Spare parts anyone - RVCCC 2020/RVCCC Radiator... · Trevor Chapple Glossop 85832057 . Ian King...


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March 2020 THE RADIATOR Page 2

RV&CCC Inc. - COMMITTEE & OFFICERS 2020 Committee President Warren May Kingston on Murray 85839335 Vice President Dennis Finn Lyrup 85838390 Secretary Ros Simpfendorfer Waikerie 85412232 Treasurer Graham Trezise Loxton 85847803 Committee Allan Carthew Renmark 0429169214 Trevor Chapple Glossop 85832057 Ian King Paringa 0451565633 Ian Mason Loxton 0428847429 Leon Wittwer Waikerie 85412659 Neville Wurst Paringa 85955061 Events Coordinator/ Kay Sando Renmark 0438953020 Publicity Officer Registration Officer/ Chris Matthews Renmark 85864154 Log Book Registrar Assistant Registrar Peter Hardwick Barmera 85882428 Patron Rex Neville Waikerie 85413907 Vehicle Inspectors Chris Christiansen Waikerie 85412831 Rod Edmonds Renmark 85864008 Peter Hardwick Barmera 85882428 Rex Neville Waikerie 85413907 Ian Nitschke Loxton 0428849071 Robin Pedler Peebinga 85770036 Trevor Pendle Renmark 0407727365 Federation Delegate Trevor Chapple Glossop 85832057 Librarian Ken Blackwood Lyrup 0409387606 Public Officer Bill Brock Kingston on Murray 0429951634 Web Master Peter Hardwick Barmera 85882428 Membership Office Warren May Kingston on Murray 85839335 Attendance Officer/ Jeff Matthews Renmark 85864154 Database Radiator Editor Allan Carthew Renmark 0429169214 Radiator Distribution Allen Kuchel Renmark 85866521 Rod & Pauline Edmonds Renmark 85864008 Club Merchandise Malcolm Tubb Renmark 0417518565 Hall Committee Trevor Chapple, Janet Brock, Robert Drogemuller, Ian Mason, Chris Matthews, Rob Leske, Lindsay & Julie Knight Warren May and Graham Trezise ex officio BBQ Coordinator Kay and Brenton Sando Auditor Janet Thompson

WEB PAGE Visit the website, courtesy our webmaster Peter Hardwick: type into your search engine - do not use Google search. You will find information on Club activities and a facility for advertisements, items wanted and for sale: this has the potential to reach a wider community than does "Classified Ads. in The Radiator. Security is assured; submissions to the web can be accessed only by the webmaster.

RADIATOR SUBMISSIONS Submissions for the Radiator maybe sent to in Word document with photos in jpg format. All submissions will be considered and included at the Editor’s discretion, given room in the magazine.

RVCCC Library. Ken Blackwood has catalogued the car manuals in the library and they, along with many other books/magazines, and they are available to members. There is a borrowing book for those wishing to use this amenity. See Ken if you wish information on any of these ___________________________________________________________________________________________

'The Radiator' is printed by: print dna 148 Ral Ral Avenue, RENMARK 5341 Phone 85864011 email: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

March 2020 THE RADIATOR Page 3

CALENDAR 2020 Regular club meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month beginning at 7.30pm. Members in the host town are asked to bring a plate of supper to share. All meetings held in the Cobdogla clubrooms RVCCC Events Calendar February 29th (Sat.) Loxton Mardi Gras. 9am assemble on Loxton PS Oval. Club Event (See below) March 1st RVCCC Motorcycle run. 1pm. Club Event March 5th RVCCC meeting. 7.30pm. clubrooms. Renmark Host. Club Event March 14th (Sat.) Renmark Rocks On. Run from Riverland towns to Renmark. Club Event (see below) March 21st Working bee at Hall. 9am. General cleanup before Federation visit. April 5th RVCCC motorcycle run. Club Event April 25th – 26th Pinnaroo campout. Club Event. See note on Page 8. Sept. 27th Bay to Birdwood Club Event October 17th – 19th 2020 Waikerie on Wheels Biennial Rally. Club Event Note: All motor cycle events depart from Senior Citizens car park in Berri. Meet 1pm unless lunch run.

Heat/Rain Rule: If temperature is forecast over 36 deg or raining substantially 2 hours before departure time, the ride is cancelled

Other events April 5th Gawler to Barossa Veteran and Vintage Run March 7th – 9th Casterton Rally March 24th Federation run. Afternoon Tea at clubrooms. Help needed April 10 – 13th Morris Register National Rally April 10th – 13th Broken Hill 50th Anniversary Bushman’s Rally April 30th Ladies Day. Clubrooms followed by lunch at Flavours of the Riverland May 2nd – 4th Armstrong Siddeley Club Rally. (RVCCC catering for some meals – Help needed) May 3rd Cousin Jack Rally – Yorke Peninsula motorcycle rally June 6th - 8th PADARC Rally Pt Pirie July 11th – 12th 50th Anniversary July 11th – 12th Burra to Morgan run. August 20th National Dog trials. Evening meal at clubrooms. Catering helpers required

Please support our advertisers. They support your club with their advertising, so support their businesses with your custom. Club website If you have information/reports regarding trips etc., past or future, please pass on to our webmaster Peter. There is more room for long articles there than in the Radiator. A good site also for selling or buying items. Club regalia. Hat pins and cloth badges are now available from Malcolm Tubb. Hat pins are $8 and cloth badges $10. Bay to Birdwood run 2020 is to be open to all club vehicles, but places are limited. Entries will open in early 2020 and if you wish to participate you will need to get entries in early.

Loxton Mardi Gras The 63rd Loxton Mardi Gras will be held on Saturday 29th of February. The theme this year is ”Play”. Please assemble cars on the Loxton Primary School oval, anytime after 9am. RVCCC cars will lead the parade as in previous years.

At the conclusion, car parking will be provided in centre car park, opposite Foodland. Please contact Loxton members for more info if needed.

Renmark Rocks On Cruise leaves from Renmark Hotel at 8.20am, Barmera Hotel 8.45am, Berri Hotel 9.15am and Loxton Hotel 10am. Marshalled parking at Murray Ave. Renmark. Enter via Para St

March 2020 THE RADIATOR Page 4

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March 2020 THE RADIATOR Page 5

GENERAL MEETING Minutes of the meeting at Cobdogla 6th February 2020

MEETING OPENED at 7.30pm. President Warren May welcomed everyone present. ATTENDANCE: 114 members, 4 visitors and 2 prospective members (Sherriff Taylor nominated Neil Munday for membership and Ed Cottam introduced himself and wife Judy). RAFFLE was organised. MINUTES OF THE LAST GENERAL MEETING from 5th December 2019 as printed in the Radiator and published on the website were taken as read and accepted. ( Malcolm Tubb, Peter Hardwick) BUSINESS ARISING The Bay to Birdwood registrations are open. About 12 members are already registered. There was some interest in the Motorfest events held during the week before. CORRESPONDENCE Newsletters/ magazines from various clubs. Thanks from Chev Performance Association of SA for help during recent Riverland visit Cheque for $250 from Cobdogla Club - $1 donation per meal served to members during 2019. Invitations to CFS Foundation Fundraiser Barmera 8th February; Loxton Mardi Gras 29th Feb ; Port Pirie Club 18th Rally 6th - 8th June (Gordon Harvey, Brenton Harrington) REPORTS Treasurer: Graham Trezise presented the financial statements for December 2019 and January 2020 and accounts for payment. The treasurer's report was received and payments approved. (Graham Trezise, Richard Wood) Graham is holding a number of membership cards and name badges. Registrar: The renewal process went smoothly - there were a few issues with registration certificates. Editor: Allan Carthew appealed for more profiles for the magazine. Webmaster: President Warren promoted reading the magazine on the website - in colour! Federation: Nothing to report. Events : Bunnings BBQ on coming weekend -enough volunteers. Marshals needed for CFS Fundraiser - Malcolm Tubb, Jeff Matthews volunteered. Loxton Mardi Gras 29th Feb - details given. Richard Wood, Ian Mason & Graham Trezise coordinating. Renmark Rocks On Festival 14th March - more details next meeting. Federation Car Run afternoon tea with 110 visitors on 24th March - members asked to volunteer to help. Opportunity to hold BBQ/ similar at Barmera markets on a regular basis-about 8 members volunteered. The President's Run this year will be to the Birdwood National Motor Museum. Hopefully another Ladies day can be planned soon. GENERAL BUSINESS 1. President Warren informed members of the death of Sammy Rapisarda. 2. President Warren told members about a request from the Chaffey group of the CFS for donations towards Telstra boosters for command vehicles in the CFS. Moved Ian Nitschke, seconded Julie Knight that the RVCCC donate $1400 to buy a booster for one vehicle. Carried unanimously. 3. There was some interest shown by members for using a RVCCC Facebook page if one was set up. It as pointed out that others outside of the club could also access this page. Some members felt that having the website was sufficient. Next meeting - Thursday 5th March 2020 at 7.30 pm, Renmark are hosts. Committee meeting : Sunday 15th March at 4pm at the home of Warren May. Meeting closed at 8.15pm. Ros Simpfendorfer Secretary

March 2020 THE RADIATOR Page 6

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Minutes of the AGM held at the Cobdogla Clubrooms 6th February 2020.

MEETING OPENED at 8.30pm. ATTENDANCE: 114 members present MINUTES OF LAST ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING held in Loxton on 7th February 2019 were read and approved. (Ian King, Dennis Finn) BUSINESS ARISING Nil TREASURER'S REPORT Graham Trezise presented statements of income and expenditure for the period 1st January 2019 to 31st December 2019. (Graham Trezise, Bob Hodgson) The treasurer presented a budget for 2020 which was adopted. (Graham Trezise, Trevor Chapple) REPORTS FROM REGISTRATION OFFICER, EDITOR, FEDERATION REP and WEBMASTER given at General Meeting preceding the AGM. PRESIDENT'S REPORT. Warren May read his report for 2019. The year was packed with many club activities, both in the Riverland and further afield, in SA and interstate. A Sunday meeting and run was popular and another will be planned in 2020. Motorcycle riders also enjoyed local events and events in the Barossa and Adelaide. The addition of Ladies Day outings has been appreciated. Although there were 20 new members Warren expressed disappointment that many are not joining in club activities. There are so many opportunities and Warren urged new and old members to get involved. Changes were made to the registration and log book procedures. Some work was completed around the clubrooms. Warren thanked Treasurer Graham for all the time he spends keeping the finances in check. He also thanked all those who helped with fundraising through catering. Warren acknowledged the passing of members Pauline Harris, Trevor Smith and Sammy Rapisarda. Warren thanked the executive committee and others who plan events, produce the magazine, manage the website and organise the many other things which keep the club going. Warren concluded by saying that it has been a privilege to be the president and that he looks forward to another successful year in 2020. POWERPOINT PRESENTATION of 2019 events, prepared by Jeff Matthews, was viewed and acknowledged with a round of applause. TROPHIES AND AWARDS were presented as follows. 1. Events Trophy - presented to Graham Trezise by Kay Sando. 2. President's Trophy - presented to Ken and Rhyl Blackwood by Warren May. He said that Ken and Rhyl are quiet achievers, working as a team as they attend many events and working bees. 3. Appreciation certificates were presented to Robert Drogemuller (retiring Patron) and Bill Checker (retiring Vehicle Inspector) by President Warren. 4. Service medals for exceptional service were presented to John English and Bill Brock by President Warren. 5. Membership certificates or 15, 20 and 25 years were presented to those members present. ELECTIONS President Warren May declared all positions vacant and asked public officer Bill Brock to conduct the first part of the election of the committee and officers for 2020. Bill Brock thanked President Warren, Treasurer Graham and Secretary Ros for their services in the past year. He reminded members about Rule 13 of the constitution which requires the endorsement of members for any office bearer standing for more than three consecutive years. Moved Ian King, seconded Malcolm Tubb that this rule be applied. All in favour. After he was re-elected President, Warren May completed the election and appointment process, including Registration Officer and Log Book Registrar : Chris Matthews, nominated by Ian Mason, seconded Ian King. All in favour. Assistant Log Book Registrar: Peter Hardwick, nominated by Trevor Chapple, seconded by Allan Carthew. All in favour. (The 2020 Committee and Officers list is on page 2 of 'The Radiator'. ) 50th Anniversary Committee: members who volunteered: Kathleen Tubb, Trevor Chapple, Chris Matthews, Daphne Trezise, Robert Drogemuller, Warren May and Graham Trezise (ex officio) The raffle was drawn. The meeting was closed at 9.45pm and supper was shared. Ros Simpfendorfer Secretary

March 2020 THE RADIATOR Page 7

President’s Report Hello again members. This year is off and running and there is plenty happening already with events and activities. Thank you for the vote of confidence at the AGM this year. I thank Dennis Finn for putting up his hand for vice president and also to the new members who are coming onto the executive. In the past week< I have attended 3 meetings dealing with events within our club. 1. Waikerie On Wheels planning committee has been busy getting plans and things organised for the rally in October. They have a great weekend planned and so please plan to attend. It is 10 years since Waikerie hosted this event and they are going all out to make it a success. 2. The 50th anniversary committee has met and have another great weekend planned. The celebrations will be held on the weekend of the 11 & 12 July. There will be a dinner on Saturday night in Loxton and a show and shine and open house day at the clubrooms on the Sunday. More details will be in the next edition. 3. The 2020 Hall committee has met and has voted Trevor Chapple as chair. There are a list of things that are planned for the clurooms so keep an eye out for new bits and pieces around the place. There will be a working bee held on Saturday morning 21st March to tidy the grounds etc before the Federation members join us for afternoon tea during the next week. good day with profit for the club. Thank you to all who helped on the day. I want to say thanks for all those who do so many things behind the scenes. Things just get done. You are all appreciated. For those attending the Loxton Mardi Gras, I hope you have a very successful and fun day. See you in March. ENJOY THE DRIVE Warren

Profile of our President Warren.

I have grown up with diesel fumes and revving motors all my life. My dad was a diesel mechanic and spent a large part of his life working in the sugar industry in Queensland. My older brother became a mechanic and over the years had various jobs with major car and tractor manufacturers and dealers. I was driving cars at about 10 and old blitz trucks at 12. When my family moved to Berri, I was driving Dad’s F100 around town and when I was 16, I borrowed a friend's car so that the cops didn't recognize me. Because I was still at school, motorbikes came first and a Honda 50 was the first bike. I eventually bought other bikes but I wanted to get 4 wheels. I bought a 1948 Anglia for $$35 and set about restoring it. Dad was working for Murray Motors and I fell in love with the Falcons and Cortinas. I bought and sold some of their old trade ins but I needed something a bit more economical and so I bought a Hillman minx 1500. This was a great car and I did nearly 80000 miles in it. After graduating from college, I bought an XM Falcon, lowered. “hotted up”, wide wheels , metallic blue with vinyl roof. I lost nearly all my driving points ! They didn't have hoon laws in those days otherwise it might have been crushed. This was sold a week before Desiree and I were married and I bought a near new Hillman Hunter Royal 660. Twin carbys, sports wheels, vinyl roof the lot. Never lost a point all the time I owned it. Eventually the time came for a change and a Toyoota Crown, VC valiant, VE Valiant ute, XW Falcon fairmont, Datsun 1600, Landcruiser, Nissan Patrol , XJS Jag and a few more in there somewhere all added to list. My favourite car was an XD Falcon 4 speed. This was a brilliant car and didn't give any real problems. We towed trailers and caravans all over the place. We clocked just over 300000 kms and I sold it for the same price that we bought it for and the guy who bought it put another 200000 extra on the clock. This is one of the reasons that my toy shed has a large complement of the XD. In recent years, I have been able to buy a couple of my all time favourites and these are seen regularly at club outings. I had the opportunity to purchase a couple of vintage cars but these are being sold off as they are too slow and fiddly. I guess I'm getting old and cranky as well. The RVCCC has enabled me to touch base with so many people and I have learnt more about other makes and models since being a member. I really do ENJOY THE DRIVE.

March 2020 THE RADIATOR Page 8

Membership Certificates

Last year it was decided to present certificates to those people who have been members of the RVCCC for 15, 20 and 25 or more years. Many of these certificates have now been presented. These members are yet to receive their certificates. If possible can you please attend a meeting to receive yours, arrange for someone else to collect it on your behalf or contact me to arrange delivery. 15 year : John & Kate Symonds, Paul & Lorna Fechner, Con & Jacque Zagotsis, Kevin & Grace Heritage, Graham & Bernadette Matson, Bruce McFarlane, Paul & Janene Dempsey, Chris Weeks, Stephen & Jackie Knight, Jeffrey & Jennifer Hermanson, Thomas Drinkwater, Terry & Helen Bediavas, Robert & Marlene Flight, Dean Pedler, Anthony & Barbara Guerin, Robin & Jenny Pedler, Roy & Liz Pettifer. 20 years : John & Marlene Pavlenko, Alan & Hilary Miller, Brian & Mary Ann Mason, Grant & Ann Hall 25 years & over : Rod & Sue Bradtke, Avis Micke, Allan & Wanda Hucks Ros Simpfendorfer

Pinnaroo Campout 2020 This year’s campout will be held on the weekend of 25th-26th April. Saturday afternoon, we are going for a drive of about 35km’s up the Browns Well Hwy. The last 6km’s will be on a dirt road. We are staying in SA, so no problems with fruit/vegies. We will be aiming to leave about 12.30pm from Homburg Tce, outside the football oval. Make sure you are fed and watered. Please take a coffee cup and a folding chair. Saturday night, we will have the usual BYO BBQ in the Cricket shed on the south oval. Please bring your own meat and a salad or sweet to share. Also bring your own plates, cups, cutlery etc. Sunday morning, we will have our games at the Wetlands, cnr Homburg Tce and Mallee Hwy at a time to be organised. Again bring a coffee cup & folding chair. Steve Williams Tom Quince Pinnaroo Pinnaroo P 8577 8747 P 8577 8358

It was a very popular auto then, but I don’t think this sign would pass muster today. They were metal with an enamel finish, and on display at garages. We reckon we are liberated today, but this just shows that freedom of speech and humour have been replaced by litigation from princesses both male and female: Rod Edmonds

March 2020 THE RADIATOR Page 9

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March 2020 THE RADIATOR Page 10

Federation Meeting Report 8/2/2020

The Federation of Historic Motoring Club of SA was formed in 1971 so will be celebrating 50 years next year. They are active in representing the interest of members involved in historic motoring. In later years their main role has been the administration of Historic and now Club Registration. For our club to be represented it’s a 6-hour trip on a Saturday night but as the RVCCC’s delegate I think it’s important we maintain some form of contact with the latest happenings.

Club Grants This financial year $15,900 have been given to member clubs as grants, including us for this year’s rally at Waikerie. At this meeting three lots of grants were given to restorers under 30-years-old to complete specific jobs on a vehicle they are restoring.

Bay to Birdwood As mentioned at the AGM application forms for this event are out. The Federation runs what is known as The Motorfest the week leading up to the Bay to Birdwood. They arrange visits to various collections and venues. Planning has started but nothing as yet in place.

Advertising on Club Registered Vehicles Using Club Registered vehicle for advertising current businesses is not permitted. Comes under using vehicle for reward.

Club Registration Last year, the RVCCC committee asked me at various times to have the requirements for the administration of Club Registration clarified by the Federation. At no stage as a club we look to do things wrong but rely on the interpretation of an act of Parliament and a Code of Practice. At this meeting I asked, on behalf of the club, the following questions. 1 Who in the Club can issue log books? 2 Who can validate log books? 3 Do registration papers need to be presented at yearly membership validation? After 50 minutes of debate, discussion and questioning I don’t have the answers for the first two questions, yet. If you had a room full of lawyers each would have their own opinion which keeps the legal system profitable. DPTI has the final say and the Federation is the body that is our go between. They will get the answers. Trevor Chapple

Historic Motorcycles

Our first ride for the year was in almost perfect weather, and 4 riders fronted up for the ride: Chris Bennett on his very desirable Velocette Venom, Merv Dunk on his screaming Cagiva (had to be kept above about 5000rpm), Kevin Heritage on his retro Kawasaki W650 and Allan Carthew on his Triumph Tiger. A run through Loxton and onto Moorook where we stopped for a cup of coffee, and then back to Barmera with a drive around the Lake and then a chinwag on the grass in front of the Lakes Restaurant before heading for home. Unfortunately, our editor forgot to take photos. I will try to improve next time. Allan Carthew David Schubert sends in that there is a Collingrove Hill Climb on March 29th for those interested in this sport, starting at 7am. Many different machines can be seen on these days and it lends itself to a good day out. He also spruiks the Kawasaki Z1 Owners Club ‘Pub Run’ at the Wunkar Tavern on 16th and 17th ( I presume it must be in May for those dates) where a collection of these bikes can be seen, so if you have an interest there keep those dates free.

March 2020 THE RADIATOR Page 11


Having been involved in producing many magazines I understand the problems of our hard-working Editor so encourage others to help him, and us to get to know just a little about others in the Club. I should begin by mentioning I had been driving (intermittingly of course) for around 4-5 years before becoming the first candidate( at 16 years and 2 weeks) in Mt .Barker to undergo an actual practical test there (the older” youngsters” among us would remember that before that time-early in 1962-one simply answered a few questions and went off ,in some cases, to learn to drive – bizarre, was it not?!). This test I went through in our 1951 Ford – the heavy English “Pilot” version was not the easiest vehicle to park, let me assure you! First car – yes, the old FX Holden (if only I’d known!) This was late 1962 – it was a 1953 model. An employment shift to National Bank Whyalla in late 1963 (girlfriend at home) and needing something cheaper to run for obvious reasons – 1962 Mini (no, she didn’t wear them yet, but loved the car!). It was cream with red roof & a top speed around 74mph (118ks for the “moderns” out there) which it did very, very often once a fortnight, until the biggest kangaroo in the northern areas ended up on said red roof after altering the front somewhat (thankfully it was still driveable home due to the “East-West” motor suffering no radiator damage.). Next, following a marriage (different girl) came the chance to acquire one boyhood dream before it was too late – a 1958 red MGA. I surmised rightly that there was no room to conceive a child in it, let alone travel with one, so I’d better take the opportunity before the inevitable happened. Well it was fun for 18 months until “it” happened and we found ourselves in a 1960 Vauxhall Victor (this was 1968 now). That was fine for a time until the same problem reared its head again and we moved up to a 1963 manual Falcon station wagon (blue with a white top and a pearl white steering wheel to die for!). This in Pythonesque terms was “bloody looxury indeed!”. After some family “re-arrangements” I was “gifted” a Morris Marina, closely followed (1980 now) by a magnificent 1959 Mk1X Jaguar and my love/hate relationship with the Leaping Cat was sealed. A big, wonderful machine but somewhat heavy on the “juice” for everyday use so it was back ( temporarily) to a more mundane ’76 Morris 1100 before falling again into the “Cat’s” clutches with a ’66 420 Compact and then a 1965 “S”type of much charm, but eventually problems forced us apart (sounds like an affair does it not?!). Off to the NT for 6 years (Jabiru mainly) in a ’74 Torana where the need of vehicular transport for myself was largely reduced eventually, and I became a cyclist with a considerable increase in fitness. Returning from that northern sauna I worked my way through a Cortina,3 Sigmas,2 Corollas,a Honda Civic a Nissan Pulsar, a Peugeot 405 and eventually to the Hills Restorers Car Club based at Mt Barker (sort of a welcome home “old” driver) where I was now able to have an actual “Historic” vehicle – 1974 PI Triumph and a Fiat 124 (red, of course). A move to the mid-north produced the opportunity to purchase the pinnacle of most Jaguar-lovers’ desire- a Mk2 manual 3.8 I had lusted after since I was too young to shave! Much fun was had with it in the “NARC”(Kapunda Chapter) until a major rebuild was required (after moving to Pinnaroo), eventually successfully achieved and sent reluctantly on it’s way after 11 years(‘tho’ it hasn’t gone far & I think visitation rights are possible!). I now enjoy the reliability of a 1989 Mercedes (380000 kms) which, whilst not nearly as visually exciting has it’s own, well-known, qualities which I hope to experience for some time to come.


FOR SALE Jayco Stirling 2007 18 ft Tandem pop top caravan. TV, CD, Radio, AC, Heating. Double Island bed, twin sofas, microwave ,stove with full oven, 3 way fridge including 12 volt battery system and Hayman Reece hitch . Always shedded rarely used and in excellent condition. $22k. ONO. Contact Kevin 0417811291 (3) 1951 Humber Super Snipe, complete but in poor condition. Last registered in April 1971 (SA 423 214); driven to present location. Been in family for 60+ years. Lots of spares, eg two engines, steering column and s/wheel, dashboard - condition various. $1,000. Peter Magarey; 0418 808 296.


WANTED TO BUY Venetian or outside blind for 1958 Ford Zephyr. Contact Ken 0409 387 606 (3) THE SECRETARY, RV&CCC Inc.

PO BOX 822 BARMERA. SA. 5345.
