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Today's Lesson

Security Procedures in the British Army

•Security Threats for the British Army: (P1, M1, D1)

•Who Protects the British Army: (P2, M2)

•Security Procedures in the British Army: (P2, M2)

The British Army

Currently the British Army are engaged in operations in Afghanistan and have been since 2001.

The Prime Minster recently said that the Army will withdraw from Afghanistan in 2014.

In the last ten years, the British Army has faced several different security threats and will continue to face threats in the next ten years.

We will look at the Security Threats to the Army and the Security Procedures they put in place.

Security Procedures

Security Threats to the British Army

The British Army face a number of different security threats from all over the world and have to develop procedures to tackle these threats.

INTERNAL THREATS: Corruption, Drug Taking and Gangs.

EXTERNAL THREATS: Terrorism, Cyber-Attacks and Direct Enemies.

We are going to explore these and then look at how the army try to protect themselves and the procedures they put in place to do this.

Quick Test of your Skills

You will now be shown a image for 15 seconds. Then the image will be taken away.

Then write down what you saw and then we will go through it.

This is to test your investigation skills and also your assumption skills, as you figure out what's going on?


Internal Threats to the British Army


Corruption means:


Corruption in the British Army has been associated with soldiers selling equipment or secrets which they have stolen from their military bases.

Weapons, equipment or knowledge are sold to criminal gangs and other countries who want to find out about the Army.


Another type of Army corruption has been exposed recently in a court case in December 2012 and is still ongoing.

It argues that former British Army officers who own a construction company in Afghanistan, received £50 million to build reservoirs and schools from the British Government.

However they received the money and built nothing because the company was a sham, with paperwork and resources created by corrupt army officers.

•There has also been lots of stories of Army officers receiving payments from defence companies to make sure they get defence building contracts.

It undermines the security and public opinion of the army.

Drug Taking and the British Army

The British Army are very much against Drug taking and misuse of alcohol for a number of different reasons.

Damages Teamwork: Soldiers are dependent on teamwork in order to complete their tasks. If a soldier is a drug addict it may mean that they make mistakes which can cost soldiers their lives. They could also make security mistakes which the enemy can take advantage of.

Reduces Fitness: Soldiers fitness will be affected by drugs and may not be able to keep up with soldiers or make mistakes.

Promoting Criminal Behaviours and Gangs: To have drugs you must have crime and so by using drugs it promotes criminal activities in the army which undermines security.

Security Procedures to Tackle these Threats

The British Army have a number of different methods of dealing with these problems.

Training:During basic training, young recruits are taught about Military Law, which are the laws that govern soldiers behaviour both on operations and on bases. CDT: Compulsory Drug Testing:CDT are carried out during training and operations. They are often done every few months and are carried out by doctors and nurses from the Military. They are random and no warning is given. Blood and Urine Samples are taken.

Royal Military Police

Royal Military Police

The Royal Military Police are responsible for the Policing of the British Army both when they are on bases, off bases or on operations.

The RMP investigate everything when it comes to Army Policing.

SIB: Special Investigation Branch

This unit is manned mostly by officers or Senior NCO’s and they investigate murders, sexual assaults and corruption within the Army.

They also liaise and work closely with the Civilian police to shut down big criminal gangs with the army. m


The Royal Military Police also have a specialist unit which deals with something called Close Protection.


They are well trained and are expected to be alert and on their guard at all times. Close Protection Training

The Army also have a Corrective Facility at Colchester, which is the army prison.

Corrective Training Centre

Qualities and skills of Soldiers with Security

All soldiers have to have the following skills when providing security:

-courteous, -alert, -tactful,-cooperative,-honest,-approachable, -trustworthy,- inquisitive,


External Security Threats to the British Army

With the Army involved with operations all over the world they have lots of enemies and security threats.

Being in Afghanistan, the army have lots of enemies that they have to protect themselves again.

The Taliban: Who are they and what weapons do they use?


-Irish Republican Army


Cyber-Threats: Countries and organisations who have tried to hack into the armies databases.

The Taliban

The Taliban

The Taliban are an organisation which once upon a time ruled Afghanistan.

They ruled with terrible cruelty and would torture, rape and execute their victims.

Swimming Hill Pool in Kabul, capital of Afghanistan. A symbol of the terror of the Taliban.

The Taliban from 2001

In 2001, the British Army invaded Afghanistan after the attacks on the Twin Towers.

At the time, the Taliban, who ruled Afghanistan were giving safety to Al-Qaeda, who had launched the 9/11 attacks.

It took three weeks for the US, UK and Afghan forces to destroy the Taliban through airstrikes and small units on the ground.

However without troops to back up the invasion, the Taliban regrouped and began fresh attacks from 2006.

They use a variety of methods to attack British forces.

The weapons they use are:

Improvised Explosive Devices

These are planted all around the country. They can be pressure sensitive, so they explode when stepped on or remote controlled by an observer near by.

Green on Blue attacks

This is where Taliban fighters infiltrate Afghan Police and Army Units and sabotage training facilities or kill NATO instructors who are teaching them.

Code Breaking

A vital part of the Intelligence Corps is cracking codes and intercepting enemy radio traffic.

They are also responsible for Counter-Surviellience and Terrorism by using radios and computer systems to prevent the British Armies information from being leaked.

Your Turn?

Crack the Code:


8 AND 5

Security Procedures in the British Army

We have already looked at a few already:

Compulsory Drug Testing: Targets soldiers with drug addictions to make sure that soldiers are not involved in criminal activities.

Royal Military Police: They look after the well being of soldiers and make sure that they are safe both on bases and on operations.

SIB: Senior Investigation Branch: Investigate all the criminal actions within the army and ensure they are dealt with.

Close Protection: These are well armed small teams, who are trained to protect and bodyguard, VIP persons.

Other Security Procedures within the BA

ID Cards: All military personnel are all issued ID cards, which has all their information on it. This is then shown when entering bases, so as the Security Teams know who is getting on the base and it is safe for them to enter.

Signing In and Out: This is often a written or electronic note so as Security teams know how many people are on the base and roughly where these people are.

Static Patrols and Checkpoints: These are often used to protect bases or special buildings. Here soldiers provide protection from threats by regulating and recording who gets into these special areas. They will often have radios to check who is entering the area has a reason to be in there or not.

Army Patrols

These are normally used by the army when they are fighting on operations around the world but are a vital part of maintaining security.

Patrols are when either small or big units of soldiers leave their bases when in a warzone and use these patrols to either find out more information about their enemy of engage and kill them.

Reconnaissance Patrols: Finding out information about the enemy or the local area.

Close Target Reconnaissance: This is the same thing except soldiers get very close to the enemies base.

Fighting Patrols: This is where soldiers leave their bases to engage and kill the enemy.

Army Patrols

These patrols can be done either by vehicle or by foot patrol. Often it is done by using both.

They are not always done all the time depending on the danger levels. So the frequency of these patrols depends on the threat levels.

Even patrols can be done by plane or boat and increasingly NATO relies on UAV.

They are cheap and if they get shot down no human being dies.

Satellites can also be used to provide images of what's going on in a chosen area. Royal Marines


So why don t we do some little practical exercises to go through the different forms of Security Procedures in the Army.

We will go through patrolling techniques and how and why they are used.

Then practise building some models based on images you have seen and think about close target reckon.

Also using the models to think about how and why you would use security.
