September 10, 2017 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time€¦ · Feast of the Exaltation of the...


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Our Mission We are a Eucharistic community committed to living the teachings of Jesus. Founded in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council, we share the responsibility to build the Reign of God.

September 10, 2017

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Emergency Collection for Hurricane Harvey A special collection will take place this weekend, September 9-10 for the victims of Hurricane Harvey. This emergency collection will be used both to support the humanitarian and recovery efforts of Catholic Charities USA and to provide pastoral and rebuilding support to impacted dioceses through the USCCB. Please make your checks payable to the Church of the Resurrection and in the memo section write in Hurricane Harvey. As always, we appreciate your generosity. Pastoral Staff

Children’s Liturgy of the Word begins this Sunday at the 9 AM and 11 AM masses. We’ll be using “Children Celebrate!”as in the past years. We’ll continue dismissing the children from church after the opening prayer. Fr. Tom will call the children to him and formally send them out. This is an importance ministry for the young children.

An Evening with Terry Pluto This Wednesday, September 13th, Resurrection Parish is co-sponsoring an evening with Cleveland Plain Dealer writer Terry Pluto. Mr. Pluto will be speaking on "Making the Gospel come to Life in our Midst” at 7:00 PM in St. Paschal Church. We are making a special appeal to all of our Lectors, Catechists for Children's Liturgy of the Word, RCIA Team members as well as PSR and RTC catechists to attend this evening. Even if you are not presently involved in one of the above mentioned ministries in the life of the parish, I want to encourage you to participate in this evening.

Scripture Study on Thursdays continues at the Church of the Resurrection in September. Join Pastoral Team member Lisa Frey for a 6-week survey of Paul: the Messenger and the Message, beginning September 14 at 12 Noon. The format is flexible, with lecture and multi-media presentations, discussions, and materials for reading and further study. Discover the Bible as a Living Word, not only for our ancestors for whom the scriptures were written, but through the ages and for us today. Sign up on the bulletin board in the Gathering Area to reserve your place.

Please bring a Bible with you, and feel free to pack a brown-bag lunch as well!

Rev. Thomas M. Dragga x 22 Pastor Lisa Frey x 24 Pastoral Associate Terry Battaglia x 26 Pastoral Associate and DRE Julie Parrotta x 25 Director of Music Ministry

Diane Lionti x 23 Parish Business and Grounds Mgr.

Sandy Goglin x 29 Religious Education Assistant

Jackie Ketring x 21 Parish Receptionist Chris Donatelli x 38 Maintenance

32001 Cannon Road Solon, OH 44139

440-248-0980 Fax 440-248-0992

Celebration of the Eucharist

Weekend Saturday Vigil: 5:30 PM Sunday 9 AM & 11 AM

Weekdays: 8:30AM Monday Tuesday Wednesday & Friday

Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday at 4:30 PM or by appointment

Dear Parishioners, Every once in a while the Gospel comes to life in ways that words will never be able to capture. Last Sunday at the end of the 11am mass as I was greeting people, 6 year old, Caroline LaVigne handed me a mason jar filled with $201.56.

She told me that she had a lemonade stand during the past week to help the “Hurricane Harvey people”!!!!! That is a lot of lemonade and an awful lot of love. Sometimes the Gospel comes to life in ways that words can never capture.!!!! This weekend at all the masses we will take up a collection to help the

people affected by Hurricane Harvey. We have all been touched by the pain, the suffering and the news clips of people displaced by the flood. Recent reports suggest that it will take years for the people of Texas to recover from this horrific storm. I know you will be as generous as humanly possible. Please make checks payable to Church of the Resurrection and note Hurricane Harvey on the memo line. Along with your generosity to our brothers and sisters in Texas, let us not forget to hold the people of Texas and now those in the path of Hurricane Irma in prayer and continue to inspire one another with our witness to the Gospel in the very same way that Caroline has inspired us all. Finally, I would like to remind you to join us on Thursday, September 14th at 7pm as we gather on the prayer path (off the West Parking Lot) to celebrate the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross. Cider and cookies will be served at the end of the prayer service. Sincerely, Fr. Tom Dragga


For the weekend of September 3, 2017 132 Env. Reg Offering $7,583.00 20 Env. Capital Improvements $1,230.00 13 Env. Charity & Justice $ 340.00 ACH Offering for September 8, 2017 28 Regular Offering $1,993.50 23 Capital Imp Envelopes $872.50 11 Charity & Justice $241.12

We Share August 2017

79 Regular Sunday $5,613.00 14 Capital Improvements $700.00 12 Charity & Justice $540.00

Sign-Up Sunday Have you been coming to the Church of the Resurrection for a while now, but aren’t a member of the parish? We’re welcoming you to register on “Sign-Up Sunday (or Saturday!)” following the weekend liturgies September 16 and 17. Members of the pastoral staff will be available in the Gathering Area after mass to answer any questions and to register you. The process will take about 10 or 15 minutes.

Welcome the Labyrinth With changes to the Ursuline Sisters’ Educational Center in Pepper Pike came an invitation to the Church of the Resurrection to inherit their canvas labyrinth, modeled on the labyrinth in the floor of the Chartres Cathedral. We have brought it here a number of times over the years for days of prayer, and now it is housed on the property here at the parish and available for us to use and to loan out to others. We’d like to invite you to Welcome the Labyrinth with a day of information and opportunities to walk the prayer path on Monday, September 25. Lisa Frey will offer brief 20-minute educational presentations in the Gathering Area at 10 AM, 2 PM and 6 PM to introduce the labyrinth, its history and variety of expressions around the world. And you can come to Trivison Hall any time that day between 11 AM and 8 PM to walk the labyrinth on your own.

Calling all Men of Faith This is the second year that men in our parish have an opportunity to informally come together to pray and read a little scripture, listen to a little inspirational Christian music and reflect on the reading and share our experience, strength and hope. We have had a great group of men last year with really awesome reflections and we have grown together as men of faith. This is an open opportunity to grow in your faith with other men who may share the same trials and tribulations as we go through our lives. If you know of any other men, please invite them to attend. The more the prayier. We meet every first Wednesday of the month from September through May usually at 7:00 PM in the vesting sacristy between the gathering area and Trivison hall. Please check the bulletin each month for confirmation. Or call Greg Berezne at 440-864-5765.

Created for Greatness is a men’s group that focuses on scripture, bible reflection, prayer, fellowship and spiritual growth. The first of the weekly gatherings will be on Thursday, September 21st from 6:30am-7:30 am. A spiritual way to begin your day. This group will start off in the Vesting Sacristy. All men of the parish are welcome to join us. Bring a friend. Please contact Ken Badalamenti at or 216-570-7111 if you would like more information.

This Week’s Events Camp Hi Canoeing is Sunday at 2:00 PM.

Food Addicts in Recovery group meets in the Upper Room Sunday at 2 PM and Friday at 9:30 AM.

Finance Council Meets in the Upper Room Monday at 7:00 PM.

Social Justice Commission meets in Galilee Monday at 7:30 PM.

Taize is in the Worship Space Tuesday at 7:00 PM.

Evening for Lectors is at St. Paschal Church Wednesday at 7:00 PM.

Scripture Study is in the Upper Room Thursday at 12 Noon.

Yoga is in Trivison Hall Thursday at 9:00 AM and 5:45 PM.

Stations of the Cross are on the Prayer Path Thursday at 7:00 PM.

PSR Teacher Meet and Greet is next Saturday at 9:30 AM.

St. Augustine is next Sunday at 10:00 AM.

RTC Kickoff is next Sunday at 6:30 PM.

(5) Celebrating the Eucharist is central to our community, with full and active participation on the part of each member. We cherish our sacramental life as well as a variety of prayer forms.

This Weeks Mass Intentions Sunday September 10 Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Tme 9:00 AM Virginia Cook—(The Cook Family) 11:00 AM Anne Evanchak—(Maar Family)

Monday September 11 8:30 AM John Slattery—(Pastoral Staff) Tuesday September 12 The Most Holy Name of Mary 8:30 AM Richard Messerman—(Pastoral Staff) Wednesday September 13 St. John Chrysostom 8:30 AM Jason Flory—(Pastoral Staff) Thursday September 14 Exaltation of the Holy Cross 8:30 AM No Mass 5:00 PM Wedding Rehearsal 7:00 PM Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross Friday September 15 Our Lady of Sorrows 8:30 AM Resurrection Parishioners 5:00 PM Wedding Carrie Sheridan and Peter Murphy Saturday September 16 Sts. Cornelius and Cyprian 5:30 PM Dorothy Csendes—(John and Karen Kozsey) Baptism John Christopher Hlivka Baptism Harper Mary Withrow Sunday September 17 Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Tme 9:00 AM Chuck Smercina—(Dotty Smercina) 11:00 AM Christopher Strohl—(Colleen & Wendy Weisz)

Death in the Parish The parish mourns the death of Mary Jane Ober, 76, mother of Cheri Bednar of Florida. Mary Jane’s funeral service was held on Friday, September 8, 2017 at 10 AM. We pray with the church that having loved the Lord here on earth she may now rejoice in the joys of heaven.

Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross Everyone is welcome to come on Thursday, September 14th 7pm, the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, to celebrate our new and improved prayer path. We hope many of you will walk with us as we pray the stations of the cross together. You may visit the prayer path anytime. It is a lovely place to pray.

Collin the young boy in the picture, brought his small rake to help work on the prayer path last month. Great job Collin.

Women’s Spirituality will begin Tuesday, September 19, with an introductory gathering over wine and cheese at 7 PM. This year we will be discussing the book, Finding Francis, Following Christ by noted Franciscan author Fr. Michael Crosby. The group meets the first and third Tuesdays of every month. This year’s discussion will be a reflection not only of Crosby’s words for our time but of his life as he passed away from cancer this past August 5th. In Finding Francis, Following Christ, Crosby points out that the memory of St. Francis of Assisi does not simply challenge the violence and materialism of our culture, but also embodies a positive, joy-filled example of humanity at its best. Join us as we discuss this example as a model for our lives. If we are to seriously address the worldwide challenges of poverty, toxic materialism, intolerance and violence, there is no better role model than Saint Francis. Join us! Any questions:

(6) We commit ourselves to serve others and reach out to the poor in response to their needs. Our work for justice extends to advocating with integrity for positive change in society and the Church.

Offered at Jesuit Retreat House in Parma. Will Our Young Adults Have Faith? or Will Our Faith Have Young Adults? September 13. 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Presented by Dr. Dobie Moser. Many parents and grandparents know that aching feeling when our children turn away from the Catholic faith we know and love. Join us for an evening of reflection, prayer, conversation, and hope with other parents and grandparents of young adults like you. It will be a source of encouragement and hope as you receive strength for the journey of loving our young adults back to God. Come and see! Cost: $20. To register contact 440-884-9300 or visit Let Nothing Trouble You ... September 26. 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. Presented by Martha Campbell. After the death of Teresa of Avila, a bookmark was found in her possessions which speaks to her "rule of life" which is based on Sacred Scripture. Come to this day of quiet and reflection, ready to sit at the feet of Teresa, allowing her to help you find equanimity in your busy, challenging life! The day will include input, time for personal reflection and group dialogue. Cost: $40. To register contact 440-884-9300 or visit

Thea Bowman Center Thea Bowman Center in partnership with Nathan Hale School located on Martin Luther King Blvd is in desperate need of help for children 5 to 14 years old. The goal is to help children with reading and math skills. The program will be at Nathan Hale from 2:30 to 4 PM. Parents are supporting this project and the Thea Bowman Center is helping project by trying to recruit tutors. Tutors can give whatever hours/week that they can do: 1 day or 2 days and we ask people to be as consistent as possible because you will be assigned to up to 5 students depending on how much time you can give. Your help would be a major BOOST to the children in this school and to the Mt Pleasant Community. The school has identified about 80 children for the tutoring program.The children will receive a free meal through the food bank. This will be a work in progress but I feel confident that we can help the children/school if we can get the tutor support needed. Please contact Ella Thomas, Executive Director of the Thea Bowman Center, 11901 Oakfield Ave, Cleveland, Ohio 44105. 216-491-0699 or

(7) Rooted in our faith traditions, we strive to be innovative, prophetic, and courageous in leadership and service. In our commitment to the spiritual formation of each member, we are open to explore new ways to meet the needs among us in response to the signs of our times.

Statement from the US Bishops’ Conference on DACA Following is a statement from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops regarding the plan to end the DACA program for children and young people. Watch this space for FAQ’s and other information about immigrants and refugees. WASHINGTON— The President and Vice President along with Chairmen of the U.S. Conference of

Catholic Bishops (USCCB) have issued a statement denouncing the Administration’s termination of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program after six months. The following statement from USCCB President Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, along with USCCB Vice President, Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angles, Bishop Joe S. Vásquez of Austin, chairman, Committee on Migration, and Bishop Joseph J. Tyson of Yakima, chairman of the Subcommittee on Pastoral Care of Migrants, Refugees, and Travelers says the “cancellation of the DACA program is reprehensible.” Over 780,000 youth received protection from the DACA program since its inception by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in 2012. DACA provided no legal status or government benefits but did provide recipients with temporary employment authorization to work in the United States and reprieve from deportation.

“The cancellation of the DACA program is reprehensible. It causes unnecessary fear for DACA youth and their families. These youth entered the U.S. as minors and often know America as their only home. The Catholic Church has long watched with pride and admiration as DACA youth live out their daily lives with hope and a determination to flourish and contribute to society: continuing to work and provide for their families, continuing to serve in the military, and continuing to receive an education. Now, after months of anxiety and fear about their futures, these brave young people face deportation. This decision is unacceptable and does not reflect who we are as Americans. The Church has recognized and proclaimed the need to welcome young people: ‘Whoever welcomes one of these children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me’ (Mark 9:37). Today, our nation has done the opposite of how Scripture calls us to respond. It is a step back from the progress that we need to make as a country. Today’s actions represent a heartbreaking moment in our history that shows the absence of mercy and good will, and a short-sighted vision for the future. DACA youth are woven into the fabric of our country and of our Church, and are, by every social and human measure, American youth. We strongly urge Congress to act and immediately resume work toward a legislative solution. We pledge our support to work on finding an expeditious means of protection for DACA youth. As people of faith, we say to DACA youth – regardless of your immigration status, you are children of God and welcome in the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church supports you and will advocate for you.”

(8) We reverence and welcome each person as a child of God. Embracing and celebrating the diversity of gifts among us, we call everyone to contribute and be served.

The USO of Northern Ohio is actively seeking the addresses of service members who are deployed overseas for the purpose of sending them care packages of nice to have items. Typically we include toiletries, snacks, books, magazines and personal care items in the packages. Families who have sons or daughters deployed are asked to pass the info via e-mail to We need the name, address and when the service member is expected to be coming home. If there are any questions, please call the package coordinator Susan Kryjewski at 216-387-2479.

RCIA begins in September Prior to beginning the RCIA process, an individual comes to some knowledge of Jesus Christ, considers his or her relationship with Jesus Christ and is usually attracted in some way to the Catholic Church. This period is known as the Period of Evangelization and Precatechumenate. For some, this process involves a long period of searching; for others, a shorter time. Often, contact with people of faith and a personal faith experience lead people to inquire about the Catholic Church. After a conversation with a priest, or RCIA director, the person, known as an "inquirer," may seek acceptance into the Order of Catechumens, through the Rite of Acceptance. During this Rite, the inquirer stands amidst the

parish community and states that he or she wants to become a baptized member of the Catholic Church. The parish assembly affirms this desire and the inquirer becomes a Catechumen. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic, or learning more about our faith, please contact Terry Battaglia at 440-248-0980 ext. 26 or Fr. Tom Dragga at ext. 22.

Thea Bowman Center Are you looking for an opportunity for you and your kids to help the less privileged in Cleveland? We are looking for volunteers to help out four times a year at the Thea Bowman Center. We prepare and serve meals at Thea Bowman Center to over 125 people the fourth Saturday of January, April, July and October. We carpool from Resurrection at 10:40am and return by 2pm. Please contact Margaret Jung at 440-542-0307 or Thank you for your generosity.

Support to End the Death Penalty Executions for several Ohio inmates have been postponed by Governor Kasich following a federal court decision barring the state’s lethal injection protocol. Join your voice with others to urge Governor Kasich to not allow the resumption of executions in Ohio. It has been three years since the last execution. We know that Ohioans can be safe from dangerous criminals while holding them accountable without taking their lives. You can call the governor at 614-466-3555 with your personal request that he not resume executions, and if you didn’t already, please see the display in the Gathering Area to sign a post card which the Social Justice commission will mail for you.

Divorce Support Ministry Are you divorced or separated? You are invited to join the Christian based Divorce Care program at any time for help and healing at St. Rita Parish, Solon, in St. Mark’s Chapel, Friday from August 4 to October 27 from 7 to 8:30 PM. For more information or to register contact Jo Anne Scaminaci at 440-554-6296 or email at This program runs for 12 weeks.

Event of Interest River’s Edge, 3430 Rocky River Dr., Cleveland 44111, welcomes the Cleveland Orchestra Children’s Chorus to their Annual Christmas Benefit Concert. All proceeds from the concert benefit the River’s Edge Women’s Outreach Center. We are very excited and honored to have the Chorus join us for this special event. We hope you will be able to join us as well! Sunday, December 10 2:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m. Reception following Fee: $15 For more information contact or call 216-688-1111 ext 251.

Retreats and Spiritual Programs Rivers Edge, a sponsored ministry of the Congregation of St. Joseph, 3430 Rocky River Dr., Cleveland, offers programs and retreats to foster wellness, spirituality and expanding consciousness. Visit to see more. For those who are interested in travelling, the Siena Retreat Center in Racine Wisconsin “brings to the world the opportunity for prayerful contemplation, reflection on the world’s wisdom traditions and current issues, and a spirit of peace and wholeness.” See the full schedule of offerings at Bethany Retreat Center on the Chardon campus of Notre Dame Cathedral Latin High School offers retreats and programs for the coming year, and is also available for parish groups for meetings, an overnight or weekend retreat. For more information contact Sister Jennifer Kramer, SND at 440-279-1143 or

Ministry of Presence Do you have an interest in visiting a parish member who can’t get to mass on the weekend? Or residents in a nursing facility or patients in a hospital? All of these people are eager for the Body of Christ – in communion and in the community. The number of nursing facilities within our parish boundaries continues to grow, and so we need more eucharistic ministers to visit the sick and homebound. Training will be provided. Please contact Lisa at ext 24 or

Support Group The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance offers a support group for people living with mood disorders and their families and friends, meeting on the first the third Thursday of each month at 7 PM in the Upper Room at the Church of the Resurrection. For more information please contact Sharon at 440-537-4547 or

Starting in the Fall Catholicism 101 Catholicism will begin on the first 2 Mondays in October and the first 2 Tuesdays in November. We will look at issues like What does it mean to believe?; Who is God?; The humanity and Divinity of Jesus; What is it that we really profess Sunday after Sunday?; What is our faith really based on? and many other topics that are so much a part of our Catholic Faith.

For many of you the series will be a review of what you learned in your college Freshman Introduction to Religious Studies class. For some of you, what you hear may well be new. Whether it’s new or a review, I would encourage you to participate as it can be a great opportunity for all of us to exchange ideas, listen to one another and share what it is that we hold dear as Catholics. While we are calling this a series, each of the sessions stands on its own. So if you can make one, two or all four, I believe you will find it to be of benefit. Mark your calendar and join me for the first of the series on Monday, October 2, 9, and Tuesday, November 14 and 21 from 7pm-8pm. Feel free to invite a friend or neighbor. Let's see where the discussion might lead.


Volunteer Opportunities Volunteering gives you the opportunity to meet new people, learn new skills and improve your health by giving time to others. Help is needed for residents and staff at Montefiore, a senior living community in Beachwood, Ohio that provides a continuum of care including short term post hospital care, long term care, hospice and palliative care, rehab therapy and memory care. To learn more about opportunities contact Melissa Gelender, volunteer coordinator at Montefiore at 216-910-2566. El Barrio, the Workforce Center of The Centers for Families and Children, located in the Detroit Shoreway neighborhood, is looking for volunteers for its English as a Second Language program. Volunteer activities include teaching and tutoring English language learners on Mondays and or Wednesdays from 6:00 to 9:00pm. Students come from all countries in Central and South America, Puerto Rico, different African and Middle Eastern countries. Does not require teaching experience, but a willingness to share knowledge and improve life conditions for the less fortunate. College interns and retirees are very welcome. Great resume builder, too! Call Ingrid at 216-325-9310 or email: Womankind Maternal and Prenatal Care Center, 5400 Transportation Blvd., Garfield Hts., is in need of a volunteer phlebotomist or nurse qualified to draw blood, once or twice a month on Mondays from 4 to 7 PM. For more information please call JoAnn Henderson or Eileen Murray during the day at 216-662-5700. In August 2013, Trinity Christian Church and Solon United Methodist Church began a community service mission called the Treasure Trunk which provides clothing, shoes, boots, diapers, coats, etc. to people who have need. We have a “store” located in the Solon UMC building on Cannon Road open every Saturday from 9 AM to Noon and open the fourth Tuesday of the month from 5-7 PM (coinciding with the Solon Mobile Pantry at Church of the Resurrection). We have been blessed beyond belief with donations from the community and with the thankfulness of those we have been able to help. We would like to invite your congregation to volunteer to assist at the Treasure Trunk. This is an opportunity for all congregations to come together to “be doers of the word and not hearers only”. Please prayerfully consider joining with us on either Saturday or Tuesday to provide not only clothing but compassion and love to others. Please contact the Solon UMC office at 440-248-1573 with questions or to volunteer. Your message will be forwarded to the Treasure Trunk team and your call will be returned. The Storefront drop-in ministry of the Cleveland Catholic Worker House, 4241 Lorain Rd, Cleveland, OH 44113, invites you to volunteer. If you would like more info, please call 216-631-3059. University Hospital Hospice volunteers are calm, compassionate men and women who enhance care and quality of life during life’s final stage and provide non-medical support to hospice patients and their loved ones in nursing homes, hospital or patients’ homes. Direct patient contact and behind the scenes opportunities are available. Current needs include: sewers, knitters, military veterans for We Honor Veterans, and presence volunteers. To find out more, contact Patsy Brodie at 216-765-2737 or email The Thea Bowman Center at the former Epiphany parish, E. 120th and Union St. in Cleveland’s Mount Pleasant neighborhood, offers many volunteer opportunities. To begin the process of volunteering, call Cheryl Johnson at 216-491-0699. Currently volunteers from Church of the Resurrection provide a meal for approximately 200 people on the 4th Saturday of every month. Three teams provide meals on a rotating basis with each team providing a meal four times a year. The teams either meet at Church of the Resurrection at about 11:30 AM and car pool to TBC or go directly to the center. Many volunteers provide food items and do not go at all. All help is appreciated. Volunteers may donate food or purchase food supplies and prepare food and be reimbursed by Resurrection’s Charity & Justice Fund. If you would like to volunteer or like further information, you may call any of the following team leaders. Team I Margaret Jung 440-542-0307 Team II Emily Schetter 216-464-5197 January, April, July & October February, May, August & November Team III Sue McKay 440-34+9-2494 and Joyce Casey 440-247-8938 March, June, September & December