Slaves to their Masters


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  • 8/11/2019 Slaves to their Masters


    Slaves to their


    Celia Lord

  • 8/11/2019 Slaves to their Masters



    aves to their Masters

    First published in Great Britain in 2014 by Lady Lord


    Salisbury Close, Gainsborough

    Copyright Celia Lord 2014

    The right of The Author to be identified as the author of

    this work has been asserted by her in accordance with

    the Copyright, Design and Patents Act of 1988

    All rights reserved

    ISBN 9768-5674-9948

    To my Mother, Pat Greatorex, who inspired me to begin

    writing again.

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    Contents Page


    Mariana by Sir John Everett Millais


    Beata Beatrix by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

    Beata BeatrixApril Love by Arthur Hughes

    April Love

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    I have often looked at the paintings of the Pre-

    Raphaelite group and wondered, 'What if these

    women, so famous for their images, could talk?'

    'What would they be saying?' Out of that, the idea

    for this pamphlet was born. The more I pondered

    on this, the more I realised that the women who

    modelled for the Pre-Raphaelites or the historical or

    fictional characters which inspired them have

    fascinating stories of their own. To be trapped

    within a canvas, unable to give voice to their stories

    and feelings seemed like a gross injustice to me!

    Moreover we could learn so much more about

    history if we could make these characters speak.

    The artists who captured the enduring beauty of

    their muses were often household names, especially

    in the Victorian era when the Pre-Raphaelite

    Brotherhood were at their zenith. However, I have

    discovered through in depth research for this

    pamphlet, that the lives and loves of the women are

    more captivating than those who painted them.

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    I realised that they could be described as

    'Slaves to their Masters'. Beautiful young womentrapped within their circumstances at a moment in

    time by the Masters who portray them. They have

    no choice but to be enslaved within the situation in

    which they have been cast until eternity. But what

    would they wish for if they could escape from that

    moment in time? What would they be saying to

    their Masters...their creators if they had the chance?

    'Mariana' by Sir John Everett Millais is my

    first 'slave'. The character of Mariana was created

    by William Shakespeare in his comedy 'Measure for

    Measure'. Mariana was further developed by

    Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Millais captures this noble

    lady in hopeless desolation, cut off from the world.

    Her dowry has been lost at sea and her lover Angelo

    has rejected her. Mariana is forever destined to be

    heartbroken and frustrated at the loss of her truelove and her seeming inability to escape from her

    ensuing isolation while nursing her broken heart.

    Her love is unrequited and she is bound to that

    which is not returned. Just as Millais is her master

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    was so obsessed by the Florentine poet Dante

    Aligheri that he adopted his forename! Thepainting captures the moment when Dante's true

    love Beatrice is moving from life into death.

    However, I have chosen to give voice not to Beatrice,

    the eponymous subject of this work, but rather

    Rossetti's wife & muse Lizzie Siddal who posed for

    this painting. She was the first 'supermodel', her

    looks beloved of several within the Pre-Raphaelite

    movement. An artist and poet in her own right she

    never achieved the recognition she felt she deserved

    and this coupled with enduring ill health, drug

    addiction and the ongoing infidelities of Rossetti

    turned her into a truly tortured soul. The artist

    painted this work as a memorial to Lizzie after her

    death using his obsession with Dante as the vehicle.

    I felt Lizzie craved recognition and singular love

    and wanted to tell Rossetti at the point of her deathabout her true feelings. It seemed to me that she

    might resent being cast as Beatrice but would rather

    have been recognised in this final work carrying

    her image, within her own right.

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    shedding tears after heartbreak with her first love.

    Hughes has trapped her forever within thismoment, with the lover with who has caused so

    much pain, seated in the shadows behind her. It is a

    shorter piece of narrative than the two preceding

    pieces, but I hope captures the passion of first young

    love & its fragility.

    Whilst the circumstances of their lives are

    different, there are common elements running

    through the stories of Mariana, Lizzie and April

    Love... themes which are often woven into the

    paintings and artistic works of the Pre-Raphaelites.

    They include:

    Unhealthy addiction and obsession

    Cruelty and its results

    A moment of transfiguration and change

    Passionate and enduring love Unfulfilled hopes and dreams

    Suppressed sexuality

    This has been a fascinating journey for me, listening

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    to Mariana, Lizzie and the beautiful young lady in

    April Love and letting them speak. I think I havefallen under their spell!

    It is my hope that through this pamphlet, you

    too will join me in wondering what might have

    become of these women if only they had been

    mistresses of their own fate and not the slaves of

    their masters!

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    M RI N

    Why did you bind me forever to this piteous

    existence? I am young and some would say quite

    beautiful, and so I shall remain. But what use is this

    when I am destined to be forever in isolation?

    I am Mariana of noble birth, whose status

    would have drawn many an admirer. But my love

    was for Angelo and our union was celebrated

    between our kin.

    But cruel fate, you took my dowry and lost it

    to the seabed. Then my lover spurned me, for my

    beauty alone was not enough. My heart has been

    broken, and my world seems at an end. Who now

    will want me without riches and bearing the stigma

    of rejection? I have no place in a world where

    women are prized for their wealth, connections or

    vitality. I grow more distant by the day as the world

    moves on and I become less and less a part of it. I

    am a slave to my love, for he shall remain forever in

    my heart. He has put a chain around it which time

    shall never break. My mind too remains a captive

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    of my lost love.

    All is stillness in this silent place, save for therustling of the leaves. They fall about my

    needlepoint, but I have no care. Let it lie

    abandoned. My eyes are strained through long

    hours with the needle and they pain me from the

    river of tears I have shed for Angelo.

    This was a noble palace, a place of

    sumptuous beauty. Rich damask graces the walls,

    the patterns echoing the gardens beyond. The

    beauty of the stained glass which would delight

    many an eye, serves only to taunt my own. The

    Blessed Virgins fulfilment, so rich a contrast with

    my own frustration and longing. Fine silver graces

    the table, placed as for communion.perhaps for a

    time when I might slip from the bonds of this

    existence and into eternity. I crave a time when

    viaticum given, I might slip towards that peacewhich the world cannot give. At present the altar

    lamp shines brightly, but at the appointed hour I

    pray it might be snuffed out, and my life with it.

    But this is no holy place. It is a gilded cage

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    from which I cannot flee. In truth, I yearn to be

    free, at liberty to love again and feel great passioncoursing through me from a lovers loins. Would

    that my glossy velvet dress, like a sumptuous sheath

    be ripped from my body, and I might feel the hot

    breath of a lover as I submit to ecstasy. Oh that a

    lover would caress my ripe curves and thrust into

    me with a passion that would leave me gasping for


    As I rise from my rich buffet, it is not the aching in

    my back which penetrates my thoughts, but rather

    the desire for these curves to love and be loved in

    return. Like the needle thrust into the chaste white

    flowers of my embroidery, I would that a lover

    could pierce my pure body. Forsaken by Angelo, I

    dare to dream yet that there may be another who

    will break the chains around my heart and loins,

    placed there by Angelo, and set me free. I wouldnot then contemplate liberty from my captive state,

    through death.

    Look upon this body Blessed Gabriel and see

    that it too awaits an annunciation. Tell me the good

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    news I yearn to hear, and break me free from the

    isolation which defines my existence. I amenslaved bound to unrequited love. Free me I

    beseech you, that I may live as I would wish, loved

    and fulfilled. Or let me slip from this world to a

    heaven where there is rest in coelo quies.

    Good Gabriel, gather up the fallen leaves

    which lie around and replace my Autumn with

    another Spring. Like the snowdrop in the window-

    pane give me a sign that for me too new life will

    come and break me from this piteous existence to

    which I seem forever cast.

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    It is come! The hour of my death...blessed relief

    from the torture of suffering. A time more welcome

    than any before. Do not wish me to stay, for my

    soul is ready to take flight and seek that peace

    which the world cannot give. You would have me

    cast forever in the transfiguration between life and

    death, whereas I yearn for heavenly ascendance.

    Look upon my face. See is it not already prepared to

    enter into eternity? Who are you to bind me to this

    moment forever? If you have love for me, let me


    And yet, whose face is it that you see when

    you gaze upon me? Your obsession with another,

    has cast me forever as your idol Dante's Beatrice.

    Many times in life you sketched me, Lizzie, in this

    pose, but now at the moment of my death it is to the

    memory of that great poet Dante's true love

    Beatrice, that I am forever bound. Perchance I

    should have pleasure in being so greatly esteemed,

    but I would have you idolize Lizzie and put me on

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    the eternal pedestal whereon you have set Beatrice.

    Am I not worthy in your eyes to be venerated withinmy own right? For I am surely the face that

    captivated a generation, the muse of great artists.

    Those who gaze upon their works may not know

    my name, but they will know my face. It will haunt

    them forever. For greatest of all, I am Millais's

    'Ophelia', tormented lover of Hamlet. I was a slave

    to Millais's art. For long hours I lay in cold water

    whilst his oils captured my fragile beauty. Amongst

    the many blooms scattered over me in that icy bath,

    I remember the air rich with the infused fragrance

    of rue, the herb of grace. How rich an irony that

    this symbol of regret should mirror my own

    remorse at the heavy price I paid to be so

    immortalised. Wracked by the intense coldness of

    the water, my health waned. Yet it was my slavish

    devotion to his art that helped Millais to his creativezenith.

    Greatness came to me as the muse. I will be

    forever Millais's doomed Ophelia and your beatified

    Beatrice. But I am Elizabeth Eleanor, esteemed artist

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    and poet in my own right. The admiration and

    patronage of John Ruskin, testimony to myprecocious talent. In another life, out of the shadow

    of great men, I might have earned the acclamation I


    I have born such deep unhappiness and a

    frustration you will never understand. You have

    been at once my impassioned lover and my eternal

    torment. Your love for me punctuated with

    infatuation for other slaves to your art. Your 'Fair

    Ladies'. Jane Morris, your 'Proserpine' taken from

    the arms of her husband William, and Fanny

    Cornforth, plucked like me from obscurity to grace

    your canvasses and your bed.

    Such irony that you, the great devotee of

    Dante, with his singular devotion to the elusive

    Beatrice, should be so complete an antithesis. Your

    life and work enriched by tangible lovers eachscarred by their own imperfections.

    And yet I have loved you with a singular

    passion, my devotion evident for all to see.

    Conversely, your fascination for me a stepping stone

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    to great art. Beata Beatrix, my eternal memorial,

    and your revered masterpiece to enduring love andI would chance contrition.

    Now in the moment of my death, the time is

    come to put aside past cares and prepare to

    embrace my heavenly life as revealed to the eyes of

    my spirit. Death, I surrender to you. See I make

    way for the coming of paradise. I am at that point

    from which there is no return. I am in ecstasy.

    The angel at my head holds in her palm the

    flickering flame of life. Would that it were soon

    extinguished that I might find happiness in the life

    to come. Such a delicate flame, how easily it could

    be snuffed out, my spirit ascending like the rising

    smoke. Yet while it burns it illumines my scarlet

    hair, the glorious tresses so beloved by you. My

    locks shine out, in contrast to the earthy hues of my

    robes. The green and grey so reminiscent of hopeand sorrow, life and


    My hands are

    open to receive the

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    messenger who summons me to my impending fate.

    Heavenly dove you bring the poppies whose blessedlaudanum eased my troubled years and will unlock

    my coming destiny.

    It haunts me that even at the moment of my

    blessed release from earthly suffering, you see me

    not as Lizzie but Beatrice. You would deny me even

    in death. For in the shadows I feel the all-

    consuming presence of Dante Aligheri, keeping

    silent vigil as his true love Beatrice prepares for

    death. He watches as the sundial foretells the hour

    of her passing....

    'Creep shadow creep

    The hour of death foretell.

    I cannot halt you,

    So you may as well'.

    This was a perfect, idealized love, the kind of whichI do not think you could ever know. He yearns for

    Beatrice, his love courtly, like knights of old. She is

    a distant obsession, never sullied by the coming

    together of their flesh. Dante's love is pure but total.

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    So keenly does he feel the loss of this unrequited

    love, he believes all Florence to be desolate.'Quomodo sedet sola civitas'...'How doth the city sit

    solitary'. Would that I could be so respected and

    mourned. And yet whilst your devotion is flawed, I

    still have known a love which is passionate,

    consummated and fulfilled.

    Chance that our daughter had lived, and you

    had idolised me with a singular devotion, fate might

    well have dealt to me a different hand.

    All I ask of you at this late hour is, be not

    consumed with remorse and guilt, but rather, when

    you look upon this face, smile and remember me.

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    Ophelia by Millais.

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    First love, so sweet and yet so bitter. I have felt that

    passion that may only come once in a lifetime. My

    heart has beaten as one with yours and my eyes

    have longed to gaze into your very soul and see my

    love mirrored in return. Every waking hour has

    been filled with a yearning to be in your arms, and

    feel your lips pressed closely against mine. Your

    sweet kisses the tangible sign of our great love, but

    also a prelude to still greater passion.

    I was blind to all but you. I moved within a

    world where only you and I existed. Our earthly

    paradise, unsullied by other mortals. Every moment

    of that time, a cherished memory that will stay with

    me forever.

    How my heart would pound when you

    looked upon me, and race to the feel of your touch.

    My trembling body, helpless to the feel of your hot

    breath upon my face. The words we spoke during

    those moments of passion, are etched into my very

    soul. They are the lyrical refrain to my first taste of

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    Blinded by such intense passion and longing,I never once thought that this would not last

    forever. This, I believed was a perfect love.

    Nurtured from the early days of Spring, it should

    have blossomed through all the seasons of our lives.

    Everlasting like the ivy.

    But now, in the fullness of time, I see more

    clearly. The tears I have shed have washed the

    scales from my eyes. Mine was a passion far deeper

    than yours, and more enduring. The season when

    you felt love for me, has passed. Like the faded rose

    petals strewn on the ground, a thing of fleeting


    I cannot move on. I am trapped in hopeless

    self-pity, nursing my broken heart. I feel the dull

    rhythm of its beat so clearly through my bosom. No

    more shall it race in eager expectation of yourembraces.

    Would that I might break out of the shadows

    and into the light, but I am trapped, destined to be

    in this moment forever. And crueller still, I feel

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    your presence in the shadows at my side. What

    would I give to turn and look upon that face againand see my love returned. But this is not my

    destiny. I shall remain forever young with a

    haunting beauty that will captivate those who

    chance upon my fate.
