Serie 2 English



Imagination continue

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Imagine a shattering storm, horrendous, jarring acoustics, accompanied by lurid colours, twisting in rapid successions of fantastical shapes. This is the probable scenario for the electro-magnetic storms bombarding Earth, 11.500 years ago, as a result of fragments from the explosion of a super-nova in the Vela system that tore through our solar-system, to shift the planet on its axis.   Obliterating the sequence of day and night, these effects would have lasted a while, not just a few days. During the following months, the changes of climate and sea-level, that had also occurred, disrupted the global maritime culture of that time, irrevocably. The scale of this event testifies as to why we know so little of that culture, now. The devastation, loss and suffering must have been tremendous. Disorientation in the face of the enormous, unexplained change created anxieties that roused compensatory behaviours, such as obsessive/compulsive concerns with control, order and territoriality and the comfort of hierarchical structures, as whole peoples were fixated simply on survival. Collective phobias blanketed the cultural amnesia that settled in. In the longer term, the impact would have varied, according to patterns of human settlement – at sea-level or at higher altitudes, in urban communities or in the countryside, as part of the socio-cultural fabric of life or as indigenous peoples at a greater remove. This is how the human condition was struck by the event and we gradually learn more of our story the closer we get to our own time. Civilisations have come and gone, each riding its own wave of escalating order and built-in disorder. Now a civilisation is in crisis on a global scale, once again. The scar of that ancient wound throbs again and fears predominate. Catastrophe, Nature’s revenge, the geo-political backlash of


conflicting interests, the pervasiveness of corruption and self-interest, being at the mercy of our own governments, alien desires, rogue elements and pernicious trends in society, we are societies at war within themselves as much as with one another. What we fear in others is what they fear of us. We are them. They are us.Traumatised thus, the human psyche is split. As a biological form of life, humans are very much alive. But the higher self’s awareness, its vision, its sense of life and purposes are discarnate. We live in confusion as to what life is about, what sense it makes, whether it means anything at all. We live in limbo. Following that ancient event, knowledge of the discarnate human spirit was preserved by some who remembered it and revered it. Access to it depended on the combination of personal ambition and instruction, necessitating discipline and effort towards reuniting the human identity’s separate elements. Individuals aspired to this and there have been those who have mastered it and brought teachings concerning it to the people of the place and time. However, this knowledge of the fullness of humanity’s nature is not solely theirs, for it pertains to humanity as a whole. It is in this context that it belongs to each individual’s waking up from the nightmare, the healing of their psyche, the bridging of the separation of self each of us suffers.   With this in mind, the following sequence of images and texts is offered to arouse the desire to know the love that from our birth lies over and around and within us - for that re-awakening amongst us. The knowledge of our higher nature has been well cared for. Its reality is available to each of us, anytime, as we begin to appreciate what happened.

May you find pleasure as well as satisfaction in the adventure.

Science tells us of energies, like heat, electricity, light, atomic activity, and so on. There are also subtler energies, like those of thought, healing and love. What makes something – anything – an energy is being able to tap into

its essence and wield that in some purposeful way. This is equally true, whether it’s with regard to such concrete things as money, work, water and wind, or to altruistic sentiments, like compassion, forgiveness and peace.

Things, deeds, events, are points/moments in the universal field. The name for the energy and activity that permeates this field, giving everything its place and moment, is LOVE. That is its nature. That is the name it has.

Nothing else is so.

If your mind grasps this and can play around with it, you are

already up there amongst the best of scientists and the

greatest of thinkers – and you are the closer to participating

in the wholeness of this scheme, because you have

become aware of how everything exists (even the

worst things imaginable) within the larger context, of the limit-

less field of LOVE.

All that remains for you to do is to live in the integrity of what you have come to know and understand

Scientists consider that 95% of mass (dark energy) in the universe is imperceptible to us, that around 95% of the brain’s activity does not relate to the waking state or to physical activity, and that 95% of our DNA has nothing to do with the physical genetics of our biological nature. In the Quantum scheme of empty space, wave and particle, quantum leaps, probability, uncertainty and entanglement, we are considered to be aware of but 2,000 bits of information out of the 400 billion we are processing each second.In this context, what we consider reality to be is of little consequence. What we view life to be is no longer so clear, but something ephemeral, a dream.

If reality is a dream that is being dreamt through us - What then is sleep?One view of it is as the suspension of the state of being alert, in which what we were alert to is examined, processed and reintegrated at the cellular level. What follows is that, although we act in the state of being alert, our personal evolution, the development of our identity, is established through how our character and conduct are affirmed and modified during sleep. Thus is the progress of the divine self’s mission recorded biologically in its human vehicle. And we continually grow at the hands of the stretch and cling between what we do and what that promotes in us.

Who are we, then?DNA registers our identity. Although it is abundant and the most sophisticated matter in us, it cannot reproduce itself. Whilst proteins, the building blocks of life, can do this, they need DNA´s instructions to form and replicate. So, it would seem that DNA is something primal that already had the ability to inform life before life came about.Where does it come from? – and how so? When such a small proportion of DNA holds our biological identity, how much more of the truth of who we really are does it hold?

If we then take into account that the brain starts responding to sensory information before our senses have actually despatched it, the matter goes a step further. Something is dreaming us! It’s like Life is the interaction between this something, Consciousness, out there, with itself within you and me - a game played out through us, Gaia’s offspring, within the context of order and chaos on Earth.

Dream, reality, truth, illusion, it is all in the play between higher self and our more personal, material biological vehicle. Reality is a pale shade of the Truth, that place of light and dark

we live in until we choose otherwise - and create another reality!

What is life then?Hermetic teachings say that the visible world is but a picture of the invisible, wherein, as in a portrait, things are not real but in equivocal shapes, as they counterfeit some real substance in the invisible fabric.

And what animates us?

Is there the hardness of stone in your chest, or something about to break forth into song? Do you feel rage, envy, hate, elation, desire? - the cold of what’s frozen inside? incandescent about what you conceive to be right? numb with fear?, warm with love, …? “Listen, listen, listen to my heart song.”

What does one do about that wavering one feels at one’s centre? - about the sadness, the joy, the emptiness, the longing, the nothing, the excitement, whatever it is that makes one’s breath catch, one’s shoulders hunch, one’s chest expand, one´s gut contract, at any given moment? “Listen, listen, listen,…”

What gives?

Science has found how the brain produces the chemicals that match the emotions we feel, showing how Experience, Emotion and Body Chemistry circle one another like this:

Experience . 1. The true nature of experience itself with the spontaneous flow of emotion it gives rise to.2. Those ways we choose to see and to experience life for the emotional charge they give.3. The unconscious routine of habitual behaviours, relationship patterns and thoughts we are accustomed to indulging.4. The medications and substances we choose to use, according to need, or for kicks.

Thus, the conscious or unconscious choice of how we are going to take our experiences is that of the permission we give our body pharmacy to either make and release positive or negative drugs, or to load it with drugs and stuff from the outside. This choice is ours, the choice, either to really be alive, or to go on living in limbo. The choice we make is as unequivocal as that of the food we choose to eat and the thoughts we permit ourselves to have.

Emotion. In the mini-pharmacy of the body each emotion has its signature drug that is only released when experience triggers the behaviour that it matches.

Body-chemistry .1. The chemical substances associated with emotions are neuro-peptides produced by the brain.2. There are receptors in both the body and brain for any and every such molecule of emotion (MOE).3. The brain’s reception of an MOE calls forth its respective emotion.4. These substances are also to be found in the outside world. They can be also be synthesized, and are used to artificially replicate the experience/emotion connection the user desires.

If that is the bio-chemistry of emotion, how is the physiology that embraces it?

In this case, experience is experience, whether it stems from an internal body function, or is derived from an external source, whether it is the genuine thing, or triggered by conditioning, induced by foreign substances, such as drugs, medicaments and pollutants, or through exposure to electro-magnetic frequencies that impinge below the threshold of awareness.

Every experience has concomitant emotions. These emotions are reflected in the patterns of the heart’s rhythms. Every emotion involves a restructuring of the field produced by the heart, whether it is reacting to the experience or reflecting a whole body response to it.

The Physiology .

Sensitive to multiple vibrations and frequencies coming, not only from the organism’s internal functioning, but from the outside world too, the heart receives the information embedded in them. It processes the impact of external events, changing its beating patterns, pulse waves, electrical input, hormonal functioning and neurochemical release, accordingly. These changes in function inform and instruct the rest of the body, impacting autonomic, physiological and cortical functioning. Interacting with CNS functions, these cardio-vascular alterations are relayed to the cortex the same way signals from other sensory inputs do. As stimuli from the eyes are visual, the heart’s wave forms are passed on as emotions. The cortical centres of the CNS receive this flow of stimuli, allowing the patterns of meaning embedded to emerge. Just as the brain constructs savoury experiences from the signals it receives from the tongue, cortical functioning constructs emotional experience from the heart´s signals. In this context, the brain produces the respective molecules of emotion that the cardio-vascular system disperses throughout the organism. The heart incorporates all this, adjusting itself to configure an altered field that defines our emotional life, determines what we experience and qualifies our reciprocal activity.

Our emotional life is not just a matter of handling a roller-coaster ride of ups and downs in order to find happiness and enjoy life. Our emotions convey signals and messages that give us cues as to how to live in ways that fulfil the purposes of life in the world at large, through how we conduct our own lives. It is through our emotional life that we feel and can choose love.

The heart is at the centre of everything in us.

1. The heart couples with the circulatory system, phase-locking its own pulsating, spiralling, pumping action with the same action already occurring in the vascular system. In the dialogue between heart, blood vessels, skeletal muscles and body organs, all squeezing in the complex harmony of pressure waves that make the circulatory flow, the heart stabilises that flow, in order for the 2 gallons of blood it oxygenates to pass through more than 60,000 miles of vessels/minute to reach every cell.

2. Blood circulation allows the heart to affect every cell and organ in the body. It secretes molecular substances that significantly alter the body’s physiological functions and makes and releases numerous hormones that impact how and what we learn, how we remember and how well we remember, in addition to those that influence its own functioning. In this respect, the heart is a primary endocrine gland..

3. With 60-65% the same kind of neural cells as the brain, the heart has its own nervous system, directly wired into the CNS. It not only processes specific types of information in its own right, but coordinates the activities and functioning of the cerebral and gastro-enteric ones too. So, for instance, being in phase with the brain like this means that changes in the heart’s activity shift brain functioning, so that the linear, sequential nature of the brain’s analytical thinking serves the organsim’s overall well-being.

4. With its wide range of electro-magnetic frequencies the heart is the most powerful of the body’s electro-magnetic oscillators. Huge groupings of cells beat together as one, generating electrical impulses that create elctrical pulses in the body’s conductive tissues. The charge generated is continuous. Also, ions in the blood, subjected to the vortices of the blood stream, create a magnetic field. So, just as the blood carries bio-chemical agents, it conducts e-m signals between the heart and every organ, tissue and cell in the body. The signals sequestered in the e-m activity of the host of the body´s biological oscillators are carried as one by the heart´s field. The heart codifies and synchronises it all in a strong broadband field that is about 5,000 more powerful than the brain’s.

5. Reading the body´s changing physical state, the heart directs information to the brain as a flow of sensory stimuli. It also reads external fields and feeds the data to the cortex in the same way, along with the stimuli from all the body’s other sensory organs. Cortical activity creates our emotional life from these sources of sensory information. The heart is a sensory organ.

6. When the heart´s oscillating field touches another field, like that of a plant, a rock, or a person, it palpates and the sensory impressions are registered in a process that follows through to a whole body response. This is the heart as an organ of exta-sensory perception and communication.

7. Cortical functioning extracts meaning from emotional flow received. This is relayed back to the heart, along with what the brain has extracted from the signals and messages of other sensory input. Acting upon the results of cortical activity, along with the other bodily functions and activities that it monitors, organises, co-ordinates, integrates, synchronises and conducts, the heart is the master organ of the organism it belongs to. The activity within us that we call

Love is centred in our hearts.

And the presence of Love in the world around us?

“There is no life-reaction in even the highest animal that has not been foreshadowed in the life of the plant.... The barriers which seemed to separate kindred phenomena will be found to have vanished. The plant and the animal appearing as a multiform unity in a single ocean of being.“ J.C.Bose.

Like all living organisms, plants: Generate and respond to e-m waves. Use a lot of internal e-m communications for healing and for normal physiological functioning. Have sophisticated central nervous systems that function similarly and as rapidly.

Excitation is conducted by the phloem of the vascular bundle (as a nervous impulse is by animal nerves). It is able to distinguish sensory/afferent and motor/efferent impulses and to trace the transformation of one into the other in a reflex arc.

Plant nervous systems: Possess synapses as do our brains. Make use of neurotransmitters (molecularly identical to those found in our brains) to facilitate CNS function, just as we do. Help process, decipher and coordinate external and internal impulses to maintain the organism’s recognition of signals, decoding of meaning and crafting of responses. Using the e-m energy of the sun in photosynthesis, they have the range of sensitivity to the broadband e-m signals of other organisms, as well as to the e-m spectrum of visible light.

All living organisms create e-m fields encoding information. They encounter one another. In the process they interpenetrate and exchange e-m energy. Forms of life affect one another just by living. This continuous flow of intermingling fields is part of the communication dynamic between organisms within eco-systems that makes the Earth itself a living organism. This play of information exchange and communication between units within the systems of an organism is that intricate dance that sustains form and structure under all circumstances for the sake of co-evolutionary well-being.

There are some interesting implications in all of this.

Biological systems are unpredictable because they openly reciprocate with one another. When sytems synchronise to a common frequency the shared oscillation becomes a wave carrying the information of all of them. This entrainment boosts the common wave´s amplitude. Against the background noise of the body this coherent field is detactable by all the body´s cells, tissues and organs. They align with it, amplify its signal and use that to alter their own functioning.

Since the heart´s rythm sets the beat for the entire system, its transformational cascade of information asks the brain to facilitate and enhance perception and awareness. Thus, when the focus of awareness shifts from the brain to the heart by the focus on consciousness itself, or on sensory cues and how they feel, heart coherence begins. Its rhythms smooth with a wide range of physiological impacts that enhance this, so that both systems work in a balanced manner. But, when consciousness phase-locks with the brain and the body entrains with that, coherence diminishes.

Coherence of frequencies is the laser effect. Apparatuses designed to connect with one another and communicate this way imitate the activity of electro-magnetic fields within the unified field. Information in the universal field exists from its inception and is ever available, at whatever moment thereafter, everywhere. This is the ground of every type of psychic activity.

The replicative character of DNA is the same for all living things. The only differences between species are in the order of the `letters´ in the chain. All organisms have the same DNA. They share the same experience of perception and awareness. It is in the family.

The Ancient Greeks knew shared awareness as Aesthesis, seeing it as the heart´s capacity to encounter other entities, perceive their radiations, read the significance of the signals, comprehend the messages and respond. Healing is a practical application of Aesthesis, directly, via the interaction between patient and healer, and indirectly, through the use of the complementary and/or corresponding frequencies of plants and other substances.

The human being is an example of elements, units and systems conjoined within the uniform field of activity that makes for its identity. This is something we do not really appreciate. We are not accustomed to listening to the heart´s whispering. We do not recognise it as an organ of perception and communication. Our cerebral orientation overides this, continually interrupting our access to the heart´s messages and short-circuiting what should be its normal functioning. However, it does not go away. The heart processes information anyway, just sub-consciously. We can refer to all of this as the physiology of love in the human organism, since all these activities bend towards the individual’s development and well-being. They are for greater harmony between its own e-m fields an those of others. They favour the co-evolution of all organisms in the Earth-field. Beginning life nestled in our mothers’ e-m field, our field interacts with others and we are cradled thus in the overall planetary field. We are an expression of Gaia, whose own field exists similarly within a yet larger context.

The mechanics of emotion are the same for all life. Endorphins and electro-magnetic activity are also found in the most fundamental forms of life, such as in yeasts and simple single-celled organisms. In this regard sensibility is the bio-chemical process that uses pleasure and pain towards biological ends. At a more subtle level there is one of the heart´s activities that is at the other extreme.

One feels empty, sadness, joy, elation, fear, tranquility, a wavering uncertainty. One listens to it, listens to it, listens to it, and suddenly one’s breast expands with a tingling, a hum, a singing, an exquisite vibration that sweeps up everything else to itself. It is acceptance. It is fulfilment. It is appreciation. It is wholeness. It is love.These sensations roam far and wide through the body. Physically their peak is orgasm. Ecstasy is their spiritual pinnacle.

At the physical level, the orgasm of the procreative, sexual act is a pleasure in itself, that triggers all sorts of energetic activity throughout the body, with accompanying physical sensations and emotional experience. Under duress and in the face of danger, the adrenaline surge triggers experience that catapults one beyond all other pains and preoccupations, against all the odds. And there is that experience of peak performance that brings one the exhilarating sense of personal excellence.

At more subtle levels, there is the ecstasy of weeping (not from pain or suffering) and of laughter (not due to humour) that find expression in moments of an overwhelming sense of comprehension and empathy. There is the ecstatic ‘ah-ha‘ that comes with the rush of sudden insight, something intuited, the flash of inspiration. And there is bliss, that sublime, mystical ecstasy of knowing oneness.

Though such sensations are pleasurable, they are also nourishing and bear witness to the movement of the higher self in our everyday lives. Each form of ecstasy stems from the activity of one or another of the chakras, and the heart is at the centre of it all.

Yet there is more!

Here is an example of how you can directly experience the extra-terrestrial aspect of your identity:

1. Imagine the planet with in its aura of energy and light, its field of life. See your personal identity within this field of awareness. The energy from this aura is also within you. It is how Gaia lives through you. In this, your are an aspect of Gaia’s life. But your perception of it is Gaia's. To feel this is to experience the activity of the 1st energy vortex of the divine self.

2. Now imagine the Sun, surrounded by its planets. Consider how the essence of this dance takes place within that field of activity or aura. This is the dimension in which your soul’s identity resides, along with the others in your family, dancing together towards your shared destiny. To feel this is to experience the activity of the 2nd energy vortex of the divine self.

3. Concentrate on the special contacts and friendships that you have. Each one of you has its own family of souls in a field of activity centred on its own sun. However, at this other level of contact, you belong to a configuration through which something else is alive and expressing itself in the world. To feel this is to experience the activity of the 3rd energy vortex of the divine self.

4. In a similar way there are other ´systems` of similar configurations. The energy of such a ´galactic` field is the power at play within each one of these ´galactic systems` reaching towards the accomplishmnent of yet greater purposes. To feel this is an experience the activity of a still finer energy vortex.

5. Lastly, consider how there is some place from which everything comes. This place is everywhere, by reason of the quality of its essence as the common source for each individual, each family, each configuration, each system. Each entity travels towards its own end. Each journey is a story. All the stories, all the voyages, all the ends, all the directions have their origen here. To feel this is to experience energy at a most sublime level.

Whether the experience of ecstasy is in the form of an uncontrolable agitation, a feeling of total harmony or a feeling of moving according to the dance of life, we simply have to let ourselves feel the sensation to its utmost for the heart to break free from the zoo of our restricted emotional life, in order to be able to read life spontaneously again, to commune with others, other forms of life, with the heart of the world itself and with stellar beings.Though science informs us, our minds no longer know their master, the heart. It is essential that we comprehend how the higher self takes us beyond personal conduct that is determined by biological urges, habitual behaviours and conditioned thought. Then unconditional love finds expression.

DNA orders life out of chaos. We are told how it created life from the primordial biological soup. But that account fails to explain the presence of DNA before the deed. From the Void, not of absence but of infinity, the presence of something that gives birth to order is a representation of the determination and the devotion of the Mother, the care of Gaia, in the case of planet Earth. This aspect of consciousness unites wisdom with compassion towards all sentient life. Compared to this picture of the greater nature of love, the way we experience love is conditioned by the narcissism of the rampant human ego. The truth of love resides within an awareness of life that extends from the sentient nature of simple celled organisms to the infinity of we-know-not-what. The signs of being sensitive, of having awareness and of being conscious are distinctive features. It is essential, therefore, that we cultivate them once again, because Life and Consciousness are one and the same in the universal sea of Love’s activity.

In its own way, it is the ultimate teaching – how the disciple can listen within and go where that whispering leads. In this it is the heart that mediates between the divine self and one’s personal identity, uniting them in the process. Through the heart’s activity we become open to the love that lies over and around and within us. As vessels of this unconditional love, we can become human in the fullest sense, once again. I hope that the grace of divinity within you brings you success towards this end.

Every now and then one comes across a spiritual teaching referred to as that of the master in the heart. It is not always apparent. Not every teaching commends it. Not all masters know of it. Of those who do, not all have achieved it.
