Science and the Bible, Part 7: The Ark on Ararat


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Science and the Bible, Part 7: The Ark on


• Ancient coin depicting ark (3rd century AD)

• 20 miles south of Mt. Ararat, at 7,000 feet, is a boat-shaped formation exceeding 500 feet that some thought was the ark (first photographed in 1960, above photo prior to earthquake in 1978 where earth dropped around sides

For detailed rebuttal to Ron Wyatt’s claims that the structure on prior pictures was the ark, see:

convincing claims stands up.


Note: Before Ron Wyatt passed away in 2000, he had made claims not only of discovering and “proving” Noah’s ark but also who claims to have found virtually every archaeological site of interest to Christians. His alleged ‘finds’ are nothing short of astonishing and include: of:• The true site of the crucifixion • The Ark of the Covenant • The true Mount Sinai (with a plaque announcing it as such) • The site of Korah’s earthquake • The true site of the Israelites’ Red Sea crossing, also with a marker ‘built by King Solomon’ as a memorial • Chariot wheels from Pharaoh’s drowned army • The actual rock Moses struck to release water • Noah’s grave • Noah’s house • Mrs Noah’s grave (containing a fortune—her gold and jewelry) • Moses’ stone tablets containing the Ten Commandments, held together with golden hinges

Reputable creationists long ago distanced and disassociated themselves with him and his research and reputation

convincing claims stands up.


Others like Bill Crouse have argued the ark is on Mount Judi (Cudi in Turkish, in southeast Turkey) rather than AraratIn 2008, Bob Cornuke released a DVD that argues the ark actually landed on another mountain range in the Elburz Mountains, Mount Suleiman, about 54 miles from Tehran, the capital of Iran.Previously (2001) Cornuke was convinced that the Ark had landed on Mount Sabalan in Iran (his research has been challenged by many Christians to publish his findings in a peer-reviewed publication, but he has not yet and thus is questionable at best)'s_Ark_DVD_Review.htm

Another recent news release (not covered much by

mainstream media) suggests it’s none of those mountain

ranges at all.

Another recent news release (not covered much by

mainstream media) suggests it’s none of those mountain

ranges at all.

Where has the ark been discovered?Where has the ark been discovered?

Noah’s Ark on Mars 2

George Sanford, Weekly World News, 30 April 2002, pp. 24-25.

George Sanford, Weekly World News, 30 April 2002, pp. 24-25.
