Social Studies 8. Jackson was a letter carrier for the Americans during the revolutionary war. After...



During his period of capture by the British military, Jackson and his brother contracted the extremely deadly illness smallpox. Jackson and his brother were released from the camp and began a 40 mile long trip home. Jackson’s brother Robert passed away, but Andrew amazingly survived. By 14, both of Jackson’s parents would be deceased.

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Social Studies 8 Jackson was a letter carrier for the Americans during the revolutionary war. After capture by the British, Jackson refused to polish an officers boots and was slashed with a sword. During his period of capture by the British military, Jackson and his brother contracted the extremely deadly illness smallpox. Jackson and his brother were released from the camp and began a 40 mile long trip home. Jacksons brother Robert passed away, but Andrew amazingly survived. By 14, both of Jacksons parents would be deceased. In the War of 1812 against the British Jackson wins the battle of New Orleans in An American victory after the War of 1812 Jackson was widely credited with delivering the USA a victory. In 1824, Jackson runs for president against John Quincy Adams. Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams entered into a corrupt bargain and stole the election of Despite Jacksons lead in popular and electoral votes, Adams become President Andrew Jackson supporters come back with vengeance and help get more voters out, finally allowing Jackson to win the presidency. Jackson (blue) easily defeated his rival, John Quincy Adams (Yellow) in their rematch. The Common man or the President of the People was elected. After his election, common people showed up at the White House to celebrate with Jackson. Jackson is well known in history for fighting the US National Bank as he believed it favored the wealthy. Opponents of Jackson said he did whatever he pleased and disregarded the Constitution. The use of the Veto made it appear as Jackson was abusing his powers as President. Jacksons government instituted a high tariff on imported goods Vice President John C. Calhoun of South Carolina thought Jackson was not helping American business as he intended. In 1833, Jackson threatens South Carolina to comply with the law. (Force Bill) South Carolina threatens to leave the United States. A compromise is created, but a Civil War was just narrowly averted. Jackson killed Charles Dickinson in a duel defending the honor of his wife Rachel. Dickinson, an expert shooter, put a bullet in Jacksons chest just inches from his heart. Jackson, wounded, took aim and killed Dickinson Andrew Jackson actually survived as assassination attempt as President. 1/30/1835 Leaving a funeral in Washington, a man, Richard Lawrence approached Jackson. He pulled a gun and pointed it at Jackson but it misfired. Jackson then 67 began to beat his attacker with a cane. During the assault Lawrence pulls a second gun, it misfires again. The odds of both pistols misfiring was 1 in 125,000.