Scubashooters net e mag issue n8 October 2015



Enjoy the amazing portfolio of Ivana Orlovic. Many of these shots were also published by National Geographic

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MONTHLY CONTESTRosario Scariati wins “Seahorses”

PORTFOLIOIvana Orlovic




• New display lay-out for maximum readability• Night mode option• Underwater menu allows to configure certain settings during the dive• Decompression dive plannerBe intelligent. Take the edge of performance.

Dear Scubashooters,October has just begun, mists and colder temperatures are taking over the sunny days of the summer in the northern hemisphere , everybody is going back to nor-mal rhythms except the underwater photographers.Of course they are also going back to their “normal” lives after un underwater summer looking after the ultimate shot; but except those rare cases where Un-derwater Photography is also the primary job ( we can count very few professional UW photographers world-wide ), the average Underwater Photographer has also

a “normal” job he/she must look after, but autumn …. ohhh autumn is a very stressful period for the talented UW photographer who wants to join UW photo contests… Why? simply because the year round dilution of UW photography contests comes to a very tight agenda between sep-tember and december where many great contests are taking place … We like to play hard here at so we thought it would have been nice to start right in the middle of this very hot period offer-ing our fellow photographers one more reason to compete and have the chance to win amazing prizes …We gather the attention of worldwide players of the diving industry; INON Japan, Oceanic/Hollis Europe, Easydive and many many top notch Resorts from Indonesia , Maldives, Egypt and Philippines… If such play-ers believed in our project it means that it must be good. So here it is a quick recap: Seven categories and a special prize, Two macro DSLR and compact, two Wide angle DSLR and compact, one special Category entirely sponsored by INON ( Snooted shots ) and one Sponsored by Oceanic ( Behavior ) plus one Black and White category and one special prize for the youngest contestant.All together our prizes are valued more than 20000$ and we think it’s not bad for a first edition contest, isn’t it?So what are you waiting for? Take the challenge and join the contest here

Marino Palla Owner & Founder Scubashooters Network

Cover image“The sentinel”By: Ivana Orlovic





Editor: FABIO STRAZZIVerein Scubashooters, 8952 Schlieren - Switzerland





EDITORIALBy Marino Palla

PROCIDA,THE RED GOLDBy Passquale Vassallo


PORTFOLIOIvana Orlovic




BEGIN WITH THE END IN MINDRoad to technical diving (part 4.2)


BEHIND THE SHOT:Rosario Scariati

11840DEEP VISION UWP AWARDS 2015Rules, prizes, categories





Editor: FABIO STRAZZIVerein Scubashooters, 8952 Schlieren - Switzerland





EDITORIALBy Marino Palla

PROCIDA,THE RED GOLDBy Passquale Vassallo


PORTFOLIOIvana Orlovic




BEGIN WITH THE END IN MINDRoad to technical diving (part 4.2)


BEHIND THE SHOT:Rosario Scariati

11840DEEP VISION UWP AWARDS 2015Rules, prizes, categories






“Ah, I would not ask to be a gull or a dolphin, I’d be happy to be a scorpion fish, which is the ugliest fish in the sea, just to be back down there, playing in that water”

Thus Arturo, the protagonist of “Arturo’s Island”, a novel by Elsa Morante, described the beauty of the sea surrounding Procida. Being precisely a scor-pion fish, to stay down there and admire the beauty of the red coral at Piz-zaco Point.

We are in Procida, the smallest among the Gulf of Naples islands.

The wall at Pizzaco Point is one of the most interesting attractions for divers, and one of the most beautiful dive spots in the Mediterranean.

Organisms of all kinds such as sponges, sea fans and red coral make this wall a color palette. Incredible encounters with groupers, lobsters, octopuses and migratory fishes make this spot a paradise for underwater photographers.The first sprigs of red coral glimpse from about 40 meters down, becoming more and more dense and enchanting even the most experienced diverswith its snow-white extended polyps.



The red coral is a very delicate organism, unfortunately highly sought and looted. Today, the strong presence and control by the Campania region div-ing centers, has fortunately increased the sense of protection toward this precious animal.


Data sheet:

Corallium rubrum, Red Coral: Colony little branched. Polyps few millimeters long, white. Bark dull red. Present from 15 to hundreds meters deep, main-ly from 30 to 200 meters. Tends to grow forming groups, located in shaded places such as cavities, caves. At greater depths stretches on vertical free rocky surfaces. (Fauna e Flora del Mediterraneo, Rupert Riedl)





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O C E A N I C W O R L D W I D E . C O M / E U


We’ve turned conformity on its side... again.

A daringly unique design and proof that innovative thinking results in superior solutions.

O C E A N I C W O R L D W I D E . C O M / E U


The immigration and custom clearance was a breeze at Ngurah Rai international airport - the gateway to this beautiful island paradise name Bali. The newly renovated airport was spanking clean and refreshingly modern. Everything was in order except my hair, as I walked out of the exit to look out for Bangi Kopitiam, the café of my meeting point with my fellow divers. I was here on a mission. A mission fueled by passion.One month ago…“Alright! Let’s do this!” Yorko replied excitedly.Yorko Summer, as he is affectionately known as, is a strappingly good looking photogra-pher who takes extraordinary photographs. A rare combination hence imbued with his

uncanny wit and often untimely humour, this concoction makes him a poster boy and a rock star in the underwater photography communi-ty especially in the Asia region. As for myself, an ocean lover who gobbles more than I should and shed hair faster than one can say cheese. We discussed over the phone briefly before de-ciding to do an article to-gether of a dive destina-tion close to our hearts, but with contrasting fashion. While I will ap-proach the subjects consistent to my body shape – Wide, our rock star will do Macro. With that in mind, we need to choose a place that will give us the best of both our world, a place not only teeming with ma-rine life, beautiful reefs and exploding biodiver-sity, but also rich with historical flavour and a sexy pinch of mystery. Without much thought we both instantaneous-ly shouted “Tulamben!”

Yorko Summer

Two photographers,a big wreck and a small village.


Yorko Summer: The Underwater Magician of Light and Shadow

Yorko Summer, is a renowned underwater photographer from Taiwan. When he is not under-water crafting a masterpiece , Yorko is a senior dive instructor, a photography lecturer and a fun travel journalist. Since 2002, Yorko spent about 6 years in Palau; a magical place that nurtured his ever growing passion for the ocean. It was then that he started underwater pho-tography and fell in love with the beautiful world ever since. A few short years later in 2005, Yorko won the grand prize of “Underwater Palau International Photo Festival”; and he never look back. To date, he has gained experience out of more than 5000 tanks of underwater pho-tography. Aside from his busy work, Yorko likes to share his knowledge and unique yet ingen-ious approaches of underwater pho-tography through the internet with other people who shares the same ide-as and passion with the ocean.In recent years, Yorko focuses more on teaching under-water photography, promoting marine conservation and education. Also, he has been invited by the Tourism Bureau of many countries including Republic of the Philippines, Japan Okinawa, Yap Island, and Republic of Fiji, to advertise and tell the stories of his pictures, through his usual humorous and charming style. His works can be found on the inter-net, reading papers, magazines, and his own photography exhibitions. In 2014, Yorko was honored as “Photographer Of The Week” by DPG (Dive Photo Guide) and one of the top Yorko Summer




Chinese underwater photographers by Radio Television Hong Kong. They even produced Yorko’s life story as a documentary call “An Ocean Rover“.

Ketut, the van driver found us. “How was your flight Pak?” he asked. “Good, thank you. Can you take us to the nearest Nasi Padang restaurant please?” my stomach replied. Nasi Padang, Or Padang rice, originates from the city Padang, west of Sumatra, Indonesia. This famous Minangkabau style is a small banquet of precooked dishes ranging from meats, vegetables to fishes all cooked in various Indonesian styles.

After 3 hours of bumping in the van, the road opens up to a vista of a place untouched by time. I wound down the window and the raw yet scented wind instantly gushed through the van and filled my lungs. Ahh… the sweet earthly smell of Mother Nature. Terrace of paddy fields stretch far beyond the horizon unfolded before my very eyes. We will be reaching soon… announced Ketut. His gleeful smile beaming from the rear view mirror hoping for us to feel relief from the long journey that was coming to an end. ‘Ya Pak’ I welcome his enthu-siasm while quietly savoring every second of journey.

Yorko SummerTulamben當地潛水必看的特殊Nudibranch- Donut Doto sp.Must-see attractive Nudibranch of Tulamben - Donut Doto sp.


Yorko SummerDr. Evil Octopus是最聰明的海洋生物之一,在Tulamben潛水時,經常有機會可以看到許多不同的種類。 Dr. Evil Octopus, one of the smartest crea-tures in the sea. Diving in Tulamben offers you a chance to see different kinds of octo-

Yorko Summer誰不愛可愛的Blenny呢?而在Tulamben的Blenny性格都特別大方,容易接近拍攝。Who wouldn’t love the cut-ie Blenny? It’s easy to get closed and photograph with then in Tulamben, they are not shy at all

Yorko SummerBarrel sponge 裡的Big-lip ghost goby,色彩粉紅夢幻。Pink fantasy, Big-lip ghost goby is resting on Barrel

Yorko SummerHawkfish

Tulamben is a small coastal fishing village located northeast of Bali. It was once called Batu Lamben. Batu, or stone in Indonesian language remains true to its name where all the beaches are covered with black, round and smooth stones.

In 1942, USS Liberty a United States Army cargo ship was torpedoed and beached at Tulam-ben for the cargo and fittings to be salvaged. But in 1963, the tremors from the eruption of Mount Agung (Highest peak in Bali) sent the ship slipping off the beach down to the sandy slope. Lying from 6-30m, USS Liberty wreck is one of the most famous dive site in Bali.


Yorko SummerDenise Pygmy Seahorse也是在Tu-lamben常見的小生物。Denise Pygmy Seahorse is easily and regularly spotted in Tulamben.

Mount Agung loomed majestically sooner than I expected. Standing at 3,031m, Its pres-ence and proximity was definitely imposing. The driver slowed down and took a right turn at a small junction and the van slowly came to a halt at the door step of Liberty Dive Resort, my home for the next few days. And about 5 minutes of leisure walk down the road, is where the USS Liberty rest peacefully. But for now, I will have a nice hot shower, a hot bowl of delicious Mee Soto ayam (A spicy noodle soup in chicken broth) and a good night sleep.

Our Favorite Dive SitesMacro Photography (Yorko’s Pick)

Coral garden - Within the vicinity of the beautiful Buddha statues and stupas, one can find many artificial reefs and cleaning stations hustling and bustling with activities, mak-ing it an excellent choice for behavioral shots.

Melasti - Yorko’s first love for macro sites as it was not so famous and crowded before. Now, due to the increase in popularity of Doto SP, this site is always full of dive enthusi-ast. Yet it doesn’t deter him from diving here the whole day. Segara - Next to Melasti, formerly famous for Wonderpus,but now it will surprise you with many rare nudies such as “Shaun the sheep” and “Sti-liger aka Ikea”.


Yorko SummerYawning frogfish

Yorko SummerAnthias通常在空中飛翔,而我很幸運在她停下來休息時拍到了張嘴的特寫。Most Anthias swim off the reef surface, I was lucky to take the shot with its mouth open when it rested.


Yorko Summer色彩鮮豔卻又劇毒無比的藍環章魚(Blue-ringed octopus),其實性格非常溫馴,這是我先前在少人造訪的潛點Tigaron所發現。Blue-ringed octopus, looks like sweet and gentle, but it is a highly venomous creature with its fascinating coloring. I found it at Tigaron which was a rarely visited dives site.

Yorko Summer


Wide Angle (Eric’s Pick)

USS Liberty Wreck - Like a good story book, I would ac-tually prefer you to dive here rather than to read all the wonderful surprises this huge and beautiful wreck has to of-fer. Boga Wreck or Kubu Wreck - About fifteen minutes by car north of Tulamben. Sunk in 2011, Boga wreck is a new wreck with the superstruc-tures still intact. Due to the strong currents frequently breezing through, corals has yet to form on its structures. Resting upright at a depth of 18-40m, this wreck is rarely dived and is not recommend-ed for beginners due to the strong currents and challeng-ing depth. As a wide angle photographer, I like this site because there are hardly any divers around compare to the ever crowded USS Liberty.

Coral Garden - A strange choice actually because this site is barren if not for the ar-tificial statues and structures placed by a nearby resort. The marine life here is scarce but one can easily spot a poor-ly camouflaged cuttlefish or a pair of photogenic banner fish. I like this particular dive site for the strange reason that the dive site is instantly recognizable in photos with all the stupas and statues of serene looking Buddha. It is unmistakably Tulamben.

Liberty Dive Resort. About our host in Tulamben.

Liberty Dive Resort, a multiple Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellence winner, is a 32 room resort located just 150 meters from the world famous wreck - The USS Liberty. Boasting with 3 large swimming pools the

Eric GohA heart shaped barrel sponge perched at the structure of USS Liberty Wreck.


resort is segmented to three main areas - the standard rooms, the twin cottages and the luxury villas and all the rooms are well appointed with air conditioning, ensuite bathrooms, mini fridge and safe deposit box. The open air restaurant also serves a good variety of sump-tuous local and international cuisine. What is most impressive about this resort, is the team of 17 permanent highly trained and


dedicated guides. Their experience is invaluable to underwater photographers of all levels. Even some of the guides are highly accomplished underwater photographers themselves.

Eric GohA Buddha statue at Coral Garden.

Eric GohBoga Wreck, a new addition to Tulamben. Much deeper and more challenging to dive compared to USS Liberty wreck.


Eric GohBoga Wreck, a new addition to Tulamben. Much deeper and more challenging to dive compared to USS Liberty wreck.

Eric GohDrop Off is a site that offers varieties of huge healthy soft corals for wide angle photographers


From Yorko’s pen關於圖藍奔的自由號潛水度假村 全世界有許多知名的潛水勝地,但對我而言,位於巴厘島的圖藍奔是我個人最為喜歡的微距天堂。對於喜歡水下攝影的發燒友來說,在這邊潛水時時刻刻都充滿著驚喜,許多特殊且迷人的小生物處處可見,唯一要考驗的就是你的眼力與拍攝技術。另外喜歡水下大景的朋友,這邊也不會讓你失望,知名的自由號沈船佈滿了各式各樣的美麗珊瑚,也是許多魚兒的家,除了晨潛可看到成群的隆頭鸚哥魚,運氣好一點或許還有機會看到翻車魚。這也是這次我與Eric (Goh Diving)會一起合作來介紹這個我們所熟悉的潛場,也期待大家能有機會去前往探索,就可以知道為何我們喜愛它的原因。

Liberty Dive Resort自由號潛水度假村,多次獲得全球最大旅遊網站Tripadvisor的獎項,擁有三座遊泳池,32間房,每間都備有冷氣、電扇、保險箱、熱水壺、小冰箱、獨立衛浴設備(數間含有浴缸)。地理位置很好,距離圖藍奔最有名的潛點 - 自由號沈船(The USS Liberty),大約150公尺,步行即可到達。而度假村中的開放式餐廳有當地印尼料理及許多西式料理可選擇,推薦必點當地菜色:煙燻鴨(Duck Tutu)、香蕉葉烤魚(Pepes Ikan)、海鮮絞肉沙嗲(Satay Lilit),都需要前一晚跟餐廳預訂。



Eric GohEven free divers love Tulamben

From Yorko’s pen關於圖藍奔的自由號潛水度假村 全世界有許多知名的潛水勝地,但對我而言,位於巴厘島的圖藍奔是我個人最為喜歡的微距天堂。對於喜歡水下攝影的發燒友來說,在這邊潛水時時刻刻都充滿著驚喜,許多特殊且迷人的小生物處處可見,唯一要考驗的就是你的眼力與拍攝技術。另外喜歡水下大景的朋友,這邊也不會讓你失望,知名的自由號沈船佈滿了各式各樣的美麗珊瑚,也是許多魚兒的家,除了晨潛可看到成群的隆頭鸚哥魚,運氣好一點或許還有機會看到翻車魚。這也是這次我與Eric (Goh Diving)會一起合作來介紹這個我們所熟悉的潛場,也期待大家能有機會去前往探索,就可以知道為何我們喜愛它的原因。

Liberty Dive Resort自由號潛水度假村,多次獲得全球最大旅遊網站Tripadvisor的獎項,擁有三座遊泳池,32間房,每間都備有冷氣、電扇、保險箱、熱水壺、小冰箱、獨立衛浴設備(數間含有浴缸)。地理位置很好,距離圖藍奔最有名的潛點 - 自由號沈船(The USS Liberty),大約150公尺,步行即可到達。而度假村中的開放式餐廳有當地印尼料理及許多西式料理可選擇,推薦必點當地菜色:煙燻鴨(Duck Tutu)、香蕉葉烤魚(Pepes Ikan)、海鮮絞肉沙嗲(Satay Lilit),都需要前一晚跟餐廳預訂。



WORDS and PICTURESeric Goh andYorko summer


Seaside Resort in Mabini, Batangas, Philippines next to the famous Anilao Pier. 6 AC rooms with attached bathrooms and 5 fan rooms with shared bathrooms. Watsapp: +6016 246 0606 To call: +63918 5955 554

“My home away from home” “Diver’s dream home”

“A place not to be missed. A person u ought to know...”

030-035 NEWS.indd 33 2015-2-6 22:19:39

030-035 NEWS.indd 33 2015-2-6 22:19:39



PORTFOLIO Ivana Orlovic







Born at the center of Balkan Peninsula in Belgrade, Serbia, hundreds of mi-les away from the seas it was almost incredible to foresee that Ivana Orlović Kranjc would chose to make sea her passion, home and a work place.

She finished her first diving course at the age of eight and since then her commitment and her connection with the sea became greater and greater with each day. In the meantime she finished college and earned the degree in Marketing and Sales.She started with recreational diving followed by her first professional assi-gnments, apnea competitions, she became diving instructor and it all culmi-nated in the greatest passion for her of them all – underwater photography.

Diving expeditions took her all over the globe.She dove at the merging point of two oceans in South Africa accompanied by great white sharks, at surreal underwater locations in Maldives, explored caves in Bosnia for endemic Olm species, swam with whale sharks in Indian ocean, danced with Conger eels on island of Vis in Mediterranean Adriatic sea, submerged beneath frozen Alpine lakes, pet Morey eels in Red sea...And still so many more adventures to come.




Besides this adventuring part of her diving career, Ivana and her husband are owners and run the biggest diving club in Serbia - S.D.T. Svet Ronjenja which every year trains new generations of scuba divers.There is a constant education in underwater photography and apnea as well.Through this continuous education S.D.T. Svet Ronjenja attempts to raise questions of water pollution, constantly working on questions of ecology and nature preservation, because this planet will be home for many gene-rations to come.

Last ten years Ivana has been dedicated to underwater photography.Everything started with disposable underwater camera, followed by com-pact cameras in underwater housings, and finally now in recent years with DSLRs.Today Ivana is using Nikon D7000 in Subal housing.






Her specialties are underwater selfies with inhabitants of underwater world and her great split images.

Her commitment and exceptional quality were recognized by American Underwater Products company which promo-te Ivana as their Oceanic Worldwide Ambassador since March 2015.


  “After all these years that I spent under the surface, I can’t imagine my dive without a camera.I think that underwater photography is the most power-ful way to promote this amazing world to common peo-ple, non divers.I am certain that after they see my photographs that they will be more eager to come with us in our new adventu-res that lay beneath the surface of the water” – says Iva-na Orlović Kranjc, underwater photographer.

Via Milano 15 - 00065 Fiano Romano (RM)Tel. 3939517299http://www.fotosub-shop.ite-mail:

2 way (optical or electrical) con-nection compatible.High performance, multifunctional and high-end STROBE

Fotosub Shop offers to its customers only the best underwater photography equipment since 2009.ALL THE MAJOR INTERNATIONAL BRANDS such as Nauticam, Inon, Sea & Sea, Reefnet, ULCS, GATES, Retra, etc. are available.

Ultra multimode


in underwater photographyPre and after sales REFERENCE SERVICE

Quick and accurate CUSTOMER CARECompetitive prices

Liveaboard Trip Tiger Beach 2015


Location: Tiger Beach, (Grand Bahama) Bahamas

Dates:Nov 15 - Nov 21 2015Nov 27 - Dec 02 2015 Price $ 3100 per person sharing

Included:7 nights accommodation aboard a Catamaran sail yacht with 4 ensuite cabins5 days Diving with sharks ,all meals ,soft drinks.tanks,weight

NOT Included:

Airport and Island TransfersCrew tipsAirfareAlchoolic drinks

Itinerary: Day 1: Arrival in Freeport, (morning, mid day, and afternoon flight options) Grand Bahama, meeting place Old Ba-hama Bay Resort and Marina, night one spent in harbour.

Day 2: Diving Tiger Beach

Day 3: Diving Tiger Beach

Day 4: Diving Tiger Beach,

Day 5: Diving Tiger Beach

Day 6: Diving Tiger Beach AM, sail back to Bahama Bay Resort and Marina, spend final night in port.

Day 7: Fly out from Freeport. (morning flights are the best options to ensure better flight connection possibilities)

Come join us on Tiger Beach for the Tiger Shark Diving adventure of a lifetime. These unique sail liveaboard trips are being run exclusively for shark enthusiasts and photographers.

Tiger Beach in the Bahamas offers the opportunity to dive with tiger sharks, lemon sharks, nurse sharks, caribbean reef sharks and great hammer-heads on an exlusive liveaboard expedition. We are taking out small groups, so space is limited to a maximum of 6 people.

Come join us on Tiger Beach for the Tiger Shark Diving adventure of a lifetime. These unique sail liveaboard trips are being run exclusively for shark enthusiasts and photographers.

Tiger Beach in the Bahamas offers the opportunity to dive with tiger sharks, lemon sharks, nurse sharks, caribbean reef sharks and great hammer-heads on an exlusive liveaboard expedition. We are taking out small groups, so space is limited to a maximum of 6 people.

For more details contact us today:

Wide Angle compact

Best Youth Shot

Upload your files from 25th September 2015to 3rd December 2015



es Wide Angle

Black & White ArtsMacro compact





es Behavioursponsored by Oceanic/Lavacore

Snoot Shotssponsored by Inon

Sponsored by

Special Award of the Jury&Plu


Wide Angle compact

Best Youth Shot

Upload your files from 25th September 2015to 3rd December 2015


ories Wide Angle

Black & White ArtsMacro compact




ories Behaviour

sponsored by Oceanic/Lavacore

Snoot Shotssponsored by Inon

Sponsored by

Special Award of the Jury&Plus

Dear scubashooters,we can assure you this has been an amazing year, here at’s never enough to remember everybody that this incredible project began just two years ago.It all started on facebook, creating a small group and then a fan page; just few months later we were online with our flagship website and our initial setup was completed.Very soon we started our worldwide reknown monthly contest and after just one year a new star was born, scubashooters’ e-mag.Today we are proud to introduce you our latest creature: scubashooters’ Deep Visions UWP Awards.

We were gifted by building up some good experience organizing our beloved and successful monthly contest and after 18 editions of it we had enough to build a totally different level contest.We are confident that ”Deep Visions“ will further enhance and expand our network possibilities setting us onto the next level.It took many months of fine tuning but we now have a fully developed and dedicated proprietary software just to handle our contest on-line, from photo uploading and showing to the judging engine; everything has been thought out of the box and fine tuned to give the end user an amazing experience.

We wanted to start big but we were a little uncertain, after all there are many con-tests nowadays, big and very well known.We started to understand we were on the right track after we saw the spon-sors response to our invitation to contribute to the prizes pane; we have been able to gather such an amount of beautiful prizes that our pane will be among the ten richest panes in the world, enabling us to offer 5 cate-gories and two trophys for a total of 7 possibilities to win amazing prizes, ranging from full board holidays to scubadiving gear and UWphoto gear.We will offer DSLR Macro and wide angle, Compact Macro and Wide angle, Black and white and then the two trophys. Why 2 trophys? Because they will be single brand sponsored contests inside the contest.I’m very very proud to present you the Inon trophy and the Oceanic/Hol-lis trophy. Inon Head office from Japan and Oceanic/Hollis Europe will offer six amazing prizes for the two trophys. “Deep visions” is about to come into this world under a good star, and having so many important prizes and two worldwide lea-ders like Inon and Oceanic/Hollis trusting us is a very very important endorsement for our contest and for us.

So, what are you waiting for?Drop any doubt and join the competition now!

Dear scubashooters,we can assure you this has been an amazing year, here at’s never enough to remember everybody that this incredible project began just two years ago.It all started on facebook, creating a small group and then a fan page; just few months later we were online with our flagship website and our initial setup was completed.Very soon we started our worldwide reknown monthly contest and after just one year a new star was born, scubashooters’ e-mag.Today we are proud to introduce you our latest creature: scubashooters’ Deep Visions UWP Awards.

We were gifted by building up some good experience organizing our beloved and successful monthly contest and after 18 editions of it we had enough to build a totally different level contest.We are confident that ”Deep Visions“ will further enhance and expand our network possibilities setting us onto the next level.It took many months of fine tuning but we now have a fully developed and dedicated proprietary software just to handle our contest on-line, from photo uploading and showing to the judging engine; everything has been thought out of the box and fine tuned to give the end user an amazing experience.

We wanted to start big but we were a little uncertain, after all there are many con-tests nowadays, big and very well known.We started to understand we were on the right track after we saw the spon-sors response to our invitation to contribute to the prizes pane; we have been able to gather such an amount of beautiful prizes that our pane will be among the ten richest panes in the world, enabling us to offer 5 cate-gories and two trophys for a total of 7 possibilities to win amazing prizes, ranging from full board holidays to scubadiving gear and UWphoto gear.We will offer DSLR Macro and wide angle, Compact Macro and Wide angle, Black and white and then the two trophys. Why 2 trophys? Because they will be single brand sponsored contests inside the contest.I’m very very proud to present you the Inon trophy and the Oceanic/Hol-lis trophy. Inon Head office from Japan and Oceanic/Hollis Europe will offer six amazing prizes for the two trophys. “Deep visions” is about to come into this world under a good star, and having so many important prizes and two worldwide lea-ders like Inon and Oceanic/Hollis trusting us is a very very important endorsement for our contest and for us.

So, what are you waiting for?Drop any doubt and join the competition now!


The contest is open for individuals at the age of 18 or above. Any skill level is welcome. Members of the Jury and the staff of the contest are not allowed to participate.


The upload starts on 28th September 2015. All entries must have been uploaded and paid latest on 3rd December 2015 at 23:59 (CET/MEZ)


1 Wide Angle 2 Macro3 Wide Angle compact4 Macro compact5 Black & White Arts

Special categories:

6 Behaviour sponsored by Oceanic / Lavacore

7 Snoot Shots sponsored by Inon

Additionally a “Special Award of the Jury” and the “Best Youth Shot” is selected among all entries. Please make sure that you enter your birthday during registration process.

In category 1, 2 all cameras with interchangeable lens (DSLR or mirrorless) are allowed. In 3 and 4 only compact cams are allowed. In 5, 6, and 7 any camera types are allowed.

5 Black & White: Black & White only, no Sepia or other monochrome colors.

6 Behaviour: Has to show a special behaviour of marine live. Swimming, hiding, sleeping or just resting is not considered to be a special behaviour. Examples are: Mating, laying eggs, breeding, hunting, feeding, fighting,

7 Snooted Shots: Allowed are shots with bundled light from snoots or very focused torches. The snoot effect has to be clearly visible.

Every picture may only be submitted into one category. The pictures must have been taken under-water. Over/Under shots are allowed. No aquarium or pool shots are allowed.

File submission

To participate to the contest you must register at Every participant can up-load an unlimited amount of pictures to each category. A picture may only be submitted to one category.

Pictures must be submitted electronically via our platform at Digital and film (scanned slides) pictures are allowed.

No text, watermarks, frames or borders are allowed.

All pictures must be uploaded as jpg, in sRGB, highest quality setting and with a minimum of 1800px longest side and max 5 MB. Winning pictures must be delivered with at least 3300px longest side.

Entry Fee

The entry fee is calculated as follows:

10$ 1 picture20$ 3 pictures 30$ 5 pictures 40$ 8 pictures 50$ 12 pictures

Thereafter 4$ each picture

Conservation and content rules

Conservation rules are strictly to be followed. Our underwater world should never be harmed just for taking a picture. Entries that are showing following signs will be disqualified:

Scubashooters Annual Contest Rules


The contest is open for individuals at the age of 18 or above. Any skill level is welcome. Members of the Jury and the staff of the contest are not allowed to participate.


The upload starts on 28th September 2015. All entries must have been uploaded and paid latest on 3rd December 2015 at 23:59 (CET/MEZ)


1 Wide Angle 2 Macro3 Wide Angle compact4 Macro compact5 Black & White Arts

Special categories:

6 Behaviour sponsored by Oceanic / Lavacore

7 Snoot Shots sponsored by Inon

Additionally a “Special Award of the Jury” and the “Best Youth Shot” is selected among all entries. Please make sure that you enter your birthday during registration process.

In category 1, 2 all cameras with interchangeable lens (DSLR or mirrorless) are allowed. In 3 and 4 only compact cams are allowed. In 5, 6, and 7 any camera types are allowed.

5 Black & White: Black & White only, no Sepia or other monochrome colors.

6 Behaviour: Has to show a special behaviour of marine live. Swimming, hiding, sleeping or just resting is not considered to be a special behaviour. Examples are: Mating, laying eggs, breeding, hunting, feeding, fighting,

7 Snooted Shots: Allowed are shots with bundled light from snoots or very focused torches. The snoot effect has to be clearly visible.

Every picture may only be submitted into one category. The pictures must have been taken under-water. Over/Under shots are allowed. No aquarium or pool shots are allowed.

File submission

To participate to the contest you must register at Every participant can up-load an unlimited amount of pictures to each category. A picture may only be submitted to one category.

Pictures must be submitted electronically via our platform at Digital and film (scanned slides) pictures are allowed.

No text, watermarks, frames or borders are allowed.

All pictures must be uploaded as jpg, in sRGB, highest quality setting and with a minimum of 1800px longest side and max 5 MB. Winning pictures must be delivered with at least 3300px longest side.

Entry Fee

The entry fee is calculated as follows:

10$ 1 picture20$ 3 pictures 30$ 5 pictures 40$ 8 pictures 50$ 12 pictures

Thereafter 4$ each picture

Conservation and content rules

Conservation rules are strictly to be followed. Our underwater world should never be harmed just for taking a picture. Entries that are showing following signs will be disqualified:

Scubashooters Annual Contest Rules

• Photographersvisiblydamagingtheenvironment(e.g.geardraggingorkickingupsand)• Animalswithsignsofstress(e.g.puffedpuffers,inkingoctopus)• Animalsmovedtoanunnaturalenvironmentorriskylocation• Marinelifebeingtouched(e.g.coralpolyps,seahorsetails)• Diversexhibitingpoorbuoyancycontrol

Entries toanycategorymaynotcontainprofanity,nudity,pornographic images,violent im-ages,anti-competitionmessagesoranyotherillegalmaterial.



HDR ,Stacking,Panoramasandother techniques involvingmore thanonepicturearenotal-lowed.DoubleExposurepicturesareallowedaslongastheyaremadeonlocation,meaninginthecameraandtheoutputofthecameraisonefile.













• Photographersvisiblydamagingtheenvironment(e.g.geardraggingorkickingupsand)• Animalswithsignsofstress(e.g.puffedpuffers,inkingoctopus)• Animalsmovedtoanunnaturalenvironmentorriskylocation• Marinelifebeingtouched(e.g.coralpolyps,seahorsetails)• Diversexhibitingpoorbuoyancycontrol

Entries toanycategorymaynotcontainprofanity,nudity,pornographic images,violent im-ages,anti-competitionmessagesoranyotherillegalmaterial.



HDR ,Stacking,Panoramasandother techniques involvingmore thanonepicturearenotal-lowed.DoubleExposurepicturesareallowedaslongastheyaremadeonlocation,meaninginthecameraandtheoutputofthecameraisonefile.













Category: Macro Reflex


6 days fullboard plus dive package for one person by DABIRAHE ( Lembeh )


10 dives/5 meals on boat package by SHEIKH COAST


Flashlight Darklight pro by COLTRISUB

Category: Macro Reflex


6 days fullboard plus dive package for one person by DABIRAHE ( Lembeh )


10 dives/5 meals on boat package by SHEIKH COAST


Flashlight Darklight pro by COLTRISUB

Category: Wide Angle ReflexFIRST PRIZE


2 sets arms and clamps by SML-SUB


One wrist diving computer by SPORTISSIMO MILANO

7 days Liveaboard for one person on Flying Fish ( Maldives ) by BLUE SPACE TOUR OPERATOR

Category: Macro Compact



kit single flash NAUTICAM 200 by FOTOSUB SHOP


One weekend DIVE&WINEfor one person

4 days and 3 nights in B&B for 2 persons at THE MENJANGAN

Category: Wide Angle Compact




10 dives/5 meals on boat package by



10 dives package by BINTANG DIVERS

Category: Black & White


EASYDIVE revolution 4000 lamp


2 nights b&b and 4 dives by CENTROSUB CAMPI FLEGREI


2 nights b&b and 2 dives by HAYBOLS (Anilao)


Theme: “Snoot”Special added judge : Fabio Iardino

1st prize: strobe Inon Z240 type 4

2nd prize: strobe Inon S-2000

3rd prize: LED flashlight Inon LF800-N

CATEGORYTheme: “Behavior”

Special added judge: Beth Watson

1st prize: Dive computer Oceanic Atom 3

2nd prize: regulator Delta 4.2 and first stage FDX 10

3rd prize: Extreme Shirt Lavacore

CATEGORYTheme: “Behavior”

Special added judge: Beth Watson

1st prize: Dive computer Oceanic Atom 3

2nd prize: regulator Delta 4.2 and first stage FDX 10

3rd prize: Extreme Shirt Lavacore

Package A (3Days / 2Nights) $380 per person

Airport transfers Welcome drink

Fully carpeted Air conditioned room (twin share) Hot & Cold shower Full board meals

6 Boat dives Tanks, Weights & Weight belt

Dive master services

Package B (4Days / 3Nights) $425 per person

Airport transfers Welcome drink

Fully carpeted Air conditioned room (twin share) Hot & Cold shower Full board meals

8 Boat dives Tanks, Weights & Weight belt

Dive master services

Package C (5Days / 4Nights) $530 per person

Airport transfers Welcome drink

Fully carpeted Air conditioned room (twin share) Hot & Cold shower Full board meals

10 Boat dives Tanks, Weights & Weight belt

Dive master services

** All packages for minimum of four (4) persons Dive gears available for rent

Exclusive of Dive pass @ $5 per person per day

Haybols Scuba Hub is a homey, comfortably furnished, bed & breakfast inn

that offers scuba diving courses, rentals and services.

Bauan-Mabini RoadAnilao, Batangas, Philippines+63 917 856 6887

Package A (3Days / 2Nights) $380 per person

Airport transfers Welcome drink

Fully carpeted Air conditioned room (twin share) Hot & Cold shower Full board meals

6 Boat dives Tanks, Weights & Weight belt

Dive master services

Package B (4Days / 3Nights) $425 per person

Airport transfers Welcome drink

Fully carpeted Air conditioned room (twin share) Hot & Cold shower Full board meals

8 Boat dives Tanks, Weights & Weight belt

Dive master services

Package C (5Days / 4Nights) $530 per person

Airport transfers Welcome drink

Fully carpeted Air conditioned room (twin share) Hot & Cold shower Full board meals

10 Boat dives Tanks, Weights & Weight belt

Dive master services

** All packages for minimum of four (4) persons Dive gears available for rent

Exclusive of Dive pass @ $5 per person per day

Haybols Scuba Hub is a homey, comfortably furnished, bed & breakfast inn

that offers scuba diving courses, rentals and services.

Bauan-Mabini RoadAnilao, Batangas, Philippines+63 917 856 6887










My name is Jovan Petrovski, I was born in 22.11.1969 by the diving category I PADI - Master Scuba Diver. Underwater photography interests 4 years, and winner of many cups I have in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia.

And every time I won with photographs taken in my lakes, because I live in an area where there are 7 lakes and 4 rivers. ;)

Fresh water underwater photography do it because we got all of them in the environment, and because i dont have money to travel to the sea, because my financial situation is weak!

I prefer to make photographs biggest predator of fresh water Pike / Esox lucius and Water snakes / Natrix tessellata.

In the fresh water is hard to do underwater photography because visibility is not always good, and I’m doing all my photos without flash and without various adap-ters, only my Canon Power Shot G12, Me and sunlight! ;)








www.diving-marcopolo.comFrom our beach, with our boat...

...come with us and enjoy your dive!

We are located exactly 74 km far from Trieste, near the small town of Kantrida, which is about 5 to 6 km before downtown Rijeka.Our Diving Centre is right under the swimming pools area, directly in front of the open beach. On one side, we are overlooked by Mount Major (Ucka) and on the other, we face the beautiful islands of Krk and Cherso: in brief, we are right inside the Kvarnaro Gulf.Our flagship is wreck diving by boat: three wrecks situated at different depths, each one no farther than maximum 20 minutes boat ride. And there’s more! Our shore dives directly from our Center’s beach offer an easy and colorful training ground for any kind of diving courses. Finally yet importantly, our diamond tip dedicated to macro photography lovers: a wide variety of critters to increase the pleasure of diving.

www.diving-marcopolo.comFrom our beach, with our boat...

...come with us and enjoy your dive!

We are located exactly 74 km far from Trieste, near the small town of Kantrida, which is about 5 to 6 km before downtown Rijeka.Our Diving Centre is right under the swimming pools area, directly in front of the open beach. On one side, we are overlooked by Mount Major (Ucka) and on the other, we face the beautiful islands of Krk and Cherso: in brief, we are right inside the Kvarnaro Gulf.Our flagship is wreck diving by boat: three wrecks situated at different depths, each one no farther than maximum 20 minutes boat ride. And there’s more! Our shore dives directly from our Center’s beach offer an easy and colorful training ground for any kind of diving courses. Finally yet importantly, our diamond tip dedicated to macro photography lovers: a wide variety of critters to increase the pleasure of diving.

“You come as a guestbut leave as a friend”

With our friendly, personal and pro-fessional approach come and enjoy warm Bedouin hospitality in a relaxed setting with stunning views of Tiran island.Sharks Bay Umbi is a picturesque bay with everything on site – its own private jetty, dive centre, boats, restaurant, Bedouin cafe and 3 types of accommodation -

making it the per-fect resort for

your next holiday. Unique in the area,

Sharks Bay Umbi mana-ges to retain a friendly village feel whilst still being only ten minutes from the bright lights of Sharm El Sheikh. Sharm residents describe the bay as having the feel of how Sharm used to be before the ar-rival of large scale tourism.

Free Nitrox to qualified divers - Free airport transfers for hotel guests

Discounts apply for all bookings made before the end of 2015 - T&Cs applyTo redeem this special offer please quote ‘CLICK2015B’ at the time of booking

AccommodationSharks Bay Umbi offers traditio-nal Bedouin style and hospitality alongside modern facilities.We have three types of accommo-dation to fit every budget: Bedouin Village Rooms, Beach Cabins and View Huts. Contacts

10% offAccommodation (bed and breakfast)

Daily divingLiveaboardsPADI and SSI courses

“You come as a guestbut leave as a friend”

With our friendly, personal and pro-fessional approach come and enjoy warm Bedouin hospitality in a relaxed setting with stunning views of Tiran island.Sharks Bay Umbi is a picturesque bay with everything on site – its own private jetty, dive centre, boats, restaurant, Bedouin cafe and 3 types of accommodation -

making it the per-fect resort for

your next holiday. Unique in the area,

Sharks Bay Umbi mana-ges to retain a friendly village feel whilst still being only ten minutes from the bright lights of Sharm El Sheikh. Sharm residents describe the bay as having the feel of how Sharm used to be before the ar-rival of large scale tourism.

Free Nitrox to qualified divers - Free airport transfers for hotel guests

Discounts apply for all bookings made before the end of 2015 - T&Cs applyTo redeem this special offer please quote ‘CLICK2015B’ at the time of booking

AccommodationSharks Bay Umbi offers traditio-nal Bedouin style and hospitality alongside modern facilities.We have three types of accommo-dation to fit every budget: Bedouin Village Rooms, Beach Cabins and View Huts. Contacts

10% offAccommodation (bed and breakfast)

Daily divingLiveaboardsPADI and SSI courses

120 94

BEGIN WITH THE END IN MINDRoad to technical diving (part 4.2)

120 94




WORDS: Job KuperusPICTURES: Case Kassenberg

After successfully finishing the first part of the T1 course in Croatia, of which you have been able to read all the ups and downs in the last edition of ScubaShoo-ters, we could start the second phase whereby we actually had to plan and dive our planned T1 dives. I hope you have had time to view the link, which I posted in the previous piece (part 4.1) on our Facebook page, which shows all the nice wrecks we have seen during our course. Images speak far louder than words!

It was a huge relief that we had been able to conquer the challenges of the first part of our T1 course.  Finally no more ‘worst case’ - scenario’s with lots of simu-lated but nasty failures. No more Rob and/or Ron trying to trick us into failures with just a tad too much enthusiasm (they really seemed to like that kinda stuff). No more blowguns in our necks or disappearing gear (..Reels were the instruc-tor’s favorites, you could even hear them laugh when you were grabbing for that reel that was no longer attached to your D ring).  This gave us a little peace of mind, I must say: a very good feeling! Ok, back to the order of the day, start of Phase II of our T1 course. Now we have to make experience dives and show that everything we have been taught has also connected in our heads. This evening no time for relaxing, we have to plan the dive for the next day. This started to become almost some kind of a routine with the only minor (but very important) difference compared to the previous days that we had to dive our plan and deco schedule .. for real. Right.. let’s just recalculate what we have done and make sure we have not made any mistakes!

Normally a dive plan starts with the goal of the dive, what wreck we will dive on, the depth, and other circumstances we have to take into account. Then we know the expected average depth and maximum depth. Based on these parameters we can choose the proper standard gas mix and the required decompression gas (either 50% or 100% O2). The wrecks we were diving on are well mapped and documented; this is a big help in planning the dive!

During the last years we all have been able to get a good feeling for our SAC rates (Surface Air Consumption). Based upon your personal SAC rate you can calculate the total volume of breathing gas needed during a dive. If you multiply your SAC rate by the ATA’s for a certain depth and time you plan to stay there, you know the volume of gas you need at that depth. Of course safety margins are added as well. In case you run into trouble you need time to solve your pro-blem and most likely increased stress levels will cause you to breathe faster! Next step in the gas planning for the dive is to calculate the amount of gas you will need to safely bring your dive buddy / team member to the surface on your longhose. We had done similar calculations before during our Intro to Tec cour-se, based upon minimum deco ascent assumptions (Ascent to 50% of average depth with 9 meter / minute; Ascent to surface with 3 meter / minute, (30 seconds ascent / 30 seconds stop). The extra dimension for a T1 dive is that we dive de-eper, have a decompression ceiling and also use a stage bottle with 50% nitrox for decompression starting at 21 meter. Furthermore we will ascend to 75% of



average depth with 9 meters / minute, after that we will ascend with 3 meter / minute to 21 meter. Taking this into account we now can calculate the amount of gas needed to bring you dive buddy safely to the next avai-lable gas (50% O2 at 21 meter). We also add the safety margins already mentioned. For the stress factor we use 1,5 times our nor-mal breathing rate (we assume our normal SAC to be 20L/min (again a little bit of safety for most of the divers) and we add 1 minute of time to solve the problem. Now you know the amount of gas needed to safely bring your buddy to the next available gas. Then you can deduct the Turn Pressure; which in a way resembles the ‘ old rule of thumb’ to turn around at 50% of the tank pressure but adjusted for the additional depth and taking into account all the extra aspects explained previously.

The result of all these calculations is that we fairly precisely know the amount of gas we will use during the dive, and how long we can stay at a certain depth. After this we cal-culate the time needed for the decompres-sion stops and decompression profile. The decompression stops are divided in a deep segment and a shallow segment, in both segments you need to spend time in order to make the decompression as optimal as possible.  The next step is a backup plan; what do we need to do if for unexpected reasons the dive is deeper and/or longer than expected. The nice thing about diving with preselected standard gases for certain depths is that you can easily calculate the extra deco time needed if you dive longer and/or deeper than planned. For this dive we decide to calculate a number of scenarios: deeper, longer or shallower than planned. If we dive shorter (at the planned depth) we decide that we will stick the ‘ original’ deco plan.  Last but certainly not least, we select the team roles: (1) team captain (2) deco captain and (3) the person that needs to shoot the SBM…. And finally .. finally we have our dive plan. Before we pencil everything down on our wet notes we discuss this plan with Rob. He is ok with it and the agrees with our safety measures. We are good to go!! Next day we rise early.. Maurizio, the owner and manager of Krnica Dive has prepared everything for us. He filled our tanks and now we need to check, measure and analyze everything: % of Helium and Oxygen of our bottom gas, % of Oxygen of our decompression gas. We prepare our dive sets and can’t resist to try the Helium to see if you really can sound like Donald Duck.. yes indeed .. hahaha.. very funny.. (maybe it has to do with the fact that we are a bit nervous for this dive..) 


average depth with 9 meters / minute, after that we will ascend with 3 meter / minute to 21 meter. Taking this into account we now can calculate the amount of gas needed to bring you dive buddy safely to the next avai-lable gas (50% O2 at 21 meter). We also add the safety margins already mentioned. For the stress factor we use 1,5 times our nor-mal breathing rate (we assume our normal SAC to be 20L/min (again a little bit of safety for most of the divers) and we add 1 minute of time to solve the problem. Now you know the amount of gas needed to safely bring your buddy to the next available gas. Then you can deduct the Turn Pressure; which in a way resembles the ‘ old rule of thumb’ to turn around at 50% of the tank pressure but adjusted for the additional depth and taking into account all the extra aspects explained previously.

The result of all these calculations is that we fairly precisely know the amount of gas we will use during the dive, and how long we can stay at a certain depth. After this we cal-culate the time needed for the decompres-sion stops and decompression profile. The decompression stops are divided in a deep segment and a shallow segment, in both segments you need to spend time in order to make the decompression as optimal as possible.  The next step is a backup plan; what do we need to do if for unexpected reasons the dive is deeper and/or longer than expected. The nice thing about diving with preselected standard gases for certain depths is that you can easily calculate the extra deco time needed if you dive longer and/or deeper than planned. For this dive we decide to calculate a number of scenarios: deeper, longer or shallower than planned. If we dive shorter (at the planned depth) we decide that we will stick the ‘ original’ deco plan.  Last but certainly not least, we select the team roles: (1) team captain (2) deco captain and (3) the person that needs to shoot the SBM…. And finally .. finally we have our dive plan. Before we pencil everything down on our wet notes we discuss this plan with Rob. He is ok with it and the agrees with our safety measures. We are good to go!! Next day we rise early.. Maurizio, the owner and manager of Krnica Dive has prepared everything for us. He filled our tanks and now we need to check, measure and analyze everything: % of Helium and Oxygen of our bottom gas, % of Oxygen of our decompression gas. We prepare our dive sets and can’t resist to try the Helium to see if you really can sound like Donald Duck.. yes indeed .. hahaha.. very funny.. (maybe it has to do with the fact that we are a bit nervous for this dive..) 


After arriving at our dive location we thoroughly check everything once again. The team captain Peter de Graaf (PDG) starts this procedure. From head to toe we do a final equipment check combined with the famous SADDDDD (Sequence: who will do what during the dive as defined by the team roles; Available gas: gas mixtures we have analyzed + tank pressure. Duration: maximum dive time and turn pres-sure; Direction: what to do from the descent until the ascent. Distance: expected distance we will swim, how far will we stay within each other’s reach. Deco: the deco plan is checked and confirmed. Now we are ready!! Temperatures were rising in our dry suites, and the jump into the cool water really feels refreshing. Before we dive to depth we perform a bubble check, we also check our longhoses to see if the-re are no obstructions. We gather at the shot line and start with our long descent! According to our dive plan we have 2,5 minutes to reach the deck of the ship. At 15/20 meters we can already see the bow... A very impressive sight! On arrival we check our SPG’s. From this point we have untill minute 28 to explore the wreck. We first swim to the ship’s hold, situated at the back. Here we enter the wreck and de-scent to a depth of 45 meters and take a look around. The ship’s hold is impressive, we see an amazing show of lights. The partly decayed fishnets that are scattered around the cargo hold contribute to the magical atmosphere. The shapes are very distinct and beautiful. We are enjoying ourselves to the fullest!! Then we have to ascent again through the cargo doors. We use our dive time to the max and with a little bit of reluctance we slowly ascend to the ship’s deck. It feels like flying in close formation with a squadron of jet fighters. Once back on the deck we can hoover through the decayed superstructure of the wreck. We also take (almost too much).. time to check the chimney. PDG signals us to hurry up to reach the line at exactly 28 minutes. Although everything worked out fine it remains quite a challenge to exe-cute the dive precisely according to plan. We have to.. every minute spend longer at depth has direct implications for our decompression.

 PDG (our team captain) is responsible for the first part of our ascent from the deck of the ship to the start of the decompression at 21 meter. After that Jeroen Kassen-berg (ROEN), the deco captain takes over and is in charge for the last part. We carry out our gas switches to 50% O2 at 21 meter and after that we perform our deco stops exactly according schedule at 21, 18, 15, 12, 9 and 6 meter. At 6 meters we notice that there is a considerable amount of swell and ROEN decides not to do the 1meter per minute ascent. Instead we stop the desired minutes at 3 meters to prevent the risk of being pushed up and down too much by the waves. We communicate this plan and take a look at Rob who signals: OK go ahead! After a runtime of 66 minutes we surface with a very big smile on our faces! What an awesome dive, what a great expe-rience! We want more!!!

Back at the dive boat PDG starts the debriefing. I was amazed by the fact that my mind stayed much clearer during the dive due to the 35% Helium in my breathing gas (and therefore less Nitrogen). This is hugely different compared to diving on air to the same depth, where it almost feels like looking through a roll of toilet paper. Every-body more or less had the same experience. We were able to remember more details (gas consumption, depth, etc) This became apparent during our debriefing. For me this increased awareness was a real eye-opener. Normally if somebody asked me when I had experienced nitrogen narcosis I almost automatically answered.. that dive to 35/40 meters (on air) at Elphinstone reef in Egypt. Now I realized that during every deep air dive I had experienced some form of nitrogen narcosis. But I just hadn’t noticed it.. same as a drunk driver who thinks that he is still capable of driving home.. Another pleasant characteristic of Helium is that it is a lighter gas, which also helps you to breathe easier than heavier gases. This specially comes in handy at greater depths.  

After PDG and ROEN have finished their part of the debriefing, we also get the feedback from our instructors Rob and Ron… They provide us with an enormous amount of detail of… everything that went wrong… they saw it all. The descent was too quick..PDG didn’t check his SPG when entering the cargo hold..we didn’t swim in the right team order when entering the wreck… one of the dive signals was completely new to them..(but everybody knew what it meant..)..when swimming away from the wreck


After arriving at our dive location we thoroughly check everything once again. The team captain Peter de Graaf (PDG) starts this procedure. From head to toe we do a final equipment check combined with the famous SADDDDD (Sequence: who will do what during the dive as defined by the team roles; Available gas: gas mixtures we have analyzed + tank pressure. Duration: maximum dive time and turn pres-sure; Direction: what to do from the descent until the ascent. Distance: expected distance we will swim, how far will we stay within each other’s reach. Deco: the deco plan is checked and confirmed. Now we are ready!! Temperatures were rising in our dry suites, and the jump into the cool water really feels refreshing. Before we dive to depth we perform a bubble check, we also check our longhoses to see if the-re are no obstructions. We gather at the shot line and start with our long descent! According to our dive plan we have 2,5 minutes to reach the deck of the ship. At 15/20 meters we can already see the bow... A very impressive sight! On arrival we check our SPG’s. From this point we have untill minute 28 to explore the wreck. We first swim to the ship’s hold, situated at the back. Here we enter the wreck and de-scent to a depth of 45 meters and take a look around. The ship’s hold is impressive, we see an amazing show of lights. The partly decayed fishnets that are scattered around the cargo hold contribute to the magical atmosphere. The shapes are very distinct and beautiful. We are enjoying ourselves to the fullest!! Then we have to ascent again through the cargo doors. We use our dive time to the max and with a little bit of reluctance we slowly ascend to the ship’s deck. It feels like flying in close formation with a squadron of jet fighters. Once back on the deck we can hoover through the decayed superstructure of the wreck. We also take (almost too much).. time to check the chimney. PDG signals us to hurry up to reach the line at exactly 28 minutes. Although everything worked out fine it remains quite a challenge to exe-cute the dive precisely according to plan. We have to.. every minute spend longer at depth has direct implications for our decompression.

 PDG (our team captain) is responsible for the first part of our ascent from the deck of the ship to the start of the decompression at 21 meter. After that Jeroen Kassen-berg (ROEN), the deco captain takes over and is in charge for the last part. We carry out our gas switches to 50% O2 at 21 meter and after that we perform our deco stops exactly according schedule at 21, 18, 15, 12, 9 and 6 meter. At 6 meters we notice that there is a considerable amount of swell and ROEN decides not to do the 1meter per minute ascent. Instead we stop the desired minutes at 3 meters to prevent the risk of being pushed up and down too much by the waves. We communicate this plan and take a look at Rob who signals: OK go ahead! After a runtime of 66 minutes we surface with a very big smile on our faces! What an awesome dive, what a great expe-rience! We want more!!!

Back at the dive boat PDG starts the debriefing. I was amazed by the fact that my mind stayed much clearer during the dive due to the 35% Helium in my breathing gas (and therefore less Nitrogen). This is hugely different compared to diving on air to the same depth, where it almost feels like looking through a roll of toilet paper. Every-body more or less had the same experience. We were able to remember more details (gas consumption, depth, etc) This became apparent during our debriefing. For me this increased awareness was a real eye-opener. Normally if somebody asked me when I had experienced nitrogen narcosis I almost automatically answered.. that dive to 35/40 meters (on air) at Elphinstone reef in Egypt. Now I realized that during every deep air dive I had experienced some form of nitrogen narcosis. But I just hadn’t noticed it.. same as a drunk driver who thinks that he is still capable of driving home.. Another pleasant characteristic of Helium is that it is a lighter gas, which also helps you to breathe easier than heavier gases. This specially comes in handy at greater depths.  

After PDG and ROEN have finished their part of the debriefing, we also get the feedback from our instructors Rob and Ron… They provide us with an enormous amount of detail of… everything that went wrong… they saw it all. The descent was too quick..PDG didn’t check his SPG when entering the cargo hold..we didn’t swim in the right team order when entering the wreck… one of the dive signals was completely new to them..(but everybody knew what it meant..)..when swimming away from the wreck


I almost smacked ROEN in his face with my fins.. the trim in the wreck was not ok..and they continued on and on..( a little bit like Statler and Waldorf, those two old grumpy guys from the muppet show .. hahaha) During the course of the week the comprehensive training starts to pay off and the dives we make are fantastic; every dive brings its own unique experience. The more we dive the more disciplined we get and the easier it gets, Rob and Ron have less and less comments.. a good sign! At the end of the week we also have to pass a theoretical exam as a team. Because of all the experience we gained in planning our dives during the week we easily fix this job as well! We all passed our exams and to celebrate we drink our first Croatian beer.. finally!!

The next course we did was the T1+. In this course we learned to dive with a bottom stage and an extra decompression gas for a longer dive time at depth. The decompression stops are done with 50% and 100% oxygen. Of course this required extra skills. I must say that juggling around with decompression bott-les is quite a challenge!! By now we have fully mastered this ‘art’ I will tell you more about this in the next issue! Hope to see you at the waterfront and don’t forget to like Team Pitch Blue on Facebook!

Team Pitch Blue


At Sportissimo Milano you will always find professionalism, experience, customer service, products selection and the best quality/price ratio.You will find the best products and the best brands, you will see and touch and try (many products are available also to an underwater test) before you decide to buy anything.

Visit also a MEGAStore on-line in which you will find a huge amount of selected and guaranteed items. You will find all the latest products and special offers such as warranty ex-tension, all inclusive equipment inspections and many other!

Sportissimo Milano is also on facebook: click “like” here and find special offers every day

Sportissimo Milano by Giorgio SangalliVia Ripamonti 15 (corner Via Giulio Romano) 20136 Milano (IT)Ph: +39 02 58305014 - e-mail:

Address:Jalan I ketut Natih, Amed, abang, karangasem, Bali 80852- indonesia Tel +62 851 0866 2000

Jalan Amed, Abang, Bali, Indonesia

Enjoy your



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MCH6SR.indd 1 27/07/15 16:58


Behind the shot:ROSARIO SCARIATI

Horse RastaIt was a long time I was trying to photograph the Seahorse but without good results , until one day and I suddenly appe-ared ahead of the mask , the excitement was so gre-at that even my own eyes were filled with joy , to be able to immortalize with a selfie .Location Bay of Puolo Sor-rento .Photo made with Canon 5D3 in Nauticam Housing , Canon 8-15 mm to 15 mm , 2 SEA & SEA YSD1 , 1/125 f : 20 iso 100


Our products are all MITQ (MADE IN ITALY TO-TAL QUALITY) and allow an OPTIMAL BUOYANCY during video and photography.

Our LIGHT ARMS are made with a preanodized 6060 alu-minum alloy blue tube (Ø22 mm) and have two preano-dized 6026 aluminum alloy SML-pearl-grey spheres (Ø 25 mm) at the ends (9 different lengths are available).

Our BLOCKING SYSTEM (CLAMP) is composed by two pre-anodized aluminium alloy 6026 pearl grey SML butterfly clamps, a button-head stainless steel screw and an alumi-num alloy 6026 anodized blue wing nut.Thanks to the clutches mounted inside the clamps, tighte-ning is smooth for adjustments but at the same time sturdy and rigid for operation.

Our ACTION CAM BRACKET is made of AISI 316 stainless steel (3 mm thick and with black Delrin inserts).It consists of two laser-cut plates and a pair of folding han-dles with blocking mechanism. The coupling of the two pla-tes is via a M8 dowel acting as a guide. In the rear part the handle has an additional 1/4 UNC thread for extra applica-tions (eg. Gorilla POD or similar), an extendible guide plate and a small base for bi-adhesive connections.An anodized aluminum stick simplifies macro recording

allowing to force the minimum recording distan-ce from the subject. The handles terminate with preanodized 6026 aluminum alloy SML-pearl-grey spheres (Ø 25 mm), thus allowing for the maxi-mum flexibility for lights and additional parts to be connected to the base. The system can be of-fered with Lock-line terminations instead.

Our products are all MITQ (MADE IN ITALY TO-TAL QUALITY) and allow an OPTIMAL BUOYANCY during video and photography.

Our LIGHT ARMS are made with a preanodized 6060 alu-minum alloy blue tube (Ø22 mm) and have two preano-dized 6026 aluminum alloy SML-pearl-grey spheres (Ø 25 mm) at the ends (9 different lengths are available).

Our BLOCKING SYSTEM (CLAMP) is composed by two pre-anodized aluminium alloy 6026 pearl grey SML butterfly clamps, a button-head stainless steel screw and an alumi-num alloy 6026 anodized blue wing nut.Thanks to the clutches mounted inside the clamps, tighte-ning is smooth for adjustments but at the same time sturdy and rigid for operation.

Our ACTION CAM BRACKET is made of AISI 316 stainless steel (3 mm thick and with black Delrin inserts).It consists of two laser-cut plates and a pair of folding han-dles with blocking mechanism. The coupling of the two pla-tes is via a M8 dowel acting as a guide. In the rear part the handle has an additional 1/4 UNC thread for extra applica-tions (eg. Gorilla POD or similar), an extendible guide plate and a small base for bi-adhesive connections.An anodized aluminum stick simplifies macro recording

allowing to force the minimum recording distan-ce from the subject. The handles terminate with preanodized 6026 aluminum alloy SML-pearl-grey spheres (Ø 25 mm), thus allowing for the maxi-mum flexibility for lights and additional parts to be connected to the base. The system can be of-fered with Lock-line terminations instead.

Our SCUBA VIDEO LIGHT Led C-95, electronically realized in cooperation with Elbatech Srl, is made by an 6026 SML pearl-grey anodized aluminum alloy body (Ø 60 mm) (mil-led from full aluminum bar), with a ring-bezel rear cover in black Delrin (Ø 70 mm) and with a 8-mm thick front poly-carbonate glass. Its weight out of the water is 750 g, in the water 270 g.

LIGHT FEATURES:- High intensity LED diode: CREE LED array CXA1304, 900 lumen, 5000°K- Viewing Angle: from 85° to 140°- CRI: 90 to 95- Battery: Li-Ion rechargeable battery pack, 14.8V 2000 mAh (dedicated battery charger IMAX B6AC included)- Burn Time: 120 minutes @ 100%- Hydrostatic test: 120 minutes @ 9 bar- Electronics: custom-made power-led driver (Elbatech Srl, Marciana (LI), Italy)

Our scuba light model 170/30 N is offered a beautiful blue briefcase containing:- 1 scuba led video light model C-95- 1 battery charger IMAX B6AC- 1 black Delrin dedicated holder terminating with an anodized aluminium SML pearl-grey sphere (Ø 25 mm)

About MECHANICS please refer to e-mail:

About ELECTRONICS please refer to ELBATECH e-mail:

Our SCUBA VIDEO LIGHT Led C-95, electronically realized in cooperation with Elbatech Srl, is made by an 6026 SML pearl-grey anodized aluminum alloy body (Ø 60 mm) (mil-led from full aluminum bar), with a ring-bezel rear cover in black Delrin (Ø 70 mm) and with a 8-mm thick front poly-carbonate glass. Its weight out of the water is 750 g, in the water 270 g.

LIGHT FEATURES:- High intensity LED diode: CREE LED array CXA1304, 900 lumen, 5000°K- Viewing Angle: from 85° to 140°- CRI: 90 to 95- Battery: Li-Ion rechargeable battery pack, 14.8V 2000 mAh (dedicated battery charger IMAX B6AC included)- Burn Time: 120 minutes @ 100%- Hydrostatic test: 120 minutes @ 9 bar- Electronics: custom-made power-led driver (Elbatech Srl, Marciana (LI), Italy)

Our scuba light model 170/30 N is offered a beautiful blue briefcase containing:- 1 scuba led video light model C-95- 1 battery charger IMAX B6AC- 1 black Delrin dedicated holder terminating with an anodized aluminium SML pearl-grey sphere (Ø 25 mm)

About MECHANICS please refer to e-mail:

About ELECTRONICS please refer to ELBATECH e-mail:




Easydive LEO 3: the real news in the area of underwater housings for digital reflex cameras. We tested for you this innovative housing: a concentrate of technology inside a piece of art!

I don’t want to bother you with technical descriptions, which you might find together with lots of videos at I had the lucky chance to test LEO3 directly underwater for several time, and that’s my impressions that you’ll find reading these pages.It’s a revolutionary housing, suitable for every reflex camera. The product has been completely developed, designed and made in Italy with the highest security standards. Beautiful with its unique, accurate design but primarily effective during its use underwater.

There are lots of innovations: first and more evident for an uw housing is the brand new, appealing design, and its interesting details such as an unusual hinged opening and the two handles made out directly from the mold and extremely ergonomic. The handles accommodate the two electronic boards needed to operate commands. Thanks to these new handles, the keyboards are even more easy and intuitive to use. Some button is located at the front side of the handles: the red shutter button, for instance, is exceptionally quick to push with your forefinger, like a “normal” camera.

Before entering into details of the inner electronic components, we notice the base-hinged back, wrought to secure tests over and above 200 meters and to reduce the total weight.Electronics is a strong point: slots are situated inside the handles, in water-tight compartments obtained from solid. This makes every component safe from bumps and interferences plus, being covered by resin, completely wa-terproof.




WORDS and PICTURESalberto balbi

When we open the housing we find at the bottom another LEO3 revolution: the camera connection. Each camera model has its own customized base to match simultaneously both mechani-cally and electronically with the hous-ing, that recognizes the camera auto-matically.

Moreover, Easydive supplies to the photographer a slot, to be connected to the multi-pin port at the base, so that all the system may be updated by the user through the file that Easydive technicians will send by e-mail, avoid-ing to physically send the housing back to the firm and reducing risks, time losses and costs.In the same way users may update the firmware once they change the camera model.

Let’s have a look into LEO3 features:

- Body of cast aluminum completely restyled: LEO3 is slightly higher, al-lowing the opening of the camera inner flash and take better advantage of the standard double optic fiber connections;

- Ergonomic handles completely re-designed: any button is at your finger-tip: 4 front trigger commands and 16 rear buttons;

- Remote software upgrades: whenever the customer wishes to change his camera, or add a new one, he shouldn’t send the housing or the electron-ic control unit back to the firm. He’ll simply have to buy on-line, or through e-mail, the appropriate software upgrade and, through the slot included into the optional programming kit, connect to LEO3, switch it on and the upgrade will perform automatically.

- Double standard Nikons 5pins flash connectors: inside, a switch allows selection between different modes: 5 or 3 pins, synchro, 1 or both active con-nections



- Porthole ring at your choice, which makes leo3 compatible with most ports available on the market, even other brands’.

- Visible and audible moisture and leak alarm performed by 4 flashing led

- Predisposed for vacuum sys-tem (optional)And now, the most important part: the very first underwater test at sea for this housing.

I was pretty curious about test-ing LEO3 underwater, since I fol-lowed Easydive engineers and Fabio Benvenuti, Easydive dy-namic owner, during the making of.

Look is important and LEO3 is re-ally a design piece-of-art, but it’s underwater that this new hous-ing needs to rise to the occasion.Since I had the chance to use the housing for a sufficient period of


I could test it in a serious way in different situations. The evening before I assembled carefully my LEO3, inserting my Nikon D300 and switching on the vacuum system (optional), which allows vacuum inside the housing so that you may notice possible leaks due to assembly errors or dust/hair between the sealing o-rings and the back.

For my first dive I decided to bring only the camera, without any strobe or light nor accessories, to check the housing’s buoyancy.

Underwater the feeling is immediate: the project that drove Easydive designers carving the handles was perfect. LEO3 is my hands’ extension and every but-ton, both front and back, are at my fingertips.

Without strobes the housing, that weights about 3,8kg outside the water, be-comes neutral or slightly positive, depending on the lens and the dome mounted.

It is possible switching on and off the con-trol unit direct-ly from the ex-ternal control panel, and when you choose the off position, the camera goes in stand-by mode, without dis-charging its battery. After an initial moment, necessary to become familiar with buttons position, it’s been easy and immediate focusing, shooting, choosing the focus point and playing with ISO, shutter times and apertures: to perform these actions using LEO2 you need two buttons together… What jumps immediately to attention, is how fast the electronics response when switching from a command to an-other is.I performed some ambient light shot trying to achieve the automatism of movements, basic when you need your housing working to its full capacity like I do.



Once Fabio Benvenuti (who’s always offering a direct line to his customers) and I got out of the water, we tried to set the housing for next dives, fully equipped with my heavy Sub-tronic strobes.Personally, I prefer a slightly negative buoyancy, therefore we decided to mount Car-bonarm medium length arms, performing a floating thrust of 300gr.

Everything’s ready for my wreck dive: control panel battery connected, charge indicators led checked, vac-uum system activated, cam-era on.

During the descent, I start extending the arms and placing the strobes and it’s suddenly clear that Fabio’s advices were perfect: the housing is slightly negative allowing a perfect balance. When you put your hands on the carved handles you en-

ter into a photographer/housing relationship almost intimate and shooting becomes easy like out of the water.

There’s no need to navigate the main menu looking for the command need-ed: everything comes easily by pushing the right button, more precisely one of the 20 buttons with their functions clearly indicated on the plate where they’re located.

Working with LEO3 is fun! Buoyancy is perfect enough to let you shoot troubleless by one hand. Autofocus is quick and precise, mode changes are immediate and the magnifier placed directly on the camera eyepiece shows the whole scene framed and setting references directly inside the viewfinder.In little more than one and a half hour dive I had never to slow down, never to stop nor housing/cam-era related blocking: I’m really im-pressed by this new housing!!!

For my last test, I decided to take ad-vantage of one out of the features that make this housing unique: the camera model interchangeability. Easydive supplied the base and the software for my Canon 7d, through which I’d like to make some further photo and video tests. Every base corresponds to the camera model so that it may be pulled out of the housing without problems and, most im-portant, the new control unit recognizes automatically the camera you’re using.I switched from Nikon d300 to Canon 7d and the only thing I had to change, for my utility only, was the left command panel to better manage the video shooting. Setting procedures are exactly the same: once the camera is inside, switch both camera and control panel on checking from the bottom led the bat-

tery charge status. Then close the housing, vacuum and you’re ready to dive!With the same Carbonarm arms setting, I mounted two Easydive Revolution lights.Underwater the balance is per-fect even under this set up, and the housing steadiness is unbelievable!Switching from photo to video is more than easy and every



video command on the left control panel is placed under operational smartness, while through the right control pan-el it’s possible to enlarge the image to perfectly focus.

At the moment, using Can-on reflex cameras in photo mode, it’s not possible using the focus pointer selection, even if while we’re writing Fabio informs that he’s look-ing for filling this gap.

However, Canon offers the chance of visualizing these parameters directly on dis-play, while with the compet-itor brand you should veri-fy through the viewfinder (I have to say that I always did it through the viewfinder, and I feel comfortable both ways). Every other command is easy to use: shutter speed, aper-ture, white balance, record-ing, etc…

It was great fun shooting pho-tos and videos, and the smart-ness of switching from one mode to the other is amazing!


LEO3 is a really breakthrough news in the field of underwater photo and video. Interchangeability of camera bodies allows an everlasting invest-ment, primarily for the possibility of updating the software and the firm-ware directly by the user through the electronic tool and the usb pendrive supplied by Easydive.

What’s really impressive is this new electronics, but mostly the spectacu-lar ergonomics and the perfect buoyancy. Not last, the one of a kind de-sign Made in Italy, unique just the way Italians can do it: during the official presentation at the latest Eudi Show, LEO3 has been compared to a piece of art… and I agree!

Please visit, video section: you’ll find all LEO3 presenta-tion clips plus several trials, together with Fabio Benvenuti’s telephone and Skype contact for a direct speech or chat.




Material: Anticorodal aluminum

Deep dive test: -100 m (150 upon request)

Port Hole: locked bayonet-mounted (adapting ring for Leo II or other brands upon request)

Commands: electronics, manual focus ring gear

Strobes:2 standard nikonos flash connectors plus 2 optic fiber connectors

Rear: hinge closure through 2 safety closing hooks


Body: -housing of cast aluminum -handles of cast aluminum, built-in with the body -predisposed starting spheres for arms & pilot light -wide rear 10mm polycarbonate monitor -hinge closure through 2 safety stainless steel closing hooks -double standard nikonos 5 pins flash connectors -double optic fiber connectors -manual focus ring gear for zoom lenses

Commands: 20 wet contact magnetic buttons


Rear AF(x5-x10), F-, F+, T-, T+, ISO+, ISO-, on/off

Front Mode, Shoot


Rear AF-ON, Video mode, WB preset, Focus+, Focus-, Metering Mode, Drive Mode, on/off

Front AF-mode, RecPDF coming soon


Rear AF, F-, F+, T-, T+, ISO+, ISO-, on/off

Front Mode, Shoot


Rear Metering Mode, focus point up, down, right, left, Ev+, Ev-, on/off

Front AF-mode, WB preset




• Height: 220 mm.• Width handles included: 330 mm.• Depth: 120 mm.• Leo3 port diameter: Ø105 mm.• Weight: 3.8 Kg• Maximum depth rating: 100 m (Deep Dive Test up to 150 m)Ports sold separately

Registration:from September 11st 2015to October 19th 2015

“Divers for Africa”, actively involved for years in supporting the St. Francis Hospital in Ifakara, Tanzania, by organizing theatrical events and a prestigious photography competition, in 2015 will take the Dive Days back to Bologna.After three years break spent planning events and dives at various locations along the Adriatic coast, DFA return home on their tenth anniversary and planned a soi-ree at the Tivoli Theatre in Bologna, where their adventure began in 2004.Beyond the showing of brand new videos and the presence of guests of excellen-ce, the heart of Bologna Dive Days will be, as always, the Divers for Africa Photo/Vi-deo Contest, which, as the title suggests, this year is enriched by the Video section. Basically, the competition’s formula, except for some adjustment due to the new shooting technologies and techniques, will be the one of the classical Photo/Video Contest. In few words, the formula that enabled Divers for Africa receiving, for two consecutive years, the prestigious award established by the EUDI show organization.

Divided into THREE CATEGORIES, Reflex / Mirrorless - Compact - Video, the contest will see participants express themselves in the sections of Macro photogra-phy, wide-angle images and pictures outside the water when significant of the man / water relationship. The video section is single and, apart from the maximum time duration, contestants will have the greatest freedom of rendering.

PHOTOGRAPHYPortfolio Underwater World

Underwater World in Wide AngleUnderwater World in Macro / Close-up

Man and water

VIDEOFive minutes underwater

To participate to PORTFOLIO UNDERWATER WORLD section, send three color images, not repetitive, highlighting the environment, flora and fauna of the un-derwater world.

UNDERWATER WORLD IN WIDE ANGLE section allow up to a maximum of th-ree color or B / W images, made with wide-angle lenses, portraying scenes of underwater life.The author is free to interpret the theme using any shooting technique, including backlit and in / out mix at the maximum ratio of 1/2 of the frame.

UNDERWATER WORLD IN MACRO / CLOSE-UP section allow up to a maximum of three color or B / W images portraying the entire subject or well-defined details of a subject or underwater life.

MAN AND WATER section allow up to a maximum of three color or B / W images, significant of the man / water relationship.The shooting, carried out outdoors, can also be a creative and artistic interpreta-tion of scenarios tying unequivocally man and water.Photomontages and structural changes of the files made through image editing programs are not allowed.In / out pictures where both the human subject and the outside shooting portion cover at least two-thirds of the frame are allowed.

Video Section - FIVE MINUTES UNDERWATER allow up to a maximum of two vi-deos on any subject, with a maximum time duration of 5 minutes each.Outdoor shooting may be part of the movie, for a maximum of 1/3 of its total time. Movies can either represent images and scenes of underwater life in the sea, rivers and lakes.Videos must be recorded in digital MP4 format HD resolution (1080p).

JURIES, split by Photography and Video category, will be composed of experts and technicians in the field that will produce the ranking with the names of the top three for each of the sections in the contest.An extremely delicate task, given the size of the jackpot made available by the many sponsors who, for years, supported the initiatives of the Bolognese asso-ciation.




PORTFOLIO UNDERWATER WORLD1st prize: 7 nights stay / diver – Siladen Island Offered by Aquadiving / Siladen Resort

2nd prize: Full day diving – Argentario Offered by Argentario Divers

3rd prize: Book Magenes editions Offered by Magenes

UNDERWATER WORLD IN WIDE ANGLE1st prize: Full day diving – Tegnue Offered by Albarella Diving Center

2nd prize: Handling bracket Offered by Easydive

3rd prize: Book Magenes editions Offered by Magenes

UNDERWATER WORLD IN MACRO / CLOSE-UP1st prize: Photographic equipment bag Offered by Foto Sub Shop

2nd prize: Annual subscription to Il Subacqueo magazine Offered by Il Subacqueo editorial office

3rd prize: Book Magenes editions Offered by Magenes

MAN AND WATER1st prize: Full day diving – Argentario Offered by Argentario Divers

2nd prize: Photographic equipment hard waterproof case Offered by Sarti Sport

3rd prize: Book Magenes editions Offered by Magenes


PORTFOLIO UNDERWATER WORLD1st prize: Red Sea Liveaboard cruise Offered by Red Sea Yachting & Diving Scuba Swiss

2nd prize: Full day diving – Tegnue Offered by Isamar Diving Center

3rd prize: Book Magenes editions Offered by Magenes

UNDERWATER WORLD IN WIDE ANGLE1st prize: Full day diving – Elba island Offered by Diving in Elba

2nd prize: Voucher € 100,00 Offered by Isotecnic by Elisa Isotta

3rd prize: Book Magenes editions Offered by Magenes

UNDERWATER WORLD IN MACRO / CLOSE-UP1st prize: Full day diving – Numana Offered by Monte Conero Dive Centre

2nd prize: Photographic equipment bag Offered by Foto Sub Shop

3rd prize: Book Magenes editions Offered by Magenes

MAN AND WATER1st prize: PC Lite dive light Offered by Sarti Sport

2nd prize: Annual subscription to Il Subacqueo magazine Offered by Il Subacqueo editorial office

3rd prize: Book Magenes editions Offered by Magenes


FIVE MINUTES UNDERWATER1st prize: 7 nights stay / diver – Puerto Galera, Philippines Offered by Fishermen’s Cove Resort, Philippines

2nd prize: Voucher € 300,00 for purchasing a housing Offered by Nimar

3rd prize: Annual subscription to Il Subacqueo magazine Offered by Il Subacqueo editorial office


HISTORICAL DIVING SOCIETY ITALIA PRIZEA jury specially appointed among Historical Diving Society Italy members, will se-lect between all the images presented to “DIVERS FOR AFRICA - photo contest 2015” the most representative work of the essence that endlessly enlivened his friend Andrea Ghisotti’s activity.

DIVERS FOR AFRICA PHOTO/VIDEO CONTESTThe Organizing Committee, at its incontestable discretion, could assign special awards to extra ranking photos / videos expressing a distinctive interest either photographic, scientific, naturalistic, etc.

The awards ceremony will take place on November 13, 2015 during the Divers for Africa “DIVE DAYS 2015” gala at Tivoli Theatre - Via Massarenti 418 - Bologna

For those who still do not know the activities of the “Divers for Africa - non-profit organization,” we would like to re-mind that their efforts have always been aimed at maintaining the effective working relationship instituted between the Faculty of Medicine of the S. Orsola Hospital in Bologna and the St. Francis Hospital in Ifakara, Tanzania.Relationship that, over the years, became officially an agreement signed between the two hospitals in the name of a common friend: the surgeon and founder of Divers for Africa, Dr. Manuele Grazia.Every year, the Divers for Africa choose a target that, until now, they never failed. Continuing the path taken four years ago, the development at St. Francis of laparoscopic surgery, for the current year the primary goal of the DFA is the buying and sending to Tanzania of new laparoscopy probes kit.Not only that, waiting to refine the appropriate agreements, the DFA have already planned the departure from Italy of a medical team (surgeons - nurses - anesthesiologists) going directly to operate and organize proficiency-training courses at the St. Francis in Ifakara.

For further info:Phone: +39 051 576069 | e-mail:

site: www. | Facebook


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