Spanish Armada



Spanish Armada. Spain Vs. England. Objective. SWBAT observe the causes and effects of the Spanish Armada Have HW out on your desk. Do Now. Have your Spanish Armada packet on your desk! We will be going over it and it will be collected!. PHILIP II - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Spanish ArmadaSpain Vs. England

SWBAT observe the causes and effects of the Spanish Armada

Have HW out on your desk


Have your Spanish Armada packet on your desk!

We will be going over it and it will be collected!

Do Now

PHILIP II Expand Spanish

Influence Across the Globe

Son of Charles V Strengthen the Catholic

ChurchStrengthen InquisitionSupported Catholic

Reformation Wanted his power to be

ABSOLUTE Received $$ from the


Inherited throne in 1558 Philip II asked Elizabeth to marry him in an attempt to keep England Catholic

Elizabeth said NO Philip II hoped to conquer England and restore Catholicism

Elizabeth = Philip II’s #1 Enemy



July 12, 1588 Queen Elizabeth: #1 Enemy

Protestant ruler She supported Dutch against Spanish

and encouraged English captains, known as Sea Dogs, to plunder Spanish treasure ships

To stop the Dutch, Philip prepared a huge armada (fleet) to carry Spanish invasion force to England

The Armada Sails

“It is well known that we fight in God’s cause. So, when we meet the English, God will surely arrange matters so threat we can grapple and board them, either by sending some strange freak of weather or, more likely, just be depriving the English of their wits. If we can come to close quarters Spanish valor and Spanish steel… will make our victory certain.”

Philip II Of Spain

Elizabeth IOf England

Religious IntoleranceProtestants who didn’t convert were

expelledRevolt in the Netherlands – Philip II

battled Protestant Rebels in the Netherlands

Strengthened the Inquisition


July 12, 1588 Spanish entered the English Channel For 8 days the English ships (smaller, but

faster) fought the Spanish Huge storm drove the Spanish around


The Battle

Spain: 130 Vessels123,790 Cannonballs30,000 Men

England: 150 shipsThey were smaller, faster, and more maneuverable

“Strange Freak of Weather” - storm - destroyed the Spanish Armada, before there was ever a fight.

Economic Decline - Philip II resigned his throne Costly wars overseas drained Spain of its wealth By expelling Muslims and Jews the country lost its

work base Became a country of Beggars France Replaced Spain as the Most Powerful

Country in Europe Enhanced English National Sentiment


Queen Elizabeth’s speech regarding the Spanish Armada

King Philip’s speech regarding the Spanish Armada


Primary Source
