Safety Brief€¦ · Positive feedback from clients CRSA and Network Rail for works carried out at...


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Safety Brief

Period 10, 2019/20

08.12.19 – 04.01.20

) including

Period 10, 2019/ 20

ISS Labour Safety Brief

RIDDOR Reportable accident 6th December 2019 (Update)

During period 9 we have had an unfortunate accident that has led to an

ISSL operative sustaining a fracture to his ankle. Due to the severity of

the injury, this falls into the category of a specified injury under RIDDOR.

The RIDDOR was excepted by ISSL as the IP was employed by ISSL.

However due to the collaboration between ISSL, Amey Rail and GB

freight and a thorough investigation, GB freight accepted that the

RIDDOR should be reported by them.

All accidents and incidents should be accompanied by an effective

investigation and working together. This creates an environment where

open and honest relationships are built.

We continue to provide 24/7 on call support to our workforce

Matters arising outside office hours (0800 – 1700) including accidents

and any incidents. Please contact the office from which you have been

deployed using the relevant contact numbers below.

Derby: 07810 657080 |Manchester: 07977 000492|Stafford: 07494 058561

Caerphilly: 07496 789987 |East Kilbride: 07932 717046 |Carlisle:07949 557938

Doncaster: 07943 753039 | Maidstone: 07947 451841

Foreward F Accident and Incidents

During period 10 we have had zero accidents and incidents on the

Managed Infrastructure. During the dates 24 December 2019 to 04

January 2020, ISS Labour have worked approximately 2252 shifts.

This information was provided by all offices at time of writing.

This is a great achievement as during this time of year, rail workers

are at a greater risk from incidents and accidents due to the

Christmas stand down.

The main risks are:

• Road Traffic accidents.

• Slips trips and falls.

• Injuries caused by manual Handling/Lifting.

ISSL have not encountered any of the above. Well done to all for the

safe works carried out over Christmas.

What Has Gone Well F What Has Not Gone Well

Period 10, 2019/ 20

Key Safety Headlines

✓ Positive feedback from clients CRSA and Network Rail for works carried out at Corby Tunnel and Euxton OLE works.

✓ No accidents or Incidents during the period- Well Done

x Reduction in site planned site inspections.

x A large reduction in close calls. Last period was 70, this period 31.

x Operatives not wearing issued ISSL PPE.

x Over the Xmas period we have seen speeding increase well above the national speed limit.

Every close call received is recorded and followed up with the person raising the call (where possible) and actions taken where needed.

To discuss any issues related to Close Calls, please contact:

Brian Knapper, HSQE Advisor

07702 636 109 |

Period 10, 2019/ 20

The Period in Numbers

Trades Division

Period 10, 2019/ 20

Period Highlights

Customer Feedback F

Corby Tunnel blockade

ISS lighting/Gary Hendry very well done to you and your team for managing the lighting so well, some circa 5000yds of lighting with 3600yds running

constantly for 16 days within the tunnel has been managed very well with all your team so please pass on my thanks to all that have been involved.

Weekend 33


Its worth feeding back to our suppliers that the gang we had at Peascliffe on Saturday afternoon and Kettering Sunday afternoon were spot on. It was clear

from the offset that they were all familiar with each other and in turn operated like a professional gang. Nothing was too much trouble and the effort

they put in was great.

Keep up the good work.


Euxton OLE Works

I would to pass on my thanks to all the staff you provided over the Christmas works at Euxton. Everybody on site all played an important part in completing

all the planned works undertook over the Xmas block and all helped wherever possible, whether it was assisting the linesman in the machines (Operators)

to helping layout materials, rolling up wire & clearing the site (MC/CC/PO’s & Ground staff) ready for the passage of trains. Can you please relay my thanks

to all your staff that were involved.

Network Rail


Period 10, 2019/ 20

Site Inspections

Site Locations Key Themes Identified during Visits

Period 10, 2019/ 20

Close Calls

Please remember - If it isn’t safe, or authorised, don’t do it and report it!

Close Call in Focus

Period 10, 2019/ 20

Theme Of The Month

Why do We Report Close Calls?

Period 10, 2019/ 20

ISS Labour Safety Brief

1. Please continue to deliver quality and safe work. This is the centre of everything we do

and makes us stand out from the rest. Challenging unsafe, bad practice and poor

working conditions is everyone’s responsibility in creating a safe environment.

2. All ISSL operatives must ensure they wear our sponsored PPE and its in a clean and

serviceable condition.

3. Please can all ISSL staff make a concerted effort to report close calls. This is the only

tool we have to ensure that when working on the infrastructure the environment,

people and equipment is safe.

Please remember - If it isn’t safe, or authorised, don’t do it and report


Period 10, 2019/ 20

ISS Labour Safety Brief

Safety Alerts and Briefs

Period 10
