SmartCoffee Session6


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Who is Our Competition?

Experiments to test Revenue Model and Pricing tactics

Have already started generating revenue - Friends and family buying sachets. €2.00 to €2.50 Is suitable

We need to find out if people would prefer to buy online or in person

People would prefer to buy single sachet in person

and boxes of 10/20 Online

Payment FlowOnline Web store

Payment Processor (Shopify) 2% Transaction feesPostage included in checkout

Money transferred to our account

Talking to Customers

We thought: €2.50

We asked them

They told us: e1.50-e3.00

So we’re going to charge e2-e2.50 and continue customer interviews

Experiments to Test Partners

Contact Various wholesalers of our ingredients looking for


Compare prices

China - AliBaba.comUSA -

Diagram of Partner Relationship

Wholesale Ingredient Powder Supplier

Supplement Manufacturing Plant

Shipped directly to us


We Thought:

We Did:

We Learned:

We Will DO:

We thought it would be cheaper to outsource to China

Contacted Ingredient Suppliers in US and China

Actually Similar price to order from USA - And quality can be assured

order from USA