Solar Installation Abstract




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1) How solar works: the Basics2) The difference between Grid tie & Offgrid systems, and when to use each3) How to evaluate a property (house, building, factory, farm, etc) for feasibility of solar pv system installation4) Meralco interconnection, Meralco net metering program, and other programs you can use to maximize your solar installation5) How to calculate Return on Investment on a Solar installationSolar Energy is very common and abundant form energy. On our daily activities, at home, work, school or office we use the power and benefit of the sun. For the past years we were looking for alternative energy that will reduce carbon footprint consumption. Utilization of this alternative source energy will reduce the effect of global warming.One of the simplest and easiest way to utilize alternative energy is thru solar energy thru the use of photovoltaic renewable energy (PV-RE). The cost of this of photovoltaic panels already decreased dramatically for the past years, because of greater demand, reduced production cost and easy to adopt/install.To all interested, enthusiast and entrepreneurs this system is our future source of energy.
