Sketchbook 01



A selection of work from my most recent sketchbook

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I’ve carried sketchbooks for years, sometimes I even draw in them. I’d say most of what you might call my ‘style’ comes from working in sketchbooks. Of late I’ve been enjoying colour pencil but I’ve been through dip pen phases, fine liner, pencil, ink and brush. You name it, it’s probably had an encounter with my sketch-book. And if you travel on my bus, there’s a good chance you’re getting drawed.


So there you have a wee glimpse into my most recent sketchbook. It turns out I’ve been drawing quite a lot of people in profile. Think it’s time to look people in the eye. Or at least slightly less from the side.Want to see more work? Then follow the links to my site and if you feel the need, drop me an email.

Thanks for looking,
