Social Studies Jeopardy Round #1 VocabularyMAPEconomicsGovernmentGeographyHistory 10 20 30 40 50


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Social Studies JeopardyRound #1

Vocabulary MAP Economics Government Geography History

10 10 10 10 10 10

20 20 20 20 20 20

30 30 30 30 30 30

40 40 40 40 40 40

50 50 50 50 50 50


The direct trading of goods and services without the use of

money is to do what?





The division of powers among different branches of

government within a political system is called what?



Separation of powers


What is the term referring to the conditions where people cannot have all goods and services that they want. It results from the imbalance between

the relatively unlimited wants and limited resources





Sources that historians use to interpret and reconstruct the past that are interpretations of events

and developments that are not first-hand observations are what type of




Secondary sources


Define and explain the difference between a democracy and a republic. Give at least two

examples in your definition.


A democracy is a system of government in which rule is by the

people, either as a direct democracy, a republic, in which laws are made

by the people’s elected representatives.


To show by means of a picture, chart, diagram, or some visual representation is to do what?





Give an explanation and an example of what it means to

prove something.


Answer:Prove means to give evidence, present facts. It

means to establish the truth or validity of something. Examples: The population of one state is larger than another can be proven by census records of the population; An autopsy can find the cause of a person’s death; accept

any reasonable response.


Give the meaning of the word define. Use your answer as it

applies to

(leadership style & economy).


Define is to give a clear, concise meaning for a term. Laissez faire is the practice of letting people do as they please without interference or direction.

A laissez faire leadership would be where the leader lets the people under his authority do as they please without his interference.

Laissez faire economy refers to letting owners of businesses or industries fix the rules of competition or the conditions of labor as they please without government regulation or control.


Explain the difference between to compare and to contrast – give an

example to comparing and contrasting using the interests and positions of

Loyalist and Patriots before and during the Revolution.


The Loyalist were American colonists as were the Patriots but they remained loyal to Britain, the Patriots were not loyal to Britain but wanted

complete independence from Britain. The Loyalist were against fighting the war with Britain – the

Patriots were determined to fight the British until America won independence. (Some Loyalists

remained members of the Anglican Church headed by the British King; there were more Loyalists than

Patriots; Both groups were spread across the colonies; Accept reasonable responses.

#10Give a clear and thorough meaning of the following ‘command terms’

that appear on the MAP test.

1) Analyze 2) Summarize 3) Describe 4) Identify 5) Trace 6) Justify


1) Analyze means to break down into parts or principles in order to understand the whole.

2) Summarize means to give the main points in a condensed form with the small details left out.

3) Describe means to give a word picture of something; to tell a story in detail.

4) Identify means to name, to make known, to bring out. It requires a short response.

5) Trace means to ascertain the stages in the progress or development of something. A trace answer would be given in a step-by-step sequence.

6) Justify means to show what is right, positive, valid, proper, and reasonable. The answer must not be the writer’s opinion if it is contrary to the thesis of the question.



What economic concept is best described as a rise in prices with a decrease in the value

of money?


Answer:Inflation may be defined as a rise in

the general level of prices in an economy with a decrease in the

value of money.


Explain what the term ‘sharecropping’ means and

how it was implemented with some of the slaves in Virginia ?


Answer:Sharecropping is a way of sharing farm

crops for some other benefit. Under this system, emancipated slaves in

Virginia worked on farms that they did not own, and paid landowners with

products they grew


What is the main economic system of the United States? Give a brief description of it?


Answer:Capitalism – Capitalism is an economic system in

which private individuals and business firms carry on the production and exchange of goods and services. The basic characteristics is that land and capital are privately owned and used

to produce goods and services – and consumers are free to spend their incomes as they wish.


The economy is affected by what is know as ‘supply’ give a definition of supply and explain how it has

an effect on the economy.

Give an example to support your answer


Supply refers to the different quantities of a resource, good, or service that will be offered for sale at various possible prices during a specified time period. According to the law of supply, the higher the price on an item, the more of it that is likely to be offered for sale. When stores are selling a great deal of a certain type tennis shoe during the NBA playoffs. The shoes will be very expensive; therefore more of them will be produced and brought to the stores for sale.

(Accept any reasonable answer)


Give a clear and complete definition of the following terms:

1)Cost-benefit analysis

2) Consumer

3) Capital resources –

(Give examples of Capital resources )


Answer:1) Cost-benefit analysis refers to an appraisal of whether

the benefits of carrying out a project or decision outweigh the costs of carrying out the project or decision.

2) Consumer refers to the person who buys goods and services to satisfy their wants.

3)Capital resources refers to goods used to produce other goods and services. Capital resources may be buildings, equipment, machinery, tools, provided those items are used to produce other goods and services.


Explain what is the basic idea contained in the Declaration

of Independence.



The basic idea contained in the Declaration of Independence is that governments get their

power from the people.


Which method was used in developing the United States

Constitution at the Constitutional Convention in




The delegates reached a series of compromises to settle their

differences of opinion.


Explain the meaning of this cartoon as it pertains to the American Colonies.

Give reasons for your explanation.


The cartoon is showing that the individual colonies cannot survive by themselves. This was a reason that was necessary to

keep the colonies United.


Explain what the hats represent in this cartoon. Give at least two

reasons to support your answer.



The cartoon is showing the different roles a President has

while in office.

#20List the three branches of government at both the state

and national levels. Give examples of the responsibilities of each branch and list agencies and

participants for each branch.

Branch State National


Branch State NationalMake Laws Legislative Branch

General Assembly Congress

Enforces Laws Executive Branch

Governor & Other agencies that carry out law

President and other agencies that carry out the law

Interprets laws Judicial Branch

Courts Courts


Name and describe the field of geography that deals with weather.



Meteorology is the field of geography that specializes in weather and

forecasting or predicting what the weather will be.


Describe the difference between weather and climate.


Answer:Weather is the condition of the

atmosphere at a given place and time; climate is an average of the weather

conditions of an area over a long period of time.


Explain how geography is useful in everyday life. Give at least two

examples to support your answer.


Answer:Most professions require an understanding of geography,

and geographic knowledge is necessary for good citizenship. A storeowner needs to know the region of the store in order to know what type products to stock.

A doctor must understand the physical and social environments of patients to give them proper care.

News reporter travel to various locations writing about the people and events. (Accepts reasonable examples)


How are midwestern towns and cities changing in response to economic conditions? Give

examples to support your answer.


Answer:Midwestern towns and cities are suffering

economic decline because the number of family owned farms have decreased and because

interstate highways have pulled business away. Some cities have had much unemployment and population declines but are being redeveloped.


Name the five common themes of geography.

Give an example of each theme.


• (Location – every place on Earth has a location, absolute location = exact spot on Earth where something is found, relative location = the position of a place in relation to other places)

• (Place – the special characteristics that make it different from every other place)

• (Human-Environment Interaction – the interacting of people with their surroundings)

• (Movement – people, goods, and ideas move continuously - the movement of people goods, and ideas is spatial interaction)

• (Region – is an area defined by common characteristics)


The conflict between the northern and southern states was called

what war?



Civil War


Before the Civil War, which group most actively supported the

emancipation movement and the Underground Railroad?





A letter written by President Abraham Lincoln to General Ulysses Grant would be what

source of information?





Which period is associated with Radical Republicans,

carpetbaggers, and the passage of the 14th amendment to the United

States Constitution?





Based on the map, what conclusion would you draw about Native American Indians in New York State? Give at least two details to support your answer.



Waterways were important to the Native American Indian way of life. Accept reasonable details
