SANJAY R SINGHAL, RA...2015/01/02  · Sanjay’s Note: Certain portions of this Report may be more...


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Copyright © 2015 Sanjay R Singhal. All rights reserved.

FIELD REPORT 01.02.2015

Location: Area R

Date: Friday, 2 January, 2015

Time: 1000am to 1145am, CST

Weather: Sunny and clear, but cold; a beautiful winter’s day

Present : Myself, Smith Jerrod*

Sanjay’s Note: Certain portions of this Report may be more subjective in their aspect; the reader’s gracious

indulgence is requested. Not all of these phenomena are understood; they are included here, nonetheless, as an

integral and vital portion of my investigation.

Items Noted:

Smith Jerrod* and I returned to Area R on Friday, 2 January, 2015;1 arriving at approximately 1000am CST. It

was our second visit to this location; we were both quite excited to explore further. As we turned onto the

approach road, both Smith and I noticed, in the opposite lane, a red pickup truck driving quite slowly; it was

nearly stopped. We observed the driver; he did not appear to require assistance, but looked at us furtively.

Smith asked, “Why is he driving so slowly, Sanjay? What is he looking for?” 2

As we rounded the first bend, a great sweeping curve to the east, a dark-blue pickup truck, again in the opposite

lane, appeared, again driving extremely slowly. We again observed the driver, and again he did not appear to

require assistance, but gave us a strange, puzzling look, and then continued on his way. Smith and I were rather

intrigued by this behaviour, and discussed it for some time. Both drivers were proceeding well below the

posted speed limit, and seemed quite odd in their behaviour.

We continued into the reserve; as we approached the turn-off to the carpark, I said, “Smith, I don’t feel like

going into the Meadow today, if you don’t mind, because of what I experienced there last time.” 3

“That’s fine, Sanjay,” Smith said, “We can go wherever we like today. Oh, my god! What was what?”

“What? What?” We had just pulled into the carpark; Smith was tremendously excited.

“Can we go back, please?”

“What did you see?” I asked him.

“I don’t know…I saw something that looked like a branch assembly, in the clearing.” 4

1 Sanjay R Singhal. Field Report 11.28.2014: Area R. Beyond the Forest. 3 December 2014. Web. Accessed 4

January 2015. 2 It is reasonable to suggest, in context, that the driver may have witnessed something he could not explain, as subsequent events

would later prove. 3 Ibid, Singhal. 4 It should be noted that, for the purposes of this Report, Smith Jerrod is also an architect; his training and experience are sufficient for

him to recognise and to comprehend artificial assemblies in the woods and swamps of Area R.


Copyright © 2015 Sanjay R Singhal. All rights reserved.

These photographs present views of the reserve as we entered; the pond, resplendent with Canada Geese, is

featured in the first image. The Meadow, which we did not enter, is featured in the second image.5

We turned around immediately, and drove out onto the entrance road, proceeding out of the reserve.

“It was right…there,” Smith gestured, to the south, “Do you see that strange-looking clump in the clearing?”

I observed a pair of dark, misshapen clumps of brush in a clearing, quite noticeable and easily visible from the

road, now that the brush had been cleared. I could not park on the roadside, and there was no access to the

swamp; the water was too deep and we were not wearing high boots. The clumps were approximately fifty

yards away (50yd, or 45.72m), but there was no path or path visible.

“Smith,” I said, “I hate to say this, but I’m not certain we can get out there.”

“Maybe next time,” he suggested, “We can use the good camera,6 and take some photographs.”

We left it at that; the clumps were most interesting, but I was not certain they were artificial.7 We returned to

the carpark, and, getting out, started off down the path. It was a beautiful winter day, sunny and clear, with no

wind; we were both quite comfortable. The pond was smooth and still, a sheet of shining blue glass, partially

frozen over. In the centre, we observed a flock of Canada Geese (Branta canadensis),8 squawking and honking;

we did not see any other birds or animal life. There were no other cars; we were quite alone.

As we were passing the Meadow, I looked over at it; as much as I wanted to explore the (now destroyed) Nest

assembly and the slanted-branch assemblies further, I did not feel comfortable entering it again.9

(Continued on next page)

5 Ibid, Singhal. Field Report 11.28.2014: Area R. 6 The “good” camera, in context, is my Nikon D40; it takes beautifully clear, vivid photographs, with a powerful zoom lens. 7 It is reasonable to suggest that, in context, the reserve staff had piled up debris, brush, leaves and tree branches in the clearing, as

several areas nearby presented signs of cutting and clearing. 8 University of Illinois Extension Author(s). Canada Goose (Branta canadensis). Living with Wildlife in Illinois. 2015. Web. Accessed 5 January 2015. 9 A pervasive feeling of discomfort is not uncommon to many EC-related reports and encounters. Oregon Bigfoot Author(s). File

#00672. Oregon Bigfoot. May 1996. Web. Accessed 24 October 2014.


Copyright © 2015 Sanjay R Singhal. All rights reserved.

These photographs present views of the reserve from the main path; in the first image, the path, passing

between the ponds, leads directly to the fire-lane. In the second image, a large, possible slanted-branch

assembly is visible in the centre; this is where Smith heard the strange wood-rubbing sounds.

Suddenly, I froze. I felt strangely, unbearably, undeniably cold; a strong, chilling wave suddenly spread itself

around me, and as I turned my head back to Smith, I began to realise, and comprehend, its source.10

Something was watching me.11 12 13

I recalled the last time this had happened at Area R, in the heat of summer;14 I had been standing at nearly the

exact same spot, on a quite hot day, and had become quite cold.15 16 It was a rather nasty moment; it was not a

friendly feeling. I realised, rather vividly, that whatever was watching me was not far away.

I had an impression of it, off to the southwest: a large, dark-brown figure, grotesquely shaped and horribly

hairy, with no discernible features.17 Yet, somehow, it was looking right at me.18

I did not know what to do; I was horribly uncomfortable.19

10 Sometimes referred to as a ‘cold spot’; in this situation, the term is applicable, based on my recollections of that summer. Maurice

Townsend. Paranormal Cold Spots. ASSAP Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena. 2007, 2011. Web. Accessed 5 January 2015. 11 Scopaesthesia, sometimes referred to as the Psychic Staring Effect, was first explored by Titchener in the 19 th century. Further

laboratory experiments to replicate this effect appear to have failed. EB Titchener. The Feeling of Being Stared At. Science: Volume

8; pp 895-897. 1898. 12 Rupert Sheldrake. The Sense of Being Stared At: And Other Aspects of the Extended Mind. New York: Random House; 2013. 13 Scopaesthesia has been reported almost universally by EC investigators, researchers and enthusiasts. Meldrum describes it as a

strongly subjective feeling, which cannot be quantified…and I think he’s right. Dr Jeff Meldrum. Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science.

New York: Macmillan Publishers; 2007. 14 Ibid, Singhal. Field Report 08.13.2014: Area R. Beyond The Forest.

report-08-13-2014-area-r/. 13 September 2015. Web. Accessed 29 September 2015. 15 Ibid, Townsend. 16 The peculiarities of this behaviour, and its recurrence in the same location on the path, should be considered carefully. 17 This is an extremely subjective statement, which cannot be quantified; nonetheless, this was my impression at the time. 18 Accounts of EC looking directly at someone are often reported, and are often quite compelling. GCBRO Author(s). Michigan,

Ontonagon County, Greenland Township, Firesteel River. Gulf Coast Bigfoot Researchers’ Organisation. 15 August 1998. Web. Accessed 29 August 2015. 19 Ibid, Oregon Bigfoot Author(s). File #00672.


Copyright © 2015 Sanjay R Singhal. All rights reserved.

These photographs present views of the curiously shaped, large tree just off the fire-lane, surround by tall

swamp reeds and cattails, and standing in deep, frozen water. Notice the wide, well-beaten path cleared out

and accessing the tree directly, visible in both images. In the second image, notice the severely twisted

branches; a most appalling distortion of every type.

Nonetheless, I did not wish to show any fear, or panic, despite my previous situations in the Meadow. After a

few moments, the cold, chilling wave passed; strangely, it seemed, the sun came out again, the birds resumed

their singing, and I felt calmer, and more relaxed.20

We continued walking, passing between the ponds and enjoying the beautiful colours of the winter landscape:

burnt, tawny golds, clear, frozen blues and dark, brown trees; it was a striking combination.

“Did you hear that?” asked Smith, quite suddenly. We were passing between the ponds; all was silent.

“No,” I answered. “What did you hear?”

“Well, it was kind of strange,” he said, “Like two pieces of wood, rubbing together.” 21

“That’s odd,” I said, “There’s not a breath of wind today. What direction did you hear it from?”

“Over there,” he said, gesturing to the southwest.

We continued walking, passing into the fire-lane and progressing deeper into the reserve. The lane was gutted

with tracks and ruts from various vehicles; in several places, long stretches of ice challenged our passage. In

the hard, frozen mud we observed several tracks, including some quite deeply embedded. In many areas, the

tracks overlapped and/or overstepped; we did not observe any clear, defined tracks of any specific fauna.

(Continued on next page)

20 The sudden burst of birdsong after a tense moment of silence can be somewhat disconcerting; one pauses, and wonders, what has

just happened. Bob and Therese Siler. Hikers hear Possible Vocalisations near Poodle Dog Pass outside Monte Cristo. Bigfoot

Field Researchers’ Organisation. 29 July 2009. Web. Accessed 11 October

2014. 21 The sound of two pieces of wood rubbing together, although unusual, has been reported by others, pertinent to EC encounters. Russ

Victorian. Strange Calls, Frightened Deer. Russ Victorian. Date Unknown. Web.

Accessed 5 January 2015.


Copyright © 2015 Sanjay R Singhal. All rights reserved.

On our last visit,22 we had observed a curiously shaped, large tree just off the fire-lane, standing in deep water

and presenting an unusual pair of severely twisted branches; we were now able to access the tree directly,

through a wide, well-beaten trail. The branches appeared almost deformed, twisted and rotated as though they

were formed from modelling clay, and a child had turned them about, in a fit of anger. I had never seen

anything like it, nor had Smith.23

“Look at these branches,” he said, pointing out the contorted limbs. “How did these get like this?”

“I don’t know,” I said, “It’s almost unbelievable. Could this be the result of natural forces, however extreme?

There have been some rather severe weather-patterns in this area.” 24

We looked at the strange, deformed tree for some time. “There’s something else,” observed Smith, “Have you

noticed these other branches, growing vertically? They are not the trunks; but branches, growing vertically.”

He was right; the main trunks, now deformed, extended horizontally into the tall swamp grasses; we could not

see their ends. Two branches, one on each trunk, had grown up vertically from them, presenting the appearance

of rather well-formed saplings, when viewed from the fire-lane.

“And, one more thing,” I said, after looking around. “There’s a clear, well-beaten trail leading directly to this

tree; it is quite wide, and it ends here. Who made it, and why? There’s no access; the water is too deep.”

We returned to the fire-lane, and continuing walking along. To the southeast, Smith observed another, well-

beaten trail leading through the swamp-grasses and across the slough.

“Let’s see where it goes,” he suggested, and I agreed.

“Let’s be careful,” I said, “There are lots of small ponds and sloughs in this area.”

The trail, well-beaten and presenting wide swaths of tamped-down grasses, passed through the tall swamp reeds

and cattails, skirting various small ponds and gullies. It rose suddenly up to a small hillock, emerging into a

wide, open clearing dotted with small trees; a spit of land, like an island in that vast, golden sea.

“Look,” said Smith, “We’re up a bit higher, and we can see quite a lot from here.”

He was right; it was an excellent vantage point, with clear, uninterrupted vistas on all sides. To the east, south,

and west, we could see the slough stretching wide and flat for several hundred yards; to the north….

“Oh, I say,” I declared, “I can see the pavilion, in the carpark, from here!”

(Continued on next page)

22 Ibid, Singhal. Field Report 11.28.2014: Area R. 23 Compare this formation with another large, bizarre twisted-tree, and one of the most spectacular, dubbed “The Mother of All Tree

Twists”, discovered by Olof Seaman in North Carolina. BFRO Author(s). The Mother of All Tree Twists. Bigfoot Field Researchers’

Organisation. 13 April 2012.

Web. Accessed 21 August 2014. 24 The winter of 2014-2015 was particularly severe across the Midwest, and the rest of the country. Weather Underground Author(s).

Winter Weather 2014-2015 Recap. Weather Underground.

20140930. 22 May 2015. Web. Accessed 28 August 2015.


Copyright © 2015 Sanjay R Singhal. All rights reserved.

This photograph presents a view from the small hillock in the slough, looking (roughly) northwest; the strange,

round object left of centre is the branch/leaf assembly we had passed by, on the main path. The pavilion is just

visible in the centre of the image; the ponds are to the right, and left.

“Where?” Smith asked. In the clear light, the pavilion was readily visible; we could it plainly, on the shore of

the pond, with the carpark to the west.25 We did not see the Blueberry, however.**

“Smith,” I said, rather suddenly. “What is that…thing?”

We both saw it: a large, round construction of some sort, far to the northwest, composed of branches and

leaves, although we could not determine anything else. It rose high above the reeds and grasses, clearly visible.

“Smith,” I said, “That’s near the main path; we must have passed right by it, when we came in!”

“Are you sure?” he asked me. “We should have seen it, it’s so big.”

“Smith,” I answered, “I’ve been here several times…and this is the first time I’ve ever seen that.”

“Boy,” he said, after a moment, “Talk about hiding in plain sight.”

We continued along the path, progressing deeper into the slough; the path rose and fell, turning (roughly)

northeast, and rising once again to another, small hillock. As we walked, I noticed, beneath my feet, rather

large, strange-looking clumps of hard, frozen matter that did not resemble roots, or vegetation. They were

frozen, and hard; I kicked at one with my boot, and it did not budge.

25 Later examination of maps of Area R suggest a distance of nearly nine hundred yards (900yd, or 822.96m) from the small hillock in

the swamp to the pavilion at the carpark.


Copyright © 2015 Sanjay R Singhal. All rights reserved.

These photographs present the strange, frozen, clumps of excrement observed along the trail into the slough;

my brown Timberlands are presented in the first image for scale purposes. The clumping, shape, and colour

suggest either American Black Bear (Ursus americanus) 26 or Wild Boar (Sus scrofa).27

“Smith,” I said, after a moment, “Have you seen these strange clumps?”

We looked at them together. “There’s quite a few of them,” Smith said, looking around. “All along the trail.”

“Yes,” I agreed, “And if this is a game trail, then some amount of scat should be expected.”

“Yes,” agreed Smith, “But whose scat…are these?” 28 29

We looked at the clumps, then at each other, and burst out laughing.

“Bloody hell!” I exclaimed, “I’ve been stepping in frozen Bigfoot shit!” 30 31 32 33

We turned back on the trail, towards the fire-lane, and progressing (roughly) southwest. Suddenly, Smith

stopped, and held up his hand. “Wait,” he said quietly, “I’m hearing sounds of movement.” 34

26 Kim A Cabrera. Black Bear Scat. Beartracker’s Animal Tracks Den. 2012.

Web. Accessed 3 August 2014. 27 It is reasonable to suggest that, in context, the scat may have been Wild Boar (Sus scrofa). Gary Potts. Feral Hogs in Illinois.

Illinois Department of Natural Resources. 2014. Web. Accessed

5 January 2015. 28 The possibility of a path strewn with numerous piles of EC droppings is almost incredible; it is much more likely to have been

American Black Bear (Ursus americanus) or Wild Boar (Sus scrofa). 29 Bigfoot Encounters Author(s). Photo Help in Identifying Sasquatch Scat versus Bear and Horse…. Bigfoot Encounters. Date Unknown. Web. Accessed 5 January 2015. 30 I do not typically use the term Bigfoot; however, at the time, I thought it the most appropriate. It really was quite a large clump. 31 Please forgive my language, but that is exactly what I said, at that moment. 32 Ibid, Potts. 33 Illinois DNR Author(s). Feral Swine: A Threat to Illinois. Illinois Department of Natural Resources. 2014. Web. Accessed 5 January 2015. 34 Movement in the brush is a common feature of EC encounters. Eric Lester. Resident Reports Numerous Incidents in his

Neighbourhood outside Allen, near Borders of Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio. Bigfoot Field Researchers’ Organisation. 13 July 2006. Web. Accessed 30 October 2014.


Copyright © 2015 Sanjay R Singhal. All rights reserved.

We stopped and listened; to the northwest, I heard a rustling in the tall reeds, but did not observe anything.

And then, I heard it.

Step. Step. Step.

Something was walking, slowly and carefully, through the swamp…with firm, heavy steps.35


It was a thrilling, tense, amazing moment. Both of us stood absolutely still and strained our eyes to the

northwest. I observed a glimpse of movement, to the right, and turned my head.36

A pale, grey-coloured figure, with a large head and shoulders, suddenly appeared between the grasses; before I

had time to think or to speak, it was gone.37

“Smith!” I shouted. “Smith! Look! Look!”

He came running up to me. “What is it? What is it?”

“There,” I gestured, “Over there, towards that funny, hooked tree. Do you see it?”

Smith looked for a time, then sighed deeply. “No, I don’t,” he said. “What did you see?”

“It was a strange, grey shape,” I said, “Rather human-like…and now, it’s gone.”

I turned my head to look back again…and the strange, grey shape reappeared, emerging from the tall grasses

for a brief instant before disappearing again.38

“Oh, my god!” I shouted. “There it is, again!”

“Sanjay,” said Smith, after a moment, “Do you have the feeling…that we’re being watched?” 39

I looked at him, curiously.

“Yes,” I said, “I do…and I don’t like it.” 40

35 Reports of heavy footsteps are not uncommon, pertinent to EC encounters. BFRO Author(s). Father and Son hear Heavy

Footsteps made by an apparent Bipaedal Creature. Bigfoot Field Researchers’ Organisation. 1 May 1998. Web. Accessed 22 August 2014. 36 Brief glimpses of movement are commonly reported, pertinent to EC sightings. BFRO Author(s). Witnesses in Van Catch Brief

Glimpse of Bipaedal Figure Walking along Road near Louisa. Bigfoot Field Researchers’’ Organisation. 31 March 2003. Web. Accessed 8 September 2015. 37 Accounts of EC quickly or inexplicably disappearing in the brush are commonly reported; although certain and various of these

situations may have some paranormal aspect, I do not suggest this to be the case here. North American Wood Ape Conservancy

Author(s). Deer Hunter Encounters Two Huge Ape-like Creatures Fighting. North American Wood Ape Conservancy. 7 October 2004. Web. Accessed 2 December 2014. 38 Ibid, North American Wood Ape Conservancy Author(s). 39 Ibid, Meldrum. 40 Ibid, Oregon Bigfoot Author(s). File #00672.


Copyright © 2015 Sanjay R Singhal. All rights reserved.

These photographs present the large, black object, roughly figural in shape, observed across the swamp; the

first image was taken from the fire-lane. The second image, utilising the zoom lens, presents some further

detail; the appearance of this object certainly excited both Smith and I!

The atmosphere had suddenly changed; a tense, unsettled feeling had come upon the air,41 and I felt strangely

uneasy and alert.42 I suddenly realised we were several hundred yards from the fire-lane, with no way of

anyone seeing us, or knowing where we were.

“Smith,” I said, “Let’s get ourselves out of here.” We walked back along the beaten-down trail, rising once

again over the small hillock, and then returning to the fire-lane. Once back in the lane, we turned to the left, and

continued walking, enjoying the calm, clear morning.

“Sanjay,” said Smith again, rather suddenly, “What’s that…thing…over there?” He gestured off to the right,

and as I followed the sweep of his hand, I suddenly realised what he had seen.

And then I saw it, too.

I observed a large, black object, roughly figural in shape, was standing across the swamp, rising up from the

tall grasses and reed, motionless, staring at us.43

“No,” I said. “No…it couldn’t be.”

“What do you think it is?” he asked me.

41 A tense, unsettled atmosphere is a common feature of EC encounters; a feeling of danger, or extreme caution often accompanies

same. Mike Sedillo. Possible Night-time Encounter by a Couple Camping in the Jemez Mountains. Bigfoot Field Researchers’

Organisation. 9 September 2010. Web. Accessed 18 October 2014. 42 There are numerous reports of persons feeling uneasy or apprehensive in the woods, including this 2012 report from Grand Traverse

County, Michigan. It should be noted, however, that this is not the same feeling as being watched; further investigation of this

phenomenon may provide more information regarding same. Kim Fleming. Possible Wood Knocks and Sticks Thrown Cause

Campers to Leave Early, South of Traverse City. Bigfoot Field Researchers’ Organisation. 31 May 2012. Web. Accessed 19 September 2014. 43 Accounts of EC standing motionless when observed are frequently reported. Brian Petree. Truck Driver has Unexpected, Early

Morning Encounter on US Highway 83, near Llano River. North American Wood Ape Conservancy. 3 January 2006. Web. Accessed 27 December 2014.


Copyright © 2015 Sanjay R Singhal. All rights reserved.

The first photograph presents another large, deformed tree at the edge of the swamp; among others observed

nearby, this suggests strong, natural forces are responsible for same. The second photograph presents a view

of the swamp, where Smith and I observed the tall, solitary reed swaying back and forth.

“It can’t be,” I said. “It can’t be. EC don’t just stand there…not like that.44 Well, I mean, yes; they do, when

they’ve been spotted.” 45

“Well, we’ve certainly spotted it,” Smith said.

“But…I don’t know, Smith; I don’t know. Let me take some photographs,” I answered, and I took two: one

from the fire-lane, with the standard lens, and one zoomed all the way in, although the image was somewhat

blurred. The object certainly looked alien to the landscape; it was dark and black, and did not move at all.

“Perhaps it’s only a stump,” I said. “There are lots of fire-damaged and fire-blackened trees and stumps around

here, and from a distance, it would look quite strange.”

“Well, I don’t know,” said Smith. “It certainly looks strange from here.”

We continued walking along the fire-lane, enjoying the weather and the fine, clear light; I took several

‘postcard’ style photographs of the landscape, appreciating the crisp, clear colours. There was not a sound of

life, anywhere; we might have been the only two persons in the world, at that moment.46

Shortly, we arrived at the end of the fire-lane, which opened onto another clear-cut, running east to west. The

ground surface changed from grassy tufts to small, bare patches of pea gravel. There were heavy trees along the

south edge of the clear-cut, but open fields to the north; we progressed along the clear-cut for a short distance,

before deciding to turn around and walk back to the car.

(Continued on next page)

44 EC, in this context, stands for ‘Elder Children’, as usual. 45 Ibid. 46 The utter stillness and quiet of the woods has been observed, and commented upon, several times, by several persons; it is not

uncommon in conjunction with reported sightings and/or encounters. BFRO Author(s). Silent Woods. The Bigfoot Field

Researchers’ Organisation. 24

February 2010. Web. Accessed 5 August 2014.


Copyright © 2015 Sanjay R Singhal. All rights reserved.

We turned back up the fire-lane, again commenting on the utter stillness and quiet;47 there were no squirrels or

birds anywhere, no sounds of birdsong, no chatter of chipmunks. There was not a breath of wind; the only

sound was that of our own voices, delighting in our excursion and in what we had observed thus far.

“Sanjay,” said Smith, stopping suddenly, “Can you look at this?”

I turned my head towards him; I remember that I thought I observed a brief glimpse of movement in the tall

grasses, a black flicker of an eyelash, and then it was gone.48

Smith, however, was looking at something else.

A tall, solitary reed, off in the swamp, was swaying back and forth, of its own accord.49 We watched it,

together; the reed swayed back and forth with almost precise timing, like a metronome. There was no wind; the

surrounding grasses were not moving.

“Smith,” I said, “There’s not a breath of wind…that’s not moving on its own.”

The tall, solitary reed suddenly stopped, and did not move again.

“That was a signal,” said Smith, “Or I’ve never seen one.” 50

“Yes,” I agreed, “But who sent it…and who is it for?”

“What do you mean?” he asked me.

“Well, there’s a few possibilities,” I suggested. “But first, let’s talk about that reed. It wasn’t moving by itself.

Something was making it swing back and forth. The question is…who?”

“Do you think it was EC?” he asked me.

“I don’t know; I can’t answer that,” I said. “I can only suggest that such a movement is most likely artificial,

and therefore…deliberate.” 51

I had to think about this for a time. “Let’s suppose,” I continued, “For the sake of argument, that it was, in fact,

EC that did it. Why? They know we’re here; they’ve seen us. So…is it an EC signalling to other EC, that there

are humans around? Or, is it perhaps a smaller, juvenile EC, crouched in the grass, signalling to Mummie

where he was, in case she was looking for him?”

(Continued on next page)

47 Ibid, BFRO Authors. Silent Woods. 48 Ibid, BFRO Author(s). Witnesses in Van Catch Brief Glimpse of Bipaedal Figure…. 49 A curiously similar behaviour had been observed in November 2014 at Kedleston, in southern Wisconsin. Ibid, Singhal. Field

Report 11.02.2014: Kedleston. Beyond The Forest.

kedleston/. 27 September 2015. Web. Accessed 29 September 2015. 50 The Tolkien enthusiast may recognise the source of this statement, with some humour. JRR Tolkien. The Lord of the Rings: The

Fellowship of the Ring. London: George Allen & Unwin; 1954. 51 Accounts of apparent deliberate behaviour, such as loud, heavy footsteps, are often reported pertinent to EC encounters. BFRO

Author(s). BFRO Investigator Hears Loud Footsteps and Bipaedal Running. Bigfoot Field Researchers’ Organisation. 11 October 2001. Web. Accessed 26 June 2015.


Copyright © 2015 Sanjay R Singhal. All rights reserved.

These photographs present views of the strange, rounded clump of branches and leaves, constructed and/or

fashioned adjacent to the main path; nevertheless, due to the deep, frozen water surrounding it, inaccessible.

I smiled, realising what I had just said. “Of course, it could be a human, too; crouched down, signalling to

someone, that we were here. A poacher, maybe, or a crack dealer; something like that.” 52

“Yes,” agreed Smith, “But how would the poacher know who we were, and why would they reveal their

position? Wouldn’t they want to remain hidden?”

“Yes,” I agreed. “Hiding…in plain sight.”

We continued walking for a time; I had not realised how far we had gone.

“Smith,” I said, trying my best to remain calm, “I hate to say this, but I think we’re being followed.” 53

I was not joking, of course; something was following us, about fifty yards behind (50yd, or 45.72m). It was a

pervasive, definite feeling; we were, suddenly and absolutely, not alone. 54

“Yes,” he said, “And I’ve been catching glimpses of something, off to the right, too.” 55

We continued walking, and I kept turning around; something was behind us, of that I was certain. The feeling

of it was almost palpable; it was not close, yet neither was it far away.

Something was following us, and I could not see it.56

52 Filthy, pot-smoking maggot. 53 The feeling of being followed is not uncommon in many EC encounters; in the dense forest, it can be absolutely frightening. BFRO

Author(s). Two Hunters Got [sic] the Terrifying Feeling They were being Watched and Followed. Bigfoot Field Researchers’

Organisation. 2 January 1999. Web. Accessed 21 August 2014. 54 The realisation that one is not alone in the woods can be overwhelming; at other times thrilling. Needless to say, it is far from dull.

Paul Schnabel. Possible Vocalisations Heard by Deer Hunter in the Chequamegon National Forest. Bigfoot Field Researchers’

Organisation. 24 March 2005. Web. Accessed 25 September 2014. 55 Ibid, BFRO Author(s). Witnesses in Van Catch Brief Glimpse of Bipaedal Figure…. 56 Compare this behaviour, again, to my recent experience at Kedleston. Ibid, Singhal. Field Report 11.02.2014: Kedleston. Beyond

The Forest. 27 September 2015. Web.

Accessed 29 September 2015.


Copyright © 2015 Sanjay R Singhal. All rights reserved.

We came, suddenly, to the end of the lane, and stopped briefly, to look at the strange, high, rounded clump of

branches and leaves, in isolated splendour in the midst of the swamp grasses. We could not access it; the water

surrounding it was quite deep, although the tall reeds and cattails showed signs of passage throughout.

“I can’t believe,” I said, “That I’ve come here, so many times, and never seen this.”

“Perhaps,” suggested Smith, “It’s only been erected this winter.”

“Still,” I answered, “What a location! It’s right at the end of the lane, in plain sight. Anyone could see it, if

they were looking for it, the main path is right here. It’s right…here!”

“Yes,” he agreed, with a smile. “Hiding…in plain sight.”

We turned onto the main path, passing beneath the tall bare trees. In the distance, the ponds gleamed like

mirrors, their surfaces a clear, shimmering blue colour, like that of the sky, inverted.

“I must say,” I declared, after a moment or two, “It’s unbelievably quiet here.57 No birds, no squirrels, and even

the geese have left the pond; I don’t see them, anywhere.”

We returned to the carpark and left the area.

Respectfully submitted,

Sanjay R Singhal, RA

*Name(s) changed for publication

**The Blueberry is my car: small, round, and blue

57 Ibid, BFRO Authors. Silent Woods.


Copyright © 2015 Sanjay R Singhal. All rights reserved.

FIELD REPORT 01.02.2015


Substantiation of this Report may be provided by the eyewitness testimony of Smith Jerrod, who accompanied

me to Area R, and who observed the same phenomena; Mr Jerrod also made numerous comments and

observations relevant to my own, which not only assisted but clarified my investigations at this location.

Further substantiation may also be provided by my own field work at Area R, which also began in the late

summer of 201258 59 60 61 62 and which has now continued, at somewhat irregular intervals,63 64 through 2015;

further investigations have been planned with Mr Jerrod, and others.

The combination of physical, visual, audible and/or olfactory events described in this Report are as follows:

1. The strange, inexplicable behaviour of the red and blue trucks and their drivers;

2. The sound of two pieces of wood, rubbing together, heard to the southwest;

3. The wide, well-beaten trails through the slough;

4. The observation of numerous, large, frozen clumps of excrement;

5. The sounds of bipaedal movement, heard in the slough;

6. The repeated observation of a large, grey figure in the slough;

7. The observation of a tall, solitary reed swaying back and forth like a pendulum, without any wind;

8. The strange, large round clump of branches and leaves near the main path;

9. The utter stillness and quiet throughout the area.

These behaviours, and the history of my own experience,65 may be considered sufficient to suggest the presence

of EC66 at Area R, in the early winter of 2015.

A number of subjective events also occurred. While these cannot be considered conclusive evidence, neither

should they be discounted. Although it is reasonable to review the impact of non-objective stimuli in this

Report, such effects, while personally quite vivid and at times overwhelming, are nonetheless nearly impossible

to substantiate with any measure of certainty.

58 Sanjay R Singhal. Field Report 08.25.2012: Area R (with Addendum). Beyond The Forest. 14 May 2015. Web. Accessed 29 September

2015. 59 Ibid. Field Report 08.26.2012: Area R. Beyond The Forest.

08-26-2012-area-r/. 15 May 2015. Web. Accessed 29 September 2015. 60 Ibid. Field Report 09.11.2012: Area R. Beyond The Forest.

09-11-2012-area-r/. 2 August 2015. Web. Accessed 29 September 2015. 61 Ibid. Field Report 09.30.2012: Area R. Beyond The Forest.

09-30-2012-area-r/. 3 August 2015. Web. Accessed 29 September 2015. 62 Ibid. Field Report 10.20.2012: Area R. Beyond The Forest.

10-20-2012-area-r/. 9 August 2015. Web. Accessed 29 September 2015. 63 Ibid. Field Report 05.16.2013: Area R (with Addendum). Beyond The Forest. 15 August 2015. Web.

Accessed 29 September 2015. 64 Ibid. Field Report 08.13.2014: Area R. Beyond The Forest.

08-13-2014-area-r/. 13 September 2015. Web. Accessed 29 September 2015. 65 Ibid. Field Report 11.28.2014: Area R. Beyond The Forest.

11-28-2014-area-r/. 3 December 2014. Web. Accessed 29 September 2015. 66 EC, in this context, stands for “Elder Children”, as usual.


Copyright © 2015 Sanjay R Singhal. All rights reserved.
