Second Meeting of Creditors - McGrathNicol · Second meeting of the COI Week one Immediate shut...


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Red Lea ChickensOrlc 92Red Lea FranchiseRed Lea FranchisingRed Lea LogisticsRed Lea Leasing Red Lea HatcheryRed Lea FeedRed Lea Corrugation & FlexoRed Lea Retail Holding(All Administrators Appointed)

(collectively “the Red Lea Group”)

Second Meeting of Creditors9 July 2018




Meeting formalities and overview of voting process

Overview of the Red Lea Group

Overview of the Voluntary Administration

Purpose of meetings

Meetings to be held concurrently

Voluntary Administration of the Red Lea Group

Events leading to the Voluntary Administration

Administrators’ actions to date

Financial position and performance

Reasons for failure


Proposed Deed of Company Arrangement

Return to creditors

Administrators’ recommendation for the future of the Red Lea Group

Administrators’ remuneration


Meeting formalities


Open meeting

Administrator Chairperson: IPR 75-50


Barry Kogan (Administrator)

Kathy Sozou (Administrator)

Jonathon Henry (McGrathNicol Partner)

Cameron Cheetham (Corrs Chambers Westgarth)

Attendance register

Quorum: IPR 75-105

Time and place convenient: IPR 75-30

Administrators’ report to creditors pursuant to IPR 75-225 (“the Administrators’ Report”)

Proofs of debt and proxies





Red Lea Group entity Colour of voting slip

Red Lea Chickens Light pink

Orlc 92 Light green

Red Lea Franchise Light blue

Red Lea Franchising Red

Red Lea Logistics Yellow

Red Lea Leasing Bright pink

Red Lea Hatchery Bright green

Red Lea Feed Light purple

Red Lea Corrugation & Flexo Light orange

Red Lea Retail Holding Bright orange

Voting can be done “on the voices” (i.e. by show of hands) or by a poll

Each creditor can only vote in the entity they are a creditor of, you will have received coloured slips at sign-in



Hold up voting slip

Each creditor/proxy holder in the room gets one vote, regardless of how many proxies they hold

When more creditors/ proxy holders vote for it than vote against it

On your voting slip, tick “In favour of” or “Against”, add your name and (for proxy holders) the creditor you represent

Hand voting slip to Administrators’ staff

General proxies: fill in a voting slip for each general proxy you hold

Special proxies: we already have your creditor’s vote (provided in advance or at sign-in)

When more creditors (either in the room or via proxy) vote for it than vote against it ANDWhen those who vote for it are owed a greater amount of money than those who vote against it

On the voices By poll

How to vote

Voting via proxy

How theresolutionis passed

Overview of the Red Lea Group


Red Lea Leasing

Red Lea Franchise

Red Lea Franchising

Red Lea Feed

Red Lea Hatchery

Red Lea Logistics

Redlea Group Holding

Red Lea Corrugation

& Flexo

RL Property Holding plus eight


Red Lea Retail


Asif family and related interests

Two wholly owned


Red Lea Chickens


Subject to appointment ofVoluntary Administrators


Appointment Moratorium period Outcome of VA

2 May

First meeting of



PPE auction

12 April

First meeting of creditors

2 July

Report to creditors issued

20 June

Second meeting of

the COI

Week one

Immediate shut down

of operations and sale of livestock


Ongoing employee

entitlements review

20 June

Settlement with


3 May

Court granted

extension of convening


6 July

$15M received into

trust account

Overview of the Voluntary Administration

29 March

VA’s appointed

9 July

Second meeting of creditors


Purpose of meetings

The Red Lea Group enter into a Deed of Company Arrangement

The Red Lea Group enter liquidation

The Red Lea Group be returned to the Current Director

Resolution – meetings to be held concurrently


“That the meetings of creditors of each of the Red Lea Group entities, being

Red Lea Chickens Pty Ltd

Orlc 92 Pty Ltd

Red Lea Franchise Pty Ltd

Red Lea Franchising Pty Ltd

Red Lea Logistics Pty Ltd

Red Lea Leasing Pty Ltd

Red Lea Hatchery Pty Ltd

Red Lea Feed Pty Ltd

Red Lea Corrugation & Flexo Pty Ltd

Red Lea Retail Holding Pty Ltd

(all Administrators Appointed)

be held concurrently.”

Events leading to the Voluntary Administration


Late 2016Asif family took over day to day


Jan 2016Major

customers enter

insolvency, $4m bad


Jul 2016Acquisition transaction finalised

Early 2016Logistics and retail entities created

Dec 2016Stat

demand served, key suppliers required


Apr 2017Debtor finance facility entered


29 Mar 2018VA’s


Jun 2015Trading loss of $1.7m

Jun 2016Trading loss of $0.2m

Jun 2017Trading loss of $20.6m

Feb 2018YTD

trading loss of $19.1m

Mar 2017Offered business for sale

Apr 2015$30m

Acquisition by the Asif


Acquisition Asif family ownership VA appointment

Administrators’ actions to date


Statutory obligations

Discontinuing of operations

Investigations & DOCA proposal


Financial performance – trading companies


Statement of financial performance

$’m FY15 FY16 FY17 YTD18

Sales 175.5 177.2 171.9 81.9

COGS (165.2) (166.0) (167.9) (83.0)

Gross profit 10.4 11.2 4.0 (1.1)

Gross margin 5.9% 6.3% 2.3% (1.4%)

Other income 0.5 0.1 1.0 -

Expenses (12.6) (11.5) (25.6) (18.0)

Operating profit (loss) (1.7) (0.2) (20.6) (19.1)

Source: unaudited management accounts

Loss making from FY15 (and likely earlier), with a trading loss of $19.1 million YTD18

Financial performance – trading companies


Source: unaudited management accounts

Introduction of RL Logistics and RL Retail significantly increased expenses

Statement of financial performance

$’m FY15 FY16 FY17 YTD18

Sales 175.5 177.2 171.9 81.9

COGS (165.2) (166.0) (167.9) (83.0)

Gross profit 10.4 11.2 4.0 (1.1)

Gross margin 5.9% 6.3% 2.3% (1.4%)

Other income 0.5 0.1 1.0 -

Expenses (12.6) (11.5) (25.6) (18.0)

Operating profit (loss) (1.7) (0.2) (20.6) (19.1)

Statement of financial performance

$’m Jun-15 Jun-16 Jun-17 Feb-18

Current assets 40.9 39.4 37.6 37.0

Non-current loans to related parties 5.9 32.9 38.8 31.3

PPE and other 20.7 6.1 9.4 9.5

Total assets 67.5 78.4 85.8 77.7

Current liabilities (31.1) (36.9) (50.2) (49.2)

Employee entitlements and other (2.2) (0.8) (0.5) (1.2)

Non-current loans from related parties - (0.8) (34.7) (44.7)

Non-current loans from third parties (13.1) (19.0) - (7.7)

Total liabilities (46.5) (57.4) (85.4) (102.9)

Net assets 21.1 20.9 0.4 (25.1)

Financial position – trading companies


Source: unaudited management accountsImpact of acquisition transaction

Financial position – trading companies


Source: unaudited management accountsIncreased reliance on related party funding

Statement of financial performance

$’m Jun-15 Jun-16 Jun-17 Feb-18

Current assets 40.9 39.4 37.6 37.0

Non-current loans to related parties 5.9 32.9 38.8 31.3

PPE and other 20.7 6.1 9.4 9.5

Total assets 67.5 78.4 85.8 77.7

Current liabilities (31.1) (36.9) (50.2) (49.2)

Employee entitlements and other (2.2) (0.8) (0.5) (1.2)

Non-current loans from related parties - (0.8) (34.7) (44.7)

Non-current loans from third parties (13.1) (19.0) - (7.7)

Total liabilities (46.5) (57.4) (85.4) (102.9)

Net assets 21.1 20.9 0.4 (25.1)

Intercompany loans


Source: company books and records














Dec-14 Jun-15 Dec-15 Jun-16 Dec-16 Jun-17 Dec-17 Feb-18


Funds advanced to RL Chickens via Redlea Group Holding

RL Chickens received more funds from Redlea Group Holding than it returned


Reasons for failure

The Group was loss making

Inadequate capital structure

Complex industry dominated by a number of key parties



Claims available in a liquidation – c. $25M

Transfer of assets

Discharge of Directors’ duties

Unreasonable director related


Insolvent trading

Significant litigation and delay risk

Voidable transactions



Redlea Group Holding Pty Ltd

Red Lea Chickens Pty Ltd

ORLC 92 Pty Ltd

Transfer of business operations

Transfer of property and fixed assets

Asif family




Velcich family

21% (intended but never occurred)



Claims available in a liquidation – c. $25M

Transfer of assets

Discharge of Directors’ duties

Unreasonable director related


Insolvent trading

Significant litigation and delay risk

Voidable transactions

Proposed Deed of Company Arrangement


$16.5M in funding assured

Employees paid in full in three

business days (excluding


Secured Creditors and related

parties do not claim, and claims

against them released

Red Lea Chickens and ORLC 92 required to participate

Pooled assets and claims

Unsecured creditors

estimated to receive 12 to 15

cents in the dollar

DOCA Proposal from Redlea Group Holding - $16.5M

Return to unsecured creditors




$3M(based on $20M

unsecured creditors)

15 cent dividend

15 cent dividend

$7.5M(based on $50M

unsecured creditors)



$3M(Administrators’ and legal costs)

$11M(Administrators’ and legal costs)



(35% of recoveries to litigation funder)

Outcome Creditor claims Employee claims Costs Funds required Return to unsecured creditors

DOCA 1c is $200,000

Liquidation 1c is $500,000

Liquidation recoveries need to be three times higher than DOCA fund

Estimated liquidation recoveries are currently c. 25M


Outcome by class of creditor


Unsecured creditors

Secured creditors

Related parties

Paid in full, including super

Return of 12 to 15 cents

Excluded from DOCA

Excluded from DOCA

Subject to FEG

Less than 10 cents, with significant risk and delay

Partial return

Less than 10 cents, with significant risk and delay

DOCA Liquidation



The DOCA Proposal provides a more certain, timely and superior return to creditors than a liquidation




Red Lea Group entity Colour of voting card

Red Lea Chickens Light pink

Orlc 92 Light green

Red Lea Franchise Light blue

Red Lea Franchising Red

Red Lea Logistics Light orange

Red Lea Leasing Bright pink

Red Lea Hatchery Bright green

Red Lea Feed Light purple

Red Lea Corrugation & Flexo Yellow

Red Lea Retail Holding Bright orange

Voting can be done “on the voices” (i.e. by show of hands) or by a poll

Each creditor can only vote in the entity they are a creditor of, refer



Hold up voting slip

Each creditor/proxy holder in the room gets one vote, regardless of how many proxies they hold

When more creditors/ proxy holders vote for it than vote against it

On your voting slip, tick “In favour of” or “Against”, add your name and (for proxy holders) the creditor you represent

Hand voting slip to Administrators’ staff

General proxies: fill in a voting slip for each general proxy you hold

Special proxies: we already have your creditor’s vote (provided in advance or at sign-in)

When more creditors (either in the room or via proxy) vote for it than vote against it ANDWhen those who vote for it are owed a greater amount of money than those who vote against it

On the voices By poll

How to vote

Voting via proxy

How theresolutionis passed

Enter into Deed of Company Arrangement


Red Lea Chickens Pty Ltd

Orlc 92 Pty Ltd

Red Lea Franchise Pty Ltd

Red Lea Franchising Pty Ltd

Red Lea Logistics Pty Ltd

Red Lea Leasing Pty Ltd

Red Lea Hatchery Pty Ltd

Red Lea Feed Pty Ltd

Red Lea Corrugation & Flexo Pty Ltd

Red Lea Retail Holding Pty Ltd

“That _____________________, enter into the proposed Deed of Company Arrangement with Barry Kogan, Kathy Sozou and Jason Preston being appointed as the Joint and Several Deed Administrators.”

Remuneration – 29 March 2018 to 1 June 2018


“That the remuneration of the Voluntary Administrators of __________________________ (Voluntary Administrators Appointed), for the period 29 March 2018 to 1 June 2018, calculated at hourly rates as detailed in the circular to creditors dated 5 April 2018, is approved for payment in the sum of $___________, plus GST and disbursements, and the Voluntary Administrators may pay the remuneration immediately or as otherwise determined by the Voluntary Administrators.”

Summary of resolutions

Red Lea Chickens Pty Ltd 1,012,901 (approved by COI on 20 June 2018)

Orlc 92 Pty Ltd 2,218

Red Lea Franchise Pty Ltd 48,016

Red Lea Franchising Pty Ltd 12,086

Red Lea Logistics Pty Ltd 23,659

Red Lea Leasing Pty Ltd 11,970

Red Lea Hatchery Pty Ltd 2,218

Red Lea Feed Pty Ltd 2,218

Red Lea Corrugation & Flexo Pty Ltd 2,218

Red Lea Retail Holding Pty Ltd 12,334

Remuneration – 2 June 2018 to later of second creditors meeting and execution of a DOCA


“That the future remuneration of the Voluntary Administrators of __________________________(Voluntary Administrators Appointed), from 2 June 2018 to the later of the second creditors meeting or the execution of a DOCA, calculated at the hourly rates as detailed in the circular to creditors dated 5 April 2018, is approved up to a capped amount of $___________, exclusive of GST, and the Voluntary Administrators may pay the remuneration as and when it is incurred from funds under their control.”

Summary of resolutions

Red Lea Chickens Pty Ltd 690,344 (approved by COI on 20 June 2018)

Orlc 92 Pty Ltd 25,015

Red Lea Franchise Pty Ltd 44,665

Red Lea Franchising Pty Ltd 19,810

Red Lea Logistics Pty Ltd 25,450

Red Lea Leasing Pty Ltd 10,070

Red Lea Hatchery Pty Ltd 9,895

Red Lea Feed Pty Ltd 9,895

Red Lea Corrugation & Flexo Pty Ltd 9,895

Red Lea Retail Holding Pty Ltd 25,450

Remuneration – period of DOCA


“That the initial remuneration of the Deed Administrators of __________________________ (to be Subject to Deed of Company Arrangement), for the period of the DOCA, calculated at the hourly rates as detailed in the circular to creditors dated 5 April 2018, is approved up to a capped amount of $___________, exclusive of GST, and the Deed Administrators may pay the remuneration as incurred on a monthly basis or as otherwise determined by the Deed Administrators.”

Summary of resolutions

Red Lea Chickens Pty Ltd 307,020

Orlc 92 Pty Ltd 16,475

Red Lea Franchise Pty Ltd 29,225

Red Lea Franchising Pty Ltd 17,735

Red Lea Logistics Pty Ltd 29,225

Red Lea Leasing Pty Ltd 17,735

Red Lea Hatchery Pty Ltd 13,365

Red Lea Feed Pty Ltd 13,365

Red Lea Corrugation & Flexo Pty Ltd 13,365

Red Lea Retail Holding Pty Ltd 42,505

