Sandgate Newcastle Garden of the InnocentsChildren touch our hearts, and their imprint remains...


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Garden of the Innocents


Children touch our hearts, and their imprint remains forever. At Sandgate Cemetery, the Garden of the Innocents

was established in 1998 as a beautiful place to remember and celebrate young lives lost too soon.

The Garden contains a loving memorial which is constantly updated by the addition of heart shaped memorial plaques

acknowledging the little ones who have joined our Garden of the Innocents in the 20 year of its existence. These heart

plaques are offered to our families free of charge.

When there are no words to convey your feelings, we hope our lovingly cared for Garden of the Innocents will give you some

measure of comfort and consolation.

Each year, on 15th October Sandgate Cemetery hold a special service for Pregnancy and Infant Loss to remember.

For more information please contact Sandgate Cemetery 116 Maitland Road, Sandgate NSW 2304 Phone: 1300 389 888

Garden of the Innocents

