School of Basic and Applied Sciences Department of Basic


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School of Basic and Applied Sciences

Department of Basic Sciences

Title: Minutes of Meeting & Action Taken Report

Academic Year: 2018-19

Following division’s Minutes of Meeting & Action Taken Report on curricular aspects

are enclosed below:

1. Division of Chemistry

2. Division of Physics

3. Division of Mathematics

Stakeholders included are:

• Students

• Teachers

• Parents

• Alumni

• Employers

(, (,r\l(r()l lz\StrNtvtl{\ll\'

LI l(-' \r ( url!lrl,U I ccdl).r!L lll(.).\( Nlo\l Drl'.: ll'l t,l llI lt)

r\ mccting of PCs, DCr Counc Coordirulon of B.Sc. (H) Chcmistry ud M Scj Chomistry

pmgrams-.rf School of Baric md Appllcd Sclcnces' Calgotias Univarsity Utttt hldcsh wltionwncd by thc Dean in thc rcom numbo A'205 on l&022019 from ll:30 m in ordcr to

huvc c discursion rs pcr thc clrcularcd qcndr.

.\gcorln of lhc nlccling

Discusioo lnri Dctisions TrIcn

.\tiur li'mlol \r:lcunrc sJrccch Dcan claboratcd thc objc,clivcr und ugcndu crfthc nrccting. ln thc

hcpinning ol rhc I)IQAC mccting Dcan askcd thc prcscntcd mcmbcrs to shtrc thc orol md,, rrttcn I'ccrJbncls givcn b)' our studcnts, tcuchcn. alumni. plrcnts und cmplol crs ubout our B'

s- ( ll r tnd \'1. Sc. ( herrristry progmm. Hc told thll on thc bssis of the licrlbacks givcn by our

srlh,.lrrrklcrs. our ll. \c,(1{) und M.Sc. Chcmistry pmgrom curriculum and syllabus will bc

upJarcrl. llc cmphusiecd that wc should upduc our 8,Sc,(H) atrd lU.Sc. ChcmistD cuniculum

lnrJ sl lllbus !s pcr thc fccdback givca by thc stakcholdcn lo ptlpsrt out studcnB ss plt lhc

rrccd rrl lltt tiutc.

l'rc\cntcd l'('/[X'/Coursc C]rx:rdinulorJ fuculty mcmbcrs shutd thc fccdbocks Sivcn b)'thc\ rri('ui stlkcholdcru unrl its unolysis in tllc fllccling onc by onc. A dctroilcd discussion wlr hcld,'l licdbock givcn by cuch stskcholdcr lnd all tricd to undcrshnd thc objcctives bchlnd thc

gircn ruggestions, A comprrison was also donc on thc staklholdcn' fccdbocks rrccivcd inprcr rt,ur lcrni lnd prescrl )'e8t.

l) L\isrin[ syllrhur of lhc B, Sc.(H) And N'l.Sc. pru8tam complrcd with he nccivcdti.cdh:rcks rrl thc \trkcholdcrs lnd 8up onalyrs done.

lr l,' lill rlrc gups. lircultl' rncnrbcrs havc rccomntcndcd thot onc workhop is nccdcd tocnhurrec lhc knrr$ lcdgc oIstud€nls.

il \('rttc tnulilicotions \rcrc donc to improve thc syllobus ard cuniculum ofthc proSram ofIt.u rll)('hcnristq bascd upon thc salicholdcrs' fccdback.

Agcnda of thc metin8 w&t os follow:

To adeotiry thc curriculum 8!p(t) lnd l,o EIr lPproprittc mcasurcs ro flll rhc grp(s). brscd on

rhc $dysb of rhr fccdbrks givcn by rll snkcholdcn i.c. sludrnts, lcochcfs, alumni. parcnB.

cmployirs of Division of Cbolnlrrry. School of Brsic lrd Applicd Sciqnccs in lhc sgdcmhscssion 2018-2019 rcsrdlng B.Sc. (H) Ch?mirry tnd M.Sc. Ctemirtry pm3nm-






Scanned with Camscanner

Sctrr-r-trl of ll:rsic rrnd Altplied Scicnccs

School of lhsic rnd Applled SclcnccsDivirlol of Chcmlnry

Minutes of thc Mceling


( ir\l (r( ) I lz\SuNl lr\II\',

Ncw cxpcimcnB rccommcndcd fot lhc

lPprovll ln Bos.

Rccommcndcd to conducr Cdurriculurstivity/worlshop.

Follorvlnl rclloul rvcrc rc<ommcartcd lo lmprovc lhc rylhbur rnd currlcol[m o[ lhcprogro

"Utcbclor otsclcncc B.Sc. (ll) Chcmlirry brtcit upoll the stlkrholdcn' fccdbrck'

i\lr.r\Lrr(nrcnl\" .'c,l t.' lrc u|ditlcd('0mmunicnlivc l:nglish rcquircd Rccommctdcd for thc approral in 1!OS

l rrrrrrr li'r r.rrctl Jnd complctc tyllubusi ilr tt !! I fLlll LI c.ll \lro; ( rr"('urriuul;rr acti!it;i\\,xlishops lo lrc conductcrl.

fo cnhuncc thc Ldorotory focilities Snggcccd for cnhanccmcnt of llb ficilities I

with csscnthl chcmic!|s nnd lpprralus. I


Stllahus rcririon is rcquircrJ inSncctrrr\urrPiu lcchniqucr inlnr'rEurc ( hcnllslry'. 'Solid Surtc

I c'hcrnisrry' und 'OrglItomaallicI ('krnistn--'.

1l\'o*shop or cxlr! oo.cuniculo,I activitics ro bc conductcd.

Syllabus rcvisior hs bccn recommcndcd for thcopprovel in BOS. Work tus bccn $srtcd lo rtvitron thc ryllftur rs sulgcrld for M.Sc. progrlm onchcmiltry ond rccommotdcd lor thc oppmval

Suggostcd to conduct Wo.l6hoC crtn co.curriculnt actlvitics

Ficlrl or Lob visit to bc conductcd Rccomrmndcd for Ficld or Lab vlsit.

l)cun apprcciatcd thc cor.!-cm of ull mtl sssurld lhol all liasiblc suSSesrions givcn regudinguhlngc in thc s1'lluhur *ill bc prcxntcd in thc ne[t Prc-BOS ond Dourl of Studics (BOS)rnrcting ol'thc s,chool nnd rvill tr) to incorporatc thcm oll in our B. Sc.(H) and M.Sc, Chcmistryt(\Urscs.






Sr. Ntr,


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( cd.rn c\NrirrcIl\ tn l. h ( rlrrsccrrtitlcJ "ll,rrrrlr orr \\'urkslroF unlllrir Aurlr trcal lcuhniqucr and

School of Rrrslc unrt Ap;llictl Scicnccs

4) Revblun of ryllabur wrr ruggorrcd ln comln 0{ rsr of M,$c Clranhnry ruch rr'spcctroscopic Tcohniqucs in- lnorgrnlc Chomhrry', 'Solld Sutc Chcmirtry' ud'orlrnor €tnllic Chcmiltry'.

8) Flcld w6rk rnd hborttory oxpcrimcntr nocd to bc anhncod rs pct sutgc ions.



licrdl r:rclJSu g gcsl iutts Itcr:unrurcntlrtions b.r' \c


Followlng trcllotr! $crc rccourmcndcrt lo lmprovc lhc 6ylhbu! lrod curriculum of ahe

protnm Mlrlcr oI Scicnce M.Sc. Cbcmlstry bucd upoa ihe rtllrcholdcrr' fccdblcL"

sr. No. I

s4 A

Iiriili,nr rnc rr,l;r tl,r ns b.v l)l(J,\CSll kcholrlr rs Iicctlllttck




Dr. Anjali Cupta

Dr. Lalit Pruad

Dr. Pr,reijo Agarwal

Dr. Subhrlasmi Pradhan

Dr. Shutht Ahmsd Khsn

Dr, Chandrclcc Suho

Dr. l'inki Chakraborty

Nonre and signuture ofthc prcscntcd mcmbcrs

Sr. No. Nnme of Frculty [tcmhcr

[)r. Dirvoknr Chauhan

School of Brsic rnd A licd Sciences

Focu lty

lrleeting cndcd with thc votc olth8nks to thc chair,


. K. JoinDt'mSchsrl ol llruic und Applicd Scicnccs


,,\- Surnrrrrn ol'lhc Fccdbacl givcn by Studcnull' Sunrmary ol'thc Fc','dbock givcn by TcachcmC - Su nlrr) ol'lhe rccdb ck givcn by Alumnil)- Sumrncry of thc Fccdbock givcn by Parcnts

['- Summory ol'thc Fccdhck givr,'n by Employcrs

Sccrctary to VC for information to H'ble VC MadamDcan. IQAC lor ncccssry actionS$crcbry to PVC Academics for informarion o H'blc PVC Sirt{cgistrar Oflicc\\'cbsitc in<horgc for uploading on GU WcbsitcCuard Filc

( ('




o l/.



Dr. Mccnakshi Singh Foculry





Scanned wrth CamScanner




Dr. A.K. Jain






Kth (ld

@!ii,:'iii'ir School of lllsic rrrrtl Applicd Sticnccs

( rl lt.) \( ( rrrlltttl,r I ucrlhrrrL.l)l(.).,\( .\ ll{

School of Bnsic ond Appllcd Scisncc!

Actlon Ttkcr Rtporl on lho Fccdbrclr oltbo Slrkcioldln

SludcoB Pccd buck

('U 'l'cochcrs

llunrnl l'ccdfccdhtck

hlckt) lt$rcttts Fccdbuck

l'ltrlPlor crr r<dbrckl.: l.'

louo*ing rc,ions * "r !uk:t,,u,l1t1il.,I;llib;lll,Lfi :Iffil ;[lIf,T,11illRrchchrr of Sclcocr: Il.Sc. (II) u

upoD thc ir!krboklcrs' fctdblclc

ll.Sc I lonr Chenrlslrr

Ccnoin c\Ptrimlnrs in t ab Cou Ncw cx

cntitlcd "lllnds on Workshop

l|.r. r. \tt.t lrrictl Tcchniqucstobcuish rcquired

pctimcnts includcd in ihc sylllbur

English tl is intniuccd uith(

morc focuscd nnd complac syll$us rcvision ofsYllabus

chun uircd.Workshop c0nduct cd for thc samc

Co-Cunicu Irr sctivll)I rtruhops to bc conducted

\ ('h c Il itl

\r ll.rhtts rErtslon 15 nquirc{ ul

S flcr t! (r\t ()ll ta Tcctrniqrcs ln

lnorgmic Llrcmiitry'. 'Solid Sutc

( hcmi\tr]' snd 'Orgmomct! llrc

hcmistco-tunicullr(.rrkshon Lrr ('\tr'l


l-I l

tics to bc conduc tcd.

Dr, r\. K. Join

Sil,,' or r*,. ond APPlicd Scicnces





in 'SPceuoscoPtc

nic Chcmi$r.v" 'Solid

and 'OrgrnomculllcTechniqrn in lnorgt$!tc Chcmisnr)'Clrcmi*Y' subJccu'


Wo*rhoP conductcd for thc ssmc'

r tEfillllIlEIEI@EE!I@


Scanned with CamScanner

Srlkclroldcrs ftcdluck Actlttn Tukcn



\ :$\

(j I \t\ tl\ll School of Basic andApplied Sciences

GU/lQACiClrricular t:c!'dback'DIQA('/McrV Date: 05/02r2019

XI in u tes ol'the trlcct ing

A mceting. of faculty membcrs of Division of l\.larlrcmulics. School of Basic and AppliedSciences, Galgotias University Uttar Pradesh was convened by the Dean in the room. 4-205on 05.02.2019 from I0:30 arn to have a discussion and rake decisions as per the circLrlatedagenda.

Agenda ol the meelingAgenda of the mceting $'as as lbllou

To identify the curriculum gap(s) and tu takc measurcs to fill the gap(s) bascd on the analysisof the leedbacks given by all stakeholders i.c. students, tcirchcrs, parenls. alumni of Divisionof l\'lalhematics. School ol Basic and Applied Sciences, in the academic session 2018-2019regarding M.Sc Malhematics prograrn.

Discussion and l)rcisions 'l'aken

Atier tbrmal rvelconre speech. Dean elaborxted lhc objcctircs and agenda ol th!'nreeting. lnthe bcginning of thc DIQAC mccting. Dean askcd thc prcstntr.'d members to sharc lh!'oral nd*'ritten li'edhacks lriven by.' orrr snrdcnls, te.rchcr\ and parenls aboul M.Sc Mathematics. Hr'told th t on the basis ot the feedbacks given bv t'ur slakeholders. M.Sc MathenrJtius curriculumand syllabus will be updatcd. He emphasrzed lhat rve shottld update M.Sc Mathematicscurriculum and syllabtrs as pcr the t'ucdback given br thc stakeholders to prepare our studenls

as pijr lhe necd rrl'tlrc (imc.

Prescnted PClD( tirursc Coordinatorsr facttltv ttrenthers shared thc fectlbacks girrn by thc

various slakeholders and its analysis in thc nreelins ()nc b! one.

l) Existing syllabus of the M.Sc M:lthcmatics prr'r:rrnr e,'nlpared wilh lh.' received feedback

ofthe staksholdcr> and gap analyscs donc.

2) To fill the gap(s) rt s'us decided lo revie$ untl ttptltte sr lllhus accordinglv-

3) To map the sltl(lenrs' skills rvith thc indu'tl ci)tlrl\'rn) rnslrttllc rcquircrnenl tlecision takcn

to or-qanize workshoP.


$ ,\ll\tt\ School of Basic and

Applied Sciences

Follorving acaions \rcre recommrnded lo inrprrrt tlrL.srllabus and curriculum of theprogram of l\l.Sc ll'l:rthentltics based upon lhc' feedback:

Ncu cotrr rcs Elcctilc corrrscsshould hc utltlcd-S t utlenl. I-ircultr

llccrrrrrmended to dusitsn und introducerr:,r . iccliles.

CurriculLrnr should be contemponrn' -Facultv.

llcerrrrrnended to rclicrv . plan andrerlcsigln the whole curriculum as pcr

t rons|(ls !(\ted lo incorpor te SkillSkill der elopment courses should be as

per rccunt rlcrnantl- Flcrr lty, Alunrrri (1.\ c l( 'ptnent/Employability lbcusedcolrrsas.

New software or skill developmeut ('L'rrtlrrction ofworkshop rvas suggested.s orksh should be conductcd-St udcntBtnks are rcquiretl-Sludent ll, g'n16.n6a6 to provide requirement of

Ir,r,'l' ro thc libnrrv.

A detailed discussion hcld on ttcdback given hl crrclr ., '1.'rrolder and all tried to understandthc obj ectives bchinr'l thc gir cn s[ggBttions. ,\ e onr l'ri r i:,'r r ,.r . r s a lso done on thrj stakcholders'lbedbacks received in previous years and prcscnl r cur.

Dean appreci tcd thc conccnt ofall and tss re(l llrrl .,'t ' .1' lrlr.- strggcslions gt\.cn rcgarding

change in thc syllahus will bc prcsentcd in lhc ncrt I'.-llt t$ 3nd Board of Studies (BOS)

meeting of thc school :rnd $ill lrr lo incorpl'r]t( Il . f ' :'ll rr M.Sc Mathcmatrcs program.

Namc and signaturc ol'the presentrd mcmtrcrs



Dr. A.K.Jurn l)

) Dr. Babita 'tyrgi

Dr'. Dhrtbltlcntltt Santrtnll

I)r ll.l'Sinsh

Dr Arir(lhitnx I)utl Jiuharr

Dr ll.K Sinha @*.2tu---

ac trll r

l:ucrrlt r











Stnl(chol(lcrs Fecdback - -,.999..!!4ti,ni u.1orq4g _]

l_L I


Sr, No.


G School of Basic andr\ p plied Sciences

I'.r. rrli..

l:: r. rrlrr



Meeting endcd rr irh lhs vote olthanks ro thc ch;rl


School of Basic and Applied Sciences


A- Summary ol'thc |ccdback uivcn br SturlcnrsB- Summary of thc |eedback given br'1'eacher':C- Summary ol'the l',icdback given b1 AlunrniD- Summary ofthc Fcedback given bv Parerrls

l- Secretary to V( for inlbrmatiorr to Il'hlc \'( \lrrrl:rrrr

2- Dean, IQAC lirr ncccssary actron

3- Secretary to PVC Academics for infrtrrnrtiorr to I I 'h[- PVC Sir

4- Registrar Oflice5- Website in-charge for uploading on (iU \\'ch'itc6- Cuard Filc




plied Scrence r


I lfiar Pra

1 Dr. \ lrshl Oaulant

8 Dr. Anupama

9I)r. Alok l'ripathi

l0l) r. (l.l'\ crnrr


Schoot I )y 9r


L 1


(5 Scliool of Basic and,,\ p; Iicd Sciences

Folltlwing actions ncre ltkrr to itrpror( lhc svll:ri ,,s :rnr! ,,,rr.iculurrr ofthc program ofM.Sc lflathematics hascd upon the sllkr.hol,!r.r.' ''. rl!r(.ti.

GUrtQAC,Currictrlar Fcedback, DIQAC/A.t R

School of Basic and Applic<t Scicnrcs

Department of B:rsic Scicnces

Skill rlcr clopnrent counie\ slrolrl,l l,pcr rcccnt dcnrlnrl-ljacullr.,\lrrrrrni


r\ction'l'aken la(port on (hc lrcr' l, '. ,,t !l (.\, ,tirhol(lers

Sttttltrtlr Ijt r.r llr:,,'I ( itch( r'\ i ('r'( ",\lunrni I Lt,rll,.rr'.I'arcnls lir'(.rII'ir( 1.

INerv c0urscs,' Electi\'!- cortrscsshould hc :rrklcd-Student. I:.riult..

. rrtklcrl in curriculum bv thc

Curriculutu slrould bc collsnrplrJr.. - . curriculunr revised by thcI-'acul

, .(l ((rrc colrscs, clceti\ cs

t, rlt rr l

Nerv solt*irre or skill developnrL,rt , 'r1 l,\ lhon rvas conducted.slrorrkl he .trntir. tctl-St

of llasic and Applicd Sciencc.


School of gasic & APPlied Scrence 5

Galgoiias U n iversitY

Uttar Pradesh






Fcrd r llcr ,\clion Tsken



Sr, No.


School ofBasic and Applied SciencesGl. IQACrCurricular Feedback/DIeAC/MoM Date: l2/M/2019

Minutes of the Meeting

A nrccting of laculty members of B.Sc (Hons.) physics and M.Sc physics programs ofDirision of Physics' Schoor of Basic and Appried Sciences, cargotias university UttarPradcsh r'as convened by the Dean in the room number A-205 on l?104/2019 from I l:00AMin order to have a discussion and take decisions as per the circulated agenda.Agenda of the mceting

Agcnda ol'the meeting was as follow:

To identifu the curriculum gaps and to take measures to fi the gaps based on the analyses ofthe t'eedbacks given by all stakeholders i.e.students, teachers, alumni, parents of the School ol.Educati,n. in the academic session 2019-2020 regarding (Hons.) physics and M.ScPhr sicr progrlms.

Discussion and Decislons Taken

-'\lier f.rmal u'elc,me speech Dean eraborated the objectives and agenda of the meeting. Inthc beginning of the DIQAC meeting Dean asked the presented members to share the orarand r'rinen lbcdbacks given by our students, teachers, arumni, parents about our B.Sc (Hons.)I)hrsics and M.Sc Physics progr,rms. He tord that on the basis of the feedbacks given by ourstakcholtlers our B.Sc (Hons.) physics and M.Sc physics programs curricurum and sy abusurll be updated. He emphasized that we should update our B.Sc (Hons.) physics and M.ScPh'sics programs curriculum and sylabus as per thefeedback given by the stakeholders ro

prcparr our studcnts as pcr thc need of the time.

Prcsc'rlcrl PC.'DC/c ourse coordinators/ faculty members shared the feedbacks given by therarious srakeholders and its analysis in the meeting one by one. A detailed discussion washeld on t'eedback given by each stakehorder and alr tried to understand the objecrives behindthc givcn suggestions. A comparison was also done on the stakeholders' feedbacks receivedin prcvious years and present year.

l) L.xisting syllabus of the programs B.Sc (Hons.) physics and M.Sc physics progr.rms

compared with the received feedback of the stakeholders and gap analyses done.


School of B Applied Scrence )U niversitY


Galg a)

Ut'tbr Pra desh_YFlo

bOei utr31


(5i:,siss rt+;Basic and Applied Sciences

lr Rased upon the gap anarysis it was decided to intoduce a summer training course orinrcrnship.

J) l'or Qualitative development in consciousness of students, decision taken to conduct aeourse on Human Values_

4) Based upon the gap anarysis it was decided to introduce new courses on some advancedtopics like Nanomarerials and applications.

5) To map rhe students'skills with the industry/compaoy/institute requirement decision wastaken to organize a visir to NPL (National physical Laboratory) New Delhi.

Following actions were recommended to improve the sy[abus snd curricurum of theprogram (Hons) physics based upon the stakehorders, feedback.

Some training courses orinternship should be there in thecurriculum.Apan lromcuurses. Humanb!'conducted.

skill deve lopmentValue courses can

Following actions were recommended to improve the syllabus and curricurum of theprogram M.Sc Physics based upon the stakeholders, feedback.

School of


J pome advancedppplications shou

courses Iikc Nanomaterials It has been recommended to add theld be included in the curriculum. course in the curriculum in BOS

Iie rision rcquired in rhe syllabus of Atomic an\l olccular Ph SICS

Dean appreciated the concem of all and assured that all feasible suggestions given regardingchange in the sylrabus wilr be presented in the next pre-Bos and Board of studies (Bos)nrccting of rhe school and wi, try to incorporate them alr in B.Sc (Hons) physics program.Nanre and signature of the presented members


the approval in BOSRecommended for

A value-addedwas suggested

course on Human Values

ize some Lab visits forI better exposure t to NPL was suggestedA visi



It has been recommended to lncorporatcthe in the course rn BOS.

Sr. No, Sta keholdcrs Fecdback DIRccornmen dations



Rccornrnendafions by



School of Basic and Applied Sciences

Narrc and signature of the presented members


Dr.Shyamal Kundu






Meeting cnded with the vote of thanks to the chair.

Dr. A.K. Jain


School ol'Basic and Applied Sciences


A- Summary of the Feedback given by Students

B- Sunrmary of the Feedback given by Teachers

( - Sunrnrary ofthe Feedback given by Alumni

D- Sumrnary of the Feedback given by Parents


c & Applied Scrence.)ias Universityrr Pradesh

Name Designation Signature

I)r. A.K. Jain Dean vDr.Asheesh Kumar Cupta PC jp|-,-

Professor c_-Dr.Susmits Mazumdar Professor

,bDr.Anis Ahmad Professor .h^..Dr. Ranjeet Kumar Professor *e,Dr. Sanjeev Kunrar Professor tuDr.Prabhakar Associate Professor 6

Assistant Professor -lvhDr.J-voti

[)r.Shahzad Khanl0


Assistant Professor (-^(..,'-BMs. Snigdha Assistant Professor vy







9.gtSchool o

(, tt





(j (;ALGO I'[ASt, N I V E R S I T Y

School of Basic and Applied Sciences


l- Secretary ro VC for information to H'ble VC MadarD

l- Dean, IQAC for necessary action

3- Sccre tary to PVC Academics for information to H'blc PVC Sir

4- Registrar Office

5- \\'ebsite in-charge for uploading on GU Website

6- Guard File

(it I lQ..\(' Curricular Feedback/DIQAC/MoM





School ofBasic and Applied Sciences(;Lr' IQA('icturricular Feedback/DIeAC/ATR

School of Basic and Applied Sciences

Department of Basic Sciences

Action Takcn Report on the Feedback ofthe Stakeholders

.^{ Students Feedback

B Teachers Feedback

C Alumni Feedback

D Parents Feedback

lolkrwing actions rvere taken_ to improve the syllabus and curriculum of the pr<lgramsruf B.Sc (Hons.) Physics and physics basedupon the stskeholders' feedback.


rganize some Lab visits for bener

| .**r*"l{evision required in the syllabus ofAtornic and Molecular physics.



& Aoplied 5crence

omc advanced courses like

Nanomaterials and applications should

be included in the curriculum.

Apart from skill development courses,

Human Value courses can be


ome training courses or internshishould be there in the curriculum.

Summer training course added in the







School of Basic and Applied Scieaccs




>chool of B

G algo


A visit to NPL was organized

It is modified in BOS

vanced courses added as electives inAd

the curriculum

A value-added course on Human values

and ethics was conducted.

:u tta( e

Sr. No. Stakeholders Fecdback Action Taken
