School uniform and its influence on the pupils.. The aim of my work is to find out and analyze the...


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School uniform and its influence on the pupils.

The aim of my work is to find out and analyze the role of school uniform in different countries.

The tasks are:1. To find information about school uniform in

different countries.2. To analyze and systematize the information.3. To ask pupils, teachers and parents about their

attitude to wearing school uniform.4. To summarize the results of my research.

The object of my research is the school uniform, the subject is the influence of school uniform on the


The hypotheses is: if the pupils wear school uniform, it influences positive their attitude to the studying and makes

children more disciplined.


In recent times Year 12 students at Australian schools have been allowed to wear special jumpers (jerseys) or printed tops to denote their final year status. In some schools this has taken the form of a different coloured jumper.


The junior and senior high school uniform traditionally consists of a black military style uniform for boys and a sailor outfit for girls. These uniforms are based on formal military dress, which were in turn modeled on European-style naval uniforms


Schools usually enforce their school uniform code thoroughly, with regular checks by teachers and prefects. Students who fail to comply may be warned, given demerit points, publicly punished, sent home from school or even caned.


For boys, a school uniform normally consists of a white shirt with short sleeves and slacks of either khaki, black or blue. For girls, a uniform would be a white blouse with short sleeves, a ribbon, a necktie and a skirt.

Russia Boys generally wore dark blue

pants and jackets, girls — brown dresses with black aprons and black bows (on special occasions, white aprons and bows were worn). The members of the Young Pioneer organization, wore famous red neckties.

Today, there is no unified standard uniform in Russia, however, many gymnasiums and lyceums, especially prestigious ones, as well as certain schools may have their own uniform that students are required to wear.


All schools in Singapore require students to wear school uniforms. The normal uniform for boys is shorts/long pants, as well as a short sleeve shirt. Girls' uniforms include pinafores or skirts, with blouses and shorts underneath.

The United Kingdom

Almost all British schools require pupils to wear uniforms, although further education colleges (for age 16+) do not usually have a uniform.

on the picture we see English pupils in modern school uniform


White smocks are the most widely known school uniforms of public schools in Argentina.


In Chile, most schools have a uniform.


Uniforms for boys in the winter usually consist of a zip up sweater and pants and a collared shirt (usually white), with shorts or pants in the summer. The uniforms for girls in the winter are basically the same as the boys' uniform.

India Schools uniforms are

generally compulsory in India, from primary to higher-secondary level. Boys' uniforms often consist of light-colored shirt, usually blue or white, and dark long trousers or shorts. Girls' uniforms are most often shirt and skirt, especially at the primary level. Most schools, whether public or private, prohibit the students from wearing long hair and/or coloring it.

Turkey School uniforms are used in all public and

private institutions. The uniforms vary in their appearance; primary schools use one-piece blue uniforms while in secondary and highschools boys wear dark grey trousers with white shirts, jackets and a tie. Girls have skirts and shirts colored like boys plus a tie.

Countries with strict school Countries, that haven’t

uniform school uniform• Australia Singapore• Canada South Korea• Ireland The UK• Israel The USA• Japan Argentina• Malaysia Brazil• New Zeeland Chile • China• Cuba• India• Thailand• Turkey• Pakistan• Philippines

• Germany• France• Italy• Spain• Russia


1. What do you think, do you need a school uniform?

• -yes (9)• -no (21)

2. Has anything changed in your school life after the introduction of the

form?• -yes (12)• -no (18)

3. What does school uniform affect?

• -your attitude to learning (17)• -treatment among classmates (3)• -mood (12)• -discipline (9)• -doesn’t affect something (2)

4. Do you like your school uniform?• -yes (10)• -no (20)

5. What would you like to see as a school uniform?

• 1) classical style (3)• 2) casual clothing (11)• 3) uniform of the Soviet period (1)• 4) jeans set(3)• 5) formal style (12) • 6)your version. Sport style (Adidas, Nike) (2)

Education systems` rating of the world

1. Finland2. South Korea3. Honking4. Japan5. Singapore6. Great Britain7. Holland8. New Zeeland9. Switzerland10.Canada

11. Ireland12. Denmark13. Australia14. Pollen15. Germany16. Belgium17. The USA18. Hungary19. Slovakia20. Russia

Conclusion.• My hypothesis is true, because wearing

school uniform has many positive aspects. • Firstly, the school uniform has strictness

which make children study at school more seriously.

• Secondly, school uniform makes children more disciplined.

