foster effective external equity-based and

poverty-based partnerships

• • • Changes and impacts we expect to see

• Increased knowledge of the current Peel board poverty- and equity-based resource allocation models within the board

• Increased knowledge of current poverty- and equity-based external partnerships

• Increased use of multiple factors, including poverty-based data, to equitably distribute board resources

•Increased equity-based and poverty-based partnerships with the Peel learning Foundation, the Region of Peel and other community groups



FOCUS ON Year One Action Plan January 2019 to June 2020



What we will do

Understand Barriers and Supports for Student Participation in Programs


' /

• Develop profiles of students living in poverty currently participating in specialized and regional programs

• Identify barriers and inequities in the application and entrance processes for program participation • Provide more ongoing supports during program participation

Accessibility to Programs- Locations, Types and Promotion • Review the locations of specialized and regional programs for equitable distributions • Create more program options and consideration of location in the home school

(i.e., neighbourhood school advantage) to meet the needs of students living in poverty

• Develop a variety of ways to communicate information about program options to students and families living in poverty

Special Education Program Review • Examine the Gifted Rating Scale (GRS) and its use in the identification process • Determine the aspects of intersectionality of poverty with other factors for students with special

education needs in contained special education classes

• • Changes and impacts we expect to see

• Increased knowledge of the profile of students living in poverty participating in specialized and regional programs

• Increased access and equity in application processes • Increased ongoing supports during program participation • Increased equitable distribution of programs, program types and promotion of program

options to students living in poverty • Increased access and participation to specialized/regional programs for students living in

poverty • Increased knowledge of the impact of the GRS on students living in poverty during the

gifted identification process • Increased understanding of the diverse needs of students in contained special education




FOCUS ON Year One Action Plan January 2019 to June 2020



What we will do



Identify and Empower Champions at School • Identify students living in poverty through data, conversations and relationships

• Identify school staff to mentor and support students living in poverty • Create opportunities for students living in poverty to meet one-on-one with a caring adult

Differentiated Instructional Practices and Professional Learning • Design instructional and assessment practices that responsively support the needs of students living

in poverty • Provide training for staff to understand how poverty manifests in classrooms and is represented in

the curriculum • Create Professional Learning Networks based on student poverty profiles to share best practices

Well-being of Students living in Poverty • Build capacity of staff to use the 11Everyday Mental Health Practices 11 and Social Emotional Learning

resources to support students living in poverty • Share training on 11 Leading Mentally Healthy Schools for School Administrators~~ resources to build

safe and inclusive environments for students living in poverty

• • Changes and impacts we expect to see

• • Improved relationships between school staff and students living in poverty

• Increased responsive and relevant instruction for students living in poverty

• Increased capacity of educators to meet the needs of students living in poverty • Increased capacity of educators to support the well-being of students living in poverty






Finalize and implement work plans to initiate the Year One Action Plan.

Develop a measurement plan to monitor and measure year one work.

Report back to the community, partners and Peel board system with an interim report about the progress of actions and activities at the end of the 2019-2020 school year.

Use data from the Year One Action Plan to continue the work into year two.


Detailed steps Who is involved? What is needed?

Take action



What do we measure? How?

When? Who?



Report back on what has been

accomplished in Year One


Use the learnings from Year One to move forward into the next phases




WORKING GROUP 2017-2018 and 2018-2019

Harjit Aujla, Coordinating Principal - Indigenous Education & Equity

Kim Bennett, Research Officer

Ashley Bigda, Community Relations Officer

Craig Caslick, Principal

Louise Clayton, Co-ordinator- We Welcome the World Centres

Liz Cook, Superintendent of Education

Paul da Silva, Superintendent of Education

Anthony Edwards, Superintendent- Alternative Programs

Paul Favaro, Chief of Research and Evaluation

Adrian Graham, Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction

Farrell Hall, Manager- Workplace Equity

Brian Hobbs, Executive Officer- Peel Learning Foundation

Peter Joshua, Director of Education

Michael Logue, Superintendent of Education

Shawn Moynihan, Superintendent- Special Education

Paul Officer, Principal, Continuing Education

Jaspreet Pabla, Workplace Equity Officer

Ryan Reyes, Manager- Communications and Community Relations

Michelle Stubbings, Superintendent of Education

Joy Uniac, Superintendent of Education - Social/Emotional Learning and Early Years

Jim Van Buskirk, Chief Social Worker

Stacy Wilson, School Support Officer

Peel District • SchoolBoard ..._,






The following is a list of the terms we use and what they mean in the context of the Peel District School Board and the Focus on Poverty initiative.

1 Students with Family Responsibilities Students who have children of their own, who are caregivers for younger siblings or who need to care for elders.

2 Peel Learning Foundation The Peel Learning Foundation is a community-based, charitable organization that raises funds to enable Peel board students to achieve personal excellence by providing resources that help them overcome barriers.






Bennett, K., & Favaro, P. (2018). The Peel District School Board- Students and Families Living in Poverty: Poverty Indicators. Mississauga, ON: Peel District School Board.

Napierala, J., Favaro, P., & Bennett, K. (2018). The Socioeconomic Vulnerability Index. Mississauga, ON: Peel District School Board.





Peel District • School Board '-"'



PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Special Education Advisory Committee

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FASD)- Part 3


It is recommended that this oral report be received.


9.4 January 15. 2019

FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) is an umbrella diagnostic term describing the range of effects that can occur in an individual who was prenatally exposed to alcohol. These effects may include physical, cognitive, memory, behavioural and learning difficulties with lifelong implications.

FASO is a brain-based and therefore, invisible injury. While Individuals may share common features, every Individual is unique with their own strengths and challenges.

This report is the third in series, describing the supports and resources developed In PDSB to support students with FASD.

Prepared by:

Meghan Echlin, Coordinating Principal- Special Programs Archie Kwan, Senior Psychologist

Submitted by:

Shawn Moynihan, Superintendent of Special Education Support Services


Presented by:

Meg han Echlin, Coordinating Principal - Specidi'IR

Dr. Archie Kwan, Senior Psychologist

Special Education Support Services


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Coordinating Principal • Special Programs '

Itinerant Teacher

OT(Special Programs)

SEA (Technology & Equipment) as needed

Erinoak FASO Worker

Consult with School

School Principal refers to ISRC to access additional supports as




PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD 10.1 Special Education Advisory Committee January 15, 2019

Learning Disabilities Association of Peel Region­WI~•2019G~upProg~ma


It is recommended that this infonnation be received.

Submitted by:

Shawn Moynihan, Superintendent of Special Education Support SetVICBS




LDAPR Winter 2019 Group Programs

~New Programs

~New Curriculum

~New Foctlitotors

Limited spocc ovailoblc

Want to build your own robot from scratch? Join our Tech lots Propaml

Excited about Science, Technoloav, Enalneerlnaand Math e~eperlments? Join our S.T.E.M. PIOJraml

Need help with stress manaaement? Meditate and centre yourself with our Mindfulness PI'Qiram for children, teens a adults!

Are you a 14 ·17 year old teen looklns to develop confidence, commitment and self-esteem? Join our Y.E.S. PrG~rtm (Youth Empowerment Support) I

Does your child need to Improve positive communication and appropriate social behaviours? Join our Social Sldlll Propaml

Does your child need to develop their abilities to deal with emotions & conflicts? Join ourS. T .A. T .A. Propam (Stop, Talk, Ask, Team Up and Alfee)l


Contact Sandr1 Coculunl for mort Information .t lfndracl!ldtpr.g or 105-272.,.100 ext. ZCM
