Senior Sem Presentation WOK




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Celebration of Learning

Robin Solomon


I’m Robin, I’m originally from Indonesia but was born in Bangkok. Spent entire life in Bangkok and attended ISB since kindergarten. I plan to study hotel management in college

This presentation is to talk about my learning experiences in highschool and I’m going to talk about Choir and Week Without Walls Klong Toey Kindergarten

+Week Without Walls Klong Toey Kindergarten - Grade 9

Community service activity. Visited a local Thai Kindergarten in the Klong Toey area and worked with children in various age groups (3 – 6 years).

Planned activities each visit, to keep the children busy and active

+WOK - Emotion

After working with children in various age groups, I felt more comfortable with children. Before I never got used with handling children and I did not like spending time with them. It was very interesting to work with different age groups because every group of kids enjoyed various types of events. For example. The younger one tend to enjoy picture books and just story telling.

This course shows me that I enjoy helping out children and arrange many various activities for them to keep them busy.

+Choir – Kingsmen, Chamber Choir

Joined the choir program since freshmen year. Although it is mostly choir and singing, I still want to grasp the theoery concept more such as sight reading music.

I chose choir because singing is considered to be a passion of mine.

+WOK - Emotion

Being part of a big choir is like being a family because everyone around you is always supportive. Singing is one of my passions and I feel that it has enhanced my