SAINT FERDINAND & GOOD SHEPHERD...2019/05/12  · En lugar de agarrar de lo que alguien tiene,...


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PARISH BULLETIN | May 12, 2019 | Fourth Sunday of Easter


Rev. Fr. Brion Zarsky

Deacon Jessie Esquivel

Susan Moore, Director of Religious Education

Penny Thomas, Bookkeeper

Cathy Cudd, Parish Secretary


St. Ferdinand

Saturday: 5:00 p.m. ; 7:00 p.m. (Español)

Sunday: 11:00 a.m.

Good Shepherd

Sunday: 9 a.m.

For a Complete weekday

Mass Schedule and Mass Intentions,

please see the next page



St. Ferdinand

Saturday: 4 p.m.

Good Shepherd

Sunday: 8:30 a.m.

(or by appointment)


Monday through Friday

1 p.m. to 6 p.m.








OFFICE PHONE: (830) 833-5227

OFFICE FAX: (830) 833-9978






W e l c o m e V i s i t o r s & G u e s t s

Thank you for Celebrating the Mass with us. We are glad that you are here. If you have any questions about our

parish or joining the Catholic faith, please contact the Church office for information concerning reception of

Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony and Anointing of the Sick. Parent

interviews for Baptism need to be scheduled with the priest six weeks in advance. Marriage Arrangements need to

be made with the priest at least six months in advance. Holy Communion can be brought to the sick on request. If

you know of anyone in need, please call the office.

Saturday, May 11th (StF) 5:00 p.m.

Repose of the Soul of John Geldorf by family

Saturday, May 11th (StF) 7:00 p.m.

Parishioners of St. Ferdinand and Good Shepherd

Sunday, May 12th (GS) 9:00 a.m.

Rosary at 8:25 a.m. For all Mothers especially for those

no longer with us

Sunday, May 12th (StF) 11:00 a.m.

For all Mothers especially for those no longer with us

Tuesday, May 14th (StF) 9:00 a.m.

Repose of the Soul of Bill Noonan by Ted and Elizabeth


Wednesday, May 15th (StF) 9:00 a.m.

Repose of the Soul of Fr. Wade Russell

Thursday, May 16th (StF) 9:00 a.m.

No Mass

Thursday, May 16th (GS) 6:00 p.m.

Souls in Purgatory

Friday, May 17th (SF) 9:00 a.m.

Souls in Purgatory

Saturday, May 18th (StF) 5:00 p.m.

Repose of the Soul of John Geldorf by family

Saturday, May 18th (StF) 7:00 p.m.

Parishioners of St. Ferdinand and Good Shepherd

Masses & IntentionsWeek of May 11 – May 18, 2019

Prayer ListPlease continue to pray for comfort and healing for the sick

in our parish community. In addition, please ask the Lord

for wisdom for their doctors and nurses, rest for their

caregivers, and peace and strength for their family and


We are proud of all those in our

parish who are serving and

protecting our country.

Thank you and God bless all of you.

If you or someone you know needs prayer in a special

way, please email:

Llano Baumgartner

Clara Jo Bindseil

Pat Bindseil

Joanne Bodine

Guy Campbell

Barbara Crowley

Lee Durci

Jesse Estrada

Roselle Wagner Fischler

Pete Garcia

Dana Ninneman Gonzales

Ruben Gonzales

Steve Grigory

Teresa Harris

Clifford Lane

Charlie Lechow

Wyatt Ledesma

Naomi Michalsky

Olivia Miller

Ralph Moss

Ivan Nelson

Marian Noonan

Andrea Perez

Charles Reinert

Sid Reinert

Joe D. Riba, Sr.

Nancy Romero

Opie Romero

Ana Cruz Santiago

Lucille Scharnhorst

Gay Schuler

Jacob Umanzor

Paco Vargas

Tony Vela

Polo Zamora

Good Shepherd Vocat ions Cha l i ce

If your family feels called to pray with the Chalice, please

contact Warren Davis before or after Mass or by calling

him directly at 713-569-9491.

Scholarship Fundraiser

For only $20 you can buy a chance to win

one of the two (2) $500 Gift Cards to be awarded.

Buy more than one ticket and enhance your


Tickets available after Mass, or see a KC member.

Limited number of tickets available!

Drawing scheduled after Mass on June 2nd

Thank you for all of your help in our Scholarship Fundraising

efforts! May God Bless you and your family! KC Council #14844

Good Shepherd Men’s Club

Meets the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the parish hall.

Knights of Columbus

Meets the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the St. Ferdinand Parish Hall.

Catholic Daughters Of The Americas

Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Ferdinand Parish Hall.

ACTS Core Team

Meets the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:00 p. m. in the St. Ferdinand Parish Hall.

St. Ferdinand’s Parish Choir

Meets Wednesday nights at 5:00 p.m. Call 830-833-4939 for more information.

Good Shepherd Children’s Choir

Meets Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m.

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

Meets Thursday nights from 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. in the St. Ferdinand RE Building.

Women’s Bible Study

Meets every Thursday at 1 p.m. If you’re interested in joining please contact Karen Gebhardt at 210-427-3060or

Parish Organizations & Meeting Times

Websites: For a complete list of ministries, contacts, and

other resources, please visit our websites:

St. Ferdinand:

Regular Collection

Building Fund

Good Shepherd:

Regular Collection

Black Bag





Week of May 5, 2019

Thank you for your generosity!

Second C o l l e c t i o n f o r T o d a y :


GS: Building Fund

St. Anne’s Altar Society

Meets the 1st Thursday of the month immediately following 9 a.m. Mass in the St. Ferdinand Parish Hall.

Altar Server Training, 4th thru 8th Grades

Meets the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month at St. Ferdinand at 8:30 a.m.

Altar Server Training, High School

Meets the 2nd Sunday of the month at St. Ferdinand at 8:30 a.m.

Calendar of Events

May 12 – Altar Server Training, High School, 8:30 a.m.

May 12 – Mother’s Day

May 14 – Catholic Daughters Meeting, 7:00 p.m.

May 16 – No Mass at St. Ferdinand

May 19 – Altar Server Training, 4th-8th Grades, 8:30 a.m.

May 20 – Knights of Columbus Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

May 21 – No Mass

May 27 – Memorial Day

May 28 – No Mass

May 29 – No Mass

May 30 – No Mass

May 30 – Feast Day of St. Ferdinand

J e a l o u s y

C e l o s

Did you know that the Greek word for “jealousy” is the

same word for “zeal”? There is a fine line, it seems, between

the two emotions.

Jealousy arises when we see someone else enjoying

something we wish we had. Zeal, on the other hand, arises

out of a desire to see other people enjoy something we know

to be good and desirable. Jealousy is self-focused, while zeal

is other-focused.

This distinction can help us understand the reaction of

some of the Jews in the synagogue at Pisidian Antioch. They

had become jealous at the sight of a large crowd gathering to

hear Paul and Barnabas preach. It upset them to see these

out-of-towners receiving so much attention and not them. All

we ever get is harassment and discrimination. Then these two

men arrive, and they attract an admiring crowd—of Gentiles

no less!

This is the way of jealousy. As we see someone enjoying

something desirable, our desire for that object grows. If we’re

not careful, our desire can turn into resentment toward that

person. And our resentment can grow so intense that our

focus shifts from the object to the person we have become

jealous of. It’s why Cain killed Abel. It’s why David killed Uriah.

It’s why some Pharisees hated Jesus. And it’s why these Jews

heaped “violent abuse” on Paul and Barnabas (Acts 13:45).

The best way to overcome this kind of jealousy is to ask God

to help you turn the tables on it. Practice zealous generosity

instead. Rather than grasping after what someone else has, give

them the gift of your prayers. Rather than turning against them,

try to be happy that they are enjoying whatever it is you wanted

for yourself. Stifle any self-focused jealousy by smothering it

with other-focused love and compassion.

Jealousy doesn’t have to control you. You can control it—

through God’s grace.

“Jesus, help me to count my own blessings and to bless everyone

around me.”

¿Sabías que la palabra griega para "celos" es la misma

palabra para el "celo"? Hay una línea muy fina, al parecer,

entre las dos emociones.

Los celos por otra parte surge del deseo de ver a otras

personas disfrutar algo, que sabemos que es Bueno y

deseable. El celo, por el contrario, surge de un deseo de ver a

otras personas disfrutar de algo que sabemos que es bueno y

deseable. Los celos son auto centrado, mientras que el celo

está centrada en otros.

Esta distinción puede ayudarnos a entender la reacción

de algunos de los judíos en la sinagoga de Antioquía de

Pisidio. Se habían vuelto celosos al ver a una multitud que se

reunia para escuchar a Pablo y Bernabé predicando.

Entonces estos dos hombres llegan y atraen a una multitud

de gentiles admiradores no menos. Todos lo que obtenemos

es acoso y discriminación. A continuación, estos dos

hombres llegan y atraen una multitud admiraba — de

Gentiles no menos!

Esta es la manera de los celos. Como vemos una persona

que goza de algo deseable, crece nuestro deseo por ese objeto.

Si no tenemos cuidado, nuestro deseo se puede convertir

En resentimiento hacia esa persona. Y el resentimiento puede

crecer tan intense que nuestro emfoque cambie del objeto , a la

persona de la que nos hemos puesto celosas. Es por qué Caín

mató a Abel. De por qué David mató a Urías. Es por qué

algunos fariseos odiaban a Jesús. Y es por que estos judios

abusaron violentamente de Pablo y Barrabas (hechos 13:45).

La mejor manera de superar este tipo de celos es pedir a

Dios que te ayude a cambiar las reglas . Practicar la

generosidad celosa en su lugar. En lugar de agarrar de lo que

alguien tiene, los regalos de tus oraciones. En lugar de

volverse contra ellos, trate de ser feliz de lo que estan

disfrutando, de lo que sea que quiera usted.. Sofocar cualquier

celos auto centrado por sofocación con compasión y amor

centrada en otros.

Los celos no tienen que controlar. Se puede controlar, a

través de la gracia de Dios.

"Jesús, ayúdame a contar mis bendiciones y para bendecir a

todo el mundo a mi alrededor."

Being a mom is like no other job in the world,

and her job is never done. Unlike a typical

8-to-5 job, motherhood is a “career” often mo-

tivated by pure, unwavering love. While she’s

responsible for so much, often it may feel as if

she goes unappreciated, or at least under-


Let’s reach out to all the moms in our lives to remind

them how loved and appreciated they are, and let’s honor

and celebrate them with this blessing.

Dear God, We come to you today to lift up every woman who

answers to the name of “mom.” We ask that you supply each

one with the strength they need for those difficult days. Give

them wisdom to know when to encourage and when to correct

their children. Supply them with an extra dose of patience.

Lord, we ask that you draw them close to you daily. Remind

them of their worth in Your eyes - that they, too, are cherished

children of a loving Father. We pray for contentment in this very

special calling. May every mom realize that this is a mission

from You, one that brings truly great rewards in the end.


Ser madre es como ningún otro trabajo en el

mundo, y su trabajo nunca está hecho. A

diferencia de un típico trabajo de 8 a 5, la

maternidad es una "carrera" a menudo

motivada por el amor inquebrantable y puro.

Mientras que ella es responsable por tanto,

a menudo se puede sentir como si ella va poco

apreciado, o al menos apreciado.

Vamos a llegar a todas las madres en nuestras vidas

para recordarles cómo seres queridos y apreciados son y

vamos a honrar y celebrar con esta bendición.

Querido Dios, venimos a ti hoy para levantar a cada mujer

que responde al nombre de "mamá." Le pedimos que usted la

suministra a cada una con la fuerza que necesita para esos

días difíciles. Les des sabiduría para saber cuándo y

comocorregir a sus hijos. Proporcionarles una dosis extra de

paciencia. Señor, pedimos que usted dibujarlos cerca de usted

todos los días. Recordarles su valor en los ojos - que, también,

son apreciadas hijas de un padre amoroso. Oramos por este

llamamiento muy especial. Puede realizar cada mamá que esta

es una misión de usted, uno que trae grandes recompensas al

final. Amén.

Mass Preparation: May 19, 2019, Fifth Sunday of Easter

First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 14:21-27Paul and Barnabas proclaim the good news in many places.

Psalm 145:8-13A song of praise to God.

Second Reading: Revelation 21:1-5aJohn describes his vision of a new heaven and a new earth.

Gospel Reading: John 13:31-33a,34-35Jesus gives his disciples a new commandment: love one another.

P r a y e r &F a i t h R e s o u r c e s

ETHICS AND INTEGRITY IN MINISTRY (EIM) TRAINING OPPORTUNITIESAn ENGLISH EIM workshop will be conducted on Thursday, May 16th, 7-9 PM at St. Martin de Porres Parish in

Dripping Springs. Additionally, a SPANISH workshop will be held on Monday, May 20th, at St. John the Evangelist

Parish in San Marcos. As of January 1, 2019, Diocese of Austin policy requires all attendees to pre-register NLT 24-

hours prior to the workshop—i.e., WALK-INS ARE NO LONGER PERMITTED. Please arrive promptly, as late arrivals

and anyone not pre-registered will not be permitted entrance. Anyone new to EIM (employees, newly-appointed

ministers, etc.) and any parishioners due for a 3-year update must attend a workshop, in order to serve in any parish

ministry, including serving on teams for upcoming ACTS retreats and assisting with RE classes or youth ministry. You can

register for a class directly on the site below, after creating your own EIM account logon. Please do not bring children to an

EIM workshop. Contact Liza or Carl Struck at with any issues registering or with any questions about EIM

training. Thank you for answering the call to serve!

TALLER DE ACTUALIZACIÓN de EIMUn taller de actualización de Ética e Integridad en el Ministerio (EIM por sus siglas en inglés) en espanol, se llevará a

cabo lunes, 20 de Mayo 2019, 7-9 PM. A partir del 1 de enero de 2019, la política de la Diócesis de Austin requiere

que todos los asistentes se inscriban con anticipación NLT 24 horas antes del taller, es decir, los WALK-INS NO SE

PERMITEN MÁS. Por favor llegue puntualmente ya que a quienes lleguen tarde no se les permitirá la entrada. Todos

los miembros del clero, personal pagado y voluntarios que trabajan con jóvenes y adultos vulnerables de cualquier parroquia

o área de la diócesis, están requeridos a asistir a un taller de EIM cada 3 años. Por favor entre a su cuenta de EIM (use la

opción alterna -Alternate Login en inglés- para entrar en caso necesario) para pre-inscribirse a un taller de EIM. Por favor no

traiga a sus niños a este taller de EIM. En caso de que tenga usted alguna inquietud relacionada con su asistencia al taller,

por favor comuníquese con Emily Hurlimann al (512) 949-2447, a fin de acordar la forma en que usted pueda recibir su

capacitación. Tal información se mantendrá de manera confidencial.

M’Lords and M’Ladies!!


St. Ferdinand’s Annual GALA Fundraiser

Theme: “The Middle Ages & Renaissance”

Saturday, August 10th, 2019

**Look for more to come in the Parish Bulletin**

The St. Ferdinand A.C.T.S. Retreat is a 3-day Catholic

lay retreat presented by men, women, and teens of faith

from our community. ACTS weekends are a time to relax

and focus on your faith’s journey. If you have never been

on an ACTS retreat, now is the time to consider

attending. All retreats begin at St. Ferdinand on

Thursday evening; then you will be transported to the

Well Springs Retreat Center. The retreat ends with 11:00

am Mass at St. Ferdinand with a reception for family

and friends following Mass. For further information

please contact one of our directors below.

Teens – June 27th – June 30th, Director, Joe Hernandez

Men – Sept. 19th – Sept. 22nd, Director, Jim Harris

Women – Oct. 17th – Oct. 20th, Director, Debbie Marbach

St. FerdinandDRE – Susan Moore 833-0444

Office hours/Horarios de Oficina:

Sundays 9:15-10:40 a.m.

Wednesdays/Miercoles 12:00-6:00 p.m.

Class schedule:

Sunday mornings 9:30-10:40 a.m. - PreK-6th Grade

Wednesday evenings 6:00-7:15 p.m.- 7th & 8th Grade

Mother’s Day, May 12th, no classes

Wed, May 15th and Sun May 19th last days of class

If you would like to register your children for Religious

Education classes, please contact the Director of Religious

Education at 833-0444 or, or

come by the RE Office.

Save the Date!!! July 15-19th

Shipwrecked! Vacation Bible School

PreK-6th grade, helpers needed! Contact Olivia Nunn at

830-237-2010 or if you can


Young Adult Confirmation

If you are a young adult who has not yet received the

sacrament of Confirmation, and would like to, please

contact the DRE at 833-0444.

EWTN Kids Games has a variety of entertaining

games that can help your child learn about the Catholic

faith while having fun. Click on the town map to visit the

church or the school. Visit the Diegos’, the Morgans’, or

the Washingtons’ houses, and enter different rooms to

play games.

Learn places in the church, and read about the

sacraments in God’s House. Do a word search, take a

quiz, or learn Latin in the school. In the Morgans’ house

read the Before I Was Born book in the baby’s room or

make a spiritual bouquet in Mary & Erin’s room. In the

Diegos’ house, play Noah’s Ark or Cloud Hop in Teresita’s

room, and build a church in Javier and Manuel’s

room. In the Washingtons’ house, color the Book of Bible

Bugs or play Jonah’s Perfect Catch in Jonah’s room. Solve

a Slide-It puzzle in Elijah’s room, or Connect the Dots in

Leah’s room.

Resources for Reading

Dozens of great Sophia Press titles are available at for as little as $5. If you're

looking for an easy way to fill your mind and shelves with

classic Catholic books on a wide variety of topics, look at

their Browse by Topic page.

Good Shepherd

Margie Vasquez, Coordinator of REmargie@stferdinandblanco.orgFor registering or for information, please email Margie

Vasquez or contact the office at St. Ferdinand, Mon – Fri

from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at 830-833-5227.

Religious Education Classes:

Thank you to all for a great 2018-2019 School year – we held

our last class on May 1st, and we also had our end of the year

Parent Meeting to discuss next year and summer activities. If

you missed the meeting, please contact the office for more


Middle School – 6th thru 8th Grade: EDGE Youth Group – Our

last class will be May 26th, at St. Ferdinand from 1 pm – 3 pm

in the parish Hall. Come join us (students and parents) for

our End of the year party. Activities and games for both

students and parents will be planned as well as food, fun and


High School – 9th thru 12th Grade : Lifeteen – RICH Youth

Group: Our last class will be May 19th, at St. Ferdinand from

5:30 pm – 7:30 in the parish hall. Come join us (students and

parents) for our End of the year party – and to celebrate our

Graduating Seniors.

Religious Education

Estudio Bíblico El Evangelio de Juan, Loyola Press

Acoge humildemente la palabra que ha sido plantado en ti y

puede salvar tus almas. - Santiago 1:21b

Domingos 9:30-10:30 con Rosa Vargas en las siguientes

fechas. Para información llame a 833-0444.

19 de mayo

High School Religious Education: Summer 2018

High School: (9th – 12thgrades)

Blanco and Johnson City High School Teens meet each Sunday night at RICH (Resting in Christ’s Hands). Classes are held

at the St. Ferdinand Parish hall from 5:30pm–7:30pm. All are welcome!!

As the 2018 – 2019 School year comes to an end. Join us for the last 2 classes for this year.

May 19th – End of the Year Party – Celebration for our Graduating Seniors – Come join us students and parents!

Middle School: (6th – 8th grades)

Blanco and Johnson City Middle School Students can join EDGE Youth Ministry. Classes are held each month on the 4th

Sunday of each month from 1:00 pm-3:00pm. We have activities planned for students to experience adoration, community

service, praise and worship as well as attending retreats as a group. All Middle School Students are Welcomed!

May 26th – End of the Year Party - Activities and games for both students and parents will be planned as well as

food, fun and music!

Confirmation Classes: (St. Ferdinand & Good Shepherd)

Our next scheduled class will be this weekend, May 5th, during the Sunday RICH Night. Classes for Confirmation will

continue throughout the Summer, we will meet once a month on Sunday’s from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Classes are scheduled

for June 2nd, July 7th, and August Confirmation Retreat is yet to be scheduled.

PULSE: (Prayer, Unity, Leadership, Service, Evangelization)

Any youth (high school or middle school) wanting to participate and be a part of the PULSE TEAM. We meet to discuss

and plan - lessons, retreats, lock-in’s, service talks, service projects, and learning how to promote spiritual growth in self

and others! So, come join us at the Good Shepherd RE Building to start planning for the Summer Activities!! Please contact

Margie Vasquez if you would like to start attending PULSE TEAM meeting.

Youth Ministry Volunteers:

If you are interested in volunteering you must be EIM compliance, please refer to bulletin for upcoming workshops in our


For all Youth Ministry inquires or to learn more about all the events, activities and retreats planned for this year or to

register - please contact the parish office during regular business hours or email:

Training young Catholics to be confident

in their faith and

strong leaders in their communities

Freshmen Summer Camp 2019

Cross Training hosts this camp every year to provide

an opportunity for youth to get excited about their

Catholic faith before they face the trials of high school.

We also aim to empower the youth with a community

of fellow Catholic students to grow in faith together.

Who: Incoming High School Freshmen

When: Monday June 10th - Thursday June 13th

Where: Eagle's Wings Retreat Center in Burnet, TX

Registration is available now! Go to to complete the online

registration for CT19! If you have any questions about

the camp, please feel free to contact camp staff at

St. Ferdinand Catholic Church

Teen ACTS Retreat: June 27-30, 2019

Incoming Sophomores through

graduating seniors are invited to attend

this year’s Teen ACTS Retreat. The Teen

ACTS Retreat is a 4-day, 3-night Catholic

Retreat, presented by high school teens

and adult parishioners, with spiritual

direction provided by the clergy.

ACTS is an acronym for Adoration,

Community, Theology, and Service. The

goal of the retreat is to renew spiritually and build lasting

friendships. ACTS is inspired by the ACTS of the Apostles 2:42-

47. “They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and

the communal life, to the breaking of bread and to prayers. Awe

came upon everyone and many wonders and signs were done

through the apostles. All who believe were together and had all

things in common.”

The participants will experience God’s love and joy

throughout the weekend and return to their parishes with a

deeper love for each other and a desire to become more involved

in their parish faith community.

Cost: $100.00 (Scholarships are available upon request)

Location: Well Spring Retreat Center, Fischer Tx

(will leave and return from St. Ferdinand)

For more information or for retreat applications, contact:

Joe Hernandez (210) 386-1276

Mike Rios (830) 330-1063

Diane Kainer (512) 577-6748

(your ad here)Your Parish. Your Message.

Contact the Parish Office today for Business Advertising, Event Advertising, and Memorial

Space availability and rates.

(830) 833-5227 |



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