Sara de Freitas - The Gamification of Everyday Life - SESERV SE Workshop June 2012


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the gamification of everyday lifeby prof sara de freitas

1) grand challenges of society. key grand challenges of modern societies e.g.: (a)

population growth is leading to greater pressures on our environments (climate

change, restricted resources, education systems, energy sources) (b) globalisation is

leading to more interconnected and complex social structures (self-organised

criticality) > futurICT

2) serious games institute model and projects. how we are addressing critical

challenges in our research and development work, including trajectories for research

work and some key findings and research challenges

3) what is gamification? the role of ‘gamification’ in social (behavioural) change

and awareness raising.

4) trajectories for research work and some key findings and research

challenges: strands of research

5) can gamification change our world meeting socio-economic changes - and

solve grand challenges we face? Some examples of how we can meet challenges

reflections and conclusions: move towards more complex structures and socially

driven innovation and technology development: solutions to big data and vulnerable


summary: grand challenges and gamification

1: grand challenges of society: e.g. population and

city growth, climate change leading to complexity

and data explosion challenges

challenges humanity is facing in the 21st century

(copyright: dirk helbing)

Lee C. Bollinger, president of Columbia University,

formulated the issue as follows: “The forces affecting

societies around the world ... are powerful and novel. The

spread of global market systems ... are ... reshaping our

world ..., raising profound questions. These questions call

for the kinds of analyses and understandings that academic

institutions are uniquely capable of providing. Too many

policy failures are fundamentally failures of knowledge.”

1. Financial and economic crisis

2. Debts and inflation

3. Stability of the European Union

4. Political revolutions, war

5. Critical infrastructure risks

6. Environmental change

7. Epidemics (SARS, H1N1 pandemic)

8. Migration and integration

9. Extremism, terrorism

10. Corruption, organized crime

The Knowledge Accelerator Creating a Living Earth Platform for a Sustainable Future

>300 scientists from all over

the World

We have explored the universe, and

have sent men to the moon. It turns

out, however, that our current

knowledge of society is too limited to

efficiently tackle the global

challenges of humanity in the 21st

century. Thus, it’s time to pay

attention to our Earth and create an

ICT Flagship to explore social life

and everything it relates to. Dirk


FuturICT will build a Living Earth Platform for a global-scale simulation of our techno-socio-economic-environmental system and more

This will integrate Crisis Observatories running massive data mining for the advance detection of possible crises: financial market instabilities emerging conflicts health risks and disease spreading environmental changes, etc.

Participatory Platforms will inform decision-makers and involve citizens

The Innovation Accelerator will speed up research, development, and the creation of new business opportunities.

The focus on Managing Complexity will develop integrative system designs and new decision-making and governance tools.

predicting the sequence of possible impacts of earthquakes

Data Models


















models+ =





copyright Alex Vespignani and



sgi: an agenda for applied

research..sgi: an agenda for applied


2: serious games institute: an international hub of excellence in serious games research, business and study

i. applied research projects (23 projects, 12 eu projects)ii. masters programmeiii. doctoral schooliv. cpd coursesv. sgi overseas (singapore, south africa, mexico)vi. business projects (26 projects: e.g. bae, jaguar landrovervii. business incubationviii. serious games international spin outix. serious games labx. mobile development labxi. 30 companies in the clusterxii. ieee vs-games conference (2008-2011)xiii. companies based at the sgi (e.g. Pixelearning)

sgi activities: a hybrid model for business, research & study

projects & games at the serious games institute






code of everand



sex healthgame







i. erasmus: roma novaii. herbert gallery:

undercrofts priory visualisation

iii. coventry city council: far gosford street reconstruction

iv. technology strategy board: shakespeare trust

v. fet futurictvi. jisc customer projectvii. jisc inspires

sgi projects: ict/cultural heritage/tel

viii. eu strep maseltovix. eu gala network of excellence in

serious gamesx. eu strep alicexi. llp simaulaxii. llp modesxiii. eu ip meducatorxiv. llp edugamelabxv. prime ministers initiative fund:

disaster city reconstructionxvi. uk department for transport:

code of everandxvii. jisc opex platformxviii. epsrc sensor networks and

gamesxix. eu mexpex

3: what is gamification? how can we use serious games to answer the grand challenges?

beginning of 2010 the games industry posted total sales of $1.17 billion for the month of january

value of sg in 2010 was estimated to be 1.5 billion, and is set to increase by average 47% between 2010 and 2015 (idate market report)

international software federation of europe (isfe, 2010):74% of those aged 16-19 considered themselves gamers (n=3000), 60% of those 20-24, 56% 25-29 and 38% 30-44.

32% of the total uk population consider themselves gamers (n=3000). 31% of females described themselves as gamers and 34% of males.

several studies demonstrating the efficacy of serious games for training in particular through behavioural change (sg-ets, hope lab’s re:mission, pulse project)

wide uptake of social software (e.g. facebook, wikipedia), crowdsourcing

learning in multimodal ways: mixed reality, augmented reality, mobile learning, haptics (more flexible approaches)

converging technologies: mobile devices, ar devices, bci/eegs, sensor networks, robotics, virtual world mashups, gps, geocoding, web technologies and services (soa)

gamification trends

4: research trajectory and findings from the studies

a: neuro-psychology approaches to learning with


b: visualization and modelling

c: multimodal interfaces

d: artificial intelligence and life

e: semantic web, standards and metadata



Learning content




Clear player


User learning

User behavior

Player feedback

User engagement


System feedback




Learner Specifics





mapping our systems more closely against human behaviour

models and frameworks 2006-2011






interactive tutoring environment

models and frameworks 2006-2012

de Freitas, S. & Oliver, M. (2006). How can exploratory learning with games and simulations within the curriculum be most effectively evaluated? Computers and Education, 46 (3): 249-264.

Staalduinen, J. P. v. & de Freitas, S. (2011). A game-based learning framework: Linking game design and learning outcomes. In: Learning to Play: Exploring the

Future of Education with Video Games. M. S. Khyne (Ed.). New York, Peter Lang: 29-54.

strand a: neuro-psychological approaches to game-based learning: are games effective teaching tools?

how can we measure immersion and efficacy of games? sg-ets project

triage trainer (tt) trial summary:

5 trials: september 2007 – january 2008

independently conducted by the university of birmingham

trial participants:

91 uk nhs doctors, nurses & paramedics

all on alsg major incident medical management and support (mimms) training courses

participants were randomly distributed:

tt game (n = 47)

non-game (n = 44)

triage trainer – trial results

tt game group:

15 minute tutorial in game play / user interface

60 minutes playing the tt game on their own

instructor available to answer questions

non-game group:

75 minute normal alsg instructor-led table top exercise

involved sorting cards with vital signs variables written on them into priority groups

trial results of tt game trainees versus non-game trainees:

tagging accuracy of tt game trainees:

significantly higher accuracy *χ2 = 13.126, p<0.05]

step accuracy of tt game trainees. comparing the ratios of participants who achieved an 8/8

accuracy rating (i.e. followed the correct protocol for all 8 casualties):

significantly more accurate (28%) than the non-game group (7%) *χ2 = 7.29, p<0.05]

time taken by tt game trainees to complete triage of all 8 casualties:

no significant difference on time taken (p>0.05)

triage trainer – (knight et al., 2010)possible conclusions:

a ‘serious game’ such as the triage trainer offers the potential to:

enhance learning; and

improve transfer of training

possible reasons are that the game offers:

opportunity to practice skills and knowledge gained on the course in a more realistic and more engaging environment

personalised feedback which enables the game player to correct procedural errors made, through repeated play

neuro-psychology approaches: studies with graz

strand b: visualization and modelling

shakespeare trust & priory undercrofts visualisations

roma nova

strand c: multimodal interface integration: roma


strand d: semantic web mash ups: roma nova

strand d: artificial intelligence and crowd modelling

artificial intelligence and crowd modelling

strand e: standards and repurposing game

content: meducator project

climate health impact

5: can gamification solve world-scale problems?: examples

behavioural change: code of everand

emergency response training: games for change

international risk, resilience and rescue centre (ir3c): texas a&m & coventry universities

what benefits do serious games provide?

scalability of game environments to large global communities

adaptivity to user requirements

closer modelling of user behaviour (feedback loop)

behavioural change

flow, feedback, visual and actual realism leading to higher levels of immersion

increased motivation and engagement

multimodal integration of interfaces and other technologies: e.g. ai, haptics, biofeedback, sensors networks etc) from convergence, mash ups and user/community interaction

reflections the upon future of serious games

so are applications of vw/games technologies really changing our approaches to working, learning, social interactions and how we consider experiences?

providing new tools for flow, feedback, visual and actual realism leading to higher levels of immersion

great potential for the medium for supporting immersive education through increased motivation and engagement

potential for personalized feedback and more sophisticated learning interaction

move towards immersive learning experiences and design: with increased motivation, immediate feedback and sophisticated user models

how can serious games utilise the benefits of the future internet?

need for serious games community to work with user communities and educationalists to answer some of the key grand challenges


upcoming conference: vs-games conference in genoa, november 2012

any questions contact: prof. sara de


de Freitas, S., Jarvis, S. (2008). Towards a development approach for serious games. In T.M. Connolly, M. Stansfield, & E. Boyle (Eds) Games-based learning advancements for multi-sensory human-computer interfaces: Techniques and effective practices. IGI Global. Hershey, PA.

Anderson, E.F., McLoughlin, L., Liarokapis, F., Peters, C., Petridis, P., de Freitas, S. Serious Games in Cultural Heritage, 10th VAST International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (VAST '09), VAST-STAR, Short and Project Proceedings, Eurographics, Malta, 22-25 September, 29-48, (2009).

de Freitas, S., Rebolledo-Mendez, G., Liarokapis, F., Magoulas, G., Poulovassilis A. (2010). Learning as immersive experiences: using the four dimensional framework for designing and evaluating immersive learning experiences in a virtual world. British Journal of Educational Technology

Dunwell, I., Petridis, P., Protopsaltis, A., de Freitas, S., Panzoli, D. & Samuels, P. Automating Content Generation for Large-Scale Virtual Learning Environments using Semantic Web Services. In proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Semantic Wikis (SemWiki2010), ESWC2010, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, May 29th -June 3rd 2010

selected referencesKnight, J., Carly, S., Tregunna, B., Jarvis, S., Smithies, R., de Freitas, S., Mackway-Jones, K. & Dunwell, I. (2010). Serious gaming technology in major incident triage training: A pragmatic controlled trial. Resuscitation Journal 81(9): 1174-9

de Freitas, S. (2011) Game for Change. Nature, 470 (7334): 330-331.

BOOKS (2010-2012):

Sharpe, R., Beetham, H. & de Freitas, S. (Eds) (2010) Rethinking Learning in the Digital Age, London & New York: Routledge.

de Freitas, S. & Maharg, P. (Eds) (2011) Digital Games and Learning. London and New York: Continuum Press

de Freitas, S & Jameson, J. (2012) The e-Learning Reader. London & New York: Routledge.

Ferdig, R & de Freitas, S. (eds.) (2012) Interdisciplinary Advancements in Gaming, Simulations and Virtual Environments: Emerging Trends, Hersey, PA, IGI Global.


de Freitas, S. & Maharg, P. (Series Eds) (2011-) Digital Games and Learning. London and New York: Routledge.
