Should - Pair Work Practice



A pair work activity for young learners to practice using the modal verb "should".

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  • Appendix 5

    Exercise1: Complete the sentences. Use should and the verbs in the brackets:

    John: I am not playing the piano well. I need practice. (practice)

    Peter: You should practice more

    1 John: I cant do my homework. It is difficult.

    Peter: You __________ __________ your mother for help (ask)

    2 Alex: My brother has his birthday next week.

    Helen: You __________ ____________ him a present. (buy)

    3 Simon: We have a test in English on Friday.

    John: We ________ _________ hard to get a good grade. (study)

    4 Simon: We have a test in English on Friday.

    John: We ________ _________ hard to get a good grade. (study)

    5 Tom: I cant find my cell phone.

    Lucy: You __________ ________ in your bedroom (search)

    6 Simon: I am thirsty.

    Lucy: You _________ _________ water. (drink)

    7 Simon: It is getting dark.

    Peter: We ______ _______ home. (go)

    8 Simon: I am hungry.

    John: Me too. We _______ _______ a pizza. (order)

    9 Lucy: Look at my bike. It has a puncture!

    Maria: You _______ ______ it. (fix)

  • Appendix 5



    Student A: Its getting dark.

    Student B: should/ home/return/we We should return home

    Student A:

    1. Its getting dark.

    2. I think I have my cell phone with me.

    3. I have forgotten it at home

    Student B:

    1. We/ home/ return / should

    2. Phone/ we / our parents/should

    3. have taken / you/ it with you/should

    Student B:

    1. I have a torch in my pocket.

    2. I am thirsty.

    3. My parents dont know where we are.

    Student A:

    1. use it/ our way back home/to flash/should

    2. have taken/ some water / should/with us

    3. have told/ should/ where/ you/ your parents/ we go
