SCUTTLEBUTTScuttlebutt during the course of a charter and submitted to Terry at the end of the...


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v i s i t t h e s . p . o . s . c . w e b s i t e a t h t t p : / / s p o s c . w e e b l y . c o m /

Editorial Note Please remember that this is your magazine and should reflect your views and experiences for the benefit of other members. If you have any comment, articles or pho t og raph s you f e e l a r e appropriate for inclusion then please forward them to me, for publication.

The opinions expressed in articles within Scuttlebutt are those of the individual only and not necessarily those of the Sussex Pol ice Offshore Sailing Club. No responsibility can be accepted for any inaccuracies or omissions.

SCUTTLEBUTT sussex police offshore sailing club

N e w s l e t t e rCommodores Comment A message from Commodore Owen Poplett Page 2

AGM Minutes Minutes of the 2018 AGM prepared by Owen Poplett

Pages 3 to 5

SPOSC Club Rules The Club Rules including (highlighted) Rule 7 as amended Pages 6 to 11

Survey Results Results of the ‘Survey Monkey’ survey outlined

Page 12 to 13

A GREAT EVENING AT THE SUSSEX YACHT CLUB The Sussex Police Offshore Sailing Club returned to the S.Y.C. premises at Shoreham-by-Sea for the new style 2018 Annual General Meeting.

The numbers attending may have been rather less than hoped, but those attending enjoyed a splendid evening in this delightful club premises. Having been previously circulated to all members before the meeting the business of the AGM was dealt with efficiently and speedily. Peter Ewen readily agreed to take on the role of Assistant Secretary, while Cathryn Pedersen volunteered to become the Club’s HQ Representative, Owen having moved to the East of the County. Other Officers of the Club remain in post. The one Club Rule to be amended, Rule 7, was outlined, discussed and passed, the new Rules are included in this issue of Scuttlebutt. Personally I think that the issue of damage costs has at last, after many agonising years, been resolved satisfactorily. Crew members will now be aware before sailing of their maximum contribution should the worst happen and the boat be damaged. The amount will, depending on club funds, be sufficient to remind everyone of the need to exercise proper and seamanlike care, while not being an amount to cause financial embarrassment to anyone.

The whole proceedings took a mere 30 minutes and was followed by a fantastic buffet. My thanks to the Committee and the caterers for this. The year’s sailing calendar is under way and if you fancy getting afloat, or know anyone who may, remember that the SPOSC will offer a week afloat for around the cost of a day with a sailing school. You will have a sound vessel, capable Skipper and crew as well as fine company. So, what are you waiting for?

Terry Clothier (Editor)

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A Letter from the Commodore Dear Members,  

Welcome to this AGM update edition of Scuttlebutt.  Thank you to all those who made the effort to attend the AGM, for me the format was much better with the official business being completed very quickly. We still had time to chat a few things through and had a nice time afterwards to catch up and chat with people we hadn’t seen for a while and new members who also came along. Thank you Alwyn for arranging the buffet, the Sussex Yacht Club prepared a very nice spread.  My thanks to Peter Ewens and Cathryn Pederson for  stepping forward and volunteering to get involved as Assistant Secretary and HQ Rep.  Congratulations to Graham, Terry, Phil and Kevin, all worthy winners of awards.  The results of the Survey Monkey I sent out are attached, one or two predictable results and one or two unexpected results, your committee will review these at the next committee meeting. Thank you to those of you who took the time to complete the survey.  My thanks to Terry for putting together this edition of Scuttlebutt. Remember if you have any articles or stories that you feel may be of interest or entertain our members please send them to Terry for future editions.

The PSUK Championship is returning in 2018 after a break of a couple of years.  The Championships will be combined with the National Crime Agency Regatta between 23rd and 28th September 2018. It will be a matched fleet using yachts from Fairview on the Hamble.

 This will be the first PSUK Championships to be run for two years so I hope SPOSC will be able to continue to support this important event. The NCA Regatta is a very well organised regatta with great social events organised in the evenings. Due to the limited number of boats available it is important that we submit our entry, but we need to know we have sufficient members wishing to race.

 If you would like to crew on the race boat for this event please email me as soon as possible.

I look forward to seeing many of you on the water in the coming year. Owen Poplett

A good read! I am currently reading a book called ‘Sextant” by David Barrie. Whether you are

an experienced sailor or a complete novice, this book gives a wonderful insight to the importance of this instrument in charting the globe. It also relates the stories of some of the incredible explorers and navigators who went to sea and crossed oceans in the days before accurate charts existed, when many lands were a mystery to the peoples of Europe and when huge crew numbers were needed to manage the miles of ropes on these frail wooden ships. The whole thing is written against a narrative of Barrie’s own crossing of the North Atlantic aboard a 35’ sloop in 1973. Definitely pre GPS, so the sextant, together with a chronometer provided the only means of obtaining a position.

Explorers / Navigators featured include Captain Cook, William Bligh, George Vancouver, Le Perouse, Flinders and Fitzroy. There are also passages on Joshua Slocum, Shackleton and Worsley. It documents the amazing ordeals they undertook and makes one appreciate just how lucky we are today because of them. I found my copy on a second hand book stall at a charity event for £1. A superb investment.

Terry Clothier (Editor)


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Sussex Police Offshore Sailing Club

Minutes of Annual General Meeting

19.00hrs Monday 12th February 2018

1st Floor Function Room, Sussex Yacht Club, 85-89 Brighton Road, Shoreham-by-sea, West Sussex, BN43 6RF


The meeting was opened by Owen Poplett at 19:00hrs when he welcomed those present and thanked them for their attendance.

1. Apologies for absence. – Kevin Claxton, Paul Miller, Chris Gillings, Ron Nevitt, Tim Mottram, Zoe Dawes, Penny Furtado, Mike Tagg, Lenny Wheeler, Frank Hooper, Brian Donald, Brendon Wyatt, Mike Scrivener, Peter Kennett, Phil Mears and Lee Floyd. Present were: Owen Poplett, Alwyn Evans, Anne Darling, Dave Vincent, Phil Russell, Peter Ewen, Alan Haffenden, Cathryn Pedersen, Bob Trevis, Clive Wigglesworth, Dave Cherry and Terry Clothier.

2. Minutes of previous AGM to be agreed. Proposed by Alan Haffenden, Seconded by Terry Clothier and unanimously agreed.

3. Matters arising from minutes. None

4. Commodore’s report - To be accepted. Proposed by Phil Russell, Seconded by Peter Ewen and unanimously agreed.

5. Secretary’s report – To be accepted. Proposed by Bob Trevis, Seconded by Dave Cherry and unanimously agreed.

6. Treasurer’s report – To be accepted Proposed by Terry Clothier, Seconded by Anne Darling and unanimously agreed.

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SCUTTLEBUTT7. Election of committee:

. 7.1 Secretary – Nominated Kevin Caxton. Proposed by Dave Cherry, Seconded by Alwyn Evans and unanimously agreed.

. 7.2 Vice Commodore – Nominated Alwyn Evans. Proposed by Owen Poplett, Seconded by Bob Trevis and unanimously agreed.

. 7.3 Assistant Secretary – Nomination required. Peter Ewen volunteered, Proposed by Anne Darling, Seconded by Owen Poplett and unanimously agreed.

. 7.4 Assistant Treasurer – Nominated Anne Darling. Proposed by Alwyn Evans, Seconded by Clive Wigglesworth and unanimously agreed.

8. Area Reps – Cathryn Pedersen volunteered to be the HQ rep, Owen Poplett will replace Graham Castell as the East rep as Graham has retired.

9. Changes to SPSA Membership rule 7 – To be voted on. There was a discussion between those present, largely about what had happened in the past, what insurances the charter companies provided and the reasons for the proposed rule changes, they were then Proposed by Alan Haffenden, Seconded by Peter Ewen and unanimously agreed.

10. AOB – Notified to the Chair by 14th January 2018. There was no AOB.

11. Close of official business and opening of buffet at 19.30hrs.

12. Presentation of Trophies.

. 12.1 Scuttlebutt Trophy – The previous Scuttlebutts were reviewed by Terry Clothier which identified three potential winners, however over the years Graham Castell has written a number of articles for Scuttlebutt and continued to do so during the past year of his adventures on the water. The trophy was therefore awarded to Graham.

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. 12.2 Roger Dice Trophy for services to the club – This was presented to Terry Clothier for his continued production of Scuttlebutt and for creating really good editions when given very little to produce an edition with, he regularly researches an area and writes informative articles himself.

From now on it will be a Skippers responsibility to ensure that an article is written for Scuttlebutt during the course of a charter and submitted to Terry at the end of the charter.

. 12.3 Portobello Cup for passing an RYA examination or other outstanding sailing achievement - This was awarded to Phil Russell for passing his Day Skipper practical certificate during February this year. Unfortunately the Portobello Cup has not yet been traced therefore the Commodore improvised for the presentation.

. 12.4 Commodores Shield for outstanding seamanship, commitment to the club or enthusiasm

to learning – This was awarded to Keven Claxton who following the last AGM volunteered to be Secretary and has thrown himself into the task so enthusiastically.

13. Opening of crew lists for future events. With general discussions including one from Dave Cherry to try to encourage younger officers to come sailing which the committee will look into, the results of the Survey Monkey were also read out.

The social aspect of the meeting concluded about 21.00hrs.

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February 2018


These Rules have been formulated after much discussion and debate. They have been accepted by general consensus at the Annual General Meeting of the Club in January 1996 (amended in January 1998, January 2007, January 2010, February 2011, February 2015, February 2016 and February 2018) All persons undertaking activities which have been organised, approved or sponsored by the Sussex Police Offshore Sailing Club shall be bound by them. The Commodore, & Committee February 2018

RULES 1. NAME The section of the Sussex Police Sports Association known as the Sussex Police Offshore Sailing Club shall hereinafter be referred to as the ‘Club’. 2. OBJECTS The objects of the Club shall be to encourage and train members to sail in offshore waters with a view to participation in cruising, racing and social sailing within the calendar of the SPOSC. 3. MANAGEMENT

I. General Committee: The Club will be managed by a General Committee elected

by Members every two years at the Annual General Meeting. The Committee will be composed of 6 'Officers', supported with Area Representatives, who all 'report' to the General Committee and have the following roles & responsibilities.

II. Commodore: Principle Flag Officer and Member of the Committee. Sets the direction for the Club. Can vote on committee matters. Has a casting vote at the Annual General Meeting and Committee Meetings in the event of equal votes for and against a decision,

(In effect the previous Chairperson)

III. Vice Commodore: Second in Command and Member of the Committee. Deputises for Commodore in their absence. Can vote on committee matters.

(In effect the previous Assistant Chairperson).

IV. Secretary: Member of the Committee. Responsible for all Club records, maintaining all Club legal documentation, Can vote on committee matters.

V. Assistant Secretary: Member of the Committee. Assistant and deputises for the Secretary in above functions. Can vote on committee matters.

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February 2018

VI. Treasurer: Member of the Committee. Responsible for all Club finances. Can vote on committee matters.

VII. Assistant Treasurer: Member of the Committee. Assistant and deputises for the Treasurer. Can vote on committee matters.

VIII. Area Representatives: Members of the Committee. Elected by the Committee. Can vote on committee matters.

IX. In the event of one person holding two or more of the officer posts on the Committee, that person will have one vote not a vote for each post held.

Other Key Roles: (non General Committee)

Web Master*: Responsible for the management and updating of the Club web site.

Training*: Responsible for advising and promoting training within the Club.

Scuttlebutt Editor*: Responsible for the editing and publishing of the Club publication. *The above 'Key Roles' may be undertaken by a Member of the Committee as an ancillary responsibility or a non-Committee member.

X. Election of the ‘Officers’ and ‘Representatives’ of the General Committee shall

take place every two years at the Annual General Meeting. If an officer retires or resigns from the Committee between two Annual General Meetings, the committee may co-opt a member to sit as that officer with full voting rights, without the need for an Annual General Meeting, but the post must then be put for election at the first Annual General Meeting following the vacancy arising.

XI. The Annual General Meeting will be held each year, before the end of the financial year and the Secretary will issue a notice to members not less than 45 days prior to the Annual General Meeting, of those Committee Officers standing for re-election, forthcoming vacancies and inviting applications from members for election as a Committee Officer. Nominations should be returned to the Secretary not less than 31 days prior to the Annual General Meeting and these will be circulated by the Secretary together with Notice of Annual General Meeting and Agenda at least 21days prior to the Annual General Meeting.

XII. The Committee shall meet at least twice a year, one of which shall be after the A.G.M. The other shall be at a time considered to be most appropriate by a general consensus of Committee members.

XIII. A ‘quorum’ for a meeting shall be three Committee members.


I. Full Membership

a) Is open to Sussex Police officers, staff and all employees of the Sussex Police Crime Commissioner, or

b) Employees of the Sussex Police Crime Commissioner who have retired* from

the Sussex Police and who pay subscriptions to Sussex Police Sports Association or Sussex Police Offshore Sailing Club.

c) Full members shall normally be the only members entitled to hold office and

have voting rights. d) A current list of members shall be kept by the Assistant Secretary.

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February 2018

II. Associate Membership

a) Associate membership may be granted at the discretion of the committee to

serving or retired* police officers and staff of other forces, who apply for such, upon payment of the due subscription to the Sussex Police Sports Association or Sussex Police Offshore Sailing Club.

b) May be granted to partners and children** of full or associate members upon payment of the due subscription to the Sussex Police Sports Association or Sussex Police Offshore Sailing Club.

c) May be granted at the discretion of the Committee to former and serving members of the Special Constabulary upon payment of the due subscription to the Sussex Police Sports Association or Sussex Police Offshore Sailing Club.

d) Shall be granted to former members of the Sussex Police Offshore Sailing Club, who continue to provide a service to the club but do not benefit by participating in any subsidised club event and do not pay subscriptions to the Sussex Police Offshore Sports Association.

e) A current list of associate members shall be kept by the Assistant Secretary.

III. Honorary Membership

a) Shall be limited to not more than 5 persons, shall be subject to the approval of the Committee, and shall be granted at each AGM to persons duly proposed, seconded and confirmed by no less than two thirds of the membership present and voting.

b) A current list of honorary members shall be kept by the Assistant Secretary.

* The term retired shall be taken to mean a person who is in receipt of a pension or gratuity from the relevant Police Authority. ** Child members will be aged eighteen years and above unless in exceptional circumstances which are approved by the committee. 5. AFFILIATION The Club shall be affiliated to such governing bodies, associations and societies as shall be deemed appropriate by the Committee. 6. GENERAL CONDUCT OF MEMBERS

I. Members shall conduct themselves in a proper seamanlike manner at all times.

II. If, in the opinion of the Committee, the conduct* of any member is considered to be contrary to the interests of the Club or any such conduct is likely to bring discredit upon the Sussex Police Offshore Sailing Club and therefore the Sussex Police the Committee may:

a) Caution said member in writing. b) Suspend any such member for any period they may think appropriate.

c) Strike said person’s name from the Register of Members.

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February 2018

III. Where members are guests of another Yacht Club they shall respect the rules of the said YC or they will automatically fall within the scope of Rule 6(ii) above.

IV. When a vessel is under charter to the SPOSC the designated Skipper shall have total responsibility for that vessel and crew. By the same token that ‘skipper’ shall have total authority over the use of that vessel and the crew of said vessel, both on board and ashore, in respect of the safety of the vessel. All members should bear in mind that their conduct reflects on their fellow crewmen, the Club and ultimately the Sussex Police.

* Any member accused of such conduct shall have the opportunity to mitigate his actions at a meeting of the Committee - at which at least three Officers of the Committee shall attend. 7. PAYMENTS

I. There is no subscription to the SPOSC.

II. All Charter payments are made to supplement the charter fee for individual boats. These payments will be made to the Treasurer Account in advance and is repayable at the discretion of the Committee.

III. The treasurer will pay to the charter company any deposit to cover the insurance excess as required, subject to the club having sufficient funds.

IV. Each crew member will be equally liable for the cost of any damage caused to the boat up to the limit of the insurance excess.

V. The committee may set a cap to limit the liability that each crew member may be liable for. SPOSC will pay the balance of any damage up to the excess. The committee will announce any such liability cap at the AGM each year.

VI. Where there is an insurance available to reduce the excess, the committee may consider purchasing such insurance to protect the interests of the club.

VII. A skipper arranging a charter must consult with the Treasurer to ensure that the cost of the potential charter is within the annual budget of SPOSC.

VIII. All members are advised to ensure they have adequate personal insurance when undertaking a Charter organised by SPOSC.


I.The amount of the SPOSC Charter contributions will be determined at the annual AGM.

II. The Committee shall control the funds of the Club and act as trustees for all its property. The Treasurer of the Club shall hold to the credit of the Club all its monies received and the funds shall be vested in the Club.

III. The Accounts shall be made up at the 31st March each year and kept in accordance with the rules of the parent Association - Sussex Police Sports Association.

IV. The final decision as to Club charters rests with the Committee.

AMENDED RULE (February 2018)

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February 2018


The Secretary shall keep correct minutes of all meetings which shall be published to the membership.

10. ALTERATION TO RULES Alteration to an existing Rule shall only be made at the Annual General Meeting, and notice of the proposed alteration shall be given to the Secretary in writing not less than 14 days before the meeting. 11. INTERPRETATION Interpretation of the Rules shall rest only with the Committee. 12. REQUIREMENT FOR BOAT SAFETY

I. The Committee will authorise and appoint skippers for Club Charters.

II. All seaborne activities subsidised by, or organised in the name of the Sussex Police Offshore Sailing Club shall, be ‘skippered’ by RYA Qualified and Certificated members.

III. RYA Day Skippers in the Solent will be confined to Day Sailing yachts maximum length 15m and within 20 miles of the departure port. (RYA & MCA Guidance)

IV. RYA/MCA Certificate of Competence Yachtmaster Coastal Skippers are competent to undertake any Coastal passages within 20 miles of a safe haven.

V. RYA/MCA Certificate of Competence Yachtmaster Offshore Skippers are competent to undertake any passage during which the yacht is no more than 150 miles from any safe haven.

VI. All of the above passages will have as a 1st Mate a member who has as a minimum RYA Day Skipper qualification.

VII. Proposed charters by RYA Day Skippers outside iii above will be decided by the Committee taking into account experience, familiarity of sailing area and proposed itinerary.

VIII. All boats chartered or used in the name of the Club shall be sailed in accordance with all the Laws and Rules laid down for the safe passage of vessels upon the seas, channels, waterways and harbours of the U.K. and Europe. All research into such Laws and Rules shall be the responsibility of the Skipper. A passage plan shall be prepared by the Skipper in accordance with SoLaS Regulations.

IX. All skippers undertaking water based activity organised in the name of Sussex Police Offshore Sailing Club shall ensure a Risk Assessment is carried out prior to the activity. The SPOSC Risk Assessment form will be part of the Skippers briefing and must be signed by all crew on the charter prior to departure. The Skipper will return the signed form to the Club Secretary who will retain all signed forms. The Skipper will also endorse the form as to whether any damage/injury was caused to the charter yacht or crew, or any third party person or vessel, in which case a separate report will be submitted to the Committee. The Secretary will bring all such reports to the attention of the Committee.

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February 2018

X. Members of the Sussex Police Offshore Sailing Club and their guests and visitors use the boats, moorings and other facilities provided at their own risk and agree to, and accept, the following limitations of liability.

XI. Each member acknowledges that the Committee members and others organising or helping to organise Sussex Police Offshore Sailing Club (SPOSC) events do so voluntarily and to that extent permitted by law neither they, nor the SPOSC Committee, nor the SPOSC can in any circumstances be held responsible for any injury, loss or damage to an owner, member, their crew, guests, vessel or equipment whether through negligence or otherwise of any member, organiser, helper or third party. The safety and management of any vessel, its equipment and crew is the responsibility of the skipper. No SPOSC event shall be considered a training event unless it is specifically designated as such. Each skipper in a SPOSC event must assess for themselves whether the event is within their capabilities and whether or not their personal safety or that of their crew could be endangered. By participating in a SPOSC event, each skipper warrants that their vessel and crew are adequate to face the conditions that may arise during the course of the event and that the boat carries appropriate third party insurance. The participation of any other vessel in an event shall not relieve other participants of their responsibilities. Members, their crews and their guests take part in SPOSC events entirely at their own risk and on the understanding that they indemnify the SPOSC, Committee Members and others organising or helping to organise the event for any death, injury, loss or damage to themselves, family, crew, guests or vessel. By inviting crew or guests to participate in an event organised by the club the sponsoring member warrants that their attention has been drawn to these limitations. Participation in any SPOSC activity is always on the basis of the SPOSC Constitution and Rules.


I. The ‘Skipper’ of the racing boat shall be chosen by the Committee.

II. The elected ‘skipper’ shall then choose his crew.

III. The organising and application for SPSA grant of the Force (Police Championships) Boat shall be the responsibility of the Skipper of the boat.

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SCUTTLEBUTTSurvey Monkey Results 2018

Q.1. How many SPOSC organised charters have you been on in the past five years?


0 TRIPS 15.38% 4

LESS THAN 5 38.46% 10

MORE THAN 5 46.15% 12




Q.2. Currently SPOSC charters tend to be five days Monday to Friday. What period would you be most likely to be able to go on a SPOSC charter?


5 DAY MON - FRI 57.69% 15

PART OF 5 DAY 15.38% 4

7 DAY SAT - FRI 11.54% 3

WEEKEND 15.38% 4




Q.3. Many of us enjoy different forms of sailing. Please indicate in order of preference what you would like to take part in.


COASTAL/DAY 65.38% 26.92% 11.54%

LONG PASSAGE 20.83% 54.17% 25.00%

RACING 20.00% 24.00% 56.00%




Q.4. What time of year would you be most likely to take part in a SPOSC charter?


Spring March - May 38.46% 10

Summer June - Sept 42.31% 11

Autumn Sept - Nov 19.23% 5

Winter Nov - March 0% 0




Q.5. What is your current relationship to Sussex Police?


Serving Officer 15.38% 4

Serving PCSO 0.00% 0

Serving Support Staff 7.69% 2

Retired Officer currently re-employed

15.38% 4

Retired Officer 57.69% 15

Retired Support Staff 3.85% 1


58% 15%8%


A positive result from 26% of the SPOSC membership

1st PREF

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Q.6. Have you successfully completed any of these RYA courses?


Day Skipper theory 76.92% 20

Day Skipper tidal practical

61.54% 16

Yachtmaster theory 30.77% 8

Yachtmaster practical assessment

19.23% 5

None 11.54% 3

Q.7. If you hold an RYA theory and practical certificate of Day Skipper or above, would you be willing to organise and Skipper or 1st Mate a SPOSC charter?


Organise & Skipper 47.06% 8

Assist with organising and 1st Mate

29.41% 5

Not prepared 23.53% 4





Competent Crew 6.67% 1

Day Skipper Theory 13.33% 2

Day Skipper Practical 20.00% 3

YachtmasterTheory 13.33% 2

Yachtmaster Practical Course 26.67% 4

Yachtmaster Practical Assessment 20.00% 3

Diesel Engine Course 33.33% 5

First Aid 20.00% 3

Sea Survival Course 53.33% 8

VHF Radio Course 33.33% 5

Q.9. Please indicate which RYA course you would be interested in taking in the next twelve months.

Q8 If there is something, please briefly say what would encourage or influence you to come on a SPOSC charter.

9 out of the 26 responded but comments are not available at this time

Most have completed more than one, so the percentages are of the numbers responding to each question. A chart does therefore not give an accurate picture of the outcome.
