Social Group in ______’s Class. I have social group in ____’s class. I will try to walk to...



I will try to enter the classroom quietly and sit down at the table. My friends will probably say hi to me. I will try to say Hi back.

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Social Group in ______’s Class

I have social group in ____’s class. I will try to walk to _____’s class with

quiet hands and quiet feet.

I will try to enter the classroom quietly and sit down at the table. My friends will

probably say hi to me. I will try to say Hi back.

A teacher will help set up an activity to play with my friends. We might play

Bingo or boardgames. Or we might make a craft.

Someone needs to pass out pieces to our social group. Sometime I might pass out the

pieces. When I do, I will try to say “Here” when handing an item to my friend.

When all the pieces are passed out, my teacher will tell us when to start. Yeah! Now we get to

play and take turns!

Wow! Playing with friends is fun!

When we are all done the game is over. I will try to help my friends clean up all the

pieces and say Good bye.
