Sen2Agri Field data collection campaign, 2017 Mali · bozo tiema siewe bozo dogon marka bornu pana...


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3rd Sen2Agri User Workshop - Rome 28-29 June 2017

Sen2AgriField data collection campaign, 2017


Souleymane S. TRAORE

3rd Sen2Agri User Workshop - Rome 28-29 June 2017

Mali – Sen2Agri 2016• Country size: 1 241 238 km2

•Population: 17 990 000 (WB, 2016)

3rd Sen2Agri User Workshop - Rome 28-29 June 2017

• The region covers 12% of

Malian geographical territory

and around 51% of country

population (RGPH, 2009)

• Major agricultural production

region in Mali - ~50% National

crop production (CMDT-OHVN, 2013)

• Main crops: Cotton, Sorghum,

Millet, Maize, Rice

Sen2Agri 2017 – area covered

Malian cotton belt150 000km²

3rd Sen2Agri User Workshop - Rome 28-29 June 2017

Survey using JECAM protocol

• Windshield survey using motor

bike - 3 teams

• Survey on 28 villages randomly

selected in the area

• Smart phone app “GeoODK”

for data capturing

• GeoTrace along field boundary

and GeoPoint in the field

3rd Sen2Agri User Workshop - Rome 28-29 June 2017

• 6155 GeoTraces and 2897 GeoPoints collected in 2 weeks field work

• Rice and groundnut represent respectively 32% 15% of GeoPoint

• From the 9052 samples, 6005 field were extracted for the analysis

Samples collected

GeoTraces GeoPoints

3rd Sen2Agri User Workshop - Rome 28-29 June 2017

Preliminary results

Non cropCrop

3rd Sen2Agri User Workshop - Rome 28-29 June 2017

Aw ni ce…..

Thank you….
