SO Analyzer 信号解析・レポートソフトウエアーシステム


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SO Analyzer 信号解析・レポートソフトウエアーは、FFI 解析、モーダル解析、音響解析、各



OS:WindowsXP, Windows VISTA, Windows7, Windows8.1, Microsoft Surface Pro3

対応フロントエンド: m+p 社フロントエンド(VibPilot, VibMobile, VibRunner)

VTI 社 VXI シリーズ

National Instruments CDAQ シリーズ など


e-Report データ管理、プロジェクト設定、セットアップ、表示、データ解析、データの出入力、

レポート作成をする SO Analyzer のコアモジュール

データ収録解析 (Data Acquisition and Analysis)

・ General /Block Mode 収録

・ Throughput to Disk

・ Postprocessing ・ Signal Source (Sine, Burst Sine, Random, Burst Random, Sine Sweep 等)

Structure Test(構造解析) 主な内容

・ Geometry Wizard (各種定義 Component・Node・Line・Animation など)

・ System Excitation (Impact Test, Shaker Test, Multiple Input Multiple Output

(MIMO) Test, など)

・ Impact Test

・ Shaker Test

・ MIMO Shaker Test ・ Stepped Sine 計測

SO Analyzer SmartOffice eReporter Signal Analysis and Reporting Software System

SO Analyzer 信号解析・レポートソフトウエアーシステム


・ MIMO-Sine-FRF-Wizard

・ Normal Mode Tuning Measurement (Shaker Location, Configuration, Transducer など)

・ System Identification (ODS, SDOF, MDOF, OMA など)

・ Operating Deflection Shape (ODS) ・ Single Degree of Freedom (SDOF) 解析

・ Multiple Degree of Freedom (MODF)解析

・ Operating Modal Analysis (OMA) 解析

・ Modal Model Validation (MMV)

・ Structure Dynamic Modification (SDM)

Rotating Machinery Analysis (回転機器解析)

・ The Water Fall Display

・ Time Base Acquisition and Analysis

・ RPM Based Acquisition

・ Analyzing Data with Waterfall Display ・ Balancing Wizard など

Acoustic Analysis and Acquisition (音響解析・収録)

・ Sound Pressure and 1/N Octave Analysis

・ Sound Intensity

・ Sound Power Analysis (ISO-9614-2/3)

・ Sound Power Analysis (ISO-374X)

・ Sound Quality

・ Human Vibration

・ LOFAR and DEMON Analysis

Shock Response Spectrum(SRS)Analysis (SRS 解析)

・ Offline SRS/Shock Reduction Wizard

・ Online SRS

Shock Capture

Strain and Temperature Measurements


Dynamic Signal Acquisition and Analysis


Modal Acquisition and Analysis


Impact Testing


Rotating Machinery Analysis 回転機器解析


Acoustic Analysis 音響解析

Octave Analysis

Sound Intensity and Sound Intensity Mapping

Sound Power


Sound Quality


Environmental Vibration Testing

Random Vibration Swept Sine Vibration Classical Shock Shock Response Spectrum


Vehicle Pass-by Noise Testing




SO analyzer SOFTWARE 選択

SO Analyzer ソフトウエアー 

SO Analyzer SmartOffice eReporter 信号解析・レポートソフトウエアーシステムSO Analyzer SmartOffice eReporter Signal Analysis and Reporting Software System




SO eReporter Standard (標準タイプ)

2D, 3D, Import/Export SOT/RPC3/UFF/VibCo

( Calculator, User Programming & Macros, ActiveX Reporting wizard, all DataImport/Export Filters の追加の場合は、 SO-eRpro参照)


SO eReporter Pro (プロタイプ)

SO-eRstd plus Calculator, User Programming & Macros, ActiveX Reporting wizard,all Data Import/Export Filters(Geometry/ODS追加は、 SO-eODS参照)

SO eReporter Post-processing add-on applications SO-eRstd & SO-eRproに対応




DSP Post Processing of time history data; ≤16 channels; SO-8ch+ required for>16 channels(For VibCo includes Random Reduction. To add Sine & Shock Reduction modes seeSO-SINR, SO-SC, SO-SRS)

SO-eODS Post Test - Geometry Creation & ODS Animation; channel count unlimited

SO-eMDOFPost Test - Modal Analysis, Circle Fit, SDOF, MDOF & MMV; channel countunlimited

SO-eROTPost Test - Tacho Fit, RPM Mapping & Order Tracking wizards; channel countunlimited

SO-eACOU Post Test - Acoustic, Fractional Octave Analysis requires SO-eTH


ソフトウエアーモジュール m+p SO Analyzer DSA Dynamic Signal Analysis Software Modules




SO Analyzer DSA Standard (標準タイプ)

(内容)Real time FFT Acquisition, Analysis & Copy/Paste Reporting, 2D, 3D, Import/ExportSOT/RPC3/UFF/VCPup to 16 input channels and one type of front-end drivers supported; specifyVibPilot/VibRunner/NI/VXI; TEDS support for front-end;

本ソフトウエアーに含むソフトパッケージ:SO-eRstd eReporter Standard; for VibCo incl. Random Reduction; to add Sine &Shock Reduction modes see SO-SINR, SO-SRS


SO Analyzer DSA Pro (プロタイプ)

(内容)Real Time FFT Acquisition, Analysis & Auto Reporting, 2D, 3D, all DataImport/Export Filters, Time History Recording,Off-line Post Processing of time history files, Calculator, User Programming &Macros,Analog Tacho Inputs with manual spectral mapping, Order cuts using 3D chartup to 16 input channels and one type of front-end drivers supported; specifyVibPilot/VibRunner/NI/VXI; TEDS support for front-end;

本ソフトウエアーに含むソフトパッケージ:SO-eRpro eReporter Pro; for VibCo incl. Random Reduction; to add Sine & ShockReduction modes see SO-SINR, SO-SRS


信号解析アプリケーション用追加ソフトウエアー SO Analyzer DSA Dynamic Signal Analysis

SO-ACOUリアルタイム音響解析Real-Time Acoustic Analyser (fractional octave filters)


追加 8ch 入力ドライバーAdd n-times 8 input channel driver to support a total of up to 24/32/40/48/.. Inputchannels;only quote once if hardware is operated with VibControl and SO Analyzer

SO-FED+追加 フロンエンドハードウエアードライバーAdditional front-end hardware driver; specify VibPilot/VibRunner/VibMobile/NI/VXI

SO-SIサウンドインテンシティー計測Sound Intensity Measurement; requires dual microphone probe

SO-TLTemperature logging with NI 9211 or NI 9233, supported with any othermeasurement front-end

構造解析用アプリケーション用追加ソフトウエアーSO Analyzer DSA Dynamic Signal Analysis: Structural application add-ons

SO-ODSインパクトハンマー計測ウイザード   Geometry 表示 & ODS アニメーションGuided Hammer Impact measurement wizard, Geometry creation & ODS Animation


モーダルパッケージModal Analysis pack: Guided Hammer Impact, Geometry Creation & ODS Animation,Circle Fit, SDOF,MDOF pLSCE curve fitters & MMV

SO-MMMIMO Measurement & Analysis Module incl. multi-source outputs (requires SO-MDOF)

SO-PRFAdvanced Frequency Domain Curve Fitter pLSCF and optimized pLSCE (requiresSO-MDOF)

SO-MPMass properties wizard to compute rigid body properties and inertia terms from FRFmeasurements


回転機器アプリケーション用追加ソフトウエアーSO Analyzer DSA Dynamic Signal Analysis: Rotate application add-ons

SO-ROTReal time Tacho based spectral mapping & Order tracking measurements plus off-line Tacho spline fit,RPM Spectra Mapping & Order tracking wizards.

SO-ROTBSpectral mapping & Order tracking measurements based on tacho signal from analoginput channel;enables Envelope calculator for DSAstd

SO-OA Orbit Analysis Wizard (off-line)

SO-BALBalancing measurements wizard and correction calculator for single and two planesystems



信号解析アドバンスアプリケーション用追加ソフトウエアーSO Analyzer DSA Dynamic Signal Analysis: Advanced application add-ons

SO-SSO Stepped Sine online analysis with multiple source control

SO-SINR Sine Reduction analysis with multiple source control

SO-SRSShock Response Spectra (SRS) analysis with limit overlays (on-line & advanced off-linewizard)

SO-AIMAcoustic Intensity mapping with measurement and 3D colour mapping wizard, requiresSO-ACOU and SO-SI

SO-N2216D N2216 driver - Embedded VXI SCSI Disc Throughput Pack

SO-SC Shock Capture with classical shock test limit overlays (Classical Shock Reduction)

SO-PBN Pass-by-Noise measurement and analysis wizard


Loudness & Intelligibility analysis; sound quality based on Zwicker loudness, FFT-basedanalysis, includes Vibration Dose Value (VDV);1/3 Octave based analysis with additional option SO-ACOU

SO-EX1629D EX-1629 Strain Conditioning driver

SO-TADIOD Test automation and digital I/O drivers

SO-NETLNetwork based concurrent licensing instead of Dongle licensing; increase price of the firstsoftware license by percentage


Floating (detachable) network based concurrent licensing;increase price of the first software license by percentage; requires SO-NETL Networkbased concurrent license


Sound Power analysis to ISO 374x including ECMA 74 Tonality (both require SO-ACOU).Additionally with SO-SI includes ISO 9614-2 Sound Power methods and SoundTransmission Loss

SO-LOF Lofar and Demon analysis functions for sonar applications

SO-GVTGVT test pack with On-Line Normal Mode Tuning and MIMOSineFRF wizard, includingSO-SINR Sine Reduction and SO-SSO Stepped Sine analysis

2014 年 6 月 ver01

