School Leader’s - Rivervale Primary School · Aim: •To identify suitable students with high...


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School Leader’s

Tea Session with

P3 Parents

19 February 2021


• The slides will be made available on the School’s website after the briefing.

• No photography/videoing and/or uploading of today’s briefing on social media is allowed.

Objectives of Tea Session

• Opening Address by Principal• P3 Key Programmes for 2021

• Transition from P2 to P3

• Importance of Home – School Partnership

• Gifted Education Programme

School VisionThe Rivervale –

School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

* Character Excellence * Well-being Excellence * Academic Excellence *

The Rivervale – School of Excellence, Individuals of Character

School MissionTo inspire and develop Riverlites to be responsible citizens

and passionate learners.

School MottoSucceed and Excel









Our Core Values


P3 Key programmes for 2021

S/N Date Activity

1. 5 - 6 January Start it Right Programme

2. 23 January Math and Science Session with Parents

3. 19 February SL Tea session with Parents – P3

4. 1 March MTL Fortnight

5. 2 - 3 March P3 ALP week

6. 10 - 11 March P3 NE LJ


P3 Key programmes for 2021

S/N Date Activity

1. 22 March Sports Carnival

2. 23 March P3 Level Leaders Meeting

3. 27 March EL and MT Session with Parents

4. 30 April P3 MA WA

5. 28 April P3 Oral

6. 11 May P3 SC WA

7. 25 and 27 May P3 ALP

6. 28 May P3 PTM


P3 Key programmes for 2021

S/N Date Activity

1. 2 August P3 EL WA

2. 3 August P3 MA WA

3. 4 August P3 MT WA

4. 5 August P3 SC WA

5. 18 August GEP Screening Exercise

6. 5 September Teachers’ Day Celebration


P3 Key programmes for 2021

S/N Date Activity

1. 4 October Children’s Day Celebration

2. 11 October SA2 LC

3. 13 October SA2 Oral

4. 19 - 20 October GEP Selection Exercise

5. 18 - 21 October PSLE Marking Days

6. 28 October - 2 November SA2

7. 19 November Speech Day

Transition from P2 to P3

• From 3 to 4 subjects

• Emphasis is still on building a strong foundation for the students.

• 1st year of Formal Assessment

2021 Rivervale Primary School Assessment Weightings

Importance of Home – School Partnership

Student Well-being and Holistic Development:

Developing your child: Learning independently.

Teachers Parents

Teach students to record their

homework and assignments and be

responsible for sharing the

information with their parents.

Inform parents about class

assignments and tests (e.g. show-and-

tell, project work, and portfolios) but

there is no expectation on you to

help/coach their children.

Explain to parents how the school is

supporting the child if he/she is

underperforming academically and/or

has behavioural issues.

Establish a reading habit, an active healthy

lifestyle, and control the use of social

media, personal devices and gaming


Establish home routines and a conducive

place for your child to complete homework.

Support your child in doing his/her

homework (e.g. sitting with your child to

complete his/her homework, reminding

your child about homework etc) but allow

your child to attempt the homework on

his/her own, and encourage him/her to

approach the teacher if he/she needs help.

Importance of Home – School Partnership

Communication between teachers and parents:

• Keeping in touch•

Developing your child: Learning independently.

Teachers Parents

Establish and use official

communication channels with

parents (e.g. handbook,

website, email, office

telephone) and limit

communication to term time

and school hours, unless it is

an emergency (e.g. medical,


Clarify the preferred modes of

communication with the teacher

(e.g. handbook, email, office


Contact teachers during school

operating hours only.

Importance of Home – School Partnership

Developing your child: Learning independently.

Practices that Parents SHOULD NOT do

Don’t do your child’s homework for him/her.

Don’t expect teachers to give daily updates on your child, or provide

detailed instructions on your child’s homework, preparation for tests

and examinations, etc.

Don’t deliver your child’s forgotten items to school, unless it is a

medical emergency.

• Don’t contact the teacher to check on the things that your child needsto do.

• Don’t contact the teacher after office hours, as they also have theirown families to attend to.



• To identify suitable students with high

intellectual potential.

• Will be based on the Primary 1 to Primary 3 English Language and Mathematics syllabuses.

• All topics in the Primary 3 Mathematics syllabus are included except for topics on “Area and Perimeter”, “Geometry” and “Time”.



Participate in the identification exercise

GEP identification is done in 2 stages:

• Screening on 18 August 2021 (tentative). If shortlisted for Selection, you will be notified through your child's school in early October.

• Selection on 19 and 20 October 2021 (tentative) for shortlisted students.

The identification exercise for the Gifted Education Programme (GEP) has 2 stages:

Stage 1: Screening

• Your P3 child can take part in the GEP screening on 18 August 2021 (tentative).

• Your child will take the following papers:

– English Language

– Mathematics

• Your child will be notified by their school in early October if they are shortlisted for the next stage of GEP identification.

The identification exercise for the Gifted Education Programme (GEP) has 2 stages:

Stage 2: Selection

• The second round of the exercise will be held on 19 and 20 October 2021 (tentative).

• Your child will take the following papers:

– English Language

– Mathematics

– General Ability

Early November - Receive result notification

• The result will be communicated through your child’s school by early November. If selected, your child will receive a letter of invitation to join the GEP.

• The letter will also invite you and your child to a GEP briefing in early November.

End November - Receive school posting results

• You will be informed by post of your child's school posting by end November.


Do not conduct test-preparation activities to prepare your child for the GEP Identification Exercise.

• Test-preparation activities could inflate students’ scores and not reflect their actual potential.

• Students who are not ready to handle the intellectual rigour and demands of the programme will struggle with the enriched curriculum and not benefit fully from it.



We value your feedback!

Thank You
