SERVICE FOR THE WORSHIP OF GOD Seventh Sunday of Easter...


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Seventh Sunday of Easter

May 8, 2016 - 11:00 AM


PRELUDE "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name" arr. Tim Fields


INTROIT "We Know that Christ is Raised" Charles Villers Stanford


Liturgist: The Lord is robed in majesty and armed with strength.

People: The Lord has made the world so sure that it cannot be moved.

Liturgist: Ever since the world began, his throne has been established.

People: His love and justice are from everlasting to everlasting.

Let us worship God!

HYMN (see insert) Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing NETTLETON CALL to CONFESSION


Gracious God, you call us to your everlasting springs to be cleansed and made new,

but we fail to heed you. We do not turn with love to our neighbors, to ourselves, or to

you. You call us to live an abundant life, but instead we allow distractions to pull us

away from you. Forgive us for our sin, and grant us your great and everlasting

mercy. Guide us into unity with all your children for the sake of the whole world.

We pray in Jesus’ name. (continue in silent prayer)


Liturgist: Because of God’s compassion and mercy,

People: We claim the promise of forgiveness for our sins. Liturgist: The Lord Jesus died and rose for humanity.

People: Because of his sacrifice, we are saved and made new!

RESPONSE Glory Be to the Father (Hymn 579)

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.


Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God!

ANTHEM "The Gift of Love" arr. Hal Hopson

NEW TESTAMENT READING First Timothy 1: 12-17

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord. People: Thanks be to God!

SERMON "Depths of Sin and Depths of Mercy" Rev. Edgar McCall

HYMN 280 Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound AMAZING GRACE

AFFIRMATION of FAITH The Apostles' Creed (Hymnal, Page 14 Traditional)



OFFERTORY "Meditation on 'All Hail the Power'" arr. Tim Fields

RESPONSE Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow (Hymnal, Page 592)

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below;

Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen


HYMN 420 God of Grace and God of Glory CWM RHONDDA CHARGE and BENEDICTION

RESPONSE God Be with You Till We Meet Again (Hymnal, Page 540, Stanza 1)

God be with you till we meet again; Loving counsels guide, up hold you;

With a Shepherd's care enfold you; God be with you till we meet again.

POSTLUDE "Toccata on 'All Hail the Power'" arr. Tim Fields

All who are able, please stand.


SERVING THIS MONTH: Ushers: Robert Howey/Andy Harper/David Houk/Bill Williams

Front/Back Greeters: Joy Williams/Casey Ballard Count Team: Holly Furr/Glenn Simpson

Liturgist: Garren Adamson Church Opening: Robert Howey Chancel: Peggy Furr

A SPECIAL INVITATION! You are encouraged to become a member of our congregation, if you have no

permanent church home. The Session receives new members upon their profession of faith in Jesus Christ,

upon their reaffirmation of faith in Jesus Christ, or by transfer of their membership from another

congregation. If you are interested in becoming a member of First Presbyterian, please speak to the pastor

following the worship service, indicate this on the Friendship Register, or call the church office.

WE INVITE EVERYONE TO ATTEND one of our Sunday School classes: 9th-12th grade;

Adult: Friendship Class; Spirit/Passage Class. Come join us as we explore God's Word together!


Rev. Edgar McCall - Pastor Marsha Roberts - Director of Music and Organist

Susan Lott - Administrative Assistant Philip W. Neely - Treasurer


Robert K. Folks, Clerk

Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Class of 2018

Donna C. Connors James H. Howey, Jr. Ned Gregory, II

Suzanne F. Harper Vickie L. Jewell Jane R. Mahaffey

Jamie C. Williams H. Glenn Simpson Mary Jo Yarborough


Christian Formation - Vickie L. Jewell/Donna C. Connors

Columbarium & Memorial Garden - Jane R. Mahaffey

Congregational Care - Donna C. Connors/Jane R. Mahaffey

Fellowship - Jamie C. Williams/Mary Jo Yarborough

Hospitality & Evangelism - Suzanne F. Harper/Mary Jo Yarborough

Mission & Outreach - Vickie L. Jewell/Ned Gregory, II

Worship - Suzanne F. Harper/Ned Gregory, II


Pastoral & Staff Relations- James H. Howey, Jr./Jamie C. Williams

Property Management - James H. Howey, Jr./H. Glenn Simpson

Stewardship and Operational Support - H. Glenn Simpson/Jane R. Mahaffey

First Presbyterian Church 700 North Main Street/PO Box 990

Lancaster, South Carolina 29721


A Place to Belong. A Place to Serve

"Now you are the Body of Christ , and individually members of it." 1 Corinthians 12:27


We, the members of First Presbyterian Church, are disciples of the risen Christ and members of his universal

Body, who are empowered by God’s Spirit to WORSHIP God with joy and thanksgiving; PROCLAIM the

Gospel through word and deed; TEACH the message of God’s love in Christ; SHARE God’s love for all

people by reaching out in hospitality, ministry and mission; WORK together in harmonious unity as a loving

and caring people; and to SERVE one another and others beyond our fellowship in the name of Jesus Christ.


The values we cherish to enable us to accomplish our vision and mission are the fruit of God’s Spirit:

love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23)

WELCOME TO FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH May you feel God's presence, may the message be a blessing in your life,

and may the grace of God go with you and strengthen you for the week ahead. Please come again soon!


Chris Steele

Bob & Locketta Stephenson

Robert Lee & Annie Sue Steele

Tom Syfan

PASTORAL NEEDS: The Session desires to be informed when members and friends of the church are in

need of pastoral care and support. During office hours, please call the church office at (803) 283-3329, in

order that the elder under whose care the person or family is assigned may be notified.


Please come by the Prayer Ministry Table before the worship service and give the name of your prayer

request to our prayer ministry representatives. The names will be provided to our pastor before the pastoral

prayer to be raised to God in corporate prayer. At the Prayer Table cards are available to express our

corporate love and concern to those remembered in prayer. Please stop by each Sunday on your way into

church to sign these cards. Help us in this way to further our church's ministry of sympathy, witness and

service to others in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Today: Jane Mahaffey/Vickie Jewell Next Week: David Ghent/Casey Ballard

Please pray for our members: Darrell & Peggy Bell; Nell Carter; Tennie Kerr; Louie Belk; Ann Powers;

Locketta Stephenson; Henry Johnson; James Mahaffey; Adele Williams; Thomas Hardin; Margaret Marshall;

Jamie Williams; Helen Hegler; Paul Smith.

Friends of the church: Dean Williamson; Starr Todd; Bert Sanders; Susan Lipscomb; John Kloepfer;

Clara Rothrock; Perry Slayton; Carolyn McDow; Nancy Monroe; Donnie Sims; Donna Horne; Sally Sherrin.

Please pray for those serving in our military: Daniel Byrd

CHURCH ACTIVITES: May 8, 2016 - May 14, 2016

Sunday 9:45 AM Christian Education followed by Worship at 11:00am

Monday 7:00 AM Men's Prayer Breakfast

12:30 AM Circle #1 Luncheon

6:30 PM Boy Scouts

Tuesday 11:30 AM Circle #3 Luncheon

12 Noon Bulletin Deadline

6:30 PM Chamber Choir Rehearsal

Wednesday 6:00 PM Handbells followed by Adult Choir at 7:15pm

BIRTHDAYS: 09 Martha Jo Mahaffey 11 Chris Steele 14 Evan Muse

ATTENDANCE: May 1 Worship -50 Sunday School -25 May 2 Men's Prayer Breakfast -29

Front cover artwork by Nicole Anderson.


The FLOWERS IN THE SANCTUARY today are given to the Glory of God and in honor or

memory of all Mothers by Casey Ballard and David Ghent.

MOTHER'S DAY OFFERING. During worship today, a special offering will be collected to

benefit the residents of the Presbyterian Communities of South Carolina. Your donations will

support seniors who outlive their resources and depend on the generosity of others.

THE MEN'S PRAYER BREAKFAST meets each week, with the next meeting being held on

Monday, May 9th beginning just before 7:00am in the Fellowship Hall. See you there! Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me. John14:1

CIRCLE #1 will hold a Spring Luncheon and meeting beginning at 12:30pm on Monday, May

9th at the home of Martha Johnson, 1109 Hawthorne Road. The Bible discussion will be: Mary

Magdalene: Good News Woman For Us All. For questions or directions, call Martha at 285-9335.

BIBLE CIRCLE #3 will meet at 11:30am on Tuesday, May 10th, at the home of Mary Lowe,

5092 Carolina Creek Lane. During the meeting , the Presbyterian Women's Birthday Offering will

be collected, followed by a luncheon hosted by Mary. For questions or directions, contact Mary at

803-350-9222 or Linda Hutchinson at 283-2806.

GRADUATE RECOGNITION. Knowing God has equipped these individuals for graduation,

First Presbyterian will honor Julia Bryant and Kate Muse during worship next Sunday,

in recognition of their accomplishments. Plan to attend to support and encourage our future leaders.

The Lancaster Chamber Choir will be performing their Spring Concert at First Presbyterian

Church on May 15th beginning at 6:00 pm. Songs and music selections will be from Broadway.

For tickets or more information, call the LCCA office at 285-7451 or visit

HERITAGE SUNDAY. On May 22nd, we will celebrate Heritage Sunday at First Presbyterian-

an opportunity to celebrate the history, traditions, individual and collective faith stories that make

us uniquely Presbyterian. Heritage Sunday gives us the opportunity to celebrate our heritage,

embrace the present and look forward with hope to the future as we continue to serve God. 2016 is

the Anniversary of the bell that has graced our churches for 100 years. Tartans will be displayed as

a celebration of our heritage and more history will be shared. Watch for more details.

FELLOWSHIP POT LUCK DINNER. Please plan to attend our next Fellowship Dinner on

Tuesday, May 31st beginning at 6:00pm. Our special guest and speaker will be Elmarie Parker,

the Presbyterian Church’s mission worker in Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. She will share her personal

stories of the grave situation in Syria and the surrounding region, and how the Presbyterian Church

is responding to the humanitarian crisis. Your Session has agreed to partner with her and her

husband Scott through prayer and financial support and you are encouraged to meet her and hear

her story. Bring that special dish and enjoy fellowship, a powerful time of learning and good food!



05/01/16 Year To Date

Amount Budgeted $ 3,144.96 $ 56,609.28

Amount Received 4,325.00 59,814.00

Over/(Under) $ 1,180.04 $ 3,204.72
