Snims News Vol 3 Issue 9 2015


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SNIMS NEWS August 2015


Vol-3 Issue-9 04-09-2015 Page-1

Reception to Panchaloha Statue of Guru


Hospital Activities


Social Activities

Campus Sights

Cultural Activities

Health Days

Welcome to new Faculties

Health Tit Bits

Forthcoming Events

Dr.(Col) Tommy Varghese,

Medical Superintendent.

About 45 years of togetherness

with patients and health care delivery


Message- “Effective communication is the main stay in patient care.”

Reception to Panchaloha Statue of Sree Narayana Guru.  Rahtayathra of Panchaloha statue of Sree Narayana

Guru was received by garlanding the statue at the premises of

SNIMS with devotion. Principal Prof Dr M.J.John and Finance Controller

Mr. E.A Subramanian along with Doctors, staff, Interns and students received

the pilgrims. The Rahtayathra started from Sivagiri and was on the way to

Adwaitha Ashramam, Alwaye. The pilgrims were given lunch at SNIMS and

they proceeded to Alwaye after resting for an hour at SNIMS.

Sree Narayana Jyothi yathra also was received and garlanded at SNIMS by

Finance Controller Mr E.A.Subramanian. SNIMS campus was illuminated on

Sree Narayana Jayanthi

Hospital ActivitesSNIMS Observed World Breast feeding week-August 1-7th 2015

Quoting our beloved late Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam “If a country is to be

corruption free & become a nation of beautiful minds, I strongly feel there are

three key societal members who can make a difference. They are Father,

Teacher and last but never the least Mother. “Mothers are always the

epitome of selfless love and the bonds they share with their children are

indeed the purest form of affection one can find and to Emphasize the

importance of mother saying goes “Ma at whose breast humanity is

nourished and whose lap civilizations are cradled”. Shows the importance

of Breast feeding in bui lding a healthy & strong nation.

On this World Breastfeeding Week, WABA calls for concerted global action

which aims at providing support to women in combining breastfeeding and

work. Even at the work places, we have seen more and more actions being

taken to set up breastfeeding workplaces.


theme “Breastfeeding & Work, let's make it work” stood as the main pillar

around which all these activities revolved” .

A week long activities were

executed by SNIMS at various venues for various sections of people.

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The Inaugural function was on 1/8/2015 at SNIMS. The

Departments of OBG, Pediatrics & Community Medicine with interns took

he lead in organizing the events. Principal Prof. Dr. M.J.John inaugurated the

unction. Prof.Dr.Raju Antony welcomed the gathering. The message for the

day was delivered by Prof.Dr. Laila of the Pediatric Department.

Words of gratitude were showered by Dr.Christy (intern).

A role play enacted by the 2013 batch depicted the importance of

exclusive breast feeding and the adverse effects of bottle feeding .

A quiz programme was conducted by the Interns for

our students & the winners were awarded.

An awareness programme at ward

no.10 of Kunnukara Panchayath for nursing &

working mothers was conducted by the Inner

wheel club North Parur in collaboration withSNIMS. .

  Breast feeding awareness

lass was conducted at Anganwadi

o 32 ,Kunnukara for the mothers of

nganwadi children. .

At both these venues there were around 30 mothers .The sessions

were led by Dr.Gopalakrishnan, Dr.Ann Mary & Dr.Krishnan Nair .The topic was

detailed by Dr. Athira & Dr. Nithya ,the interns of 2009 batch. Katori &

poons were gifted to the mothers. This humble act signified the need to feed

he babies of working mothers expressed breast milk by Katori & spoon and

not by feeding bottles to prevent infection .

  An awareness

programme to nurses was

conducted by Dr Shanthi,

Faculty, OBG Department

This was followed by anactive discussion by Prof. Dr.

B .Rajalakshmi, OBG Dept.

Seminar was organized on the topic 'problems faced in breast feeding &

breast feeding in special situations'. The topic was presented by Dr Nikhila

and Dr Shreeraj (House surgeons) respectively and was chaired by Dr Kala

Raghu (Assistant Professor of Pediatrics).

Another quiz competition was conducted for the faculty & interns from all

he departments during the academic meet.

An intradepartmental quiz competition was also held by the interns. It was

conducted by Dr Vishnu, Dr Jesna & Dr Greeshma (House surgeons) .

There were sessions for preparing posters related to Breast Feeding Week

2015. A class on breast feeding was held for the nurses by Ms. Dhanya.

A poster drawing competition was held on 10/08/2015.

Independence Day celebrations.

On 15 th August 2015 SNIMS celebrated the

Independence day.

Dr Reny Benny, the top ranker in last Final MBBS

Examination hoisted the National Flag .Principal

Commodore Dr M.J.John gave the Independence Day

Message. Faculties, staff, Interns and students joined in

the function.

Parents-Teachers workshop-

The second stage of Parents Teachers workshop on behavioral and

academic issues in children held at SNIMS on 8/8/15 by the support of dept. of

Psychiatry. The first stage was conducted in last year. Around 100 PTA

members attended the meeting from the nearby schools. Principal

inaugurated the meeting.Dr. Anoop Vincent and other faculties from the

department took classes. .

Awareness class on Traffic Rules

An awareness class on traffic rules and regulations was conducted

at SNIMS on 21/08/2015. The class was taken by Mr. Saneesh, Asst. Motor

Vehicle Inspector, Ernakulam. About 78 doctors and nursing staff of SNIMS

participated in the programme.


3rd MBBS Part I Result of 2011 Regular Batch (KUHS) is published.

Pass-------------95.5 %.

Distinction-----4 numbers.

1st class------35numbers.

2nd class-----26 numbers.

Congratulations to HODs, Faculty, Staff and the Students!

Social Activities

Awareness programmewas conducted on prevention of

Cancer for Master Trainers from

Resident Associations at Parur. The

class was led by Prof Dr Raju Antony,

HOD, Dept of Community Medicine,


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  An awareness

p r o g r a m m e / p r e

marriage counseling

programme for the

youth: on 9/8/2015 at

Human Resource Center,

NSS Building, Paravur.

35 persons attended the session. Dr. Krishnan Nair of SNIMS, Chalakka led

he session..

Campus sightsPranams at the feet of Sree Narayana Guru

Sree Narayana Guru, was a Great

saint, Poet and social reformer of

Modern India. He was born into an

Ezhava family. He led a reform

movement in Kerala, rejected

casteism, and promoted new values

of spiritual freedom and social

equality. He stressed the need for

the spiritual and social upliftment of

the downtrodden by their own

efforts through the establishment

of temples and educational


ayanthi: August 20, 1856, Chempazhanthy

Samadhi: September 20, 1928, Varkala

Full name: Sree Narayana Guru

Books: Garland of Visions ,Darśanamālā of Narayana


Parents: Madan Asan, Kutti Amma

Cultural ActivitiesOnam celebrations

SNIMS celebrated Onam with all festivity from Atham to


Pookalam competition involving Doctors, Staff, Interns and

Students started on 19-8-2015 and continued up to 27-8-2015. Nine teams

were formed and for each team a day has been allotted within these nine

days. The criteria for the completion are that the teams should use leaves and

lowers only. Also the Pookalam should be over before 9am.

Payasm Making competition

Competition on Pulikali, Paayasam making, Eating, Vadam vali,

poon race, Uriyadi were conducted with jubilance. The Kerala Traditional

resses of all Gents and Ladies on the Onam Celebration Day was beautiful.

The SNIMS family had enjoyed the Onam sadhya on 25-08-2015 with 36

raditional food items of Kerala.

Health Days in August 

August 20th –World Mosquito Day-

Small Bite, Big Threats

A small mosquito bite can lead to big threats. Mosquito bite can be

deadly as it can cause diseases such as Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya,

apanese Encephalitis and Yellow Fever

25th August to 8th September-

The National Eye Donation Fortnight is observed every year from 25thAugust

to 8th September. It is a campaign which aims to create mass public

awareness and to pledge their eyes for donation after death

Eye Donation Fortnight

Welcome to new Faculties 

Health Tit BitsEvaluation of Swachh Bharat Drive.

In a yearlong survey ,476 cities in India with population above 1 lakh

were studied by Researchers for The Ministry Of Urban Development

,GOI.The objective was to find out where exactly the cities were standing at

the launch of Swachh Bharat Mission and what distance they have covered

ever since. The parameters were whether the municipalities were reducing

open air defecation, effectively handling solid waste, sewage and waste water

, drinking water quality, surface water quality of water bodies and mortality

due to water -borne diseases.

Mysore city tops the rankings followed by Thiruchirapalli,Navi

Mumbai,Kochi,Hassan,Mandya ,Bangaloru,Thiruvananthapuram, Halishar (in

West Bengal) ,Gangtok and the 476th rank goes to Damoh in Madhya

PradeshSource-The Hindu dated 7-08-2015


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For your Kind Attention !!!

e request all the readers to forward news with

photographs related to Academics,hospital

activities,sports, cultural activities, social

Wactivities, news relating to individual excellence & guest editorials to 

Death toll due to infectious diseases –five fold increase in Kerala.

Mosquito Factory in China

The Fruity line –up.

Within the first seven months of 2015 the deaths due to infectious

iseases are 163 while total for last year was only 29.

Of 620 confirmed cases of H1N1 6 died. Out of 14.68 lakhs cases of fever 23

ied. 2359 cases of Dengue Fever with 16 deaths were reported. Death toll

ue to Scrub Typhus & Hepatitis B are 13 each. Out of 102 KFD cases 11 died.

Of 18 confirmed cases of Leptospirosis 11 died. There were 8 Chicken pox

eaths and one Malaria death .2.87 lakhs cases of diarrhoeal diseases with 2

eaths were reported during these 7 months.ource- News in Malayala Manorama daily dated 04-08-2015.

The Southern Province of Gwadhong in China established a big

actory for producing sterile male mosquitoes. About one million sterilized

male mosquitoes are liberated from the factory per week. Aim is to reduce

multiplication of Aedes mosquitoes which spreads Dengue syndrome. The

Researchers claim that in the first week of release of sterile male mosquitoes

tself the number of Aedes mosquitoes have reduced by 90%.These sterile

mosquitoes were released to SHASI Island of Gwadhong Province where

Dengue Syndrome was spreading .

The mechanism is explained as these male sterile mosquitoes will mate with

emale Aedes mosquitoes in the area leading to mass decrease in production

of eggs of mosquitoes. The male mosquitoes are not blood – feeders; hence

here is no fear of spread of Dengue through this factory -made mosquitoes.ource- News in Malayala Manorama Daily Dated 04-08-2015

A pecking order of fruits on the health metre.

If there was a pageant among the fruits of the world to crown the

ealthiest then which of them be paraded? Tough task indeed considering

very fruit is nutritious. Yet here is a pick of five winners and their merits.

.Dates-contains 15 minerals,23 amino acids ,high amount of carbohydrates

nd fibres, fatty acids, vitamins A,B & C. Best to combat Iron deficiency

Anaemia. Ideal food to increase weight .It takes care of hunger on

dventurous journeys like that of nomads in desserts.

. Mango-contains plenty of anti oxidants, more than 20 minerals and

itamins .Potassium copper, vitamins A,B & C are plenty. Mangoes protect

gainst Breast & Colon Cancer, Asthma, Heart disease .Mango is best for

reventing vitamin A deficiency.. Guava-It contains twice as much Lycopene (potent Antioxidant)as Tomato

more Potassium than Banana, fourfold Vitamin C than Oranges.

. Pomegranate-It contains a unique combination of antioxidants. Its juice is

iven as a natural deterrent to progression of Carcinoma Prostrate and clears

p stress related clogging of arteries.

. Water Melon-It also have high Lycopene content .It contains 92% water and

igh amount of Potassium .It is the best fruit for obese hypertensive people

who have difficulty in reducing Blood Pressure.ource-Article by Parvathy R. Krishnan, Nutritionist in Hindu Daily Dated 20-08-2015.

Forthcoming EventsNational Nutrition Week-1-7th September.

World Alzheimer's Day-21st September.

World Day of Deaf-28th September

World Rabies Day-28th September

World Heart Day-29th September

Source: Non-communicable Diseases Country Profiles 2014 by World health Organization(WHO)

Relese of Mint - College Magazine

  It is a “collectors item” and wecongratulate the editorial team

lead by Dr. T Sharan Shyam .

ery possible care is taken in publishing this news letter. However, any omission/ error is purely unintentional & accidental. Private circulation ony