Secret Detox Drink Recipe 2 - Supplement Detox Drink Recipe.pdf · 1...


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The Secret Detox Drink Recipe !* 2 Tbsp. Apple Cider Vinegar * 2 Tbsp. Fresh pressed organic Lemon Juice * 4 Oz. Coconut water of Coconut Juice * Small Pinch of Cayenne * 4-8 Oz. Pure water * Optional: Dash of cinnamon !Drink twice daily. 15-30 minutes before a meal.

!Transcript: Hey guys, Dr. Axe here. Welcome to training video number three. In our last training video, we discovered the secret detox drink, talked about all of the benefits for cellular cleansing. This video, we're going to be talking about the top four detoxifying herbs. These are foods that you want to be getting in your diet as often as possible. These are also a cornerstone and a very important piece of my overall secret detox program, which I'll share with you on our next episode. We'll talk about the number one way to detox. !So let's start off here talking about cilantro. You know, cilantro is the number one herb for detoxifying heavy metals. And many of us have been exposed to heavy metals and we don't even realize it. Let me give you an example. One of the number one pesticide compounds is arsenic. If you look over so many of our foods coming from China today, China is the world's largest producer of arsenic. So we have a lot of arsenic in our apple juice and brown rice products and a lot of different foods that we typically consider healthy. But cilantro can detoxify your body of heavy metals. In different articles and studies, it's been shown to detoxify your body from lead, mercury, and arsenic and cadmium. !All of these different heavy metals that we can be exposed to. Also mercury, if you've ever had contact lenses from a long time ago, the fluid used to have some of that in it. Also, silver fillings contain mercury and there are many exposures. And last but not least is lead. A lot of different things from China, again China, the world's largest producer of lead. Lead is found in paints so you can get it off of fumes, it's found in children's products, different plates and dishes. But cilantro helps detoxify your body of heavy metals. I love using cilantro in cooking, so I'll throw it in with a chicken dish, put it in a salad. You can juice cilantro, or if you want to just make sure you're getting it every day, just take a small handful, drop it in your super food smoothie for breakfast. Just a small handful, you'll hardly notice it's in there. !Detox superfood number two is milk thistle. Now, this powerful plant is known as the number one detoxifying herb in the world. It's number one for detoxifying your liver and your gall bladder. And milk thistle causes your body to produce two powerful antioxidants known as glutathione and S.O.D. That stands for super oxide dismutase. And this has been shown to detoxify your body from radiation, chemotherapy, also the damaging effects of statin drugs, and then any other environmental or chemical pollutants. And really, your liver is your main organ that will work on detoxification. Milk thistle is the number one way to really support your liver in detoxification. Why is all this important? Well, remember this: toxicity is the number one thing that causes cancer. Toxicity is one of the number one things that will cause any type of disease, whether it's headaches or


digestive issues or even weight gain. You know, toxins cause your body to store fat, and toxins store in your fat cells. So another benefit of herbs like milk thistle is it will cause you to burn more fat, lose more weight, get more fit. But overall remember if you want to get healthy, you've got to detoxify. Milk thistle, your number one way to detoxify. Now this is a bottle of a liquid milk thistle, but you can also get it in capsule form or powder form. Another thing you can add into smoothies or take a couple capsules first thing in the morning. Again, milk thistle, incredible cleansing benefits. !!Number three herb or super food here for detoxification, this is the super food from the sea. It's a seaweed called chlorella. Now, chlorella is a blue-green algae that contains certain compounds that also have been shown to detoxify your body from radiation. And that's out of a medical journal called, "Chemosphere." It's been shown, if you're ever exposed to radiation, which we are every day from cell phones, microwaves, a lot of other exposures if you're flying in airplane. You're exposed to radiation in some form or way, this helps detoxify your body of radiation. It also acts as a powerful antioxidant that supports your body in the healing process. Chlorella has also been shown to bind to lead in mercury and help pull them out of your system. It's known as a chelator, so it binds to toxins like a magnet and pulls them right out of your system. !And last but not least, probably one of the most powerful herbs in the entire world is tumeric. Tumeric contains an active compound called curcumin. And curcumin, there are over 2,000 studies that have been done on tumeric and curcumin and there are ability to fight cancer, reduce inflammation, and support liver detoxification. So if you're wanting to follow a great protocol at reducing your risk of cancer, if you want to reduce inflammation of your joints, of your intestines, and reduce your risk of heart disease, tumeric is probably the number one overall herb in terms of its antioxidant qualities and for healing your body and healing your cells. And I love sprinkling tumeric on my salads. I put it on my chicken if I bread and do some chicken up in coconut oil, or I add a teaspoon in even to a smoothie or hummus, but I use tumeric all the time. !And really all these ingredients are things you can add to a smoothie, if you want to just kind of get it all in the morning. Or, you know, these things are food so you can add them on your food as well. But remember, tumeric, chlorella, milk thistle, cilantro, these are some of the world's top detoxifying herbs and super foods you should be getting in your diet every single day for massive detoxification. Now, on my next training video, I will be talking about going through the number one solution for detoxification. And so don't miss it, training video number four is coming up here next.

