· Web viewStudents will audit their personal qualities and be...


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Shevington High School

PSHE Scheme of work: KS4 Years 10Year 10 term 1 Week 1

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

What is PSHE? How well students can use the concepts of PSHE in the wider world

Classroom discussion, how is PSHE useful? Spider diagram, highlighting the positives effects of PSHE on

young people Students set a short term goal to be reviewed in the week

during form time

Week 2

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Goal setting Short, medium and long term goals

Students will audit their personal qualities and be reflective of their current skills

Students will make a short term goal to be reviewed next week and a medium term goal that will be reviewed at half term during the reflection period


Week 3

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Health and well-being What is health? Students will investigate what health is and how a healthy lifestyle can be created – work life balance, productivity and organization

Students will create a spider diagram showing their understanding of the three strands of health – mental, physical and social

Week 4

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Health and well-being Mental health 1 How can we ensure that we are mentally healthy? – class discussion

How can we take more responsibility for maintaining and monitoring our own mental health? – students will write a short account

Week 5

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Health and well-being Mental health 2 Evaluate self-confidence/self-esteem and how they are affected by the judgement of others

Strategies for managing mental health including stress, anxiety and depression – broader range of strategies for


promoting well-being Students to create an information booklet on mental health

and where to get support

Week 6

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Health and well-being Physical and social health What effects do social and physical health have on lifestyle? – How does this affect school life and progress within subjects? – Productivity in the classroom due to physical activity.

Week 7

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Health and well-being Self-evaluation and reflection What are my strengths and weaknesses? How can I achieve my potential? Reflection – spider diagram highlighting learned information

on mental, physical and social well-being


Week 9

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources


Health and well-being Personal safety Personal safety and protection – how to reduce and minimise risk and harm in different settings? (social/work place/street/roads)

Case study using video footage on road safety

Week 10

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Health and well-being Personal safety How to recognise health and safety procedures Why are school rules put in place? – emphasis on safety And why do we have rules in society?

Week 11

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Health and well-being Personal safety How to find sources of emergency help and how to perform emergency first aid – CPR

Students to create a step by step guide for emergency procedures regarding first aid

Week 12

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources


Health and well-being Drugs, alcohol and tobacco 1 Understand the terms habit, dependence and addiction in relation to use

Have an understanding of where we can gain support either in or outside school

Week 13

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Health and well-being Drugs, alcohol and tobacco 2 Long/short term consequences of misuse How can it impact personal safety/future career/relationships

and future lifestyle Students to create a mind map to demonstrate this

Week 14

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Health and well-being Introduction to online safety Students will be made aware of the law and the use of the internet

How to use the internet safely-privacy settings, personal responsibility and correct use

Week 15

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources


Health and well-being Summarising personal safety Students will select topics that they feel are important to them regarding personal safety and begin to create an oral presentation

Week 16

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Health and well-being Summarising personal safety Students will deliver their presentations on their chosen topic Audience participation and feedback


Year 10 term 2

Week 19

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Relationships Positive relationships Students will investigate the characteristics of positive, supportive and equal relationships – students will identify examples of these within their lives



Week 20

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Relationships Unhealthy relationships Recognising when a relationship is unhealthy or abusive Skills and strategies to support self or others Students to create an information booklet to offer support for

people suffering from abusive or unhealthy relationships

Week 21

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Relationships Bullying What are the different types of bullying? Physical, mental, emotional, cyber

What effects can these have on individuals? Students must be aware of reporting procedures in school and

wider society

Week 22

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Relationships Relationships 1 Students will be aware of sex and consent – showing respect to a sexual partner

Making changes in personal relationships – what happens when a relationship ends?

Students will discuss these issues making notes in their books


Week 23

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Relationships Relationships 2 Diversity in sexual attraction and developing sexuality – what are the areas of support and how to access them

The role of the media regarding sexuality – LGBTQ, pornography and self-image – classroom discussion

Week 24

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Relationships Family Students will gain an understanding of marriage, parenting skills and family life

Students will understand what personal responsibilities are required to create a supportive and nurturing family environment


Week 26

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Living in the wider world Goals and goal setting Students will reevaluate the goals that they have set They will be aware of smart targets in relation to goal setting

and focus on their progression within their goal Students will state their new goal and offer strategies of how

to achieve this


Week 27

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Living in wider world What is discrimination? What is discrimination? – How to challenge discrimination, prejudice and stereotyping

Who do I report discrimination to in school and wider society?

Week 28

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Living in wider world Extremism Students will understand what extremism is – am I safe?

How can shared responsibility protect the community from violent extremism and how to respond to anything that raises anxiety or concern

The role of the internet in extremism and grooming

Week 29

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Living in the wider world Social media and internet safety Students will gain an understanding of the law in relation to


the internet and social media – indecent images and cyberbullying

How the internet and social media can be used in the engagement in a wide variety of issues – positive influences

How can it distort issues or situations and narrow their understanding

Students to complete mind map highlighting these issues

Week 30

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Living in the wider world Social media and the law Students to understand the legal and personal risks associated with sharing images

Reporting and support for people who misuse social media What are the consequences of the misuse of social media –

video case study

Week 31

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Living in the wider world Internet safety Students will investigate the wider context of internet safety including privacy settings, online grooming, extremism and cyberbullying – students will write a short account highlighting this

Week 32

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources


Living in the wider world Internet safety Thinking of the wider context of internet safety and social media students will create a short presentation to highlight their views – lesson time will be dedicated to research and rehearsal of presentation

Week 33

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Living in the wider world Internet safety Students will deliver their presentations to the rest of the class, there will be an opportunity for other members of the group to provide feedback

Week 34

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Living in the wider world Internet safety Students will deliver their presentations to the rest of the class, there will be an opportunity for other members of the group to provide feedback

Week 35

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources


Living in the wider world Reflection Students will look back on the issues and topics covered this term, they will produce a short summary of their views of each one of the topics discussed

EASTER WK 36 & 37

Year 10 term 3

Week 38

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources

Living in the wider world Personal skills audit Students will highlight their strengths, weaknesses, personal skills and qualities for future employment, they will create a personal factsheet highlighting these

Week 39

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources Living in the wider world Preparation for employment CV writing, students will look at the information required for

employment – they will design a template in order to complete a CV that is ready to present to colleges and future employers

Week 40


Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources Living in the wider world Preparation for employment Students will write their CV including creating a personal

statement which outlines their key skills and personal qualities

Week 41

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources Living in the wider world Preparation for employment Students will learn about the qaulifications and prospective

career progressions – what do students need Students will research a number of career interests and

investigate what requirements are needed – A’Level, Degree Btec etc

Week 42

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources Living in the wider world Reflection task Students will complete a mind map/account of their learning

this term, they will reflect on the topics covered.


Week 44


Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources Living in the wider world Workplace values Students will discuss and investigate what workplace values

are – professional behavior and confidentiality in the workplace

Students will complete a hierarchy flow diagram showing roles and reporting procedures in school or the workplace

Week 45

Key idea Specification content Learning activity and resources Living in the wider world Yearly reflection Students will reflect and assess their contributions in PSHE

and evaluate how the topics covered have influenced their personal development over the academic year

They will set a new medium term goal ready for the new academic year

