Skrip Story Telling (2)


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7/26/2019 Skrip Story Telling (2) 1/2

Good morning to all honorable judges, teachers and my fellow friends. Today I would

like to tell a story entitled One Eye, Two Eyes and Three Eyes. It is a very interesting story, so I

hope all of you will enjoy it.

There was once a woman who had three daughters. The eldest was called One-ye

 because she had only one eye in the middle of her head. The second one was called Two-yes

 because she had two eyes like other people. The youngest with three eyes was called Three-yes,

with her third eye in the centre of her forehead.

!ecause Two-yes looked so ordinary, her mother and two sisters despised her. They

gave her old clothes to wear and leftovers to eat. One day, when Two-yes was looking after

their goat in the field, she was very hungry as she had been given very little to eat. "he felt so sad

that she started crying.

"uddenly a woman appeared, asking her, #$hy do you weep my child%.& "he said, # 'y

mother and my sisters hate me because I have two eyes just like other people. (nd they make my

life miserable by giving me little to eat and old clothes to wear.&

The old woman said, #$ipe away your tears. )ou shall never be hungry again. *ust say to

your goat,

Goat, goat, bleat, bleat+

Give me something to eat+

( table will appear with such a good spraed that you will have more than you need for meal.

$hen you have eaten enough, you just say,

Goat, goat, bleat, bleat+

Thanks for the treat+

The table will then disappear.

The woman left and Two-yes uickly repeated those words. (t once a table stood beforeher, filled with delicious food+ "he had a wonderful meal and then said those magic words to

make table disappear.

#$hat a delightful way to clear away dishes+ "he thought, smiling to herself. Then she returned


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(t home she found a little dish with some bits of broken bread left for her. "he did not

touch sny of it. This went on for a few days and the others noticed it.

Three-yes said, # "he must have found some food for herself, otherwise she could nothave left her food untouched.&

One-ye said, #I shall follow her to the pasture tomorrow.&

The net day, she said to Two-yes, #Im coming with you to see that the goat is well

cared for.& Two-yes knew why she had come. One-ye got tired very soon, unaccustomed to

the walk and the heat of the sun. They sat down to rest and Two-yes sang to One-ye,

  One-ye, One-ye, are you awake%

One-ye, One-ye, are you asleep%

One /ye soon fell asleep and Two-yes uickly said the magic words to her goat, had her meal

and then woke One-ye, saying, #)ou fell asleep One-ye. This is not the way to look after the

goat. (nyway, its time to go home. One-ye told the other two at home that she did not see

anything strange. "he had to admit that she did fall asleep. The mother asked Three0yes to

follow Two-yes to the field the net morning. The same thing went on. Three-yes saw what

Two-yes did for her meal. $hen they reached home, Three-yes told their mother about the

little goat and the special words that made a table appear, covered with food.

The mother was furious that Two-yes had been having much better food than they. "he

went to fetch a kitchen knife and immediately killed the goat+

$hen Two-yes found her goat lying dead on the ground, she ran off to the field crying.

The old woman once more appeared before her and asked, #Two-yes, why are you weeping%&

#1ow can I not weep when they have killed the goat that has been feeding me%&

#2isten, Two-yes. (sk your sisters for entrails of the goat and bury them in front of the house. It

will bring you good fortune.&

The net morning, when Two-yes woke up, she saw the old woman standing outside her 

windows with a handsome prince. "he ran out of her bed. The old woman said that the prince is

her son. "he was cursed by a witch. Two-yes had to marry the prince to break the spell. The

 prince smiled at Two-yes because he knew Two-yes long before she knew him. 1e was the

goat+ 3inally they married and lived happily ever after. The moral value of the story is we we

have to kind to other people especially our siblings.