Sophomore Portfolio by Juliette Laroche




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J u l i e t t e L a r o c h e

I n d u s t r i a l D e s i g n S t u d e n tS o p h o m o r e P o r t f o l i o R e v i e w


J u l i e t t e L a r o c h e P o r t f o l i oJ u n i o r I n d u s t r i a l D e s i g n F a l l 2 0 1 4 a n d S p r i n g 2 0 1 5


T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s

S p r i n g 2 0 1 4

W h i r l

M o c k

L u n u l a

L u n u l a P a c k a g i n g P r o j e c t

V i t a m i n P a c k a g i n g P r o j e c t

W a n d e r

F a l l 2 0 1 5

M é l a n g e

L i g n e R o s e t

P h y s i c a l T h e r a p y S h o e

C o m p u t e r A i d e d I n d u s t r i a l D e s i g n











P a g e #



P r o d u c t s a n d P a c k a g i n g

I n d u s t r i a l D e s i g n S t u d i o I I I

F a l l S e m e s t e r


W h i r l


One 2x4 PinewoodNo other Wood

Can’t be StainedBut can be Sealed

Cannot equal to or be more than the weight of the 2x4

A stool designed using only one 2x4 made of pinewood and can withstand a minimum weight of 200 pounds using the least amount of material as possible

O b j e c t i v e

C o n s t r a i n t s


Inspired by obsolete shapes balanced by tension

I was mainly interested in the strength of curvatures

Explored thin nature shapes that can hold heavy objects

I n s p i r a t i o n


I d e a t i o n


I d e a t i o n R e f i n e m e n t


C o n c e p t M o d e l s

P r o o f O f C o n c e p t

The stools top fits evenly in between the gaps

It is stackable

First use of material- Quarter scale

Helped me understand its context and I learned grain

and width strength


P r o c e s s P i c t u r e s


27 Inches in Height


M o c k

S p l a s h


Must be vacuum formed

Made out of a type of plastic

Share a similar design

language throughout the group

In a group of 3 we were to create a company with a distinct design language and design a bird bath, bird house, and bird feeder

O b j e c t i v e

C o n s t r a i n t sme bird bathteammates


I n s p i r a t i o n

Certain birds build their nest in

geometric shapes

Explored natural splashing effects and natural water

ripples to inspire my bird bath


R e s e a r c h

Hummingbirds Goldfinches Orioles Bluebirds Warblers Jays

Certain birds are attracted to certain colors and shapesWe focused on a certain subset of birds who were intrigued by

bright colors and have similar nest building patterns

Feet Grip Ease of Accessto food, water,

and shelter

UVA Protected


Owners of bird ecosystem

Easy to Clean


I d e a t i o n


To go onto the quirky side of our teams language looked at water ripples,

water droplets, and splashes

Foam has a good shading visual

Clay shows the geometric

shapes well


P r o o f o f C o n c e p t


P r o c e s s P i c t u r e s

Water Drains OutThrough side holes




L u n u l a


Must be casted out of resin

Simple on and off switch

No large lighting fixtures

Incorporate existing lighting materials

Play with opacity and color

Lunula is an accent lighting system for your home, the objective was to create a fun and unique way to turn on a light using an on and off action

by disregarding a switch and a push button

O b j e c t i v e

C o n s t r a i n t s


rotate push pull throw

Explored different fun actions that could potentially be the way to

turn on a light

T h e P r o b l e m ?

People fall asleep with lights on

Unhealthy for the mind and body

When do people fall asleep?

While reading When they are too tired to get upGetting ready for bed

E x p l o r e


L i g h t C o n c e p t I d e a Collaborated

Thought about what light is and what it does. When do we use it, for how long and “why?”

light when how long why


Inspired by Natural Lights



Looked at the two natural lights: The Sun and The Moon

I n s p i r a t i o n


I d e a t i o n s


C o n c e p t M o d e l s

S w i n g

T u r n

R o t a t eT i l t

R o t a t e

G r a b a n d S l i d e W o b b l e


F i n a l C o n c e p t

Rotate to your time of choice

30 min 1 hour 1- 1/2 hour 2 hours0 min

Slowly rotates back to from a Full moon phase to a New moon

Off On

LightTimer with

automatic switchon and off

Sleep at ease,light turns

off automatically


P r o c e s s P i c t u r e s



V i s u a l C o m m u n i c a t i o n

Packaging Project for Light Project



A c t u a l S i z e

Rotate to your time of


About :

30 min.

1 hour

1- 1/2 hours

2- 1/4 hours

Visit us at: Lunula is an interactive light

Using the moon as inspiration,

you rotate the front phase

around 360° from the Full

Moon phase to the New

Moon phase

A full rotation equals 2 & 1/2

hours of light

As the light slowly makes its

way back to the starting point

the Full Moon phase

Using a built-in timer and an

automatic off switch you can

fall asleep at ease without

the worry of turning off your


Rotate to your time of

choice, right before bed or

as you read...

As time passes abstract

moon phases appear as an

indication of time passing

Side View


Walnut wood




L u n u l aN o o m



L o g o V a r i a t i o n s





V i t a V e rVitamin Packaging Project


100% Natural






0% N



1000 mg

1000 mg

VitaVer B-12 100% Natural1000 mg



1 Teaspoon per 3-4 fluid oz.

A rich lime flavor for a fresh start

~ Helps promote Natural Energy~Vitamin B- 12,

also called Cobala-min

~ No Colors, Flavors or Preser-

vatives~ No Sucrose,

Fructose, Starch, Salt or Caffeine

100% Natural





0% N



1000 mg

1000 mg

VitaVer D 100% Natural1000 mg



1 Teaspoon per 3-4 fluid oz.

A sweet flavor for a fresh start

~ Helps promote Natural Energy

~ No Colors, Flavors or


~ No Sucrose, Fructose, Starch, Salt or Caffeine

100% Natural







1000 mg

1000 mg

VitaVer C 100% Natural1000 mg



1 Teaspoon per 3-4 fluid oz.

A tangy flavor for a fresh start

~ Helps promote Natural Energy

~ No Colors, Flavors or


~ No Sucrose, Fructose, Starch, Salt or Caffeine

Vita Ver is a vitamin brand I created to inspire young children to live a healthier life using bright colors and a

playful bamboo and panda themed design to take a more enjoyable approach to taking

their necessary supplements


S p r i n g 2 0 1 5

I n d u s t r i a l D e s i g n S t u d i o


W a n d e rP a p e r P u l p L a p t o p C a s e


P a p e r P u l p ( N e w s p a p e r )

W a t e r S o l u b l e G l u e

W a t e r

Wander is designed to protect your laptop case the objective was to make it from paper pulp exploring the best materials, shapes that can be formed from paper pulp to

create the strongest rigid and make the case as functional as possible

I explored aesthetics, texture, performance of the bag and compression molding

O b j e c t i v e

M a t e r i a l C o n s t r a i n t s

F l o u r S a l t



Sturdy Material

Natural Colors

Urban Accessorized

Organic Fabric

F i e l d R e s e a r c h


I d e a t i o n s


Explored curved shapesand ridges for

strongest resultsAlso the ease of access and

slim profileElastic side bands for a more

universal approach


F i n a l C o n c e p t a n d I n s p i r a t i o n

L a n d T o p o g r a p h y f o r O u t e r S t r u c t u r e

R o u n d e d a n d C u r v e d E d g e s

f o r D u r a b i l i t y

F a s h i o n T r e n d s a n d

N at u r a l C o l o r s

U s a b i l i t y

I wanted to take the whole concept of paper pulp being an

eco-friendly material and transfer that design of earth into my case and so I took the

idea of topography landscapes

and used the ridges and curves to my advantage to better

symbolize the purpose of the case


M a n u f a c t u r i n g

Female positive out of MDF

Vacuum Form Heat Box for 8-10 hours

Mold is now released and repeat for

second assembly

Cut off Extra Edges

Add mold release and place newspaper pulp and cotton mixtures to mold

Sew elastic fabric to edges

Add leather to bottom case and inner padding

for cushioning


Got my hands on as many different materials as possible, looking at

color, texture and smell

Decided on newspaper for lightness and color

Routing out the topography

Test dropped our pieces from the second floor with

a ceramic plate inside

Tested out curves and their strength using

newspaper and cotton for lightness


Made final positive

Sewed Fabrics for inner cushion

Top and bottom piececontains cotton and newspaper

All made from recyclable materials



I n d u s t r i a l D e s i g n S t u d i o

S p r i n g S e m e s t e r


M é l a n g eP r o j e c t 1 T r a n s f o r m


Research the best way to drink coffee today

The 1939 Sunbeam Percolator

Model C30Ato redesignCoffee Maker

To transform a vintage coffee maker and redesign an updated version of it by taking three attributes from the original coffee maker

and convert those attributes into the new design for todays current trends in design

O b j e c t i v e

Take the bestattributes from the percaltor


Designed for the Chicago World’s Fair

Futurama theme

Designed by Italian- American,Alfonso Iannelli in 1939 Futurama Theme Logo for the

fair, I decided to keep the futura theme and incorporate that in

my design

Discovered the pour over method is the most preferred way to drink coffee


R e s e a r c h


I d e a t i o n s


Vacuumed formedclear cast Acrylic

Too much webbing occured due to machine not heating plastic evenly


E x e c u t i o n

H e a t w a t e r to 195 °- 205 °


5 inches

3- 1/2 inches

Three attributes I kept in my design

Black plastic bottom

Curved inward at center of dividend

Trim and thin black lines

W a i t 2 - 4 m i n u t e s t o c o m p l e t e l y

b r e w

S e r v e s 1 - 2 c u p s o f c o f f e e



G l i d eA Sponsored Project with


Have to build around a 45 and 25 in wall in width

Glide is an intuitve fabric swatch display system designed for Ligne RosetThe objective was to eliminate their old swatch display which is difficult to see the fabrics and

the ease of use for the customers and the employees

In the meantime we needed to design a swatch display that could easily fit in with their store and style

This was an assigned group project

O b j e c t i v e

C o n s t r a i n t s

Can be wall-mounted or

free standing

Materials should correlate with Ligne Roset’s

design language

2 in the group

Fabric swatch hangers cannot

be altered or changed in anyway


1860 1930Founded by Antoine Roset in 1860, in

Montagnieu, France

In 1936, the company started manufacturing upholstered furnitureFirst logo design

2007 2011The Ploum couch’s

3 dimensional fabric and its minimal style

truly capture the elegance we desire

20132000The attribute we took

in mind is the slim metal base that is con-formed to the shape of

the Smala couch

Cemia’s rounded wood-veneered edgesare an inspiration for

our aesthetic

Nubo is a wall-mounted desk that has multiple

arrangements and pur-poses, it plays with

materials and lightness in manufacturing

Not all swatches are visible when on the rack

making the decision process

more difficult

Ligne Roset’s system for swatches doesn’t fall in

line with their values and style

The swatch rack isn’t counter intuitive

to customers and employees

T h e P r o b l e m ?





Materials we searched and kept in mind

for our piece




Ligne Roset’s love for design is presented through their drive to

stay up-to-date with new technology and materials, eco-friendly manufacturing processes, and traditional

family values

Sleek curves create an elegant feel to many of

their products

Playful lines bring a youthful feel to every room and attracts consumers

I n s p i r a t i o n


I d e a t i o n sMy teammates initial sketches


My initial sketchesbefore getting together with my teammate


R e f i n e m e n t S k e t c h e s

My sketches presented to Ligne Roset for them to narrow down and get an idea of the style they

like for their store


My teammates sketches

Really explored material and sliding components


F i n a l i z e d C o n c e p t s a n d S k e t c h e s


Final Sketches before building pro-cess begins

Kvadrat Large

Kvadrat Small

Maharam Large

Maharam Small

24 Platforms

54 Maharam Large and Small

6 Kvadrat Large

15 Kvadrat Small

VolumetricsConcept A

According to our volumetrics the swatch display system accomodates

92 swatches


P r o c e s s P h o t o s

We made a few mock-up models to test our theory and for proof of con-cept to accamodate for all the

swatch sizesBought 20 gauge steel sheets to test that the angles we wanted could be

done by bending

Proof of ConceptGrinded and made final

touches before assembling


Cut steel here

3/4” bottom diameter

1” top diameter




C y a nP h y s i c a l T h e r a p y I n d i c a t o r S h o e


Needs to fix a problem

A work shoe designed to address the needs of the wearer and to define and what constitutes as work, it has to fix an issue in the work field

O b j e c t i v e

C o n s t r a i n t s

Cyan is a tool for a physical therapist but it is a shoe for patients to wear during physical therapy. It’s aimed to help track walking and balance progress through the

shoe on a daily to weekly basis to better asist the patient and the physical therapist


I n s p i r a t i o nF i e l d R e s e a r c h

My main inspiration for this project was my sister, after an accident, she went through months of

physical therapy learning to walk again

I felt that shoes could better benefit the patients and of course the physical therapist

I went to TIRR Memorial Herman Hospital in Houston, Texas and I met with a few physical therapist and orthetists, I was able to observe patients during their therapy


C o n c e p t

Using a Force Sensor Resistor in the heel and toe area, a gradient light at the top of the shoe indicates the amount

of pressure put from the time they strike their heel to pushing off with their toe

Using light Indicator(Force sensor Resistoor)

Pressure Loaded into Computer database and

charts progress


I d e a t i o n s



P r o c e s s P h o t o s




Computer Aided Industrial Design

CAD Projects



P r o j e c t 2K i t c h e n U t e n s i l s

My pair of Twisted Kitchen Utensils concentrated on grip

and easy to clean


P r o j e c t 3S t o o l a n d T a b l e

Designed a stool and table setMy concept was aimed

for children



P r o j e c t 4P e r s o n a l A c c e s s o r y

3D Printed Light Screw-On LampI played with light patterns reflecting

from the crevasses



T h a n k y o u !