Sganit Release States


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Hey girls!

I’m Melissa Eichelbaum your Virginia Council S’ganit! I know its towards the

end of the programming year but if you need anything please feel free to con-

tact me.

Because the Spring Term is coming to an end this release is going to help you

guys understand the purpose of states and how to plan a states cermony for

your chapter n’siah. If you don’t understand something or need help planning

pleasee call me, text me, send me a facebook message or whatever else you

need. I am here to help you guys anytime.

Submitted with undying love for,

Summer being soo close, almost the end of AP exams!, the 2009-2010 VAC

boards, you, me, and BBG

I remain,

Melissa Bess Eichelbaum

2009-2010 VAC S’ganit









How to Plan States

M a y 2 0 0 9

1260 Alanton Drive

Virginia Beach, VA


Phone #




What is States? 2

How to plan states 2

Invitations Outline 3

Agenda Outline 3

Script Outline 4

Inside this issue:

Contact Me!

States is a ceremony that commemorates the term of the N’siah. As S’ganit

it is your responsibility to plan this ceremony at the end of the term. Many

chapters decide to have this ceremony, which takes a little over an hour usu-

ally, right before elections, and create a longer program. It is a very special

ritual that honors all that the N’siah has done over the last couple months.

The actual States ceremony itself is comprised of 3 different parts, which the

S’ganit leads. The first part is opening rituals, which is the same as for a busi-

ness meeting. The second part is comprised of guests coming up to speak to

the N’siah about the last term. After half of the guests have spoken, the

N’siah gives her states speech, and after that the other half speak. The next

part is the standing roll call, in which the N’siah’s name is chanted over and

over again, which marks the end of the ceremony.

Invitations are usually sent out a couple of weeks before the ceremony to

those who are invited to speak. These people will be chosen by the N’siah,

so be sure to ask her ahead of time whom she wants to speak. If you have

any more questions about what the states is feel free to call me or email me.

Planning States

What is States?

1. Make sure you and your n’siah discuss the timing and place of her states cere-mony.

2. Ask your n’siah to give you a list of people she would like to participate in the Me-norah Pledge, and girls she would like to speak to her during her states.

3. Send out invitations only to the girls speaking to the n’siah. You can send out an e-mail or call the girls doing the Menorah Pledge. An invitation outline is given be-low.

4. Create an agenda (also an outline given below) for the ceremony. Print out enough agendas for everyone participating. Group the people speaking however you want, unless the n’siah has requests.

5. Make sure you have your script ready to go (outline below). It is your job as s’ganit to make sure states go smoothly so look over everything to make sure you have

Identity, Identity who

am I a BBG,

I am one the only one

there’s so much I can


Base your states ceremony around aquote or theme to make it more fun!

Include the quote or theme on the agendas, invitations and get decorations

for the ceremony.

The invitations and agendas are usually done on nice paper.


Page 2

You are cordially invited to speak at the States Ceremony for

(N’siahs full name)

States is a time when the N’siah looks back upon the events of her term. (n’siahs

name) has asked for your presence at this significant event as she presents her

states to the members of

(Chapter name and number)

This event will take place at (place of states) on (date) at (time). Your remarks

should focus on (N’siahs name) impact on her chapter over her term. A small gift

for her would be apprectiated.

Please R.S.V.P. to (your name, phone number, email) by (date)

Agenda Outline

Invitation Outline

Opening Rituals:

Shomerit Ha Brit-

Menorah Pledge:


Jewish Heritage-

Community Service-


Inter-Faith Relations-


Good Sisterhood-

Prayer for World Jewry-

Motion to dispense with all business and move directly into states: Names of speakers



Dissent- (None)

States given by (n’siahs name)

Motion to accept the state: Names of speakers



Dissent: (Standing Roll Call)

Shomeret Ha-Brit-

Opening Ceremonies: (In BBG handbook)

Menorah Pledge: (In BBG handbook) girls already designated by n’siah

(Once you’ve opened the meeting you are ready to move into business)

You say: “Is there a motion to dispense with all business and move directly into the state of the

chapter address as given by the N’siah of (your chapter) B’nai B’rith Girls, (N’siahs name)?”

“I recognize my sisters (already designated by you and your n’siah in agenda)

“Is there a second for the motion?”

“I recognize my sisters (….)

“Is there a call for the motion?”

“I recognize my sisters (…)

“Is there any dissent, disent, disent hearing none seeing none we now move into the states given

by (N’siahs name)”

*N’siahs state of the address*

“Is there a motion to accept the state of the address given by (N’siahs full name)?”

“I recognize my sisters (…)”

“Is there a second”

“I recognize my sisters (…)”

“Is there a call”

“I recognize my sisters (…)”

“Is there any dissent dissent dissent (Board dissents into standing role call saying N’siahs full


Closing ceremonies: (In BBG handbook)

Page 4 Script Outline

I hope all of this has been useful and if you still have any questions or need any help

planning your states ceremony please don’t hesitate to call me. Good luck to all you

planning your states for your N’siahs!

For love and laughter friends that last, times so good they go so fast
